DC: Rose Of Death

Chapter 23: Death Force

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Chapter 111: Welcome To Hell IV


"Why did you bring her with you? She's weak." Xanadu remarked, eyeing the figure jumping around on the golden sand of the desert.

"Hey! I head you, and I'm not weak at all. All the luck in the world is with me." Harley snarled back.

"You mean insanity?" Ian corrected.

"Insanity? Do you think I'm actually insane? I'm disappointed." Harley instantly slumped down on the sand. It was as if she was trying to be as comical as possible.

"Insanity is relative, just like everything is relative to something else," Strangely, Ian answered seriously as he started making his way down the temple, followed by the two.

"Then what do you think?" Harley questioned with apparent curiosity.

"I think of you as a free soul. Sometimes a lost soul. A spontaneous soul."

They were getting deeper into the temple by now, to some dangerous areas, places not explorable without some necessary equipment. They were in the darkness of caves, 'I love magic.'

Indeed, Ian has grown very fond of magic. How could he not? Magic is the bright sphere floating beside him, giving vision to the blind. Magic is the faint energy surrounding him, Harley, and Xanadu, allowing them to fly.

"A lost soul?" It was a long while before Harley said something, seemingly lost in thought.

"Sometimes. That's what it feels like sometimes. Not entirely sure why though." Ian shrugged, reaching a dead end, only rocks all around, no exit, nothing except the entrance where they came from.

"Not entirely?" Harley further questioned, a little perplexed until she came to an understanding making her frown, 'He wants me to find out myself?'

Ian ignored her, instead, turning his attention to Xanadu. He can do it himself but she's just better, so much better than him at magic, especially the magic required in this situation.

Xanadu was extremely strong, and that's with most of her magical abilities lost, "It's definitely here. It's either a hidden compartment or some kind of magic, unlikely to be an illusion."

As she spoke, she got to work walking around the rocky area with her fingers sometimes tracing alongside them. She then waved her hand, sending several tarot cards flying around.

Gravity didn't exist for her as they hovered around her, slowly heading in certain directions. Her steps led her to a certain wall, her hands waving slightly at it, somehow triggering something.

Nothing happened for a while, but there came a time when they heard a sound. The ground shook, and the entire area seemed to shake as Ian used his magic to control Harley, allowing her to fly next to him.

Madame Xanadu was able to fly on her own though she didn't appear to be in a good mood as she looked at the ground beneath them, "Something feels off, and I can't quite put my hand on it."

"I feel kinda similar... Be ready to teleport away if need be." Ian also felt like the course of events that led him here was odd.

He pulled Harley towards him as the shaking intensified until the ground beneath them crack, revealing nothing but darkness, a seemingly bottomless hollow.

They floated down for quite a while, the sphere of light beside them radiating brilliance, allowing them to see that they had reached a hallway, the start of a hallway leading somewhere.

Ian let go of Harley and approached Xanadu, whispering something in her ears. He then started making his way through the hallway without saying a word. The same was for Xanadu as she didn't have any change in her expression.

"Hm? What did you tell her?" Harley's curiosity got the better of her as always.

"Doesn't matter. Just ready the benevolent bat." The benevolent bat was the name Harley gave to the God killer. It has pretty much become her personal weapon since Ian doesn't use it except when feeding it his life force.

"Ah ok? Why? What's happening? I sense no skulls to be crushed?" Harley wondered, not seeing much, the hallway seemingly having no end.

"Shh." That was Ian's response as he calmly walked forward with unnerving calmness. The staff of all things was already in his hand.

It was a long while before the hallway led them anywhere, and they certainly wouldn't risk directly teleporting there lest they fall right into a trap.

They can however scan the area and even survey where the hallway led before reaching it, and that they did, yet Ian didn't stop.

He walked into a vast hall, skin to a throne hall but much greater, almost as if it's the hall of gods.

The area was relatively dark despite the many spheres of light now surrounding them. It was also silent, ominously so, yet Ian didn't stop.

Harley already noticed something wrong with his behavior as if he saw something unseen by her, but she remained silent, unwilling to be a liability. She had always hated being a weakness.

They all walked toward the most conspicuous thing in the hall... Selina. She was resting on the floor, seemingly unconscious. Floating above her was a black gem, a diamond.

The diamond was bizarre, to say the least as it was releasing inky energy of sorts, enveloping a good area around it, forming a barrier of sorts.

Yet, Ian just walked into it, not affected in the slightest. It was however a different story for Madame Xanadu and Harley as they felt a force akin to gravity pushing them away. The closer they got, the stronger the force.

Ian stood before Selina with a frown. She was attired in her Cat uniform, and she looked healthy, evidently unaffected except for the superpower granted to her by Ian showing itself.

The superpower suited her quite well. She basically became a cat girl, with cute black cat ears and a cat tail. It gave her feline physiology making her basically a superhuman, especially focused on her senses.

Other than that, she looked normal, but the statue right next to her was not. It was a small exquisite statue of a black cat, looking ancient but gorgeous, time not leaving its traces on it in the slightest.

Ian felt like it was watching him. He felt like those perfectly carved eyes were looking right at him with alarming intensity.

He gently picked Selina up, the black diamond following after her as he turned around, finding himself faced with a slow show.

"Are we in trouble or is this just a gift? You know, my daily dose of skull crushing?" Harley wondered, already swinging her bat in anticipation.

Nah, it was suicide because before her very eyes, demons started emerging from the ground, climbing from hell. It was truly a clown show. The diversity level of demons is something that has never been seen before and likely never will.

The hall was so large it accommodated thousands of them, and more were coming, causing a mess. It's like, if you can imagine it, then you're bound to find a demon that looks like it.

Most of them though have something very similar to each other. They're fucking repulsive. Contempt was reeking from their eyes as they eyed the group.

"Ian, space movement is restricted to a certain extent," Xanadu informed, feeling a bit pressured, something she wouldn't have felt if she had her full magical abilities.

"Hmm, I seem to be..." Ian halted his words, his eyes landing on a specific demon that seemed to be in constant deformation, and continuous pain until he hissed with wrath, "Welcome to hell!"

"Teleport from there as I told you and wait for me home," Ian instructed as he waved his hand.

"Wait! Wanan sta..." Whatever space restrictions there were didn't seem to work on him, his rings, or his life force as Harley vanished with Xanadu and the unconscious Selina.

Madame fortune teller would've certainly been able to teleport away. She's quite strong despite the circumstances. It would've just taken time, a time they didn't have.

But within the Rose dimension, the restrictions were no longer applicable as she hastily teleported away, leaving Ian all alone much to the demons' dismay.

Their plans were already going awry, and Ian was confused as he scratched his head, "I... I don't think I went too far, did I?"

Nothing made sense to him. Like, why be mad if you gave someone too much charity? It was on this day that Ian discovered one of the demons' sins... They are very stingy for no reason.


Chapter 112: Welcome To Hell V


Their plans were already going awry, and Ian was confused as he scratched his head, "I... I don't think I went too far, did I?"

Nothing made sense to him. Like, why be mad if you gave someone too much charity? It was on this day that Ian discovered one of the demons' sins... They are very stingy for no reason.

Ian looked around, finding the scenery changing completely. He felt a sudden shock, one people feel when they suddenly fall fast. All it took was a tug for him to find himself in a different place.

He has fallen to hell. Ian doesn't exactly how, but one thing he was sure of, things such as these take a price, and the demons hunting him must've paid a severe price just to get him here.

The ground beneath his feet was red-ish but not hot on its own, the air however was hot. It was rocky like Vegas desert, cracks everywhere, some of which were pits of hellfire.

Ian could see massive boulders floating high above in the air, almost like floating islands. Those weren't things hovering in the air as numerous winged demons could be seen looming, their eyes never leaving Ian.

None of them moved. Not one demon moved except for the deformed demon closest to Ian as it slowly morphed into something else, a more frightening look.

This certain demon was colossal, standing far above Ian, looking down at him with eyes filled with unbelievable wrath and hate.

The demon's skin was golden, something Ian noted to be unique among the demons around. Its eyes were radiant red. Its ears were like fish fins, massive and golden.

His wrath however soon turned into laughter of undeniable glee as he ominously eyed Ian, "I told you I'll find you, but I did better... I brought you to my lair where I'll torture you for eternity! So human, welcome to hell! You new home!"

"I see," Ian let out a sigh, eyeing the surroundings one more time, noticing the strongest demon around is none other than the one before him. That didn't make much sense for Ian.

"Etrigan huh," Ian murmured, puffing his cheeks in a contemplative look, "You're too high on your emotions now. No, this is likely the calmest you've been since you gave me charity, so excuse my wondering... Who planned all of this?"

The hateful human was too calm for Etrigan's liking, and his words only drove the demon to lose his cool even more as he spoke while pulling out a gigantic curved sword.

"Ah, It's unfortunate. I wanted to torture all of those close to you, but they escaped somehow... So hateful! But in due time, I'll make you watch as I tear them to pieces and put them together back again."

Etrigan started walking slowly towards Ian as he waved his sword. Not towards Ian though but at the demons next to him.

The slice seemed to cut through space as hundreds of demons fell one after another with that single swing.

Etrigan saw no fault in his actions for he is their master, and their life was, is, and will always be in his hands, but he at least wept for them as he roared, "Useless bunch!"

Hundreds? Even thousands wouldn't matter because Ian can accurately speculate the number of demons around him, a number reaching tens of thousands.

With each step he took, the ground shook. With each step he took, the very core of space shuddered under his fury, intensifying as he growled yet again.

"Oh, trust me Humaan! A day will never pass where you do not hear their cries of pain, their despair, and your weeping shall be notes to my songs!"

Much to his dismay, however, Ian seemed dazed, barely paying any attention to him as the man murmured to himself, "Honestly. This... This is it. I can, can I not?"

His words were a mystery to anyone but himself as he felt the space around him shake. A massive punch colliding with an illusionary barrier. Cracks were running a speed run throughout the magical barrier.

The magic barrier didn't stop the punch from sending him flying hundreds of meters away. Even a simple punch from Etrigan was no joke.

"Let it be then," Ian mumbled as he swung his staff, quickly stabilizing himself in the middle of the air before swinging it again, creating a destructive shockwave, disintegrating the demons launching at him, and blasting some away.

'I've never expected Harley to be so considerate in times such as these... I for sure thought she'd want me dead, but perhaps she is changing? Perhaps, Layla's training is slowly taking effect.'

He mused for a second before bringing out the God killer. Indeed, Harley left it in the black Rose dimension before Xanadu forcefully teleported her away.

"Transform." The God killer obliged, morphing into a long curved sword. Ian never stopped attacking and flying around.

How could he stop when thousands of demons were hurling at him in hunger for his meat... Hmm, that sounded a bit.

"Magic Armor! Magic barrier! Silks of Ice! Spheres of Ice! Ice spears! Eldritch blast..."

An unending barrage of magic. Ian seemingly had infinite magical energy as he absolutely dominated the battlefield, few demons were able to reach him, but there was still no harm done to him.

Etrigan on the other hand just watched much to Ian's surprise. He didn't seem to have any intention to participate though his eyes couldn't help but narrow at the sight of the God killer... It's dangerous.

In fact, the God killer was a significant cause as to why Ian remained intact even after an hour of constant combat. It functions like a sword and a shield at the same time, sometimes moving on its own to protect Ian.

Ian's swordplay was nearly perfect, but it was still within the spectrum of normality. His current fighting style was certainly not his best as he didn't have to do better with a bunch of cannon fodder, but it was his finest.

He finely cut through the demons' innards, vital organs, and heads, leaving a trail of bodies behind him. The ground by this time seemed to be burning with blood. It was a sight that could scare even the strongest of minds.

'He's playing with me, isn't he? Like watching ants move about unaware that even a slight breath could breathe their entire settlement down... He isn't aware?'

Ian could already see signs of a conspiracy, but now he was even more sure.

The demons before him were weak, and for someone of his level who put a lot of time into studying magic and refining it into what it is today, no amount of cannon fodder could even hope to scratch him.

Etrigan naturally noted that as he ordered, "Hell knights! Arise! Destroy!"

From the cracks of hell, they indeed arose, bringing with them the deep red flames of hell.

The hell knights as he called them were a different breed altogether. They were nearly as colossal as him, wearing dark armors, each having certain similarities to an animal.

They were monsters whose bodies emit the very excruciating flames of hell and the darkness beneath it.

"Here we go." Ian let out a long breath, as he teleported away. Teleportation in the area still seems to be restricted, for magic teleportation that is. For life force teleportation that's not the case.

Ian teleporting into his own dimension seemed to be a loophole, or perhaps the way his life force has to monopolize an area before he can teleport to it was the loophole.

He got so good at it that it appeared instantaneousness to the human eye, but not to Etrigan or the hell knights.

Ian however had no desire to escape as he hovered high in the air. His face has never been more stern than now as he spelled the incantation for his most powerful spell, "Magic Spam!"


Chapter 113: Death Force I


Ian however had no desire to escape as he hovered high in the air. His face has never been more stern than now as he spelled the incantation for his most powerful spell, "Magic Spam!"

It's an actual spell, one that automates the creation of magic spells at an accelerated rate using his infinite life force.

The few moments it took for the spell to take effect was enough for the Hell knights to reach him, their fish-like wings facilitating the process. They were definitely leagues above any of the other demons in here.

Yet Ian just vanished again. All the magical spells already prepared, overwhelming the dark sky; acted on their own, some targetting the still living cannon fodders.

The four Hell knights weren't interested in protecting the bugs as a barrier of hellish flames formed around them, the magic spam barely affecting them, especially with the protection of not only their wings but also their massive javelin.

They flew around, looking about while evading the magic spam. They were seemingly emotionless, perfectly trained killing machines because as Ian appeared next to one of them, already swinging the God killer, the hell knight instantly responded, almost as if he had precognition.

The demon swung his javelin with abnormal swiftness, far surpassing Ian's, deflecting the attack, and all it took was a second for the other hell knights to arrive as if they'd been expecting this beforehand.

Ian's physique was at the very possible peak of humans, but reacting to them was incredibly hard. In fact, it was challenging to react to the cannon fodders let alone these monsters.

Even the lower demon have superhuman physiques, so he naturally had trouble reacting to their speed, but his insane defensive abilities were the core of his survival... Well, not getting hurt to be exact.

Since Ian knows his limits, he was of course prepared as he vanished a moment later, barely evading the incoming hell spear. He was really sure if his magic armor can defend against it, but perhaps God killer can.

It became a game of cat and mouse. Ian was the ghost instead of the opposite, that mouse that can never be caught. He just vanished and appeared again in a nonstop attack sequence.

The hell knights' weapons served well as means of defense as well, especially against something as monstrous as God killer.

There was however something odd Etrigan noticed. Ian was taking this too lightly. He didn't really seem to be going for the kill, but more so taking the situation as a training camp in hell.

Etrigan's crimson eyes could easily detect Ian pushing himself, and he was in constant improvement. It was frightening even to Etrigan's demonic mind.

To the prince of hell, it was like all Ian needed was a long unending fight to the death? A one-sided death, it's almost like charity, kinda.

He was unlocking something or pushing himself to unlock something, 'Is it the vague energy I sense around him? It's very vague, and I can not affect it at all... I first assumed it to be a special kind of life force but...'

Whatever it was, Etrigan wouldn't let Ian be at ease for long as he began approaching the decimated fight zone, a place overwhelmed with hellish fire and magical ice.

'So soon? Fuck, demons are not as charitable as I thought they were.' Ian cursed in his mind, sensing the approaching hell Prince.

'Hm? Wait, isn't this just better charity? Battling the demon prince of hell should help me understand it further. Perhaps even complete it, but to do so would mean letting go of all reservations...'

Ian appeared again, very close to the hell knights. He eyed them, seemingly waiting for them to approach as he murmured, "So be it."

He held the staff with both hands, pumping his life force into it at a rate never done by him before. He squeezed it tightly as it started to shine brilliant gold.

The hell knights were almost near him as the third vessel opened, radiating a holy radiance upon them.

Screeches of pain were the result, followed directly by the staff and the God killer both flying towards the stunned hell knights.

It all happened in a second, not giving anyone a chance to act, especially Etrigan who was stunned feeling the holy energy radiating from the staff. He was most definitely certain that it was angels' energy, light.

"Eldritch blasts!" Ian shouted as he flew directly to one of the remaining hell knights while his magic absolutely annihilated the other one. Its source was his staff as he was able to cast magic through it without touching it since long ago.

The Kryptonian sword appeared in Ian's hand as he sliced the defenseless demon's head off.

You are reading story DC: Rose Of Death at novel35.com

The energy of light was so pure and unexpected that it left them defenseless, seemingly offsetting their hellfire, and leaving them paralyzed.

Ian however knew he doesn't have time to even breathe as he found himself faced with another colossal fist. This fist was different though as it was shrouded in a blob of darkness and hellfire.

The most interesting thing about that darkness was its ability to counteract Ian's light. It was a battle of light and darkness, and who's winning was obvious.

As if by instinct, a pair of vast wings flashed around Ian, just in time to protect him from the frightening punch, sending him rumbling on hell's reddish land.

"What are you?!" Etrigan snarled in confusion, his eyes wide at the holy white wings, "You are no Angel. Of that I'm sure, so what the fuck are you? No, nevermind, it doesn't matter because even if you're the son of God, you will fall today."

He let out a breath of dark fire as his curved sword stirred in dark energy, a magic circle forming around him just as Ian vanished yet again.

"Your measly tricks won't work against me." As he spoke, he opened his mouth wide, aiming at an area close to where Ian vanished.

A blast of darkness erupted from his mouth, followed by a rain of magical arrows blasting from the magical circle. Their target was strangely everything in the surroundings despite Ian not being in sight.

What's even stranger was that Etrigan's move forced him out of his hiding as Ian emerged with his wings enveloping him completely, acting as one of the most unbreakable shields. They aren't Lucifer's wings for nothing.

Ian's quick teleportation works in peculiar ways which Etrigan deciphered to a certain extent. He wasn't observing Ian for so long for nothing. No, he was learning via seeing through all of his moves.

When Ian enters his dimension, he is forced to leave one of the black Rose rings behind, acting as a medium to the world.

That makes the ring an obvious target, so Ian fought that by applying several magical spells to the ring, such as invisibility, stealth, and defensive magic.

Etrigan however was a master of magic. He was the son of Belial himself, and the latter was not only the archduke of hell but also the creator of the Eternity book, one of the most desirable books of magic.

Most interestingly, Belial is the son of Trigon, inheriting many of his powers, especially his authority over darkness, something Etrigan also inherited.

Etrigan instantly emerged above Ian, already swinging down his curved sword, leaving a trail of darkness behind.

Yet Ian vanished again. He certainly didn't react to the attack, he just programmed himself to teleport back into his dimension once he got his ring out of harm's way.

But that is no solution. Ian knew that, so he was never interested in playing a game of cat and mouse... Well, kinda.

He emerged far away, his staff hovering beside him, aimed at Etrigan. Ian's life force was running wild, swiftness has to be his best friend in this situation where even a split second of hesitation can lead to a loss.

So activating the vessels of his staff as fast as possible was something he has to do. He kept reminding himself that a single mistake would lead to him being caught.

He was forcing his mind into thoroughly believing this situation was so much more dangerous than it was.

Who knows though, perhaps the situation is that bad, especially with the mysterious circumstances that led him here.

Flashes of orange lightning sparkled throughout the staff as it vanished, moving at such a speed that it seemed to be ignoring the concept of space.

All of that was done while Ian shrouded himself in his wings, seeking to vanish again... However, "Huh?" He felt it clearly as he dived into his dimension, two of his fingers were missing, and he absolutely had no idea how.


Chapter 114: Death Force II


All of that was done while Ian shrouded himself in his wings, seeking to vanish again... However, "Huh?" He felt it clearly as he dived into his dimension, two of his fingers were missing, and he absolutely had no idea how.

"How?" Ian wondered, but he didn't have much time to muse as his ring was at risk yet again. His force was always spreading outside, sensing most things about.

And well, how was Etrigan able to evade his staff which was powered by the speed force? Let's just say that Ian isn't the only one with teleportation capabilities.

Moreover, Etrigan was reaction time was more than monstrous. It was unbelievable, and that's with the demon's loss of power.

Ian was certain what he did to Etrigan before; harmed the demon significantly, and not much time passed since then, so he was sure he was clashing with a wounded Etrigan.

The prince of hell emerged instantly in a vacant area, swinging his sword at seemingly nothing, but he can sense the invisible ring clearly, and his overwhelming dark hell fire will surely be able to destroy it.

The ring teleported again appearing with Ian far away with his staff again hovering beside him, unleashing magic spam before flying towards the demon using the speed force again.

This time, Ian emerged with his wings already protecting him, even the God killer was acting as a shield, yet...

'Two other fingers...' Ian looked at his left hand left with only one finger, his other fingers were sliced cleanly. He felt no pain, more so bafflement eyeing the blood dripping from his hand.

The fight wouldn't be nearly as hard if the speed force was complete because to this day Ian still feels it to be incomplete, or not as strong as it should be.

The staff's speed reaches a measly ten Mach at the moment. The speed is steadily rising as Ian feeds the staff and the speed force his life force, but he still feels like something is missing.

Whatever it was, Ian had to leave his dimension again though this time he took a different series of actions.

This time he emerged right beside Etrigan, his staff already flickering with immense power, going right through the demon's chest in an instant as a golden radiance shone through it.

That was followed by a deafening thud of Etrigan's colossal blade clashing with Ian's wings. A shockwave thundered throughout the area, creating a massive tremor as a result of the collision.

Not just that, Ian found himself going right through the ground as if it was butter, the lands around them shrieking in pain as he formed a deep pit right into the volcano of hell... Only to vanish yet again.

Ian emerged again far away, much further from their previous battlegrounds. That had nothing to do with it crumbling down, but more to do with his sliced off left arm.

He looked to be in a sorry state, all bloody. In fact, the sound of dripping blood was very clear to all hearing ears because a fountain of blood was being made around his feet.

He seemed pale and messy, but strangely not tired. He just had a frown on his face as he tossed his upper clothes away, and took off his already semi-destroyed shoes, leaving him mostly naked with only black pants.

"I hate the wise. I've always hated the wise, but it most often than not never mattered."

Etrigan's words echoed throughout the surrounding, who knows when he appeared not far from Ian, looking to be in just as much of a sorry state if not worse.

He had a large gap in his chest, giving a clear view of what lies behind him, a scenery of destruction.

The wound had no blood but it had something worst, shimmering golden lines, acting like a virus, trying to spread. Alas, the darkness in the demon's soul was fighting back and winning.

Etrigan's expression looked much calmer than before. Whereas he looked like a raging mindless beast before, now he looks like the deceitful demon that he truly is.

He held his left hand over his chest, seemingly hiding it as he spoke in a chilling voice, "You aren't tired. Your energy doesn't seem to be ending any time soon, or at all. You're decisive and wise. Quite the troublesome combination."

He let out a breath as he continued, "Your staff can teleport to you from everywhere, and so does your ring. I understand how you function, but there isn't much I can do about it. Even more troublesome... But!"

He took his hand off his chest, giving view to a cluster of darkness in his chest, fighting the light with more ferocity, "I and you are different. How long can you stand? Will you still live without a heart? How much suffering can you handle? I made a promise before, and I shall keep it!"

Etrigan caressed his sword, lighting up a spark of darkness within it, "You saw through only one of my methods but it matters not because it doesn't matter what I have to sacrifice! Even hell can burn for all I care... All I care about is to grasp your destiny!"

Indeed, Ian saw through his tricks. He figured out how his fingers and even his arm ended up sliced up without him noticing.

He noted Etrigan has started to barely use magic at one point, mostly teleporting away. Ian's last risky move was to confirm his guess as the gap in Etrigan's chest was what caused his arm loss.

Somehow, If Etrigan is hurt, Ian will also be hurt. According to Ian's deduction, the harm done to him will always be much lower than the one done to Etrigan.

Ian wasn't sure exactly when the demon had cast such a spell or its limitations, but he knows it has many.

He also wasn't sure what Etrigan had done to himself to cause the loss of fingers, but it must be hidden internal damage or sacrificing something Ian can not see.

The spell seemed extremely complex and Ian would very much love to study it, especially how his fingers and arms were just sliced off, just like that.

It was weird but oddly specific and precise though Etrigan didn't seem to have much control on what body part will be targeted.

"I do not give a fuck. Let's just fight." Ian was in the zone, one of extreme focus. He absolutely had no interest in a chat.

His life force was running wild, his output reaching frightening levels, almost reaching those he has when in intimate training sessions.

The sound of teeth grinding together resonated faintly throughout the hellish lands as Etrigan spoke not so calmly, "So be it!"

And so it continued, their fight only becoming more and more extreme, Ian constantly being put at death's door, but he had no interest in knocking on it because he didn't once use his 'I wanna die' fighting style. No, that's not his goal.

Death on the other hand found herself knocking on many doors, pulling demons to her lands because Ian never remained in one place for long. He was constantly changing their battle location.

By accident, their constant teleportation and destruction around led them to a city, a demonic city. Yet neither of them cared. Their eyes could only see one thing, and that's the foe before them.

The two were so destructive that they left behind only chaos and doom, to the point that the city literally crumbled on itself, like it was never there.

The force unleashed by them only continued to increase as when Etrigan saw no point in establishing massive magic circles in the form of traps due to their constant movement, he focused more on pure destructive magic.

So it wasn't very odd for the inhabitants of hell to see meteors falling down one after another blasting them to smithereens. It also wasn't strange for tsunamis of lava to come crashing down at them.

Furthermore, it also wasn't strange for tsunamis of magic arrows, swords, spheres, and shockwaves to be seen far into the distance.

Ian even started using some of the more destructive spells. They usually take a lot of time to cast but that was lowered quite a lot with how wild his force was going.

Most importantly, he had plenty of time to cast even the most demanding of spells because the battle went on for a whole three days!


Chapter 115: Death Force III


Most importantly, he had plenty of time to cast even the most demanding of spells because the battle went on for a whole three days!

Strangely, the demons of hell didn't interfere, specifically the ones that stand at the top

Some either didn't care at all while others didn't want anyone else to intervene for one reason or another.

Even Belial, Etrigan's father didn't seem to have an interest in intruding despite the severity of the situation.

The situation in hell was very odd, but one thing was for certain. What's happening was certainly a big scheme but whether things went as the orchestrator wished or not remains unknown for now.

"Hahh." A long everlasting breath was released from the bloody Ian, literally. His figure could barely be recognized under the blobs of blood all over his body... except for one spotless area.

His long hair was no longer that long as it was cut diagonally, leaving a long deep wound on his back as well. His right leg was... Well, no longer there.

However, he wasn't bleeding, at least not that much. His regeneration would've allowed him to heal at a rate noticeable to the naked eye, but strangely the wounds are still there, not bleeding that much but one can say it's worse.

"Aghhh hehehahaha... How far I've fallen. The goat must be laughing at my sorry state but..."

Etrigan was in so much more of a sorry state. He had no missing limb, but he kinda wishes he had because the alternative was so much worse.

He was on his knees, slowly standing but having a hard time doing so because his body was a battlefield for two forces.

His body was riddled with holes, dozens of large gaps to the point that he looked more frightening than even the scariest of dreams.

Not just that, those wounds were a gateway for Ian's light to establish its rule and expand.

One settlement wasn't enough because darkness was a kingdom, but slowly and surely, more and more settlements were formed until they banded together forming another kingdom.

Sure, many settlements fell in the process, but Ian was creating so many settlements that many passed by, and in the end, success was destined.

Darkness was falling as light was eating Etrigan's body like a hungry worm, slowly finding its way through his thick flesh. At this point in time, his body was full of golden lines, tunnels dug throughout him.

"But I'm still curious... What are you?" His face radiated his curiosity, looking quite genuine. This was the most honest and authentic Etrigan has ever been.

How could he not be curious when he sees the odd scene before him, the scene of Ian looking more different than ever.

The energy he once could only feel, now he can see. Etrigan could see the vastness of the force Ian was releasing at a constant rate. It was abnormal, somewhat semi-transparent, looking fuzzy and blurry.

It was constantly switching from its blurry look to becoming invisible again, seemingly unstable.

The force was mostly concentrated around Ian, looking absolutely gorgeous as it drifted along with his vast white wings, giving them a blurry appearance.

Etrigan can make an accurate assumption on what started Ian's odd state.

He remembers clearly that Ian had a black tattoo of the petal of a rose on his back. It was still there, but it changed as if it was finally complete, gaining the same pale blurry form.

"That I wonder as well. I can not remember how many times I asked myself that same question. Trust me, there is no one in the world with more curiosity about something than I am about myself."

Etrigan did indeed look scary, but so did Ian. Right at the moment as words left his mouth, he seemed like someone that should be at his death door, not someone who can talk with such calmness and fineness.

He was also in a similar situation to Etrigan but in reverse as he had a dozen or so deep wounds, a missing leg, and an arm. All of his wounds without exceptions were overwhelmed in darkness.

The light released by the staff was doing very little to stop the darkness from spreading, eating his flesh in the process.

Light and darkness were most certainly one of the strongest elements in the world, and the staff's third vessel had them both, but as they say, a man's darkness isn't another's, so he can't really counterattack that darkness with a weaker one.

However, be it darkness or light, none were Ian's concern as he gently lifted his right hand on which lightning sparks flickered.

It appeared as if an orange pulse passed through his entire body, and continued to circulate until his eyes flashed in an orange brilliance which soon vanished, replaced by Ian's eyes being completely white, a bit blurry even.

"I see..." Ian murmured as his wings flashed, suddenly finding himself standing before Etrigan, lighting faintly crackling around him, a similar phenomenon to the flash.

"You..." The demon prince opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but instead, he just slumped down to the ground with a thud, his curved sword dropping beside him.

"I've lost my ways. I remained still as if frozen in time when I could've controlled time."

Perhaps the demon's last moments brought him peace, calmness, and even wisdom he ignored for a long time, but Ian was still cautious of the deceitful nature of demons.

"All it would've taken was a bit of reflection on myself. Perhaps I would've been put in such a sorry state by a human... I didn't see this coming at all, and neither did the person who helped me get you here."

The demon let out a demonic chuckle, "He must be in a lot of trouble right now."

"Nah, I'm sure he'll make the best out of the situation." Ian disagreed.

"Hmm? I assumed you t... two to be enemies?" He was getting weaker and weaker by the second, and the holy light was taking the opportunity to purify him from existence.

"Nah, we just inadvertently help each other. It's like charity, we understand each other too well. I spoke to Murphy a few weeks ago wishing for things to go wrong, and they did."

"Yet here we are, and I'm not so sure if he thinks the same." Etrigan shook his huge head, feeling the overwhelming energy of bullshit radiating out of Ian.

"Yet here we are." Ian smiled, eyeing the hell's sky. It's very odd, switching from dark to glowing red, but no sun was in sight. When glowing, it looks more like a sea of fire burning bright.

The two seemed to be in a daze for a while, Etrigan only speaking once he felt his last breath approaching.

"I have a lot of regrets. I remember the cries of souls, wishing for a second chance... Laughable, I deemed their weeps to be, yet here I am, desiring a second chance."

The demon let out a laugh, perhaps laughing at himself. Who thought a demon, a prince of hell nonetheless could seem so human? but everything is relative, and his current behavior is relative to his current circumstances.

"You've just become much stronger, didn't you? Too bad, I would've liked to see it for myself, but I can imagine bits and pieces of the future. It's..." His words trailed on as he slumped down completely.

"Yeah, I would've like to as well, but..." Ian let a sigh as he floated above Etrigan, looking at the demon with nothing but a sliver of life left.

He held his staff upside down and plunged it down without a sliver of hesitation. His life force was already flowing into the staff, activating its devouring ability, ridding the demon of all that he has.

Ian continued until nothing was left, nothing but ashes. The moment Etrigan died, the darkness trying to devour Ian settled down, allowing light energy to ravage it with relative ease.

"Very odd... It's almost like everything that's happening is already supposed to happen, calculated. It's all too perfect for me. What I gained was... Just what am I?"

How could Ian not wonder that? How could he not question himself when his force just evolved in a very peculiar manner.

He could feel the speed force running through his veins, its source being the blurry tattoo on his back, acting as a medium of sorts to his staff. No, not just his staff but every artifact under his control due to the give and take process.

There was however a limitation. He can use only one force at a time. He attributed that to the fact that only one petal tattoo was on his back, but more were already forming as his life force flowed into his back, slowly but surely constructing a Rose tattoo.

'Nah, it's certainly not life force, at least not just that... It's more, a force that functions upon the principle of giving my life away... Death force, you shall be called.'

The man couldn't help but let out a sigh, "More questions than answers... As usual."

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