Dawn Of A New Day

Chapter 6: ~I Don’t Blame You~

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  'What did you do?' the voice asked happily. 'It didn't work, never mind,' Huno said. 'It did. There's light from outside,' the voice replied. 'Oh, then come out,' Huno said. Immediately, there was a strong pulling force from outside that pulled the owner of the voice out.


  Huno was shocked because after he said 'come out,' a small petite figure stood in front of him. The figure's body was covered in a layer of black layer. After a few seconds, it turned white and some few seconds later the white layer disappeared. The figure had thick black-colored hair that flowed down both shoulders and black-colored eyeballs. A while later, the black eyeballs turned to blue.

    'You look like a six-year-old kid,' Huno smiled and said. The figure was a little girl about six to seven years old. 'Thank you,' the little girl said and hugged him. Huno said nothing and stared at his left arm. When he said 'open' the strange patterns glowed with a red color. But now not only was the glow gone, but the pattern was also gone.

     'It's alright, you must be cold,' Huno said and disengaged from the hug. 'Wait a moment, let me get you my other shirt,' he said and opened up his bag. The little girl stared at him blankly for a while and then looked around. 'What's this?' the little girl asked and ran towards the hill of snow. 'Wait,' Huno yelled. The little girl didn't listen and rushed to the snow. 'That's snow,' Huno replied and walked over. 'It's nice,' the little girl said, grabbing some with her hands. The little girl turned to look at Huno, who was walking over while struggling to get something out of his bag. After a while, she looked at her body and then at Huno again. 'Why is your body having different colors?' the little girl asked. 'It's not my body, I'm wearing clothes,' Huno replied and got to her, still struggling with his bag. 'Can I wear clothes?' the little girl asked. 'Yeah, you can. Give me a moment,' Huno said. 'Okay,' the little girl said happily, and almost immediately, an unknown amount of snow rose.


    'What's going on?' Huno who was startled asked. He saw a huge amount of snow encircle both of them before encircling the little girl. Some minutes later the snow fell and the naked little girl had clothes on.

Looking at her body the little girl frowned, the clothes were almost similar to what Huno was wearing but unlike Huno's red-colored shirt and blue-colored jeans trouser the little girl's own were all white and some parts were glass-like or rather were like ice.


   'It's different from yours,' the little girl said. 'How did you do that?' Huno asked immediately. 'What?' the little girl asked. 'How did you control the snow?' Huno asked. 'I don't know, I just thought,' the little girl said. 'Seriously,'. The little girl nodded immediately. 'Move the snow this way,' Huno said and pointed. 'Okay,' the little girl said happily, and almost immediately, the snow moved. 'Wow, can you make it solid?' Huno asked. 'Solid?' the little girl asked and bent her neck. 'Um, make it look like a stone,' Huno replied. 'Oh okay,' the little girl said and immediately the moving snow gathered together and immediately solidify, looking like a huge rock. 'That's nice,' Huno said. 'You like it? I'll do more,' the little girl said. More snow began moving from the hill of snow gathered together before solidifying. 'It's alright I want to figure out how we will get out,' Huno said. 'Okay,' the little girl said and walked up to Huno, who kept looking around.


     'Come let's check there out,' Huno said and walked in a random direction. 'Alright,' the little girl replied and followed walking side by side. While Huno was busy finding a way out, the little girl kept on staring at his right arm. As he walked Huno's right hand kept dangling around and the little girl's eyes kept following it. 'What's wrong with your arm?' the little girl asked and held onto it. Immediately she held it Huno felt a devastating pain and screamed his lungs out. He fell to his knees bearing the enormous pain he said, 'you!... why did you do that?'.


    'I'm sor...ry, I'm sorry I didn't mean to. I'm sorry,' the little girl apologized sincerely. 'Ahhhh!!' Huno screamed again. 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry,' the little girl kept apologizing as her eyes got filled up and tears came rushing down. 'It's alright, don't do it again,' Huno said slowly getting up. He still felt a significant amount of pain. Normally he would have gotten to the ground and screamed for a long time, but a thought came to his mind that quickly made him get up.


  'What will happen if she got sad and loose control in the cave?'.


      Huno didn't want to find out from experience, he would rather avoid it. 'Come on, let's continue, we should find a way out,' he said. His face showed he was in pain but he ignored it and added, 'didn't I tell you not to cry?'. The little girl nodded, 'so stop crying I'm alright,' Huno said.


  'But you are in pain, I can feel it, and it's because of me,' the little girl said and the tears rushed out more. 'Come over,' Huno said. The little girl hesitates a little before slogging forward.


    When she got close, Huno raised his left hand and patted her on the head. 'When a friend accidentally hurt you, you don't take it to heart,' Huno said and asked, 'did you mean it?'.


     The little girl rocks her head and said 'no,'. 'Then I won't blame you for it,' Huno said. 'Thank you,' the little girl whispered. 'Alright, wipe those tears and let's keep looking,' Huno said. 'Yes,' the little girl said and wipe her tears.


     Huno turned to continue, but the little girl held his shirt and tugged it. 'Um... can... can you give me a... a name?' the little girl asked. 'Please, I don't like being called you,' she explained. 'Oh, I see,' Huno turned and said.


     He looked at her, smiled and muttered to himself, 'what if I called her Mia? (he made eye contact with her) no stop carrying passed luggage with you to the future,'. 'Did you say something?' the little girl asked.


    'Well, I'm not quite good at giving names,' Huno said. 'I'm happy with whatever you give me,' the little girl held his dress tighter and said.


  'Okay fine, you said the place you were was dark, right?'.


  'Yes very,'.


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  'What if I give you Moonlight, no okay, let's call you Luna. It means moon, the moon shines in the night sky and so do you,'.


  'Lu...na, Luna, Luna, and Moon...light,' the little girl repeated. 'Luna, thank you, Hiro,'.


  'Hiro,' Huno called out and then said, 'you know what?'.




    'We'll have two names. You'll call me Huno regularly from now on but if there's something important, maybe a danger or something is troubling you and you want to tell me, you call Hiro and I'll understand okay?'.


  'Okay,' Luna replied.


  'I don't want to forget everything just yet,' Huno thought to himself and said. 'And I'll do the same. I'll call you Luna, but if there's something important, I'll call Moonlight,' He added.


  'Okay Huno,' Luna said. Huno smiled and gave her several pats on the head.


  'Um... Huno, I can feel something there,' Luna said and pointed in a direction. 'What do you feel?' Huno asked. 'The same thing I felt when I first saw the snow,' Luna replied. 'Seriously?' Huno asked, and she nodded.


  'Lead the way,' Huno said. 'Okay!' Luna shouted and walked away. Huno followed behind.


       After walking for ten minutes, they came to a wall and in the wall, there was a small tunnel. Luna entered before Huno could stop her, so he hurriedly pursued her. He could barely pass the tunnel and he almost got stuck, luckily he passed successfully.


  When he came out, he found himself in another enormous cave but didn't see Luna anywhere.


    'Luna! Where are you?' he yelled. 'I'm here,' Luna's voice came from behind a wall. Huno followed and arrived where she was. Red-colored ore filled part of the cave she stood in.


    'Was this what you felt?' Huno asked, feeling slightly disappointed. 'No, what I felt is that way,' she said, pointing to a wall. 'So why you here? You want those?' Huno asked. 'There's an enormous amount of energy in these stones. I feel the same energy in the air but it's very thin,' Luna said. 'Oh, so you think they are important?' Huno asked. 'Yes, I feel if we ignore them, we may regret it,' Luna said.


   Huno thought for a while and said, 'we'll have to leave them though, we don't have anywhere to keep them,'. 'Oh, that's true,' Luna said in a sad tone. 'Alright, let me take you to what I felt,' she added and left.


   After taking some steps stopped and turned back. Huno stood there quietly, staring at the stones. She rushed back and asked, 'is something wrong?'. Huno didn't reply and stared at her for a while.


  'Luna, I want to try something. Don't resist and don't panic, okay?'.



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