Daybreak on Hyperion

Daybreak on Hyperion

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Daybreak on Hyperion

Review: 7.7/10 from 10 ratings

Born into prestige and gifted with talent, Pascal was a promising officer cadet whose deeds caught even the King's gaze. At the mere age of twenty, he had everything a young, ambitious man could need to begin a promising career.

Except his habitual arrogance had destroyed every opportunity of a close friendship outside his political marriage.

Seeking a companion who meets his protracted list of requirements, Pascal decided to craft the 'perfect spell' for the upcoming familiar ceremony. If those around him were not fit to accompany his genius, then he would summon a best friend through his own hands -- one that was mature, intelligent, knowledgeable, bright, and cute as well.

He received far more than he bargained for... and in turn, so did the shifting geopolitical power balance of his world.



This is not a power-fantasy or the usual 'feel-good' story you might find on this site. If you feel that a protagonist should never lack agency (especially in early story) or make compromises due to difficult circumstances, then this fiction is probably not for you.

Daybreak is a story that delves into real world sociological/psychological subjects and explores many topics of gray morality. I wrote it because I like stories that makes me think more about the world around us, not to detach myself from reality.

Some aspects you can expect based on the tags include:
- [Kingdom Building]: political drama, geopolitical/geoeconomic strategy
- [Army Building]: massive battles featuring in-depth planning, combined arms, and operational logistics
- [Magical Technology]: how magic changes the sociotechnological evolution of civilization in a high-fantasy world
- [Genderbender]: exploration of gender identity, gender role, and discussion of social expectations
- [Identity Crisis]: someone translated into a whole different world having to rebuild their identity and life aims

This story is primarily hosted on my blog -- -- where all the art/map assets can be found as well as the latest chapters.

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