Dawn Sleep

Chapter 40: 41

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Ch41 - Jiejiejiejie

Thinking of what would happen in the ‘future’, Master Ling Yun looked worried, watching Huang Mao’s live broadcast room, he recalled the past.

He thought he was dead, but once he closed his eyes, he went back to more than 20 years ago. Before Master Ling Yun could be excited and happy, he was struck by the sky thunder when he walked out the door. If it weren’t for his skills, more than a dozen thunderbolts would have struck him and killled him. Before even speaking to the people in the temple, Master Ling Yun, who was hacked by thunder until his body was scorched black, retreated once again—he wanted to smooth out his memory. 

“The Mourning Ghost is still live broadcasting. Was the ghost king with him?”

…He couldn’t remember.



Doing some rough calculations, he should be recuperating and divining right now. It was not the time to leave for the customs area. In his previous life, he only left to the customs three years later. It was just in time for the riots in the seven Tiankengs. When the peerless ghost king was born. He had calculated that the ghost king was extraordinary and that he couldn’t be sealed nor suppressed by ordinary means. In line with the belief and ambition of serving the common people in the world, Master Ling Yun resolutely went down the mountain, changed his name and called himself Yun Zhongke, and put his life and death aside to influence the ghost king. Who knew that…


After so many years in the ghost domain, he was busy wiping the asses of his ‘peers’ all day long, and dealing with the ghost king’s crazy idea of ​​going to take down the United States today, and spreading the ghost domain to the seven oceans tomorrow. Tired.


Originally, he went undercover with the belief of saving the common people, but he worked hard for more than 20 years, and instead developed the ghost king’s career into a bigger and better one. No wonder no one believed that he was an undercover agent. Who could reason with this fact?

After being reborn, Master Ling Yun looked away.

Xiao Ming’s grandma lived to be a hundred years old, why? Because she didn’t care about other things!

But the habits that were formed in his previous life were really hard to get rid of.

Even if he didn’t pay attention to the ghost king’s movements everyday, Master Ling Yun would still be affected by them. Seeing that the Mourning Ghost was, even now, not doing his job properly and was broadcasting live, he reflexively began to hate iron for not becoming steel.


This kid also liked to make trouble after becoming a ghost. He always encouraged doing all kinds of thing. Sometimes he wanted to go to the Tiankeng’s for a live broadcast, and sometimes he wanted to watch the ghosts of the sea. Who made the Mourning Ghost be the oldest ghost? He had been around even longer than the Ghost Dog King and Wu Rong. Even if he was weak and unmotivated, the Ghost King always kept one eye open and one eye closed to protect him. Even the hot headed Hongxiu wouldn’t take him on in his fits of anger. 

Master Ling Yun was very cautious when he first went undercover. When he first joined, the power of the Ghost King Wu Rong had already taken shape. It was not the only thatched team under the Ghost King. But Master Ling Yun actively wanted to start from the edges, so he worked as a bodyguard for the Mourning Ghost for a while. The experiences he had during that time were, simply put, the dark history of Master Ling Yun’s life!

He was originally a rather arrogant person, but his temper was grinded down after being tortured. The Mourning Ghost even arrogantly using Rongshan’s name, being a fox exploiting a tiger’s might, to break into various ghost domains to shoot movies. Master Ling Yun followed him numbly to wipe his ass.

The Silly Mourning Ghost, Ghost Dog King Yuzhong, Mentally Deranged Hongxiu, Crazy Su Xiaomi, Mad Coffin Old Man, and several foreign ghosts had joined in and wanted to destroy the world all day long, he had guessed that the ghost domain would be finished sooner or later.

But who would have thought that till Wu Rong’s death, this huge ghost country, that almost subverted the world, would actually be stable and develop rapidly, and would be much more peaceful than the human federations that would fight each other in the following few years? 

Rongshan ah.

Master Ling Yun didn’t understand what he was thinking of, he laughed when he heard Huang Mao’s passionate voice, cut off the phone screen, and entered the DingTalk chat group. The content of the chat was still the same as yesterday, and the Coffin Old Man sent him a series of ‘Kill Chunyangzi!’, ‘The world belongs to my king!’ and other remarks, and finally with a shy face: ‘My dear brother, I’ve been stuck in this place with no shit for more than half a month now, and my shroud is going to grow hair. Please pick me up.’

Master Ling Yun ignored him. He turned to the address and smiled again when he saw the “Yangjiaping” filled in by Rongshan.

He was not the only one who was reborn. Master Ling Yun found out that the future seemed to be covered by a hundred layers of thick fog, and he couldn’t see clearly at all. He wanted to be a wandering wild crane in his life, but he couldn’t hold back his temper. In the end, he quietly set up a forum for the “Witch Society” during his seclusion. 

Sure enough, the crazy woman Hongxiu entered the group first, then the Coffin Old Man, and the foreign one. They were honest. Their nicknames were their real names. Who knew that Immortal Ling Yun had the nickname of ‘Witchologist’.

Thinking of this, Master Ling Yun sighed slightly resentful.


Even if you use “Yun Zhongke”, it’s okay. Those stupid things, who knew he died in his previous life, didn’t know that he was Master Ling Yun. One by one they were going to seek revenge on human beings. Master Ling Yun suspected that in his last moments he still had some breath in him, but was then pissed off to death! Wealth does not return home, like walking in brocade at night. Thinking of this, Master Ling Yun couldn’t help but get riled up.

Forget it, it’s all over, don’t be angry. 

After Master Ling Yun came back, he was struck by a series of lightning strikes several times. He had been doing divinations since he was a child, he had long been indifferent to the outcomes of fate. Originally, Master Ling Yun stepped back after being reborn, and decided not to get involved, not to intervene, and to let everything develop as it should. ——As a person who had been through it all once, he had experience.

But who knew that there were so many people returning to this lifetime! So much so that Master Ling Yun felt that the world might be regenerated as a sieve!

So he worked hard to build this club, to at least grasp the movements of these high-risk people first, so that someone will not have a brain twitch and kill Wu Rong directly to welcome the return of the Ghost King sooner, wouldn’t this destroy the future!

Especially the Coffin Old Man, who wanted to smuggle himself through customs to meet Wu Rong. If it wasn’t for this association, Master Ling Yun would not have known about it! 

And who knew Huang Mao had also been reborn, and continued to use the name of Rongshan .

Thinking that he exposed his address by using a few bottles of Pure Rootless Water, Master Ling Yun was rather satisfied and switched back to the live broadcast room.

If Huang Mao knew that the Witchologist was Master Ling Yun—hehe.

He shouldn’t scare him to death. 

“Woof, woof.”

Master Ling Yun sat in a daze, smiling and frowning for a while, and his mood swings affected another creature. A ball of fluffy white light emerged from his side, with a chubby body, floppy ears, black eyes and nose, and a straight tail, staring at the screen as if facing a formidable enemy, and his fur was about to explode.

“Woof, woof!”

“Good boy, good boy.” 

Master Ling Yun immediately coaxed his little spirit dog softly: “You can feel it, right?”

Seeing the majestic and handsome A-Bao in his previous life, now still being a little hair ball, Master Ling Yun’s heart was about to melt, he hugged it: “I have wronged you.”

In his previous life, in order to get along with the Mourning Ghost, Master Ling Yun devoted himself to divination, and finally calculated that his best chance was with the dog. He disguised A-Bao as a ghost dog, calculated the time and place, and blocked the Mourning Ghost Huang Mao who was walking the Ghost Dog King. At the risk of being swallowed by the Ghost Dog King, with his three-inch tongue, he finally managed to mix in.

It was a grievance against Bao. He was originally a spirit dog with a soft temper and a loyal and upright character. But he was fierce all day long by the Ghost Dog King’s side. It shouted at him, but it couldn’t beat him, and it couldn’t grab its food. It was bullied every day. Finally, it became gloomy and sly, vicious and insidious. All day long, he followed behind the Ghost Dog King in a coquettish manner. He looked like a Ghost Dog, and no one would believe he was a spirit dog. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktlcxlcu bo atlr, Zjrafg Olcu Tec ragbxfv atf vbu’r tfjv klat mbwqjrrlbc.

C-Djb, P klii cfnfg ifa sbe yf kgbcufv lc atlr ilof!


“Qbbo, kbbo.”


Lfjglcu atf mtjcuf lc atf rqlgla vbu’r abcf, Zjrafg Olcu Tec ibbxfv ja atf cfk qfgrbc, cjwfv Kfjmtfg Tf, ktb jqqfjgfv lc atf ilnf ygbjvmjra gbbw, jcv wjvf j gjcvbw mjimeijalbc klat tlr tjcvr. Ktf gfreia kjr obecv lcrajcais.

“Why did Chunyangzi go to the Tiankeng?!”

Master Ling Yun tensed up as if he was facing an enemy, and he was about to pick up his fly whisk to prepare for the battle, and it took him a while to settle down.

That’s right, he is not under the King of Ghosts now, and he is not hostile to Chunyangzi, who was addicted to killing ghosts. 


He had a Chunyangzi PTSD attack again.

This weary sick person put down his dust whisk, and the hairs on Master Ling Yun’s back stood up. Chunyangzi can be regarded as a super killer. When he heard his name when he was in Huangquan, he knew that it was time to fight again. Especially when Chunyangzi killed Hongxiu and severely injured the Ghost Dog King, it was Master Ling Yun turn next, who had become the number three under Ghost King Wu Rong, to suffer patiently and silently.

He was not really good at fighting, he only knew how to do divination! 

Master Ling Yun was not happy, he was worried every day, he was afraid that the Ghost King would find out his true identity and tear him apart, and at the same time, he was afraid that Chunyangzi would chop melons and vegetables when he goes to the battlefield. Chunyangzi doesn’t care if you are an undercover agent or not, in his eyes, you are just a killer. Master Ling Yun couldn’t sleep well every day, and he couldn’t eat well. What’s even more exasperating was that from the old man in the coffin to the bottom of the ladder, they were all a group of militants. They were stupid and wanted to fight all day long, and they were not afraid of death. When he heard that there was going to be a fight the next day, he couldn’t be happy, he was so worried that he couldn’t sleep.

Just thinking about it gets him angry!

No, why did Chunyangzi go to Tiankeng 444 at this time?

Master Ling Yun’s expression seemed frightened, and he suddenly reacted. 

Someone changed the future!

Could it be that Chunyangzi was reborn!?

At the thought of this terrible possibility, Taoist Ling Yun’s whole demeanor faltered, so he pasted down another talisman, which would lead Heavenly Thunder down again if he didn’t deal with it in a while. He was nervous and talked and calculated, and soon felt relieved.


For those who are reborn, the future is a fog, and it can’t be seen clearly at all. But Chunyangzi’s was not. Although he lacks a soul and the calculations were very biased, it is good news to be able to count it.

Master Ling Yun was still uneasy, and continued to calculate for a long time. Suddenly he was surprised.


“It’s strange, it’s really strange, how come Chunyangzi also has a day when Hong Luan's star moves? Let me do the math, and then recalculate…”

It’s true! 

Master Ling Yun did the calculations several times, and finally made a decision. Compared to his previous life, Fu Qing’s horoscope has indeed undergone subtle changes! It can’t be said that there is definitely a marriage in this life, but at least it is not the extreme widowed hexagram of the previous life where his relatives and friends were cut off. It seems that there is a turning point… Hiss. If he could find out who causes Fu Qing’s change, and catch him in time, he might be able to threaten—

Stop it.

Master Ling Yun embraced the spirit dog with a dignified expression.

He is on the righteous path now, the right way. 

After a few tries of comforting his heart, Master Ling Yun finally relaxed contently and changed to the perspective of those who eat melons.

No one knew that Master Ling Yun was a little gossipy, it was good to be sure about things, and he was curious about everything, as long as he kept it in his stomach and didn’t tell others, God wouldn’t send down thunder. Master Ling Yun was doing the calculations, but the more he calculated, the more nervous he became, the more he frowned, and finally as his eyebrows were furrowed, his sharp eyes were fixed on the female high school student in the live broadcast room.

Chunyangzi’s change came from her, but Master Ling Yun couldn’t figure out her origin. It turned out that she was the reborn person who caused the change!

Seeing the female high school student and Fu Qing walking side by side, although they didn’t communicate much, they had a harmonious aura and looked very close at first sight, Chunyangzi was probably beating a drum in his heart. 

Who will this person be? Is it from the group of ghosts under Hongxiu? Or is Hongxiu going out in person? No, she was obsessed with the Ghost King, and in her previous life she was in a murderous vengeance. If she really met Fu Qing, she would definitely die forever. Who could that be? With the ability to change Fu Qing’s fate, this person must be extraordinary.

Master Ling Yun’s expression became more serious as he calculated more. When the car stopped, he was still immersed in the calculations. Until Director Wu opened the car door for him with his own hands.

“Master Ling Yun, the place is here.”

Let’s not to mention the General Public Security Bureau. Master Ling Yun still needs to go to customs first, and then go to the Yungui security zone by himself. Director Wu doesn’t need to send him on his way. Originally, Master Ling Yun was on the route leading to customs and had planned to go by himself, but Director Wu took the initiative to meet him in good faith, and so he did not insist on going alone. 

Since Master Ling Yun’s expression was so serious that Director Wu didn’t know what to think, and thus didn’t talk much. He just solemnly asked Master Ling Yun to pay attention to safety and left.

After the extended red flag drove away, it took another half an hour before Ling Yun came back to his senses.

You are reading story Dawn Sleep at novel35.com

“Are you at the place?”

He clicked his tongue in his heart, left the guest house lightly under the reverent eyes of the staff, he had walked not too far away, before turning into the alley with ease. Not long after, a middle-aged man with a stooped figure, disheveled white hair, a sullen expression and a scar on his face came out again. He squinted his eyes and looked around, and snorted coldly, causing passers-by around him to look away. 

His old craft really did not fall behind.

Master Ling Yun took great pains in order to continue his undercover business in Huangquan. He changed his face every once in a while. He was called a thousand-faced cloud guest. Even if his real face suddenly appeared occasionally, anywhere, he pretended to be a decent villain.


Master Ling Yun laughed inwardly, the middle-aged man laughed fiercely and coldly like a night owl, and swaggered towards customs.

After a while, he pushed out a cart with a long transport box, the height of a person. After pushing it outside, Master Ling Yun took out a paper man and paper car from his sleeve and threw it down. Naturally a Skoda Octavia and a paper man driver appeared. The paper man obediently moved the carton to the back seat as Master Ling Yun sat in the co-pilot and then acted as the driver, driving to a distant place. 

After getting into the car, Master Ling Yun watched the live broadcast and continued to calculate. In the live broadcast room, Fu Qing and the female high school student separated, and the live broadcast paper figurine followed the female high school student, which happened to be convenient for Master Ling Yun to calculate. But the more he counted, the more he frowned, his gestures changed so quickly that only afterimages could be seen, a drop of sweat clotted on the tip of his nose, and it was about to fall.

Swish swish.

The sound of cloth rubbing against the coffin was heard, as if the thing in the box had come to life. During this movement, the cloth on the body rubbed against the coffin, which was creepy.

Master Ling Yun concentrated his attention on the deduction. 


There was a sudden knocking sound in the silent car. It was like the sound of wood being knocked on, but it was much more gloomy and dead.

The long box looked like a coffin at first glance, and something was knocking on the coffin boards inside.

Master Ling Yun wasn’t attentive, and was gradually entering good conditions for calculating. 


The grinding sounds of wooden planks were heard, accompanied by a long sigh, with the vicissitudes of time, as if the pharaoh woke up. The surrounding air suddenly dropped, the small sounds became more and more clear, and countless insects were crawling, moving. Weird and terrifyingly, a pair of skinny, bandaged hands faintly protruded towards Master Ling Yun from behind.

“Who… are you…”

Master Ling Yun was going crazy, muttering to himself, his eyes were red, and he seemed to be in a trance, at this moment, those withered hands wrapped in bandages wrapped around his eyes. 

“Guess… Who I am…, you guessed it right…”

“Fucking bastard who is in the way of your Daoist, you idiot, get out of here!”


The coffin closed several times faster than before, and nothing happened. Master Ling Yun took a deep breath as he was disturbed, and silently recited the Tao Te Ching, and it took him a while to suppress his churning blood.

He was possessed by the Devil and almost went crazy. He couldn’t count anymore.


Master Ling Yun silently recited the Boundless Heavenly Venerable, but he still couldn’t let it go. He asked thoughtlessly, “Old Coffin, if you say, I mean, if your greatest enemy suddenly has a girlfriend, and, you know he never falls in love. What would happen to his girlfriend?”

There was no answer, Master Ling Yun asked again: “Old man in the coffin?” 

“Old man in the coffin???”

A dull voice came from inside: “Baa.”

“Speak properly!”

“Oh, my old man, is it because I don’t know Chinese well? Isn’t that how bastards should talk.” 

The sharp and caustic voice in the coffin was weird, and the angry Ling Yun was irritated further, secretly scolded this dog in his heart, and said, “If it’s Chunyangzi,”

“Chunyangzi? Where is Chunyangzi?! ”

With a swipe, a black shadow flew past, and in the blink of an eye, a skinny child squatted on Master Ling Yun’s lap. To say that he is a child is only based on his body shape. He is covered in bandages, and his appearance couldn’t be seen clearly. There were silver nails on his chest, throat, and wrists. His body smelled of rotten holy water (it smelled like coriander juice). It was obviously dressed as a mummy, but the seals on his body were like the methods used by the paladins of the White Church.

“The king’s footsteps are all over the world of ghosts. The king’s bone crown is inlaid with cursed gems. The king’s reputation resounds throughout the world! He is the strongest king and the only king. As his servants, we should follow the king’s will and kill Chunyangzi, and use his head to welcome the return of the king!” 

Master Ling Yun straightened his face: “You say this so familiarly—say, who did you go to see? That’s what you said right? I told you to wait for me.”

“Oh, forget about the nonsense, old buddy, let’s talk about Chunyangzi—you mean, he found a little wh*re girlfriend?”

Master Ling Yun had a headache: “It’s not a little bitch wife, not a girlfriend… Hey, what are you thinking!”

“I want to make a contribution!” 

The bandage child shot a wolf like sharp and fierce look from the bandage and looked straight at Ling Yun’s cell phone.

“Is she the inverted cross of Jesus Christ?”

“No. 444 Tiankeng, right? I understand. I remember my king’s big fox mount. Didn’t it also come out of the No. 4 Tiankeng? Good man, thank you for telling me the news, I will go and catch the fox and that little bitch, and I will go to my king when the time comes, and I will not forget you… Wu wu wuuuu!”

“Go to sleep !” 

Master Ling Yun cursed and pasted a talisman on him, knocking the man unconscious and stuffing him back into the box, feeling like his hair had been turned white by these idiots. If it wasn’t for the old man in the coffin stabbing his head, and his temper being too weird, he would actually be afraid of getting into more trouble, and then Master Ling Yun would definitely not bother him.

“Forget it, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain.”


Master Ling Yun swore that he would never take this muddy water again this life, at most he would get some news about Wu Rong from Huang Mao.



Tiankeng No. 444.

Master Ling Yun’s expression became serious, thinking of the disaster caused by Hu Xian‘s resurrection, he silently recited Boundless Heavenly Venerable in his heart.

In any case, Chunyangzi went in, he hopeed that he would flap his butterfly wings and make this disaster a little bit better. 

The pointer pointed to eleven o’clock, Wu Rong did not enter the 444 dormitory, and instead leaned against the common window sill to smoke.

Today, after eating with Chi Fangfang, Wu Rong saw Fu Qing shortly after leaving the cafeteria, beside him was Kang Jianbai and others who looked anxious, and Wu Rong explained everything in a few words.

“Then Chi Fangfang is number 1.”

Hearing that he was not the one who killed Su Jingjing, Kang Jianbai’s expression relaxed and then tightened again: “People have to die every day from the beginning to the end of the Rakshasa game. According to history, Chi Fangfang will die this morning. Liu Hu will definitely attack her before she goes into the toilet, and she must be watched closely tonight.” 

“Is Chi Fangfang sure to die?”

“According to history repeating itself, this is the rule of the Tiankeng.”

Kang Jianbai frowned: “Today Little Master Hui Xin and I will try to find a way to look at the Yin Qi barrier, and the rest of the ghosts will be entrusted to you, Fu-daozhang.”

Fu Qing didn’t respond, but Wu Rong thought of the first night when he saw him killing in all directions, when the Zhengyang fire was blazing, maybe even if Kang Jianbai didn’t say anything, he would still kill these ghosts and monsters thoroughly every night. Fu Qing had a strong intention to kill ghosts, Kang Jianbai was a ghost breeder, and when they stood together and talked, they kept their distance. Wu Rong guessed that Fu Qing was born to hate ghosts, even ghosts raised by ghost raisers wouldn’t be ignored. 

Let’s wait until later to tell him about the big ghost.

That dream gave Wu Rong some clues, he wanted to try it himself first, and save Fu Qing from the trouble.

After crushing the cigarette butts, Wu Rong looked out the window. There was a wind tonight, and the shadows of the trees swayed like ghosts. The mountain behind the dormitory was looming. It was different, the mounds of soil were crooked and scattered, and they couldn’t see clearly because of the distance. The golden talisman on the most central tomb had become brighter and brighter, shining like real gold.


Su Jingjing was dead, the Qingling Gu no longer needed to guard her corpse. The little green snake was wrapped around Wu Rong’s wrist like a jasper bracelet, flickering its tongue from time to time. The black rock tarantula and the human-faced spider were hiding under Wu Rong’s ‘long hair’, one on the left and the other on the right.

There will be no rest tonight.


Tick, tick.

The sound of water came from the toilet, unhurriedly, cascading, as if the faucet was not tightened. But it sounded too abruptly, being harsh in the silence of the night. 

It’s midnight.

Wu Rong returned to the door of dormitory No. 444. The moment he stood still, the door was pushed open from the inside. Wearing pajamas, Chi Fangfang rubbed her eyes. Seeing Wu Rong, she whispered, “Róngróng, didn’t you go to sleep?”

“I don’t want to sleep either. Can you go to the bathroom with me?”

The author has something to say: 

When Master Lingyun first became an undercover agent, one day at a meeting, the ghost king Wu Rong had an idea and told a joke.

Hongxiu: Hee hee

Coffin Old Man: Ha ha ha

Su Xiaomi: Hei 

Ghost Dog King: Bark bark

Foreign ghost: hiahiahia

Yun Zhongke: Jie Jie Jie Jie——

Everyone looked at him. 

Master Lingyun (nervous): What’s wrong?

Others: Why are you jiejie laughing, ah?

Master Ling Yun: ???

Aren’t villains supposed to laugh like that!? 

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