DC: Rose Of Death

Chapter 11: Underworld Of Roses

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Chapter 51: Underworld Of Roses I


"My dear friend... We're gonna have quite an exciting day. I think the only time I pulled the trigger is when I was robbing the museum? But today you should be able to spill blood, a lot of blood.

Now that I think about it, I have only ever killed one person, right? I'm pretty sure I only killed the Riddler... I am actually having trouble remembering who I killed.

Death is really losing its meaning to me by the second, some kind of adverse effect of my death immunity? Am I actually immune to getting affected by the death of anyone? That couldn't be, right?"

Ian was attired in black pants, a long-sleeved light blue shirt, and black shoes. He had a gun in his hand, gently tracing his fingers around it. It was the first gun he has acquired.

"My thoughts are wondering. There is a lot to think about though." He stood up and wore a black jacket on top before making his way to the garage.

'Joker has yet to make any move. I guess my involvement changed his mind, or perhaps I am his target now? Talia or the league of shadows also didn't make any move. They didn't even target me.

Perhaps they're planning something... interesting. Why do I feel like I'm getting crazier by the second? Hmm, it must be my imagination.'

He reached the garage and entered a specific car with black tinted windows.

"So weird, you take your time to plan crazy things, yet end up being late to your own plans. Just one of the many daily crazy things no one expects from the crime lord himself." Selina joked as she came closer to him and rested her head on his shoulders.

"The crime lord? I am still a bit far from that." Ian muttered as he circled his arm around her shoulder bringing her closer. She was attired in her cat outfit, ready for action.

"Are you okay with all of this? You know with I'm living my life, we might die at any point, even me should my gift fail me." He took the opportunity to voice his doubts as he noticed all her fears of him dying fading from existence.

"Mm? I'm not just okay with it, I'm happy. I don't really see it as a problem anymore."

Thankfully, the car they're in is quite secretive, not allowing the driver to hear or even see anything due to the isolating glass in the middle.

Ian looked into her emerald eyes, and she looked like she meant it, so he gave her one last test, "What would you do if I die?"

"I'd follow after you. I mean, wouldn't we just die? How bad can it be?" She casually murmured, almost amused by her own words, "It's your fault. You've infected me. I guess I'll be following your craziness after all. What about you, how would you feel If I die?"

"I am not sure. I will likely just find a way to resurrect you. I will explore the extent of my gift, who knows, perhaps I can bring you back from the dead somehow." He started stroking her soft short hair, also amused by her words.

A mischievous smile surfaced on Selina's face, seemingly thinking of something interesting, "You know, they say don't put your dick in crazy, but you did the opposite, kinda. You put your dick in me, then you turned me crazy... Pffft Hahahahahah."

Ian however didn't laugh, instead, he raised one of his eyebrows in wonder as if his third eye was opening. His mind started comprehending the concept of the fourth dimension, also known as the fourth wall.

"It-It makes too much sense. I've yet to put my dick in you since then... since you've become mental."

Her laugh halted as she remained frozen for a good few seconds comprehending his words, "Wait... You're right. It all makes too much sense."

"It makes even more sense when considering why I can't put my dick in crazy... Isn't it because I am crazy? Crazy and Crazy won't work well together, like minus and minus, it results in a plus. The latter should in theory be the good option, but if you think about it, will crazy want a minus or a plus?" Ian's mind started thinking, and when it starts thinking, it becomes hard for it to stop thinking.

"This... It's starting to make too much sense. Let's forget we even thought of all of this." Selina rested her head again on Ian's shoulder and tried to not think.

'I don't want to stop thinking though... I feel like I am getting closer to some kind of law of the universe, am I creating something like the speed formula? Too bad I don't remember the latter, but really, who does? Well, whatever.'

They stayed silent, just in the comfort of each other until they reached the first destination, "I don't know what your side of the plan is, but stay safe alright?" Selina gently spoke.

"I mean, what's the worst that can happen, I die?" Ian chuckled before lifting her chin and sealing her lips though he made sure not to go too far lest she overdose, "Let's have some fun, shall we?"

Selina then left through the dark isolated alley in the middle of darkness, and no one was able to even see her shadow. She didn't forget to take her backpack with her with the necessary tools were.

Ian knocked on the window, signaling for the driver to head towards the next destination, a certain small nightclub. Strangely, it's ruled by a small-time gang, not a crime family.

The car stopped far from the club, and Ian just waited there with his phone in his hand, awaiting the signals. The first of which is that of Selina telling him she's ready.

However, he was waiting for a few more signals. This is how Ian always worked, distractions above distractions to confuse even the brightest of minds, a group effort in which many perform some sort of action at the same time, granted some of the groups may not know of their involvement in his plans... These kinds of groups are called sheep.

Another message arrived, leading him to start preparing his gun and his belt where he attached all the ammo.

He then brought a mask from a bag next to him and put it on, then closed his jacket. It wasn't long before a message was sent to him, and all it said was that it has started.

Ian exited the car and just walked towards the club as it drove away. He knew every nock and cranny by heart as he walked towards the backdoor.

There weren't many people around at this point not just because it was extremely late, but mostly because the club is not popular. The ones that saw his strange clothes either didn't think much of it or just started walking away from the area.

He knocked on the backdoor and stood at the side of the door. There was a peephole on it and he wouldn't want them to see him.

"Hii! Who's out there?" He heard a loud shout from inside. He waited for a bit before knocking again.

"You son of a bitch! Do you know who we are!?" The fact that he couldn't see anyone through the peephole got on the person's nerves as he yelled and started opening the door, relieving Ian from going with Plan B.

"Who!?" The person just shouted before feeling the cold touch of a gun on his head. The man looked extremely pale and weary, almost like a drug addict, even his eyes looked a bit hazy.

Ian narrowed his eyes and pulled the trigger, then just walked past the fallen body after making sure he was dead. He's dealing with a very bizarre place after all.

Despite using a very advanced silencer, the gang henchmen still heard the sound of the body falling to the ground, yet they could do nothing as Ian's hands worked their magic, tightly clutching to the gun and putting down each of them in the blink of an eye.

It was like he didn't need to aim, as if it was all the act of an all-knowing instinct. One bullet to each head, and missed not once. Perhaps he could've used two guns at the same time to be more efficient, but he would definitely not be as accurate.

Everyone he faced looked pretty much the same, pale dry skin and hazy eyes, but they couldn't be all addicts, could they?

However, things didn't stay that silent and stealthy for long. Soon, one of them was able to pull the trigger, allowing everyone to hear the gunshot sound albeit he missed because reasons.

As said earlier, Ian knows the place by heart, so he made his way directly to the destination, the main office. He looked more like a master assassin this way, months of hard work paid off.

Still, things were getting more dangerous by the minute as more people poured in towards him, some bullets even scratched his clothes, what a shocker.

The gang's underlings seem to have a strangely deep loyalty to the gang as they risked their lives, all to stop him from entering that door.

Hell, Ian even started sweating as he hid behind a pillar, taking his shoot whenever an opportunity arises, all amidst the scream and cries of people.

It all made him a bit nervous to the point he missed a few of his shoots. He was certainly not afraid of death, I mean, if he dies, he will just be basically dead, so he didn't worry about that.

It was just a new exciting experience for him, and it made him tense, especially with all of the information he needs to process amidst all of the chaos.

"Fucking moster! Kills him! poetec." Alas, the gang member didn't get to finish his odd speech as a bullet hit his leg, the only place Ian can shoot as the man was hidden behind a pillar.

Ian chose to push directly after that as the main office was very close to him. Of course, he didn't forget to put down the moster man.

He acted quickly as he noticed more gang members heading his way, and kicked the office door before stepping to the side lest there be a trap within.

Yet the strangest thing happened. Everyone, each and every gang member fell down to the ground as if they lost the function of their body, even their consciousness was lost.

"Ehh? What's going on?" And by Ian's surprised expression and words, this didn't seem to be part of the script.


Chapter 52: Underworld Of Roses II


"Ehh? What's going on?" And by Ian's surprised expression and words, this didn't seem to be part of the script.

The first reason that occurred to him is that it happened due to whatever is within the main office.

So he walked inside pushing the door that seemed to try to shut by itself as if there is something heavy pushing it in that direction, and indeed there was something.

There was a body behind the door, even paler than the rest, they even seemed crusty and dry as if he was at his deathbed. Ian noticed a large red spot on his nearly bald head, and it all clicked.

"Why how so stupid?" Ian was confused. It was hard for him to fathom someone hiding behind the door as a trap, like, he could see the potential but he could also see the risk, and it's definitely not worth it.

In fact, what happened to him was quite mild because Ian could've just fired at the door a few times in caution, but he didn't need to be because what's the worst that can happen, he dies? Sure.

Instead, the door was kicked with such force that it collided with his head, knocking him out.

"Oh well." Ian shrugged his shoulders before looking around the room. He didn't have much time, so he got to work quickly and started searching the room thoroughly, and putting all the things he wants in his backpack.

He then brought a bottle of water from the top of the desk and walked up to the unconscious man, then poured it on his face, bringing the bald man awake.

What followed is an act of kindness as Ian slapped the man's cheek, making his mind clearer, "I don't have much time, so shut up and listen. I want you to tell me what each symbol of these means.

If I have even a sliver of suspicion about the truthfulness of your words, I'll take you with me to the torture room where you'll live for the rest of your life.

Now, you might've noticed that your mind-controlling ability doesn't work on me by now, so you can imagine what someone with my powers can do to make your life hell, and I bet you've met creatures of hell, so you know what that's like."

Just a little bluff, using what the man fears the most made him spill the beans in fright, not at all noticing the holes in Ian's words. The latter however did investigate his target for nearly a month, getting a deeper understanding of the man than the man himself.

"I.. I i, its basemen."

Yet another slap was delivered to his cheek, "Everything is gonna be alright. You know we have quite the patience, so calm down and speak clearly."

"Yah, the book! The book is in the basement."

Ian let out a gentle smile, "And where is the basement?" A basement existing in this place is news to him, but that's even better... if the man is speaking the truth of course.

Ian stared at the man's eyes for a few seconds after the man told him. Then he pulled the trigger, killing the man. he stood up before unloading the entire magazine on the dead bald man just to make sure.

That guy is after all not someone normal. Moreover, he noticed that the man has a problem with his intelligence, almost like a muddle brain idiot.

'I should still have a few minutes, even more if the war is extreme, but just to be sure.' Ian sent a message to Ralf, telling him to initiate distraction number four and five, possibly six and seven also if he didn't contact him after a while.

He made his way to a specific bland room and directly pushed one of the desks aside. He took off the carpet beneath it, uncovering the attic ladder which he then opened.

It strangely wasn't locked, perhaps the bald man just had that much trust in his mind-controlling power, or perhaps it eroded his brain.

He climbed down the ladder, finding himself faced with quite the treat, "Hmm nice. Even better than expected... Such gorgeous scenery."

What lay before him was a very small chamber with faint red light, extinguished candles everywhere, and a strange symbol, drawn on the ground, seemingly by blood?

"A pentagram of demonic nature, exquisite." Ian brought out his phone and started taking pictures before touching anything, he especially focused on all the symbols in the chamber.

He then picked up a bunch of papers scattered on the side, and a book placed on a small table, well kept and positioned.

The book wasn't thick by any means. It had very large pages, but not many pages. Its cover was simple, just a brown rough leather with a pentagram symbol carved on it.

Ian opened it and looked through it for a second before placing it in his bag. He then walked up to the only thing he didn't check, a door.

Within was exactly what he expected from a devil-worshiping fanatic that has gone too far, a bunch of bodies parts and canisters of blood. They weren't just humans but also animals, there were also a bunch of horns situated to the side.

All Ian did was casting his eyes around before closing the door. His face was twitching, "Holy fuck the stench."

He shook his head, took one last look at the chamber before making his way outside... Only to hear a faint sound behind him. He turned his face instantly and leaped in fright while exclaiming, "Anti death Jesus Christ!"

However, all he saw is a candle slightly swaying as if it had just fallen, and he recalled it being up, so he called, "Hello! Is anyone there?"

He looked around with caution for a few seconds before letting out a sigh of relief, "Nothing? Hmm, it must've been the wind."

He then climbed up the ladder, 'What does anti death Jesus christ mean? Why did I say that? Ok, Ian stop... Stop thinking about it. This is classic horror movies formula. The more you think about it the... Stop.'

He didn't walk far before bringing a bottle from his backpack and pouring it on the most flammable thing near a certain window. He could hear the sirens of police all around the place, probably preparing to breach.

He brought out a piece of paper and used a lighter to light it on fire before throwing it on top of the flammable liquid. His purpose was obviously to burn the entire building down.

He then threw a few grenades far away towards the main exit, creating a distraction in his usual style.

Amidst that distraction, he grappled away and did so again just in case someone saw him... Then did so as he planned, reaching a certain alleyway.

He passed by what looked like a beggar, and the charitable person Ian is, he couldn't help but throw his backpack at him... For the greater good.

The beggar was used to such charitable actions as he naturally pulled the backpack to the side and covered it with a dirty cloth. Gotham is such a good supportive place after all.

Just as Ian started walking away through the alleyways, he heard a shout behind him, "Stop! What have you done?" It was Nightwing.

Ian narrowed his eyes and turned around. His gloved hands were in his jacket, he wants to say he didn't expect this, but... Batman is just that smart, and this was his classic distraction tactic that everyone knows about, but can't do much about.

'He sure came fast. I almost thought I am out clean. Batman must've instructed him to check any strange incident today with Batgirl while he handles the main stuff.'

Ian wasn't really surprised because he himself told the Bat of the war that was happening now a while ago. His network of information got him enough clues to predict it, and he used it not only to perform a few operations but also to end the war, well, Batman will be the one ending it.

Ian didn't speak but just started approaching Nightwing. He wanted to see how he will fare off against someone personally trained by Batman.

He himself had a lot of training in the past months, he was already well-versed in boxing, so he decided to pursue other forms of martial arts.

He brought his hands out from his jacket pocket, a signal for Nightwing of how this will go. He was even baffled by the opponent starting a fistfight out of nowhere, "Wh? Are you?"

By the time he finished talking, he found a kick almost reaching his head, one he was barely able to evade, "This is how you want to go huh? If you are who I think you are, then I'm gonna enjoy this."


Chapter 53: Underworld Of Roses III


By the time he finished talking, he found a kick almost reaching his head, one he was barely able to evade, "This is how you want to go huh? If you are who I think you are, then I'm gonna enjoy this."

Nightwing started approaching Ian with a smug smile on his face. He might not have been sure it's really Ian, but batman warned that Ian might pull something similar, so even if it's not him, it should be someone working for him.

Batman also told him that he doesn't trust Ian at all and that if the latter breached the contract, they'd have to prove it, else it would all be for nothing except in special cases.

Nightwing saw this as an opportunity to destroy the contract because despite how useful all of the information provided by Ian for the past month was, he still doesn't want to support a criminal, especially someone like Ian.

"Let's see what you go." And yet another kick almost hit his head, but this time he easily evaded it by simply crouching down a bit.

He didn't act but just circled around Ian as the latter delivered kick after kick, and each one was evaded with style.

Ian stopped and let out a sigh startling Nightwing for a second only to follow it up with a swift kick. It failed to land yet again.

However, it did give him the opportunity to change his fighting style to the style he has more mastery over, and landed a swift punch, and another before Nightwing flip back.

He seemed a bit zoned out as he traced his hand around his nose, feeling blood sinking down, "Playing dirty? Don't say I didn't give you a chance."

Nightwing pulled two black batons from his belt, and pressed a small button on their handle, activating their electrocuting functionality as they lit up with lightning-like rays.

'Ok, that looks scary. I'm definitely not being a coward, this is just a strategic retreat.' Ian convinced himself and nodded before starting to walk away, confusing Nightwing though that didn't last for long as he found himself collapsing to the ground, all due to the homeless man standing not far behind him with a taser.

Ian walked up to a garbage truck stopped in the depths of the alleyway. He got inside as it started driving away, and only then did he start changing his clothes.

He took off his jacket and mask, then took off his black pants leaving white pants underneath. He changed his shoes, took off his gloves, and he was done.

The truck didn't drive too far away before it stopped in a fairly secretive place. Ian walked out and started making his way to a certain predetermined destination.

His clothes were casual and a bit stylish. long-sleeved Liam blue shirt, nice white pants, and simple white shoes. He fixed his hair on the way as it was messy due to the mask.

It was almost like he was prepared for a date just after committing a genocide, granted it was a massacre of demon worshippers, but still. There is no way any couple would be crazy enough to do something like this.

A sweet smile surfaced on Ian's face, one unimaginable for someone who just did what he did. He spread his arms catching the girl leaping onto him.

"We're finally going on a date!" Selina happily said as she embraced Ian with her legs tightly locked around his middle section.

Just a while ago, she was attired in her cat outfit, but now she was wearing tight black jeans and a casual loose-fit white blouse, showing her perfect curves. She also had silverly dangle earrings, and lastly, black kitten heel shoes.

Ian circled one of his arms around her waist and the other beneath her ass just to hold her in place. That was definitely the only reason.

He then sealed her lips in a passionate kiss and she reciprocated, feeling his intense feelings mostly from what he had just experienced, and she was feeling the same from the mission he gave her.

The few people around were looking at them as if they were insane as they stopped the kiss leaving a trail of saliva between them, and that's because they were insane.

You are reading story DC: Rose Of Death at novel35.com

"Sorry it took this long, but I was busy and this is special isn't it?" Ian responded with amusement as he let her down and held her hand.

Selina let out a giggle, her face was bright due to her happiness, "It was insane. I've never had this much fun borrowing something from someone. I jump around and flew throughout the city. How do you think and plan this stuff?"

"I just think of how to make things fun without hurting the goal's success, and it usually happens," Ian murmured as they started walking around, finally like a normal sweet couple.

"How about you? How did it go?" Selina asked curiously though she still doesn't know what he did.

"I am kind of envious of you. It was intense, but still kind of boring because of how good I am. It was nice overall but you got to sway around, hanging from a tower crane, god that sounds awesome."

Ian reflected on the latest adventure more before adding, "But well, I got more than I bargained for, so I am happy."

They really looked like the happiest couple around Gotham, the last word being the key point. In Gotham, the crazier you are the happier you are.

They arrived at their first stop, a nice small coffee. They took a seat, being the only people in the coffee, in fact, it was strange that it was open at this point in the first place.

The date was after all late at night, very late at night, so Ian prepared for everything. They had a very light meal consisting of milkshakes and sweets. They sat very close to each other and just chatted about things no normal couple things about.

They then made their way to their next stop. they slowly walked on their imaginary peaceful date, ignoring the sounds of sirens and gunshots sounding from far away.

They reached Gotham's garden, a nice place and it was getting nicer as it isn't the homeless' home anymore, all due to Ian. It's more clean and peaceful, but it's Gotham so who knows what happens under the tree's branches.

Selina had her arm wrapped around his arm, situated in a comfortable position. It was a peaceful date without anything wild except for the extremely absurd stuff before, but she found it to be the coziest thing in like ever.

'Ah God, I hope this goes on forever... Until we die in one of our wild adventures.'

Suddenly Ian's phone started vibrating. He brought it out and answered just as they took a seat in one of the garden seats.

"What have you done?" A raspy voice sounded from the other line, but Ian could detect traces of anger.

"Hmm? I am not sure what you're talking about, but I am having a date with my girlfriend right now." Ian casually answer, and Selina could see an amused smile on his face.

"Just tell me what have you done."

"Hmm, sure. you convinced me. So what I basically did is vanquishing a few demons and borrowing valuables, and that's it."

Ian's words made Selina giggle as she pondered about his words, gaining a general idea of what he has done, but she didn't care much. She knows he has involuntary done more for Gotham than most, and that's really what matters to her. As long as her hometown is becoming more peaceful, then it's alright.

"You aren't responsible for the war?" Batman questioned, whether he trusted his words or not remains unknown.

"Of course not. I found information about it and used something that was gonna happen for the greater good. I definitely wouldn't do something like that."

It was almost like Ian was being sarcastic, and basically just telling him he's responsible, but that only made Batman trust his words more, having a general idea of what Ian is like.

"You've only told me of two locations where a fight will occur, yet there was another aside from the nightclub which appears to be your doing... Why?"

Batman's words actually surprised Ian, "You sure work fast. It has only been like an hour? But I didn't know about a third location. It's news to me."

Batman was silent for a while, contemplating the situation, and easily understood that it was but another distraction.

He predicted that Ian would use this war as a distraction, so he left his colleagues to look out for any strange occurrences aside from the two locations of action, and something did happen, a third war location that have nothing to do with Ian. Another distraction.

And Ian has almost gone entirely undisturbed, but he took quite a long time, enough for Nightwing to show up.

however, what Batman has yet to figure out is that to a certain extent, Ian's actions were also a distraction. Two other events occurred at the same time, one by Selina and another by the rest of the Roses.

The Roses' actions were also branched out to a few more distractions, and events that happened at the same time.

What Ian needed at this point was more funds, way more funds to expand his network of information. He also needed more raw information which was successfully acquired by Selina among other things.

God, he's a fucking menace to everyone. Surely it can't get worse than this, right?


Chapter 54: Underworld Of Roses IV


"Mmm lala la laaa," Ian was happily humming while painting something on the ground, forming a strange symbol, demonic perhaps? He was even painting it with what looks like blood, or red paint.

He was alone in the chamber, one different than the collection room but not far away from it. It was a chamber specifically prepared for demonic rituals, his latest interest.

It was a field he has a lot of interest in, and he plans to thoroughly butcher it and exploit it even more than scammers do, and everyone knows they're fucking ruthless.

Once he finished painting the pentagram. He stood up and walked up to a table to the side with an open book on it.

"Alright, let's double-check... Yeah, it's perfect," The opened page of the book had exactly the same demonic pentagram on it with a few extra explanations to the side.

It was all written in some strange language, definitely not modern langue but something ancient. It was the demon's tongue, the language of the creatures of hell.

The book not only had demon language but also old English, mostly to teach the reader about hell's speech. That was the book he acquired from the nightclub.

To the side of the book were a few scattered papers. They were also acquired from there, and they were notes left by the gang leader, the one who was using all of the demonic rituals.

"To think a small-time gang member would come upon this, such a basic but valuable book, seemingly written by the bug Beelzebub himself, one of the hell lords."

Ian let out a chuckle, reflecting on when he had read the notes as they had a bit of detail about his experiences, "Then again, he was just a small gang member, he was a bit dumb, so he was taken advantage of. What do they say about dealing with the devil? Something like... Don't remember, whatever."

He was attired in only black sports pants, nothing else. His immaculate form was shown under the faint red light in the chamber.

He made his way to the side of the room and brought thirteen candles then placed them around the pentagram. He also had a piece of paper in his hand which he kept eyeing again and again. Written on it were the demonic ritual ceremony steps and summoning speech.

"He traded his soul for power, and he probably didn't read the contract. It's common sense really, always read the contracts thoroughly lest you find yourself falling into the abyss of misery and fuckery.

He was able to become the gang's leader, but he lost his reasoning in the process, that and his power must've been overly restricted. That's a priceless lesson I should remember as I dive myself into this field."

Ian's words sounded almost like a chant, engraving those words deep in his soul. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, 'Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself... Except if you're Ian, in that case, you can be as dumb as you wish.'

It has been around two weeks since Ian acquired what he desired, and he has been studying them to his heart's content, throwing all his work to Ralf though he still kept his usual training routine, working on Selina's resistance, you know, for the greater good.

He was like an addict, regularly absorbing and learning the demon's tongue, and studying the ways of demon-worshipping, or more like how to deal with the devil for maximum benefits.

The last needed component for the ritual was within a large container. Ian started pouring whatever is inside at the center of the pentagram, namely a certain amount of clothed blood, and dead bugs of all kinds.

The blood wasn't humans'. The ritual required the blood of any creature, but a human's would be much better, it will please the summoned demon.

"Yeah, fuck that." These were Ian's words once he found out about that part. Since it's necessary, he won't do it, it will only attract unwanted people's ire, and perhaps even have adverse effects.

One of the last steps of the ritual is lighting up all the candles in a specific order, reverse clockwise. Then came dropping a few drops of blood around the candles.

The most important step however is painting a few specific symbols around the candles. He brought several bugs and put each in the center of a certain symbol.

"This is fucking disgusting, but whatever," Ian muttered before taking a deep breath and taking a seat on the ground, right on the clothed blood. The bodies of bugs were very close to him as he started chanting.

"Those who dwell in darkness hear my call

As the shadows of old begin to fall

Let the rotten bodies fall to thy will

And from thy putrid worms, thy tiny forms, thou Shall Rise!

Come Forth Demon Rise!"

He spoke in clear demon tongue as if it was his mother language as if he had been speaking it for years, and he might as well have because it's all he's been speaking for the past weeks.

And before his very eyes, the dead bodies of bugs turned into mincemeat that started forming into a horrid small humanoid body. The creature before was him looked like a ghastly humanoid bug with a long bizarre mouth, almost like a mosquito.

The bug let out a long rancid breath as blood dripped from every part of its body, "Mhhahh, You took your time. Mortals don't do that, they're always in a hurry. They fall into the temptation like mosquitos do for the taste of blood... Hmm, delicious."

"Nah, I usually fall into temptation easily, but this is a special occasion." Ian seized up the lump of flesh before him, trying to smell the disgusting stench all around.

"I see that. You've prepared a lot. You've pleased me before calling me forth. So much death, and so many souls. I was waiting for that pathetic human to die to get his measly soul, but you got me there quicker and caused so many deaths at the same time. Mhhh, nice very nice. You've pleased me, so I'll make sure to satisfy your wishes."

The bug muttered as it circled around Ian while smelling him from time to time. Ian didn't care about that, his expression remained unchanged but confusion was overwhelming his mind, 'Is he talking about the deaths in the war? What's happening? I did mea... I must've done it unconsciously. Ahem.'

He didn't dwell on that thought for long as he asked, "You wouldn't be Beelzebub himself, right?"

"You didn't think I'd show up? Perhaps you thought any demon would do, but no. How could I not show up."

The bug got even closer to Ian and took a long weird whiff of him before adding, "How could I not when how pure your soul is. I smelled it a while ago in that basement and I was waiting in excitement for this.

Your soul is pure despite spilling blood. In fact, it almost looks like that of a baby except for its strength, quite potent and mature. It's strange, too bizarre, but it's still a big pure, and tasty soul... I want it."

Ian raised one of his brows above the other in wonder, 'Why did that sound so wrong? And why is my soul like that? I-I don't know.'

"So speak your mind. Tell me of what you desire. Speak of what you wish to sacrifice. I'll be generous and fair, so frett not." The bug spoke while licking its lips with its long bizarre tongue.

"That sounds like a scam, but such is the ways of demons I guess. I was ready to be scammed for what I desire as long as you can make it true anyway." Ian spoke after letting out a sigh.

"Hehehehe, brilliant! So brilliant! Speak, what is it that you want?!" The bug was quite excited, seemingly not minding showing its emotions to Ian which only works to display how valuable his soul seems to be.

"I have several pieces of paper, part of a scroll named Dead Hell scroll. I want the rest right here and now." Ian spoke as brought a very small piece from his pocket.

He couldn't leave the pentagram as there are repercussions, so he made sure everything he would need was within his person.

The bug took a closer look only to jerk back in stupefaction, "Heee! Why do you have that!? How you touch?"


Chapter 55: Underworld Of Roses V


The bug took a closer look only to jerk back in stupefaction, "Heee! Why do you have that!? How you touch?"

"What? I just stole it from a museum, and I shouldn't be the only person who touched it... I guess I should be the only one to touch it with bare hands? Why? should I be dead?"

"Ahem, ye no. nevermind." Beelzebub got his wits back, seemingly not embarrassed at all with his prior actions, "You should either be ashes right now or be a soulless doll. Perhaps that didn't happen because it's only a single piece, so it's not effective."

Beelzebub seemed to realize that he spoke too much a little too late as got back to the main subject, "Unfortunately, I can not do that. Bringing them all here in one place may have some unforeseen consequences, and it will certainly alert someone."

"Someone?" Ian questioned.

"Pay to know." In a demon's fashion, Beelzebub spoke without any shame on his face.

"Oh, you must mean Trigon? The weird lady back in the tomb spoke his name once she was the words on the paper. He must be important for even a hell lord to fear him."

Ian pointed out, he really doesn't remember much about Trigon at all, so gaining information about him is necessary. Now, he was even more hell-bent on acquiring the rest of the pieces, knowing for a fact that the scroll can be useful to him.

"Don't speak that name even one more time. Do you understand?" Beelzebub spoke solemnly with a stern tone. Ian even noticed him flinching at the name of the being.

"Sure, so what's the alternative? Are you even useful for anything?" Ian curiously questioned, not worried about the bug's words at all, as all things should be.

"Of course, there is an alternative. There is always an alternative... I can tell you where they are, that's the furthest I can go." He didn't seem bothered by Ian's words. One would think otherwise, but he didn't take them to heart, quite the strange thing indeed.

"Ok this is a scam. Do you really expect me to trade my big pure, and tasty soul for just that?" Ian countered with exasperation.

"You're smart, so tell me what you want, and it's not like you were gonna ask only for the pieces of paper now, did you? I shall meet your demands as long as they go above a certain point."

The bug grinned with its deviant mouth. Ian didn't know how troublesome bringing the papers to him would be, so he naturally wouldn't have been satisfied with just that.

"No, I am not smart at all. I just think a lot, and I'm easily satisfied, so all I want is the pieces of the scroll and knowledge. As much knowledge as you can give, densely packed in a book, mostly about demonic things such as rituals, symbols, and anything about Hell and heaven."

Ian spoke after contemplating for a bit, seeming like he had come up with this just now.

"Na na na, too much, way too much. Let's set a limit we can agree on. You pleased me, so five hundred pages should be more than enough for you mortals." Beelzebub grinned almost devilishly.

Ian also smiled in happiness, "Sure, just make sure to make the font size like 1 or something." The bug was silent with no change in its bug-like expression, so Ian added, "No? Perhaps it's too much, so let's make it 12 points Times New Roman style. This is generally how books are written, so it's fair, is it not?"

"... yeah, it's fair as all things should be." The bug murmured without a change in expression.

'Yup, he was definitely trying to scam me. Perhaps every page only has one word? One letter even? Fucking ruthless.' Ian pondered in his mind, but he made sure to show his thoughts on his expression.

He just watched as the bug lifted its hands and waved them around, bringing to life a large illusionary blaze, seemingly formed by the very fire of hell.

That fire slowly started changing and twisting, as if it was reversing in time, going from pure hellish fire to ashes that then assembled into an ancient piece of paper. It was almost entirely filled with words, written entirely in the demonic tongue.

"Let's seal the deal, and get this over with. You must be dying to get what you desire, so just slip a single drop of blood on it, and we'll both be bound by the terms." Beelzebub spoke as if he doesn't have much time to waste.

"Hmm? I want to read the contract first." Ian eyed Beelzebub strangely as if he was looking at a lowlife.

However, Beelzebub's simple actions actually work the majority of the time. Here you are standing before a disgusting demon, a lump of flesh. He had just done something frightening, forming a piece of paper out of hellishly terrorizing fire.

He reminded you of what you desire, and he specifically pointed out that the only thing stopping you from getting it is a single drop of blood.

The demon is in a hurry, and who knows what might happen if you waste its time. The fact that the demon can't do much to you if the ritual was performed correctly might've slipped from your mind.

His words reverberate through your mind, you both are bound by the terms, it's a fact, so it's okay to go through with it. It's all fair... Indeed it's except for the simple fact that the terms were written by the devil himself.

It's simple psychology, just one of the many tricks the inhabitants of hell use to deceive

"Of course, you wouldn't trust me, but don't you think I know it's useless to try deceiving someone who's already prepared?" Beelzebub still acted calmly and spoke with a cold tone.

"Glad you know," Ian entirely ignored the second part, "You know what they say about the devil... It's something like... You don't Amm? Bla bla bla something I don't remember. Anyway..."

There was a very faint red hue on Ian's cheeks, seemingly embarrassed, 'Fuck I should've searched for the quote... Well, whatever.'

To alleviate his embarrassment, he started looking through the piece of paper hovering in the air, he ignored the bug's existence and focused on studying every nock and cranny of the contract.

"Hmm, change this so that the knowledge you'll give me be something that isn't useless. It has to be something relatively important, not something you consider useless. For example, you can't describe a rock in hell for like 100 pages, similar things aren't allowed."

He then continued to read all the terms, one by one, making sure that not a single loophole that can be used against him remained.

An example was a simple term, Beelzebub will have to tell Ian about the location of the remaining pieces of paper.

"Wow... Change this so that you have to tell me in less than twenty-four hours. I am giving you ample time to do some voodoo shit to find where they are or whatever.

Also, specify what pieces of paper I want. I want the remaining pieces of the dead hell scroll, the remaining pieces of the pieces I showed you a few minutes ago." Ian then continued to specify several other things, making sure there is no mistake in what he wanted.

That went on for a staggering 4 hours! It was unnecessary, but Ian kept reminding himself that he's not smart and that he should think more, and that he did.

He thought about every possibility of every option yet Beelzebub's expression remained unchanged, he was strangely unfazed. That however didn't last for long as Ian spoke the holy words that made the bug flinch.

"Nice, very nice. It should all be perfect. Like what a nice deal isn't it? Just one last term, a very fair term... Any term or even anything written in this contract I can't see or understand is invalid."

Ian released a bright sunny smile at the bug, waiting for the latter to do what he said, and he did as the words wrote themselves on the paper. By the time they were done, the contract became totally different from how it was at first.

Ian brought a needle from his pocket, and pierced the tip of his finger, letting a drop of blood slip on the contract, "Phew, quite the lucky ba... Demon you are, getting to have my big pure and tasty soul."

Perhaps even Beelzebub felt awkward after that because he hastily spoke in a grand stern tone, "Let the pact come to life, bounding us by its terms until the promised day. Then I shall have the last laugh." He disappeared directly after, leaving only ashes in his place and darkness as the candles turned off.

Ian didn't speak but just started cleaning the place, specifically destroying the symbols just in case the Hell lord can still hear and see him through them.

"Pffft Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahaha." He laughed like a maniac while cleaning the tears in his eyes, tears of mischief and amusement, 'That was incredibly fun. I am really looking forward to dying and my soul getting collected... Yeah, right. I wonder though, how many more deals can I make with my soul... They will be so mad, holy fuck I will be a menace to hell.'

Ian contemplated the words on the dead hell scroll. The original words seemed to describe Heaven and hell, but mostly talk down on heaven.

The disturbing words on the other hand were written by Trigon and looked down on both heaven and hell alike... The scroll reeks of his vileness and conceit because the most prominent word on it was his name.

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