Dawn- An Age Of Darkness

Chapter 220: Let’s Negotiate

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The soldiers did draw their weapons but only took a defensive stance. 

Rattling sounds reverberated and the air around the dragon got hotter. I could feel the energy in the air. This God was about to wake up.

Seconds later Xerphas opened his eyes. He glared straight at me. Yellow and green-tinted eyes were rather something. To say beautiful would be an insult. They were divine. Very big: very divine.

But before he could pull off anything I made my intentions clear. "I have dealt with the cause of your anger."

He didn't say anything and looked at me as if to say 'go on.'

"The leader of this country did something stupid. I- no we overthrew him and now he will be executed for the crime he has done against you. You have the right to be angry but only at him. Since you already destroyed half of the town, I ask that you leave the rest alone. In turn, I will guarantee the safety of your land and the remaining dragons." 

I most sure hope there are dragons remaining. It would be more than awkward if those were the only ones alive.

Because they were very dead. 

He let out a breath and a low-pitched roar. "And you expect me to comply?" Well, at least got something out of him.

"No, not really. But if you do, your kin might actually have a better chance at surviving. I'm supposedly the new duke of this region. So it would be best for your interests to be on my good side. Think about it, I might seem weak, but surely you know how much I'm capable off?" My bad habits surfaced. I spoke so smoothly that it even surprised me. 

Wait, isn't this just blackmailing?

The soldiers weren't as surprised as I thought they'd be. Actually weren't there supposed to be more soldiers here? 

"I took care of everything. You can talk about anything," Lianne whispered.

"You dare threaten me!" Xerphas roared.

I sighed. I might have taken it a bit too far. I guess I shouldn't have let my habit run free. So I tried to amend things before they got worse. "Calm down. Let's have a calm negotiation. Why don't you lay down your terms? It would be only unfair if one party dumped everything on the other party."

Honestly, I didn't want to go to war with the dragons. They were far too strong for humans to fight against. And if they decided to go to war against us, we were as good as dead.

"I want to eradicate the humans of this land. They have poisoned us. I shall erase them. You may leave. I have no more business with you."

But I have business with you, buddy. 

"That's just selfish. How about I let you torture the one who's responsible for all this? He said he and Ashirnae conspired. He poisoned the river near your settlements and the rest you can guess." I tried to lay down honeyed words. The promise of revenge always worked anyway.

Well he'd be executed anyway. 

The duke was probably counting sheep in his cell. He did terrible stuff, but I didn't see him repent even for a second. So, though this was cruel, this was fitting for him.

"Ashirnae!!!" Xerphas stomped his feet and roared.

Oh boy. He was mad. Who knew dragons could throw tantrums.

"Calm down. Ashirnae is gone. But we still have his coconspirator. What do you say?" I raised my hand in an attempt to calm him.

I didn't know if this was going to work or not, but if it did, I could have my way. And that way, this city would have been spared. 

"I should have known. That fox was too sly to be trusted. To think I would make the same mistake twice! But you, I cannot trust either. Your words are like poison. You spout the same nonsense that damn snake used to spout. You're just like him!" I guess he spoke from experience. 

Aw, didn't think you'd actually praise me. 

I didn't know if he thought it was a curse or something but to me, it was a compliment. A smile crept up on my face. "Well, so you're suggesting, we let that bastard go? The same bastard that has cost so many of your lives? The same bastard that poisoned you, killed you? The same bastard that has betrayed both the humans and the dragons?" I was basically taunting him. If words won't go through then…. Taunts it is!

I still didn't see the end to my taunting rabbit hole. And I was falling deeper and deeper day by day.

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I'd even forgotten for a second that I was actually speaking to a God, not some random clown I met on the roadside.

He grumbled and let out a sigh. "For a human, your wits are almost unbelievable. If I didn't know better I'd say you were the love child of that snake and Anverosa. But it is a shame you are a human. If only-" He stopped glared at me for a second. Another sigh followed. "I have conditions!"

"I'm listening." 

It's working. Glad at least he's reasonable. And what the hell is an Anverosa?

But this was way easier than I thought. Was this guy plotting something? 

"First I'd personally like to scorch that vermin. Second, you'd swear allegiance to the dragons. Third, you'd cease to use the power of that snake!" He laid down his terms. And boy was those terms heavy.

I guess his plots were heavier than I could have even imagined. 

"The first one is no problem. I don't understand the second and the third is not possible. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to achieve my goals without that sword."

"He's giving you conditions?" Lianne whispered. I nodded.

Xerphas's teeth rattled and smoke erupted. "You will be loyal to the dragons. You will not harm the dragons and in their time of need, you will aide them. That is the second condition. As for the third, how about I send someone of my kin with you? He'd be able to transform and aide you more than that damn sword can."

Maybe I should come clean. Otherwise, he won't understand my situation. 

But boy did this guy not want me to use this sword.

"You're not expecting me to fight any wars for you right? I don't know if you know this or not but I don't plan on staying in this world. The only reason I'm here is because-" 

I briefly told him things. The soldiers around me glared at me in awe. Since Lianne had told me about not worrying about my surroundings, I didn't really hold back all that much. I even told him how I met Trerortra and what kind of promise I'd made him. But since Jori was here I had to hold back on at least some details. Otherwise, who knew what kind of rumors he'd start: on that note, I already knew he was going to spread at least something. And it was like I was already hearing all the rumors now. Things like 'the grand hero' and stuff.

I sighed and finished my story. 

"Oh my," Jori whispered and blushed. 

I sighed again.

"Very well. I shall settle for your loyalty instead of your aide. But-" His eyes came too close to mine. "You will travel with one of my kin! And unless it is necessary you will cease to use that sword. Seek the Mythic blade instead!"

Why the hell are you suddenly being all sympathetic with me you damn lizard! Did you forget all the damn trouble you gave me! And Mythic?

And did he forget that he was basically trying to kill me even just a few days ago?

"So you could keep track of me-"

"Yes. And he should be able to act as your transport as well. I say that's fair trade." At least, he was being frank.

Well, at least he's coming at me with a straight face. 

He was surprisingly honest. I guess he being the god of courage and stuff wasn't a lie. I still didn't trust him though. Did I trust anyone?

"Why? Why would you help me? And why should I trust you to keep your word? After all, you're dead."

The air itself rattled. "I will have faith in you because my friend and eternal comrade Damsel has done so. And I- the god of courage do not speak lies!"

I thought for a second, looked at Lianne and the others. I glanced back at the proud dragon. "Alright. I agree. But you will also have to agree with not harming humans for petty reasons like what happened back in the village. And I would like you to forgive the humans for this grave mistake this time."

I didn't want to but, I had no choice but to trust this God.

He roared. For a moment I thought he'd snap. "Very well human. I shall agree to it. Now bring me that vermin!"

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