Dark Souls System.

Chapter 4: Solaire of Astora, Real Legend and Memories.

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Currently, Adrian and Seraphine were led by the knight captain to a tower overlooking the place. Up here Adrian took in the view as it was even more drow than he saw as everything was crumbling. As the fire was fading and Gwyn's lord's soul could no longer sustain it, it showed that the fire was meant to fade. He wondered who would link the fire as he would let it die out.

The knight captain looked up at Adrian and spoke up.

"My lord, currently we are being attacked by a Drake and even a Demon. We took residence in this Undead Berg to find a way to slay either one. Not only do we have to deal with them, but we also have never-ending hollows. We are trapped."

Adrian planned to kill the Demon as he had to get to Solaire and the drake. He needed to test his taming skill to see how good it was. 

"What is your name?"

The captain bowed lightly and answered.

"My name is Theobald, my lord. Who is your companion though?"

Adrian looks at Seraphine and makes something up.

"A potential Fume Knight.  I decided to take her as an initiate."

She was surprised as she thought he was kidding. As for the captain, he looked at her with respect with how much reverence for the Fume Knights he had. Seraphine looks at his armor and she began to want a set of her own. Of course, Adrian's armor was unique as it was formed from Death's power. 

Adrian already knew where it was, but this would be interesting.

"Captain, take us to this demon."

Theobald nodded and motioned for them to follow him.

"It is a Taurus demon, my lord. Many of my knights have fallen to it not to mention the drake that picks us off one by one. Might you be able to tame it? It was the specialty of your order to tame and breed dragons as mounts."

Adrian nodded, as it was his skill

"It won't be easy. It has fed on human and undead blood and that is hard to get out of its system. Time for the old-fashioned method, beat it until it submits or I might get lucky and won't need to do this as this method was left to the most dangerous of dragons. It is considered a last resort. It is the lesson of our god."

Seraphine members how he told her the Fume Knights were descendent of a Son of Gwyn, but the only one she members is Gwyndolin. However, it does not seem that is the case as Adrian was a warrior while Gwyndolin took the path of magic. She was interested in who he meant, but she would ask later. 

They were led to the tower that led to the bridge where the Taurus took up as his hunting ground. However before they got there, Adrian grabbed a hidden crystal lizard and snapped its neck with his bare hands.

Seraphine looked at how he used a small knife to harvest the titanate and material from it perfectly. When he was playing the games he always wondered what crystal lizard taste like and now he had his chance. He flashed cooked it in his hands and brought it up to his mouth and bit half of it off. 

He chewed on the lizard and found it tasted like regular meat if not a little better. Seraphine and Theobald watched as he ate the lizard in two bites. 

"What? I wanted to eat something?" 

Theobald did not mind it. 

"Roasted Crystal Lizard is known to be a good treat."

Seraphine nudged him with her elbow as they walked out.

"Should I give it a try to take on the demon?  I have been doing nothing this whole time, also, what did that liard taste like?" 

He nodded as he looked out at the bridge.

"Give it a try and the lizard tasted way better than chicken." 

As they come up  Theobold looked out at the bloodied stains that were once his men. None of his men were undead and were normal humans.  He sometimes wished he had been undead for his men's sake, but not all became undead. He looked out and pointed at the opposing tower.

"It sleeps over there. Out weapons do not harm it and we are few in number as we are the remnants of a fallen kingdom and wished to find a safe place to recuperate, but the blasted Hollow Knights never quit. They attack over and over without rest killing us one by one."

Adrian and Seraphine walked forward which woke up the demon who leaped out to face them. Fog gates appeared trapping the Demon with Adrian. The first step was to kill the archers which was simple as he launched a fire slash at them with his longsword. That killed them and now it was time for the Taurus demon. 

It was armored and its fur looked like it was burning. Either way, Seraphine moved forward unafraid. She charged at the Taurus demon and rolled out of the way of a downward swing of its hammer. She slashed out at the back of its leg and drew first blood, but it just grunted in pain. It was a small cut so it kicked with its hoofed foot, but it forgot someone. Adrian charged forward like a juggernaut of muscle and steel. He tacked it and grapple hold picking it up with brute force. 

He squeezed down as his body ignited in flames causing it to roar in pain. He only held it for a few seconds before he slammed down in a body slam. He smashed it down with a such force that it was stunned in pain, but Seraphine did not let that chance slip. She charged in and jumped on its chest and drove her sword into its heart. 

To make sure it was dead, Adrian grabbed it by the horns and twisted hard. A sickening crack sounded as he broke it's neck while she took out its heart.  As for Theobold he was shocked as he had heard stories of the famous captain of the Fume Knights. The largest and most powerful of the Fume Knights. 

'The stories were true. The captain could break the necks of demons with his bare hands.'

Seraphine pulled her sword out of its chest while she looked up at Adrian.

"You did not tell me you were so strong? You picked up a demon and broke its neck with your bare hands. Who does that?"

"I am a Fume Knight, part Lord, and Giant. I am strong for a reason." 

Seraphine felt a little jealous. 

"Must be nice."

Adrian looked at the body and already got his knife out as he had a great idea to use its hide and body for loot. They both felt the stream of souls. They both got 20,000 souls, humanity, and a homeward bone. She looked at Adrian who kneeled at the corpse and stretched its arms out. 

As for Theobold, he was still in shock as he just saw a legend proven. Adrain began at the legs like a deer as he had done this before.  Seraphine saw how he stripped the hide from the heels up to the waist slowly. Once he completed that he kept to the wrist to the arm and every cut caused blood to pool out. It took about 30 minutes with the help of both Seraphine and Theobold he had stripped it of its hide.

Once that was done he cut off its head for a trophy.

"Well, we can turn this hide into some leather armor or something. Demon hide is quite valuable if you can get a good leathersmith to work on it."

He stored the hide and head in his inventory He looks at the bloodied corpse and stored it away too.

"Let's go. Theobald, I have to apologize, but you should stay back. Drakes are weaker than dragons but still deadly."

Theobold nodded and walks back to get his men.

"I will tell my men to get ready to head out. You have the Knights of the Lake on your side."

He heads back as Adrian walked forward to meet his first dragon creature. He does not expect it to be easy though. First, he has someone to talk to and once they head to the bridge he takes a right toward Solaire. He sees the knight looking at the sky with a longing air. When he feels the footsteps of Adrain he looks back and chuckles when he sees Adrian.

"My, my, a Fume Knight. I heard of your kind in the past most noble of knights. Never did I belive I would see the day.  I am Solaire of Astora by the way." 

"I am Adrian Blake of Anor Londo, Captain of the Fume Knights." 

Seraphine does the same.

"I am Seraphine, I do not know where I come from though."

Solaire chuckles as he looks at the sun.

"The Captain of the Fume Knights and an Undead. Now that I am undead, and I seek to put Lord Gwyn to rest."

Adrian looks up at the sun and knows it is fading.

"I am an adherent of the Lost son of Gwyn the ancestor of the Fume Knights."

Solaire looks at him with interest as he remembers the story.

"Oh, the son whose name was expunged from the annals of history. No one remembers who he was, or what his name was either, but he founded the order long ago during the War."

Only one of his decedents would and that was just who the Fume Knights were. It interested Solaire to learn more about the story.

"Do you know who he was? What caused his fall from grace?"

Adrain nodded.

"His name was Faraam. However, he fell from grace as he sided with dragons which we Fume Knights follow his path, the path of dragons. Just like our Drake friend over that bridge."

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Solaire nods as he has been stuck with it for a while. He glances at both of them and offers his aide.

"I suggest jolly cooperation. Maybe we can save the drake before we need to slay it."

Adrain nodded and extended his hand.

"Here is too jolly cooperation."

Solaire shakes his hand and looks at Seraphine. She shakes his hand as well and now it is time to put his dragon tamer class to work. They walk under the bridge as Adrain knows this ambush well.

"Wait here, I am immune to fire, you are not."

Seraphine looks around and only sees a hollow knights out at the end of the bridge.


Solaire also agreed. 

"Good idea, I have been scorched by that beast many a time."

Adrain walked down the bridge and just as he expected the Drake landed behind him but does not blast him with fire. He turns around and is face to face with the Hellfirekite looking at him ready to pounce.

<New mission: Tame Drake. Reward: 25,000 souls, Drake Sword, Saddle, and Pyromancy: Dragon's Breath.>

Adrian reached for his helmet and removed it. He looked the drake in the eye and walked forward. 

"My aren't you magnificent."

He walked toward it slowly,  but it snapped at him which makes him dodge back. He lifts his hand and starts to use his fingers to tap on his gauntlet like a clicker. It looks at his right hand and how he keeps his slow approach.

<Dragon Tamer class in effect. Drake is weaker than a dragon, higher effect. given. Progress 20%>

He reaches out for its snout as he copied Hiccup.  He felt like a total fool doing it, but he was ready for it to attack. The drake gazed at his hand and how he reached out to pet it.


He stopped before touching it and waited. 

<Tame 60%. Drake interested.>

He pulled out a piece of the Demon from his inventory and held it out front of its nose. It sniffed it and he threw it into his mouth. It moved forward and he looked at the ground waiting for it.

It sniffed his hand before it placed its snout in his hand.

<Drake Tame. Branding to the system.>

<Branded. You have tamed a wild Drake. Congratulations.>

He felt the system give him his reward and a connection to the Drake. Its mind was more intelligent than a normal beast, but not human-level smart. He walked up to it and started to pet it slowly. He said something on pure instinct with our trying to.

"Such Primal Magnificence."

At that moment he felt a stream of memories not from the drake, but from his Lord Soul. He appeared in a giant field as 500  Fume Knights pulled on giant chains which ended in a giant dragon. It was struggling but useless as the knights had it subdued. He was overlooking the whole thing without being able to control himself as this was pure memory. All of them were smaller than him, but not by much. A knight walked next to him as he gazed at the giant dragon with pure reverence.

This Knight was just a foot smaller and he looked very similar to Adrian. If Adrian had siblings he expected them to look like him. He even wore Fume Knight armor, but it looked a bit less impressive than his own. While Adrian's armor had skulls and bones as decorations this Fume Knight had dragon carvings on it. 

"Captian, we got her. A genuine Everlasting Dragon, she will make the perfect mount for you sir."

Adrian looked at it and agreed.

"You are right August."

Adrian walked toward it and stood in front of the dragon's head. It dwarfed even him, but he felt no fear. It looked at him with pure rage as its snout was closed shut with a giant titanite muzzle. He reached out and pet the dragon on her stone scales. 

"Such Primal Magnificence."

He heard footsteps as they walked toward his back.

"Ornstein, what do you want."

The dragon slayer pointed at the dragon with hate. He was smaller than Adrian and weaker as well as Adrian was the direct descendent of a Lord and the sister of a royal giant.  This was why his line was so mighty. 

"I am here to do my job. Slay a dragon, and I will not have you interfere." 

The Fume Knights all looked at him ready to defend their gift to their captain. They worked hard to subdue her and they would not give her up even to Lord Gwyn. Adrian lifted his hand calming them down.

"We got her first and you know we were given the right to do as we please. As such you will not touch a single scale on her. Leave, before I take your head for my wall." 

The memory ended causing Adrain to get in control of his body again. It all happened in seconds and he now had more questions than answers. He felt a desire to learn more about his so-called memories and he wanted to find that dragon.

'System, was that part of the backstory?' 

<In a sense.>

'Can you explain better?'


'Of course.' 

Either way, he wanted to find that dragon and his order. 

"Seraphine, Solaire, this is the path of the Fume Knights."

They both walked forward when he finished and looked at the Drake with pure amazement. Solaire looked at the being that had caused many of his deaths and forgave it. Now it would be useful.

"You really did it. Amazing."

Seraphine had to agree.

"Yeah, makes me wonder what your order was like at full power."

Adrian nodded.

"As do I."

<Equipe saddle.>


At that moment a leather saddle appeared on the back of the drake and it covered up the spikes. From the look of it, the Drake did not mind it. It was light as a few magic spells reduced the weight and increased comfort.

"Circle the area and come when I whistle."

It nodded and flew off while he walked toward the bonfire.

'Time to level up again.'

He had a lot of souls after all. 

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