DC: Rose Of Death

Chapter 31: Accidentally Started A Universal War

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Chapter 151: An Odd Paradox X


"And so the impossible happened... " Lucifer almost felt the urge to facepalm as his cosmic awareness sensed everything that happened in an instant, and nothing made sense anymore.

Ian absolutely has no idea exactly how it happened, but he was hoping it would go the way he desired.

Lucifer however to know. He could see it all at once, every speck of space in the universe, he could see the Flash in a space that isn't space.

He saw the Flash running through time and pure energy, the speed force. The Flash was trying to break the speed wall, and reach the core of the speed force.

The paradox. Iris' state, the changes in time. Everything led him to believe that all that had happened is due to the speed force.

Ian's manipulation was working to the point the Flash wasn't really trying to meet him, but simply to reach the speed force to understand how it works, and avoid triggering this situation ever again.

Reaching the core of speed was something he tried to do before amidst fighting Reverse Flash, but it was an impossible task.

It was so impossible in fact that even with his current desperation to reach it, he still couldn't do it. His speed was nigh faster than anything he was able to do before, much faster than light, all out of necessity.

His love for Iris was what mostly drove him to desperation, that and his desire to save the world. Alas, no matter how much he ran, he couldn't reach it.

To him, it seemed as if he was running aimlessly, and he knows why. There is a wall, a barrier to entry stopping him from reaching it.

But he never lost hope, he continued and continued until it happened. At the same moment when Ian was trying to go out in style, the wall broke.

Even Lucifer didn't understand how it broke, but it just did, making him realize something about Ian, and he was certainly glad he chose this route.

What came next was the Flash, also known as Barry Allen reaching the core... Only to find nothing but all the collective energy of the speed force.

It felt to Bary like the collection of time itself, kinetic energy, and temporal energy. It was very odd just as it was chaotic, and he was very sure the reason was himself.

The moment he broke the wall, he felt some things slipping out from the speed force, many things, and he absolutely had no idea what he had just done.

However, entering the speed force gave him the answers he wanted. The reason this all happened was himself, a specific action of his.

You see, the moment he entered, he discerned a familiar feeling, like he has been submerged in the speed force before. It was the feeling he felt when he tried to stop Reverse Flash from killing his mother.

And he understood there and then that he had pulled the entire speed force into himself at that time, truly a miracle, one that broke time.

Still, he had man questions in his mind. Like, where is Ian? He said he'd be waiting where the speed lies, but he is nowhere to be seen.

Breaking the wall. The things that slipped out as a result. The reason why this all happened... Iris' state, things were starting to line up in Barry's mind. He has been deceived.

He held back whatever emotion he was feeling and hastily ran back. He felt powerful, he felt fast due to his intrusion into the speed force, so he was able to do the thing he dearly didn't want to do.

He had to run back in time and stop himself from saving his mother. That was always an option in his mind, but it was one he didn't want to make, so he tried, he really did try to seek an alternative, but there was none.

The more fucked up thing was that he didn't have time to bid farewell to his mother. He didn't have time to bid farewell to anyone.

This was a sad day for everyone. The Flash after fixing everything, and finding himself in his true world wasn't happy in the least. In fact, he was terrified of what consequences there might still be due to his actions.

Most importantly, what escaped the speed force? He wondered. He knows that such a thing won't be undone because this is the speed force we're talking about, a force independent of time, so what it's imprisoning must be the same.

He could only stand all alone in a hidden alley, remaining frozen in depression as the chilly rain welcomed him back to his city, central city.

An ominously similar situation to Batman. He was sure things will be solved. He had enough trust in Ian to have peace of mind in that regard.

He certainly didn't believe in Ian's moral compass, but he believed in his selfishness and desire to keep his properties safe, and a paradox evaporating everything runs against that.

He prepared his mind, and he spent a lot of time with his Dad. It really was nothing special, just talking and solving crimes together.

They had absolutely no emotional moment. They just did what they do best without much change.

Those emotions however couldn't help but come crashing down on him now as he found himself all alone on one of the empty depressive roofs of Gotham, amidst darkness... He cried.

It was the same for many other beings. Some cried because the world lived. Some cried because the world lived, or to make it clearer, because the world didn't die.

Diana on the other hand found herself seething in anger for some unknown reason. Well, her emotions were a bit more complex than that. She must've had a bad dream.

Ian on the other hand acted quick, vanishing from Lucifer's view with all of the girls. Whatever it was they agreed upon remains unknown, but it was obvious that he tempted Lucifer into something.

His destination was far away as he vanished only after giving Layla some instructions. Take Over... It was a very simple instruction but she understood that he was leaving.

But she had no idea why, nor did the girls. In fact, they were just as surprised and Ivy would've found herself complaining about missing the opportunity to experiment more if she wasn't speechless.

The same was for Selina, Harley, and even Zatanna. Xanadu on the other had already left, seeking something else. They were all speechless by what was before them.

A metallic Rose. Ian really didn't intend for it to be this way, but the ship ended up looking like a rose, like a flower. Perhaps Hephaestus made it that way to satisfy Ian's artistic interest.

The spaceship was colossal, a bit bigger than how it was previously before Hephaestus completely transformed it into what it is, a grey Rose, and as usual, Ian named it, "Grey Rose?"

"Wow... Such a bit weapon of destruction." Harley remarked.

"Grey Rose? Yeah, predictable, but this on the other hand is unpredictable." Zatanna remarked, a bit stunned. The thing seemed magical, like centuries ahead of its time, for earth's technological level at least.

Not just that, it was made by a god and not any god, but the god of the forge, so the thing must have its fair share of divinity.

"Hm? It's a brilliant name, straight to the point... Anyway, we're leaving." Ian smiled, seeming quite happy.


"Yeah, leaving earth. Space will be our home for a very long while." Ian wasn't actually leaving, no, he was escaping because he knows he had attracted the ire of so many beings and people.

Most he doesn't even know of. Zeus wants him dead, and he must surely be planning something. He stole the green lantern power battery, and he just returned it, so the green lanterns will surely look for him.

He just fucked over the Flash, making him go through a miserable experience.

Most importantly, something was released, the forces of the universe, the kins of the speed force. Sage Force. Strength Force. The Still Force is lying in his dimension, waiting to be harvested, and then he can form it all into what he truly desires, the strongest force of them all...


Chapter 152: Accidentally Started A Universal War I


The spaceship was something Hephaestus had to bleed to make. The time in Nanda Parbat is different than the world, specifically a 1 to 12 ratio.

Every month is a year in there, and Hephaestus made the ship in there. A year passed in the world meaning twelve years passed in time diluted place, and that's how long it took him.

Mind you, this is an Olympian god, and of the forge at that, so the ship must be special.

And if it wasn't special enough, Ian made sure to feed it his Death force every time he came by. He of course visited the place many times before, mostly because of the time differences.

He also had to cast numerous magical spells to hide the spaceship from all prying eyes, and now, it has become what it's today, a wonder.

That wonder has just started to rise, to bloom. Its petals were eyeing the sky, and very soon, it reached the sky, space even, much to everyone's surprise.

Not because it reached space. That was its purpose in the first place. It was because the Grey Rose started flying by itself, silently.

The moment they all entered. It closed by itself and launched into space. There was however someone who clearly noticed something, Ivy.

"You're controlling it with your force?" Ivy wondered, looking fascinated by the process of its launch. It was silent as if it didn't need any energy to break out of the globe's gravity.

"Oh? You can sense it?" Ian asked, seeming surprised. He was indeed controlling the entire thing with his Death force. It was a bit difficult because the ship was massive.

It was all because it satiated its anger upon his Death force before it was even a ship. Its parts were already under his control before it was even assembled.

So when it was complete, Ian had basically gained absolute control over the entire spaceship, feeling it almost like just another limb of his.

"Barely," Ivy nodded. She noticed it too. At first, she was able to easily sense his 'Life Force' but as of late, or more than a year ago, it's been getting harder and harder to sense it.

And she knows why because she felt it clearly. She felt his Life Force turn from that into something else, something entirely different.

It was a very slow process that she felt happening all the time, especially amidst their intimate sessions, and now his Force seemed foreign, something completely incomprehensible to her.

However, it was still just as delicious and desirable. In fact, it's only becoming more potent, this making her stronger. She fucking loves it.

She got strong to such a point that her aspiration became quite grand just like how her eyes brightened just now, "I just got a brilliant Idea! I also want a ship, but here is the catch, the ship is a plant, literally!"

"Well, that sounds ridiculous..." Zatanna couldn't help but shake her head, feeling speechless.

"I know, right? It's wonderfully ridiculous!" Ivy agreed, seeming quite happy in fact. She just needed some help, so she eyed Ian with hope.

And just when Zatanna thought things couldn't possibly get more ridiculous, Ian spoke, "That's actually brilliant, but let's be a tad bit more ambitious. What about a planet, but it's a plant!?"

"That... What if it can eat plants?" Ivy's eyes brightened even more.

"What if the planet can turn into a bat which I can break things with?! And and! I will be able to do that because darling will give me what he promised, right?" Harley interjected, especially stressing the last part.

"When have I ever lied?" Ian lied with style before leading the group through the spaceship, giving them a tour.

Despite it being completely metallic, made of priceless materials to even gods and Kryptonians, the ship still had an olympian style to it. It had an exquisite air of glory and elegance, a touch left by Hephaestus.

"Hon," Selina found herself too close to Ian, being a bit of a pervert as she worked up her talent of seduction, whispering in his ear, "I have this sudden desire to steal this spaceship."

An amused smile emerged on Ian's face "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, but I'm so weak that I know for a fact I can't steal it from you, so have any tips."

Ian didn't know exactly if his eyes were deceiving him or not, but she seemed serious. She wanted the ship all for herself, so Ian decided to give her a few tips.

"It all comes down to charity sweety. Now, you aren't like me, so you can't expect everyone to just give you charity for no reason, but you can make me ask people for charity so I can get another ship."

A headache. Each and everyone who heard his words felt a headache at how much nonsense per second he was spurting. Honestly, it should be considered a divine gift by this point.

Selina on the other hand noted something else. She can get him to get her another ship, and she knew exactly how.

The Grey Rose was extremely fast. It was so fast in fact it can warp space to reach destinations so far away it's unimaginable, and it's all through the charitable donation of Kryptonians.

You see, Superman's Kryptonian ship was the base for the Grey Rose. It was donated to Ian without consent and Hephaestus transformed it into what it is, using its technology in the process.

He basically studied the entire ship inside out, and befitting of the god of the forge, he understood every piece of technology in the ship, an example of which would be Warp Drive, the thing responsible for the ship's movement method.

Ian's goal this time is a bit of chaos. He wanted to spread some chaos to create a distraction, but most important of all, his goal was to reach the Phantom Zone.

It's a place discovered by the Kryptonians and used as a prison for their criminals. In fact, the Zone is where General Zod was banished, like other Kryptonian offenders.

The coordinates for the place were actually decyphered by Batman and handed to him as a result of their deal to kill Doomsday. Ian absolutely had no idea how he acquired them, but it was something he wanted.

The purpose was very simple, finding a specific Kryptonite, the most valuable of them all. Platinium Kryptonite, a material capable of granting anyone the powers of Kryptonians, basically becoming gods with something as easy as a touch.

He wants to complete the collection of Kryptonite energies. Before, he only had Green and red Kryptonite energies.

However, as of late, he donated a few stones of Kryptonites to Lex Luthor, but he surprisingly needed those stones back soon after.

Luckily, he had already taken absolute control of them through his Death force, so he could sense them wherever they are.

That led him to Lex's secret labs, so secret, in fact, one would assume it to be holding unimaginable treasures.

Unfortunately, it only held a few worthless stones, including his own. So he naturally took a sample while he was there.

That grew his collection. The first vessel had a few energies introduced to it, including Gold Kryptonite, an extremely rare mineral capable of destroying a Kryptonian's ability to process yellow sunlight, thus permanently removing their superpowers.

The last one would be Black Kryptonite, one of the strangest Kryptonites. It's a puzzle to even Lex himself.

He studied to synthesize different Kryptonites based on it, and he was able to develop a few, including pink Kryptonite, capable of basically turning anyone gay, literally.

There were a few other different versions, but Ian was surprised that when he devoured them, they all went back to their source, black Kryptonite energy.

Thus why only two Kryptonite energies were added to the first vessel. Still, the black Kryptonite was too interesting for him to be dissatisfied because it came to miss with personalities in odd ways.

Ian was enjoying himself in his ship, studying the S.T.A.R labs' particle accelerator and Turtle's machine to create something that can find the forces that escaped the speed force.

While all of that was happening, Batman handed Green Lantern the power battery while giving him a few warnings that it stayed with Ian for long, so he must've messed with it, and he must be planning something.

As a result, Hal Jordan was cautious, deciding to take the power battery back to the source, the base of all green lanterns, planet Oa unaware that he had taken the bait.


Chapter 153: Accidentally Started A Universal War II


"Hm? Really? You see such a beauty and you decided to act like a bandit? So rude..." Ian murmured, seemingly talking to himself.

He was comfortably lying on his best with both Selina and Ivy on both his sides, using him as a comfy pillow.

They were sleeping peacefully, seeming exhausted, so it's odd that Ian suddenly opened his eyes and spoke those words.

He gently lifted himself from their embrace, releasing a yawn before putting on a robe, "Very well, might as well take this opportunity to learn more about space."

He already knows a lot about the universe, and he even knows a lot of specifics from the information left behind in the Kryptonian ship, but it isn't much overall.

For example, he doesn't know where planet Oa is, and that is the reason he gave back the power battery in the first place.

He can sense it even now, He feels it moving extremely fast in a certain direction, being taken to Oa by Hal Jordan no doubt.

And now, before the Grey Rose were three ships. They aren't as big as the Grey Rose, but they weren't far off.

Ian's ship didn't need to be too big in the first place. His team is small, so making it overly massive is unnecessary, and perhaps even counterproductive.

He also regularly stopped the warp drive to enjoy the fabulous sceneries of space, and that's the only reason why they were detected by aliens.

Indeed, before Ian was Aliens. They were already about twenty light years away from earth, so he didn't find it too strange to meet them so fast.

"Hm, you seem familiar," Ian noted as he found himself on one of the ships. These certain aliens seemed familiar as if he had seen them before, but they didn't because they didn't react to him at all.

It was as if they were frozen in time as he walked up to the alien who seem to be in charge, looking a bit like a rocky blue titan with futuristic technology.

None of them were moving because everything Ian was doing was being done at the speed of lightning, incomprehensible to their processing speed.

Devouring Reverse Flash helped a lot. It pushed his speed force numerous times ahead, and now all he has to do is to find the other forces.

The other good thing about the Rose of speed is that the machine he's working on to find those forces is being created extremely quickly, a mind processing things at the speed of lightning is quite broken.

Ian waved his hand, casting a spell on their leader. Wisps of blue energy found their way into the Alien's mind, reading through his memory.

Quickly and surely, Ian found pretty much every information he wanted, most important of which was their language and other information about their ship.

"Citadels huh? A fascist interplanetary empire that dominates twenty-one of the twenty-two known worlds in the Vega star system."

Ian narrowed his eyes, remembering something, 'Isn't this the species that took over Starfire's home world?'

He contemplated things for a while before shrugging his shoulds, "Perhaps I'll pay them a visit on my way back."

And just when he wanted to evaporate each and everyone on them, an idea emerged in his mind, quickly branching out into a grand scheme, "Genuina pigs."

Suddenly, his bearing turned gentle as he eyed the Citadels with appreciation, "You know, I happen to need a few helpers for some of my studies, so excuse my rudeness."

What he wants to study most was the black Kryptonite. He always considered Kryptonites to be one of the most fascinating things to exist, especially the Platinium Kryptonite.

And studying them more thoroughly is certainly not something he'd miss, so he couldn't help but be thankful for the Citadels, "But worry not, I'll definitely pay you a visit later."

And as such, he knocked out every Citadel in all of the ships before sending him to an area created specifically for prisoners in the Black Rose. They can join the clown there.

Ian then used the knowledge he acquired from them to get access to the Citadels' network of information and started downloading every viable information using their tools.

"Hm? Interesting," Ian noted as his connection with their network was suddenly cut off. He retracted the hard disk, filled with information, and went back to his ship.

He didn't forget to send the interstellar ships of the Citadels to his dimension though.

"Aghh, space is lovely, but I really really should get it over with before things go awry," Ian made up his mind, deciding to leave sightseeing for another time, and instead heading directly to the Phantom Zone.

In an instant, with the sheer will of his mind, he activate the warp drive, leading the Grey Rose to bloom before vanishing from sight.

It wasn't long after that that Hal Jordan reached the planet of Oa, gaining an audience with the guardians of the universe.

Oa is a gorgeous planet that lies in the center of the universe. A colossal planet, the light of which can be seen across the entirety of the universe at any moment, disregarding the laws of light.

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To anyone, it may seem like a dying planet, on the verge of exploding due to the obvious massive holes on it. The green light spurting from them doesn't help in denying that possibility.

But it's in fact a stable planet, one of the most stable and durable planets in the entirety of existence because it was formed by the Oans, an ancient race, and possibly the first intelligent lifeforms in the universe.

The Oans named themselves the Guardians of the universe as a result of several happenings and formed the Green Lantern Corps, and Hal Jordan is a part of them.

"It... It's odd." One of the Oans noted, looking down on Hal, specifically the power battery in his hand.

"The same, but different." Another Oan noted.

"Almost like a virus."

"A virus even we can not see."

They all looked similar with blue skin, short stature, and similar costume, but they all looked grand as they sat on their thrones high in the air.

Most important of all, they were very orderly, never interrupting one another. They were brief and straight to the point.

"So there is something wrong with it, as Batman predicted," Hal frowned, getting even more annoyed at Ian.

The guy not only stole his power battery, leaving him powerless for a month before another one was sent to him, but he also contaminated the thing somehow, "I know where he is."

The guardians shook their heads simultaneously, "He's better left alone. Not worth the trouble."

"Then what should be done?"

"It can be left in the Central power battery to be purified."

"Better destroyed."

"If impossible, better sent away."

This is where Ian's plans started to go awry because he expected them to know more about him. He thought they'd consider him a demon in human skin, thus they'll definitely be more cautious.

And they actually do which is why they had to study it. What can possibly contaminate their creation that they can not even sense?

They only realized that something is wrong because they felt their connection with it was absent.

So they had to know if there is a bug that can be exploited by anyone to harm them or the Green Lantern corps.

And so, they didn't destroy it nor did they send it away. Destroying it would mean Ian will sense that, and he can thus figure out Oa's exact location with confidence.

In contrast to just sensing where it stopped, that's much more accurate because Ian sensed it stopping many times, which of them was on the planet Oa, he'd have to visit each of those stopping points to find out.

So what did the Guardians of the universe do? Well, they studied it first, a very thorough study to no avail, and that's saying something because they're one of the most intelligent beings in all of existence.

When that didn't work, they sent it to the source. Where it all started. The Central power battery. In it lies a thing, and that thing is the entity of will, the representation of will, and the very source of the green spectrum.

It's called Ion, the sentient willpower that powers the Green lantern corps, an odd whale-like entity, and what can understand the problem better than it?

The Oans still observed it interacting with it just to make sure nothing goes wrong. Things still went wrong.

It was as if someone turned the switch off as the green light of willpower vanished in an instant along with Ion.

The planet of Oa that once shone brightly with a green glowing light suddenly went dark, an opportunity for all those that hate the power of order.


Chapter 154: Accidentally Started A Universal War III


The planet of Oa that once shone brightly with a green glowing light suddenly went dark, an opportunity for all those that hate the power of order.

Ian was unaware that he had just inadvertently started what could only be called the most Chaotic of eras.

He was also unaware of the chaos he left behind on earth. There is a reason he left after all though he was keeping tabs on things through magic.

But there was only so much he could know while being so far because there are beings capable of evading his weak sight, humans even.

One example would be Constantine as he not only evaded Ian's sight, he also evaded numerous sights that were previously on earth.

With the solving of the paradox, most of those beings forgot that the Flashpoint even happened. Very few beings throughout the universe know of it, Constantine is one of them.

And now he was seated with his legs wide, his head lazily resting on his palm. His blue eyes were eyeing something on the table before him.

"A paradox... Just where I should start with you?" He was genuinely confused, but he was still thinking, scheme after scheme forming in his deceitful mind.

The two boxes looked very simple, nothing special. Just two brown wooden boxes with an odd mark on them.

"I didn't... That was necessary. It's just preparations..." Constantine changed his posture, approaching the boxes just as a black book flew from a bookcase, landing exactly on his hands.

Constantine placed it standing between the boxes, seemingly hiding them from each other.

He then opened them one by one, seeming quite cautious while doing so. What was within was odd, two eyeballs. They seemed fresh despite staying in wooden boxes for days, magic.

Constantine, the man himself seemed afraid of touching them though curiosity was apparent in his eyes, "All that is needed is for them to come in contact with each other, and boom! A paradox. There is likely nothing that can stop it from destroying everything."

Still, he controlled his curiosity and desires, "What if... What if a spell can be created based on it? Not here, I have to go somewhere else just in case things go south... Another universe."

It was decided. Constantine was leaving for science while taking with him two eyeballs. Those things were acquired from two people.

No, that's not right. They were acquired from the same person, but both of them were that person's left eyeball.

How? Well, he just found a duplicate of the same person and got the eyeball amidst the Flashpoint.

While almost everyone believes every possible paradox has been used to accelerate the destruction of the universe, Constantine was acting like the rat he was, using the situation to his favor.

"As long as I master it, I should be a few steps ahead of Ian, and then... Unless." Constantine frowned, indulging a certain possibility.

On the other side of the universe, the Grey Rose was quickly approaching the Phantom Zone. In fact, it was on the verge of reaching it, an odd space so chaotic it formed into a warp Site into the Phantom Zone.

So Ian had to get out of his labs, leaving behind two bodies, looking exactly the same, "Paradoxes huh, I wonder if it's possible to replicate it?"

The sheer coincidence of the situation would drive Constantine insane. Fortunately, he doesn't know about it, so he's safe.

"We're here," Ian stated as he reached the observatory of the ship.

"Yeah, I noticed." Zatanna nodded.

"How is the team so far, okay?" Ian asked.

"Well, it's certainly odd, but other than that, not really. Pretty much like my older teams." Zatanna shrugged, staring through the observatory, finding the scenery before her to be fascinating.

Outer space is wonderful. It's mostly dark and dim, fading to an inky pitch-black sometimes.

And yet at the same time, space isn't absolutely black. The universe has a suffused feeble glimmer from innumerable distant stars and galaxies.

Before her however is a completely different scenery, something akin to a milky white twist in space. It seemed like a crack in reality, extending for light years away.

The reality however is that the twist is extremely small, nothing but a dot on a piece of paper. Its effect however extends far beyond its physical matter, thus why Zatanna sees such a scenery.

"When you study magic, how about we study together and share our knowledge, everything?" Zatanna offered, her tone leaning more into her doing him a favor than the opposite.

"Sure," Ian smiled, not minding her tone. She's a magician, after all, and she does it for living for show. Her confidence naturally grew as a result, perhaps to a ridiculous degree.

The ship approached the crack, and as it approached, things started to get very peculiar, a simple example would be the shape of the ship getting painted throughout the milky crack.

It seemed as if the grey Rose was infinitely stretched to an absurd degree, a wonder of the universe, so the rest of the girls naturally joined the duo, basking under the fascinating view.

It's even more fascinating when considering that the Grey Rose is still far away from the crack, yet it already seemed to be inside as if there are two versions of the Grey Rose.

'It's similar to a black hole. I remember a similar concept, the connection between a black hole and a white hole.

Just a theory, If you're going into a black hole, provided you can survive its ridiculous gravity, and if that black hole warps into a destination, a white hole, then you're going to appear from the white hole before you fully entered the black hole.'

It's actually a very interesting concept for Ian, especially after the last happenings.

'So theoretically, if one exits the white hole a few minutes before they enter the black hole, there is a possibility of teleporting back here and finding a version of themselves that has yet to enter the black hole, thus creating a paradox.'

His method of creating a paradox was a bit impractical considering it can be exploited by everyone else. He simply doesn't have enough control over the phenomenon.

"Huh? Water?" Harley wondered, suddenly jumping around. She felt different just like everyone else.

The moment they started entering the crack, something changed, they felt heavier and restricted, the kind of feeling one feels underwater.

Ian on the other hand felt something different. He was even confused because he knows the capabilities of the ship, so anything at all affecting it was a surprise.

"Let me check," He murmured before teleporting out a random piece of metal to see what would happen to it outside.

Strangely, nothing happened, it just stayed there, appearing frozen in time. It wasn't moving in the slightest even when Ian used magic to mess with it.

And soon, even the Grey Rose froze, completely unable to move anymore. In fact, the only reason Ian and the girls are able to move is because of the ship's divine and magical capabilities.

"I see, so that's how the Kryptonians sent things inside." Ian understood instantly as he activated the warp drive of the ship.

Normally, it would warp space to achieve something akin to teleportation. This time, however, it made the space around them stable, thus allowing the ship to move.

And all it took is an instant for the world to change, appearing on what seemed to be a zone with nothing but some kind of odd white material.

That and a creature. Perhaps it was a coincidence but the ship appeared not far from another creature, a monster who saw the Grey Rose as nothing but prey.

'Wait... No way, right?' Ian was surprised, to say the least, 'White Martians? God is gracious. God is generous. I love you, dude! No homo though, but I would totally suck your dick!'

Ian screamed in his mind, creating chaos and praying to god with a deep, very deep belief in God, so deep, 'Hmm, no response? So God can't read my mind? Nah, he's probably gay, so he must be having an ***** with how deep **** ****. I mean, you can join me...'


"No homo though," Ian further added with a smile much to the girls' bewilderment.


Chapter 155: Accidentally Started A Universal War IV


"No homo though," Ian further added with a smile much to the girls' bewilderment.

They didn't have time to question him though as the white martian started floating, and it only took him an instant before he reached the ship.

Ian was pretty sure the ship can easily survive a nuclear explosion even if it was at its heart. Its durability however didn't seem to matter to the white martian as he phased through the exterior, entering with ease.

It was previously believed that the White Martians evolved alongside the Green Martians. In reality, the Green and White Martians were part of the same race, known as "The Burning".

This race used fire to reproduce asexually and were belligerent to all. The Guardians of the Universe, fearing the ruthlessly and violently powerful Martians, genetically split the Martian race into two distinct species, white and green, preventing the asexual reproduction.

They also gave these two new races an instinctive fear of fire to prevent either group from ever accessing their full potential.

While the Green Martians were peaceful philosophers, the White Martians were savage warriors.

A lengthy civil war between the two races ended when the few surviving White Martians were rounded up and exiled to the extra-dimensional 'The phantom Zone'.

In contrast to the green Martians, the white Martians focused more on their mental aspect and others. They sought to conquer, control, and possess everything in their way.

That didn't stop them from being one of the most physically powerful races in the entire universe. It's said that they can even rival Kryptonians though that's not why Ian is happy with meeting them.

"I don't want to destroy the ship, so..." Ian vanished, mentally controlling the ship to fully bloom, opening fully. Then he found himself right next to the Martian, clutching his neck the moment he wasn't phasing anymore.

A moment later, the Martian found himself thrown back through the ground far away from the ship, looking stunned.

"I thought them to be quite fast, no?" Ian wondered confused, "Or is it that I'm just too fast."

The white Martian staying true to his heritage leaped back up before flying at Ian with raging ferocity.

And so the battle started, a one-sided battle where all Ian did was evade the Martian, playing around with him.

'Did he try it, and I didn't notice?' Ian wondered, a bit over the Martian's futile effort. He was simply testing the Martian's mental capabilities, but it didn't seem to even try.

His Death force was already overwhelming the area, sensing every happening within, but he felt nothing even in moments where he assumed the Martian was trying to possess him.

"What a monster..." Zatanna murmured, finding herself speechless. Even though she's using her full magical capabilities, she was still barely able to keep her eyes on the Martian let alone Ian.

"So unfair..." Harley complained as all she could see were mountains of white rocks getting absolutely demolished every second. Earthquakes that would bring down cities happening constantly.

Even Ivy seemed to be keeping up with them, using an odd flower that seems to be acting like a scanner of sorts.

Hell, Selina also seemed to be keeping up with their battle with her cat-like eyes though how much she sees is a mystery.

"It's very odd, wait..." A possibility emerged in Ian's mind, 'Perhaps?'

He started testing right away by standing right before the Martian's angry punch, threatening to take his head off.

Instead, what happened was the punch redirected itself into the ground before Ian brought his staff down on the Martian.

All it took was using his Divinity of redirection, and voila. The white Martian however proved himself to be more trouble than previously assumed as he thrashed around, seeking to escape the scepter that nailed him to the ground.

And he was on the verge of doing so because Ian's strength was actually extremely weak. While it can be amplified a bit with magic, it was still nowhere near the white Martian's level.

So Ian, with the speed of lightning lifted his left hand high in the air, bringing something out of his dimension, a Trident.

"Haa!" The sheer speed at which the Trident was brought down on the Martian ravaged the area, bringing them a few stories deeper into the ground.

It seemed to cause the Martian way more pain than the staff as it hissed in agony and wrath the same, and that says something considering the staff was sucking not only his life force but also his powers.

Ian then instantly switched from Rose of Divinity to the force of evolution, a power he never used before in combat, more so in experimentation because of how odd it's.

He acted quickly because he sensed other beings approaching his location very quickly.

The force of evolution is very peculiar because it's the only force that can temporarily increase his physical strength beyond his current state, and literally change his genetic makeup.

Ian is at the peak of what a human can be physically, the absolute peak. That's, however, his limit, almost as if his soul refuses such an improvement, perhaps because it's easier for death scenarios to happen if he's so weak.

Ian though didn't give up but found a hole in the matrix no matter how restricted it may be, Force of evolution.

He found a lot of similarities in how evolution works and the Martians, control. Just like how he used it now to grow his hair much longer before controlling it to enfold the Martian entirely.

That was soon complemented by Ian's nails growing into long deadly claws, also nailing the Martian further into the ground.

Not just that, Ian clearly felt himself becoming heavier, denser, and much stronger. He left no way out to the Martian but to lie there powerless, and let himself be sucked dry, leaving nothing no bones.

"It..." Ian took a deep breath, teleporting back into the ship, "A change of plans. I want to destroy this place, entirely."

"You're joking, right?" Zatanna asked with confusion.

"No... But first, I want to find the Kryptonite I came here for."

"A team of two then?" Zatanna thought about it for a second before asking.

"No, Selina and Zatanna, you two will go together. Ivy will go alone. Harley, you'll stay here." Ian stated as he started taking off his earrings which were basically just the black Rose rings.

"Stay here? Why? I wanna go out and have fun! Please?" Harley complained with a pout, thinking of indulging some naughty measures to get her way.

"I'll leave you in control of the ship... Go wild." Ian smiled, handing one of his rings to Ivy and the other to Zatanna.

"Keep these safe with you, and don't touch them directly. They're deadly." It was just a measure to teleport to them directly just in case.

Going through a ring and leaving through another is still one of Ian's fastest movement methods because he can go into one right now, and leave through one of the two he left back on earth.

Five black Rose rings in total. The last one wasn't on his finger any longer, but it was combined with the Scepter of all things, becoming one. It's now an entire dimension and a weapon at the same time.

"And by going wild you mean?" Harley gulped in anticipation.

"Destroy. Sightseeing. Traveling. I'll find you when I'm done... Just don't destroy the ship, okay?"

"Yesssss!" Harley jumped into Ian's embrace, giving him a long kiss on the cheek. She then watched in anticipation as they left one by one, barely holding herself back.

"Wait... I have no idea how to control this thin..." Her words came to a halt as she felt a connection. She felt like she could mentally command the ship, a privilege given to her by Ian.

"Yes... Yess. Yessss! Luv you sooo much!" Harley giggled and jumped around for a whole minute before a dangerous glim emerged in her eyes as she looked through the observatory, "Darling, I'll try not to break it... I'll definitely try."

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