Dark Hand of The Universe

Chapter 43: Chapter 42: Hornet Nest. (5)

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The next day, one of the stur freedom fighter's hideouts. Inside, there are hundreds of stur men and women. Mia was questioned and checked for any tracking devices upon her return. Then she was ordered to rest. She can’t remember why she is inside a forest after infiltrating the Pharherb building.


“How come my body feels different?” Mia examines her body; she notices after a long run. She only needs to rest for a short time to regain her energy. She also consumes more food than usual.


Suddenly there is an alarm calling all the members to assemble at the large hall.


“What happened?” One of the stur asked.


“I don’t know, inside here we can’t contact outside.”


“Be quiet.”


On a large transparent screen inside the hall. Soon a stur with red hair and several red vine patterns on forehead appeared. He is the leader of the stur freedom fighter Lance.


[“Greeting Brave and proud stur warrior.”]  


[“I have something; I want to tell you.”]


[“The stur capital city have been destroy.”] After saying that, the image changes to the stur capital city that has turned into ruin.


“What impossible!”


“My family lives there!”






“My wife and children!”


All the stur inside the hideout begin to make a commotion. Some of them cry, others are mad, there are various emotions inside the hall.


When the video stops. Lance face show again. 


[“I know; this is a shocking news.”]


Lance looks at the camera with grief and anger.


[“This is what happen under the mercy of other!”]


[“This is what happen If we giving up our freedom to other!”]


[“This is what happen to our family and species in human hand!”]


[“This what happen if listen to human federation rules!”]


[“Stand Up my brother and sister it’s time to for revenge that the human has never seen before!”]


[“It’s time for war!”]








The stur in all the hideout begin chanting for war. Lance even broadcast the video to all the civilian on planet Otune including the human. The human tries to block the video but it was already too late. Most of Otune native unconsciously begin to chant for war.




At night, while the stur and humans are preparing for large scale war. Me and several other people are heading to stur hideout location. Although the location is far from Kaross city. With our strong stamina it's easy and takes several hours to arrive. The capital city is under strict restriction because of that we can’t travel using vehicles or aircraft.


I promised Devin that I would help his daughter. Because of that I needed a lot of soul energy. There is another way, when the war begins, I'll be able to harvest it as well. However, if they are not careful, the rest of them will perish. In the end, attacking one of the stur freedom fighter hideouts is the safer option.


“Are you ready?”


“Yes, finally we can have fun!” Sara said excitedly.


“Remember what you promised me.” Gianna said.  


“Yes, Mr. Sylas.” Devin already knows his boss Levi other identity Mr. Sylas. But he doesn’t care as long as he can save his daughter's life.


“I'm ready!” Mateo is a quiet person. He believes he will die. If he tries to escaped from Mr. Sylas. The other also have the same feeling.


“I will show you how strong I am.” Dylan is the same like Sara ever since gain power to test their strength.


For the rest I have ordered them to guard the Pharherb building. Their strength is enough to hold them back before I return. Inside the building also have firearms and rocket launchers if the stur has a battle suit or tank.   


“Good, Mateo and Dylan take off your clothes before you transform.” Every time they transform their body will expand and tear the clothes.


While Mateo and Dylan go undress and transform elsewhere. The rest are already transforming. Sara's skin is covered in red scales, while Gianna is covered in black scales. Devin's body transforms into silver metal.


Mateo and Dylan come out after transforming. They look like humanoid Komodo dragon and Mantis Shrimp.


For me I wear a black hoodie and already change my face. “Let’s go.”




Inside stur freedom fighter hideout. Everyone is busy and preparing for a big war. 


“Hurry up and finish everything, we don’t have time!”


“Why do you stop moving?”


“Why can't I move?”


“What is that?”


Multiple small dark fireballs fly through the ceiling and destroy the light bulb. The entire large hall hideout turned pitch black.    


“Quick sound the alarm!”


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“I can’t move!”


The stur hideout control room seeing something is wrong quickly sounds the alarm. Hearing that hundreds of stur begin to move to the entrance hall.


After entering through the air vent using shadow movement. I released paralyzing gas and destroyed the light. I am hiding on the ceiling using illusion skills. I am waiting for them to enter. “Now it’s about time.”


“Boom!” The large metal door flew and hit several stur that couldn't move. “Ahhhh!” Their bodies get smashed by the door. Blood begins to cover the floor. 


“Hahaha how do you like my shockwave punch!”


“Be quiet and start killing!”


“Yes, big sis!” Dylan salutes Gianna like in the military. He is still afraid of her and Sara, their strength is no joke. 


I watch everything from above. “They're too showy. As long as they have the ability to kill everyone here.”


“What happened?” A group of stur come out from the entrance.


“Bring torchlight!”


“It’s everybody okay?”


While the stur is confused and doesn't know what is happening. The paralyze stur is getting attacked. Gianna and the others don’t have a problem seeing in the dark because their body DNA has been modified to see in the dark.


Sara fingernails become long like a claw and begin to cleave the stur body. The organ inside their stomach spills out to the floor and the body collapses. Gianna appeared and decapitated a stur neck using her sharp claw and blood spurted everywhere.






The sound of people screaming in pain can be heard inside the hall.


“What should we do?” The stur at the entrance are aiming their weapon at the dark hall. But they can’t see anything and are afraid to shoot their ally.


“Everyone open fire!”




“This is an order shot!”


After being given an order all the stur open fire. “Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!” multiple bullets enter the darkness. However, they only can hear their comrade scream.




“Stop fire!” All the stur stop firing and they can only hear silence.


“Have we killed the intruder?”


“Where is the torchlight!”


“Here, let me through!” Because the entrance is crowded, the people behind have trouble going through.


When they are on the torchlight they can see stur corpses lying on the floor. The weird thing is there are corpses that have been separated.


“Everyone, let's go and check for survivors!” 


“This person didn't die from our bullet.”


“It looks like an attack from a beast.” There is a claw wound on the body.


While most of them are checking for any survivor. They hear a scream. “Monster!”


All the torchlight pointed at the screaming. What they saw were five humanoid creatures.


“Who are you? If you don’t answer you will….” Before the stur can finish his word. One of the creatures spit out something and hit the stur head. “Ahhhhhh!” The stur feels pain and his body begins to get poisoned and melt because of the venom.


Seeing this, the rest of the stur opened fire without hesitation. The humanoids move quickly, avoiding bullets and the torchlight's light beam. When the humanoids enter the darkness no one can see them. 


“Where are they?” One of the stur shouted.


“Peekaboo.” The humanoid Mantis Shrimp appears beside him and punch. Like a shockwave the stur body flies like a ball. Blood coming out from the skin and mouth. When the stur body falls to the ground it's already dead. 




The group of stur open fire again but miss their target again.


This time the one that appears is the humanoid komodo dragon. “Shot me!” The stur shouted, he knows he can’t survive the attack of the humanoid creature.


Hearing that the stur shot. They know every time the creatures appear someone will die.


“Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!”


The bullets can’t even penetrate the humanoid creature skin. What happens next the creature claws pierce through the stur body. Blood begins pouring out from the wound.


The metal humanoid creates many silver bullets and launches it at the stur.


“Ahhh!” The bullet pierce through their body and proceeds to kill the rest of the stur.


More stur emerge from the entrance, and the humanoid creatures begin a slaughter. Body parts, blood, and organs begin to litter the hall floor.


Seeing their helplessness, some of them rush into the tank. But their hope become helplessness. Several dark fireballs drop from the ceiling, destroying the tanks.








The explosion killed the stur near the tank. They all can't see transparent energy coming out of their comrade corpses and being absorbed by a black-hooded figure.



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