DC: Rose Of Death

Chapter 6: The Words! What Do They Mean?

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Chapter 26: Absolute Menace


"Y-you didn't sleep?" Selina questioned, seeing Ian sitting right where she left him though he doesn't seem to be exhausted.

"Hm? Ah, I was busy, I will sleep later." Ian casually responded, his focus was still on the scroll.

Selina walked up to him, made him look into her eyes, "I rarely ask you to do anything, so please listen to me, gather all of your stuff, and take the plane back to Gotham lest you miss the flight, and make sure to sleep well in the plane.

Remember, you have all the time in the world for this, so take good care of yourself... Please?" Concern was apparent in her tone, and he didn't have in himself to refuse her.

He also realized that perhaps his obsession took the better of him, "Alright... And thanks."

Selina smiled, seemingly in a good mood, "I'll be going now, we'll talk in Gotham." Afterward, she left.

Ian did indeed gather all of his stuff and double-checked to make sure he didn't leave anything behind.

He also placed the dead hell scroll in a small case to make sure nothing happens to it, it's quite frail after all.

He then made his way to the airport. Just like when they came here, they arrived separately, and it was the same now.

He was quite sleepy, so he didn't notice the strange atmosphere outside. Very few people were outside, it was unsettlingly silent.

He took a taxi, one of the very few outside, "You're also leaving huh? The times we're living in, right?" The driver said after hearing Ian's destination.

Ian raised his brow in confusion, "I'm just going back home. Did something happen?"

"Y-you don't know?" The taxi driver asked. He was understandably a bit speechless.


"Well, I guess I can tell you. Apparently, there are aliens, and they want to destroy the earth or something, they also want to get their kid or something, I'm really not sure what's happening, but I believe they want superman? You know, the strong heroes who's known for fighting crime."

The speaker of the driver started running as he spoke to no end, "I spoke to my fellow drivers in the morning, and they said that it's just a government conspiracy or something like that. I honestly just want to go on with my life with no trouble. Go to work, get paid, and come back to my family, but the world is getting crazier and crazier as of recently."

"Oh... Wait," That sparked his memories of just this morning, "General Zod, right? I thought he was some kind of terrible actor... Why did I think that?"

Ian started comprehending just how bad his obsession was. He remembers a lot about this world from his past one, yet he forgot someone as known as general Zod, 'No, I didn't forget, I just didn't process the information... Well, whatever.'

The cab driver was again speechless, 'What a weird person.' He thought just as they reached the airport.

Not many people were around, everyone that wanted to leave had already taken the flight first thing in the morning.

Ian paid the driver and then took his duffel bag from the trunk. Just as he was walking into the airport entrance, he heard a loud sound near him.

He turned his head and saw a falling body and rubbles scattering everywhere.

He could also see afar away faint figures, seemingly fighting. He ignored those and focused on the figure that has fallen close to him, and another object right by his side.

Ian crouched and picked up the dagger, an exquisite dagger. Cold to the touch with complex engravings all over it.

He then started walking towards the person, a woman with dark hair clouded in heavy dark armor.

She seemed to be dizzy as Ian crouched next to her ignored the screams and panic of everyone around. People fleed without looking back.

"Are you okay?" Ian questioned, seemingly worried about her health.

The woman faintly eyed him as if looking at an insect as she started to get her bearing back.

"Give it back and get away from me?" She spoke talking about the dagger, she even thought about killing him right there and then just out of annoyance.

"It's quite the fabulous artifact... I'd really like to add it to my collection. How about leaving it me for memory's sake, you have that huge sword anyway, so it doesn't matter."

Ian started mumbling nonstop, preaching to her about generosity despite knowing of her being an alien.

"Shut up!" She had none of it as she bellowed and got ready to punch him to oblivion. However, she found herself stumbling and falling to her knees, powerless.

"W-what's happening! Could it be..." She lifted her face, staring at Ian with trepidation as he pulled something out of his bag, a small piece of green kryptonite.

"Phew, I almost died but you seem to be generous enough, so don't mind me." He spoke as he placed the kryptonite just a few steps away from her.

He then approached her and took her sword as she shouted in anger, "Don't you dare! Do you think it's this easy!? I will find you, and I will make you suffer!"

Ian smiled at her, "Don't worry about it, everything is going to be fine, now let me see what else you have on you."

His shamelessness was reaching new height as took some kind of necklace from her. He then put everything in the bag and barely managed to squeeze part of the sword inside.

"I'll unfortunately have to sacrifice this, but I'm at least giving you a chance."

He was speaking about the kryptonite that was making her weaker and weaker by the second to the point she could barely move her muscles by this point, yet he didn't think that was enough.

"Let me move it just a bit more away. Surely you will be able to crawl your way to it."

Ah, she was fuming like never before. Urse, general Zod's wife and a being capable of destroying mountains has never in her life thought of experiencing such a level of humiliation.

Ian walked back to the cab under the dumbfounded taxi driver's eyes, "I changed my mind, how about driving me to another place? I will pay you double... You'll be kind enough to do that, wouldn't you?"

His tones and words were almost too menacing for the driver to bear, and thus Ian got what he wanted.

He acquired himself a car through unnatural means and drove to Gotham instead of taking a plane.

He knows that perhaps a camera has caught what he has done, thus he has to keep a low profile.

Luckily, his identity is forged, and the government doesn't have his picture and Id, so all they'll find with the footage is an unknown face.

However, Ian knows that it's only a matter of time before his traces lead them to Gotham.

He was not only an absolute menace to society but also to the new arrivals, the Kryptonians. Luckily, they were stopped by Superman.

However, Ian's actions still attracted the attention of a few individuals, whether good or bad attention, only time will tell.


Chapter 27: The Collection


"It took three months to complete, and I spent basically all the money I can spend on it. It houses my babies after all."

Ian spoke as he opened the door to the room. Not just any room and no just any door. The security of the small compartment almost rivals those of bank vaults.

The door not only requires a code but also facial recognition and fingerprints.

The metallic chamber lies deep beneath Cat's rest, and only Ian can access it if we exclude the gods and superpowers that can shred reality.

"Even the d-diamond?" Selina asked, her tone was that of confusion.

"Everything, but that doesn't say a lot considering there are only a few things within, my collection is still a bit empty due to my high requirements."

Now that Ian thought about it, he realized that his requirements got much higher since his arrival here.

He had to up his game in a world as magical as this, otherwise, the chamber would've already been filled up with useless stuff.

"Yet I'm here... Why? Do you really trust me that much? I am after all a criminal, and who's to say I wasn't just deceiving you all along?" Selina couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked several questions.

"Hmm, I just don't care? If it happens it happens, it's not the end of the world. I will retrieve all of my things no matter what, so I think taking anything from me is a bad idea."

He spoke casually as his eyes brightened at the sight of what lies within the room.

The Kryptonian sword, dagger, and pendant were all at the side. Several pieces of small diamonds exquisitely positioned next to each other.

Their queen was placed in a higher position, The Russifer Diamond. Not far from them were all the Kryptonites he acquired.

Yet strangely none of those were at the center of the room. The guest of honor of the chamber was a scroll, or more like several old pieces of paper forming a scroll.

"Where did you get those? And what are they?" Selina asked about the Kryptonian sword and dagger after staring at the diamond for a few seconds.

"Alien technology. I accidentally acquired it back in Metropolis after you left. You did hear about the aliens that were looking for Superman, right?"

Speechlessness was an understatement when speaking of Selina's state of mind. She just had to ask, "Aren't you telling me too much? Even if you don't care, aren't you being naive here? I hope you aren't telling just about anyone this."

Despite the strictness of her tone, it was apparent that she was just looking out for him. Having such a thing will certainly lead to some unforeseen negative consequences if known.

Ian smiled at her and shook his head, "I certainly wouldn't tell just about anyone, but even if I did, I just don't care. This is just how I am. What's the worst that can happen? Dying?" He couldn't help but let out a small laugh at the end of his words.

"I see now why you are who you are. I guess living with a power such as yours can shape a person to not care about many things," Selina softly muttered, not knowing whether his power is a curse or a blessing.

"Perhaps," Ian murmured, not explaining any further. Sometimes he thinks that he was born like this, uncaring about many things. That is why he dearly desires to know what he is, or at least the source of his power.

Ian already had his gloves on as always, so he didn't mind picking up the diamond. The golden rule of diamond handling is to never let it touch the skin lest it loses its sparkle.

"Don't worry about me, I am just like any other human being, there are things I care about, just not as much as everybody else, and I care not for death... That's all."

He of course noticed the concern and perhaps sympathetic glances of Selina, but he needed none of that.

He might hate his power sometimes, but never once had he considered it anything but a blessing. It's the sun brightening his every day just like the sparkling of the diamond before him, "Beautiful little things, isn't it?"

Selina decided to let go of the subject after his words. She understood that perhaps she didn't understand him as much as she thought.

She smiled as she approached him, "It is... Could it be this is my reward for our latest job? Would you be so generous?"

She was just being the mischievous cat she is and didn't actually expect anything, so imagine her bafflement when Ian took her hand and placed the diamond in it, "It's yours. I don't have much interest in it anymore."

"Wait what?" Selina still didn't quite comprehend what he just said, understandably a bit confused.

"It's yours. I had a lot of fun adventuring with you, so I saw it as a fitting show of appreciation. Your seduction was successful you could say... Hahaha,"

Ian couldn't help but let out a laugh after saying that. He simply couldn't hold it back simply because there was little to no seduction to be seen. The seductress was afraid of seducing him.

Selina however didn't that funny. She was still lost in bafflement as stared at the diamond in her hands then at Ian, not knowing what to say.

"On a serious note though, I'd advise you to leave it here. The danger of selling it is too high, and you'll easily be traced if words spread around in the black market.

You should know who set the diamond in the museum in the first place, the penguin, a dangerous crime lord of Gotham, and I heard a lot of whispers about his unending search for the robbers."

Ian pinched Selina's cheek, seeing her absentmindedness, "Did you hear anything I said? Just wait until I get rid of the Penguin then you can sell it, alright?"

"Y-yes?" She barely got her bearing back but she at least comprehended what he said. She did feel a bit embarrassed for acting like a child among other things. "Just don't do anything dangerous, ok?"

After seeing Ian nod at her, she went ahead and placed the diamond in its original place.

She felt even more awkward being around him, he had done so much for her without him even realizing it, and now this... She felt like keeping a distance from him and not accepting his dead wish tendencies is kind of...

However, Ian managed to evaporate all that awkwardness without him realizing it.

"Now to business. Do you happen to know of any demons, devils, satan himself or some kind of angel, god, mythological god, or just someone supernatural who knows of supernatural stuff such as these?"

"What are you talking about?" She'd like to think he was just joking, but his face told her otherwise.

"Well, I'd like to decipher the scroll, but I'm missing a few pieces and some information... Of course, I am working under the assumption that it was actually written by some supernatural entity." Ian explained.

"And what led you exactly to that belief? Couldn't it be just like any other ancient scroll, the doing of ancient people?" She questioned still not understanding his thought process.

"I mean just a few days ago, aliens descended on the earth, and they could literally destroy mountains, so something like this isn't so far-fetched. Moreover..."

"Moreover?" His manner of speech somehow gave birth to anticipation in her.

"Moreover, I just got a feeling." Ian eloquently answered.

"That's it?"

"I mean, that's usually good enough for me, and don't mind that, just tell me if you know anything regarding that."

"Unfortunately, I know nothing of such things... But Batman might know. He had been in the city for a long time fighting against crime, and he might something about that.

I told you before that he required your assistance in something. Perhaps you can ask him about that then? As a price for helping him."

And thus the cooperation between two strange people started. One could even say to insane individuals, just one crazier than the other.


Chapter 28: The Batman


Ian put a black sweater on, followed by black pants and a pale brown coat going well with his brown eyes. He already had gloves on as usual.

He then put on a belt and made sure it was as tight as possible before putting a few guns on, hidden under his coat.

He walked down to the coffee, noticing quite a lot of people around. Gotham has been relatively peaceful for the past week, so people could at least let out a sigh of relief.

It's still just as much of a shithole as it ever was, but it was a shithole they were used to.

"Boss." The middle-aged woman who bowed was one of the Rose family members. She was also responsible for overseeing the coffee

"Layla," Ian nodded at her, "The weather seems nice. Perhaps we have a very nice day ahead of us."

"I'm sure we do. Anything I can do?" She gently spoke. She is a simple woman who had to scavenge for herself her entire life.

The life of homelessness was certainly cruel to her, yet she prevailed. She is extremely patient and understanding which is why she found herself in her current position.

"Tell Ralf to meet me outside." Afterward, he started walking outside while yawning, "So sleepy, who likes to have meetings this time in the morning? Does he even sleep?"

His complaints brought a laugh to Layla. She then hastily did what he ordered.

Ian waited until Ralf stood next to him, "Don't even hesitate to use it if you see it fit. I'd prefer little to no casualties on our side, so hit them with our best if possible.

The consequences don't matter. Just do what you have to do if the situation requires it, and remember... Get the crime alley no matter what."

A smirk surfaced on Ian's face as he spoke his next devilish words, a tactic used by many nations across history. A front everyone sees but none can fight against... And it works.

Another thing, our goal isn't war... Our goal is to give the homeless their home back, and their freedom. This is definitely not for personal benefits. Convince yourself that, and our people will believe it."

Ian then made his to the airport. He had his duffel back with him and also his guns, yet he just passed by the backdoor without the guards paying attention to him, seemingly expecting him.

He just drove into one of the airport's personal garages where he noticed a private plane, Ian directly went into it, finding two people inside.

One was the Batman fully attired with his black suit, not far away from him was a gorgeous woman, her silky ebony hair was falling to her waist.

"Is this who you were waiting for? He doesn't look so special?" The woman remarked with surprising bluntness.

Ian on the other hand just observed Batman, ignoring the rude woman. Speaking of rudeness, 'The suit is perhaps too much, but I can make light armor with it... Nah, I will just keep it in my collection. The question is how do I get it.'

He adapted to his new world quite quickly and seemingly forgot the days he read about Batman and enjoyed those fabulous stories... It was as if meeting him now wasn't so much of a big deal for him.

"Ian Rose, nice to meet you, finally in person this time. I'm an admirer of what you do." Oh? Perhaps it was a bit of a big deal for him?

You are reading story DC: Rose Of Death at novel35.com

"You are? I never imagined such words coming out of the mouth of a criminal." Batman spoke in his usual disguised raspy voice, seemingly unimpressed.

"I mean, if not for the other criminals' fear of you, I wouldn't be able to reach where I am so easily." Perhaps not... His bluntness overshadowed even that of the annoyed and ignored woman.

Ian knew there was business and discussion to be done, so he sat face to face with Batman. The latter was also interested in continuing the conversation.

"You should've already read all the information I sent you, and we're both smart people, so such tricks are unnecessary. This is only happening because I am testing you."

'Interesting,' Ian raised his eyebrows in surprise, "I thought as much, but I didn't think you'd be so blunt about it. However, you overestimate my cleverness, I just think and use my common sense... I think?"

Batman ignored the last point and asked, "First, who are you?"

Ian clearly felt the plane has started moving as he answered, "Ian Rose... That's my real name. What about you? Any name to speak of?"

"Batman, that's my name." Both of them didn't lie. It was all the truth, mental gymnastics between two strange individuals. Batman then added, "What's your goal?"

"Hmm, money and things I like I guess?" Ian answered as if he wasn't entirely sure, "What's yours?"

"Fight against crime."

Ian's eyes showed seriousness for a second as he asked, "Do you think you can succeed? You've been doing the same thing for years.

You've brought down several crime families and brought terror upon the criminals, yet Gotham is still as it ever was, in fact, it's just getting worse."

Whatever expression was on the Bat's face, Ian saw none of it. Perhaps the mask was there for a reason other than hiding his identity.

The bat remained silent for quite a while, "No matter how long it will take, I will succeed... someday. Slowly but surely, I will leave my trace on the city."

Ian started stroking his chin, not quite understanding the last part, "In what way are you actually testing me?"

"Just understanding your character, you're talented in what you do. You do bad things but mostly good things, mainly for selfish reasons. I don't know how far you'll go for those selfish reasons."

Batman was surprisingly honest and blunt. Something Ian didn't expect, this is Batman after all, one of the most secretive heroes of all time.

"Hmm, I see," Ian muttered under his breath before answering, "I've never killed anyone, not yet at least. I don't do drugs, never will not will I ever participate in a business related to narcotics.

I have established my family, and I'd like it to work on the basis of respect and fear respectively. I feel like that's the optimal way for a criminal family to work, so I am therefore bound by those rules."

Ian also appeared to be honest? They both did, but only they understand the massive dosage of mental gymnastics they're dealing with right now.

"I believe I understand what you're getting at, and why you turned a blind eye to my actions lately."

Ian ended his speech with that. Of course, he understand that Batman has only figured out a small percentage of what he did, else he wouldn't simply let him go.

"We'll talk about that when we come back," Batman spoke, finding the conversation overall pleasant which means in his mind that he should elevate the danger of the man before him a few more degrees.

There was a long silence afterward. Ian seemed to hesitate for a few seconds to say something while Batman was waiting patiently.

At last, he said, "I am curious, you can just ignore my question if you wish... Are you gonna remain like that the entire trip?"

"Like what?" Batman was understandably confused.

Ian was the one confused this time as he thought what he said is understandable and is a matter of common sense, "The suit? You're going to remain wearing it the entire way? Is it actually comfortable?"

And then there was silence, Batman seemed to be speechless. He just shook his head and stood up and walked to one of the private rooms. It was an exquisite and incredibly expensive plane.

"Hahaha, I was wrong, you're special aren't you?" Perhaps that little laugh was enough to get rid of the woman's annoyance?

"I guess?" Ian turned his attention to her. She's certainly beautiful, but he could faintly see this snaky aura around her, almost as if she's bad news.

Ian wasn't able to remember the last time that stopped him from doing what he wishes, in fact, bad news was the sweet candy of his day.


Chapter 29: The Tomb


Ian wasn't able to remember the last time that stopped him from doing what he wishes, in fact, bad news was the sweet candy of his day.

"And who might you be?"

"Oh, excuse my rudeness, I am Talia, an associate of Batman." She responded with a smile, "How do you like the private jet?"

"Oh, it's yours?" Ian of course understood their little scheme, but he chose to go along with it. He wouldn't want them to know he already knows Who Batman actually is.

"Are perhaps funding him? I always wondered how Batman gets his resources, especially that cool black car."

Talia nodded, "You needn't know of why, but I am indeed funding him. The Bat wouldn't have been successful without a force supporting him. Fighting crime is certainly not easy."

"Lovers? You don't have to answer, just excuse my rudeness if am being too personal." Ian asked in a strangely pleasing manner.

"Hmm, maybe, it depends." Her answer was quite vague, not that Ian expected an answer in the first place.

"Hmm, so how about gifting me a similar car, you know, as a show of appreciation, or I guess a gift of our first meeting." Ian finally got to the main point, his expression was just as stale. The shamelessness of his words... He's learning from Barney.

Talia's face almost twitched in speechlessness, realizing just how special he was, "Let's say I do that, I give you the gift under the occasion of our first meeting. What gift can you give me that can satisfy my taste."

Ian raised his eyebrow at that, "Right, that's how it works... Anyway, it's quite early and I am still sleepy, so I will take a nap until we reach our destination." The shamelessness is...

The flight took a relatively long time, about ten hours. Not that long of a time for a flight to Egypt, so Ian had plenty of time to sleep and discuss a few other things with Batman, and that includes their plan.

"It's hot, I really didn't think this through, did I?" Ian complained and took off his coat just as they exited the jet.

It's Egypt after all, a land dominated by desert, hot and dry weather.

"You didn't." Talia couldn't help but laugh. He was kind of amusing and she let out an even louder laugh once she noticed Ian eyeing Batman with glances of pity... The tight black suit must be a hellish prison for him.

"Stop acting like children, especially you Talia." Batman was in his full Batman persona, thus he wasn't interested in jokes.

An off-road car was already waiting for them in the seemingly abandoned airport, and now one was around. Everything was prepared beforehand for the journey.

Batman started driving towards their destination, seemingly in the middle of the desert. All that was around is golden sand, numerous dunes of lovely sand.

"I forgot to ask you, but what exactly is your specialty? How are you gonna help in this fight?" Talia seemed to be quite the talking person as she has yet to get enough of asking questions despite asking many before.

"I can use guns, I am good at it? but I am average at hand-to-hand fighting... Yeah, I won't be too helpful."

Ian tried to convince himself of his value, but he ended up giving up, despite being efficient at many things due to his adventurous life. Perhaps he felt a bit rusty.

Talia didn't prey any longer, understanding that perhaps this is a part of Batman's test.

"We're here," Batman muttered. They have reached their destination, a structured hole in the middle of nowhere, all that can be seen is sand.

The sand was still faintly falling into the hole as if it had just been opened, "How was this found? In the middle of nowhere at that, and it seemed to have been buried by sand." Ian questioned.

"Well, our target found a map, or more like two maps allowing him to decipher the location." Talia vaguely answered.

"Let's move, and be alert. Tread carefully, the way must be filled with traps, so follow me closely." Batman warned.

The hole wasn't deep. They just had to jump into a large rocky step leading to downward stairs.

They walked carefully for a long time, the stairs were seemingly infinite, going way too deep. The area was dark but Batman was ready for that, he had a source of light.

The stairs led to a dark hallway which also led to several pathways, "Splitting up is a bad idea, so let's look through the pathways one by one until we found our target," Batman spoke and Talia agreed.

However, the ancient tomb didn't seem to like that option. They triggered a lot of traps along the way, but Batman pretty much took care or avoided them all.

He was the one leading the group, and he was keeping a fair distance from Ian and Talia.

It wasn't long before he triggered a trap that did something he didn't expect, or he couldn't react to and save them both.

The ground beneath them crumbled almost instantly as if the foundation keeping it together ceased to exist.

The last thing Ian saw before falling down into darkness was Batman jumping as fast as he could, catching Talia before using some kind of device to clutch to the wall.

He did try some kind of device to perhaps save Ian, but it was too late. The man has fallen to what appears to be his death... Or not.

"Fucking hell!" Ian shouted as he climbed himself out of the water. A large pool of water was behind him, deep enough to save him from the fall.

The fall however was long enough to hurt his... his legs a tiny bit.

The collusion at least wasn't enough to knock him unconscious. His strange ability did the rest as strangely he didn't fall on the massive stone bricks in the pool nor did the rubble fall on him.

"Phew, at least it isn't so hot now," Ian muttered to himself, "Thank god my phone is waterproof."

The only reason he was able to leave the waterhole is that he used his phone as a light source, and he used it again to observe his surroundings. The phone flashlight provided him with all the light he needs to see extensively.

'Is this perhaps an ancient shower room? The waterhole is the bathtub?' Ian was confused by the structure and how he ended up here, so he just shrugged his shoulders and made his way to the only gate in the room.

'Egyptian symbols all over the place, quite the fancy place.' He was always into collecting stuff and he loved strange and ancient things, thus he learned a bit of ancient Egyptian history among other things.

What he found after the gate was an exquisite but old hallway with several rooms to the side.

'Is this what they call a blessing in disguise.' Ian thought with anticipation apparent on his face.

He started carefully looking through every room, one by one finding most of them empty with only a bunch of jibberish in them.

However, there was one room that is different, the only chamber that had a wooden bed in it... Among other things, "What the actual fuck."


Chapter 30: The Words! What Do They Mean?


However, there was one room that is different, the only chamber that had a wooden bed in it... Among other things, "What the actual fuck."

Scattered throughout the room were what seemed to be the remains of the dead, ugly old hair and old dry flesh or skin, yet there were no signs of worms and bones anywhere in the room.

'I smell like nothing? Just old things.' Ian noted. The smell supposed to be overwhelming around the dead was nowhere to be seen or smelt.

Ian cautiously walked inside, careful not to step on any of the dead flesh. He observed the room and naturally picked up the most conspicuous item in the room, a tablet.

He picked up the stone tablet and observed it closely, and softly lest it breaks down, its frailness and ancientness were apparent.

"Old Egyptian? This..." Ian's hand almost trembled at the thought but he forced himself to calm down.

The tablet was more like a stone painting, the painting of a young beautiful lady and two devilish tigers around her.

It wasn't exactly as detailed as modern art, but its value could reach millions if not tens depending on its age, and several other details.

Thankfully, Ian brought with him a small bag just in case. He couldn't bring the duffel bag for the inconvenience, but the back bag was perfect for this.

He carefully covered the tablet with a soft cloth before placing it in his bag. He then took a deep breath, looked around a little more but found nothing else, and only then did he continue his journey through the hall.

'If my memory serves me right, she is some kind of demonic entity. The dead flesh and hair in the room is a clue to prove that. She should at least know something about it.'

Ian brought out 'his' dagger, the Kryptonian dagger. It had a dark grey hue to it, and the black engravings made it that much more exquisite.

He also got his gun ready for any confrontation he might face. His opponent might be some kind of god or demon, but a bullet can surely affect them... right? If not, the alien dagger can perhaps do the job.

He walked and walked through the long hallway, only finding empty rooms until he reached what appeared to be a balcony of sorts.

The view was that of a large hall, and Ian made sure to be stealthy as clearly felt the ancient structure rumbling as if it was about to crumble down.

He took a single look at what was happening in the massive hall before just resting on the ground and closing his eyes, hidden from whatever it's that lay there.

'I am quite lucky, am I not? I've been born with such a blessing, and while it might've messed my mind, it also made me who I am and allowed my life to be as bright and exciting as it is.'

He placed his right hand on his chest, seemingly in prayer, "I've never been interested in why it works as it does since I know it's still something far out of my understanding but...

But for god's sake be a bit consistent you fucking bitch. You got me used to never getting hurt in the last few months, yet here we are. I was fine with broken bones before because it was the norm, so now I expect the norm to be something else... Please babe?'

He hoped his honest prayer was answered as he just rested there, waiting for the confrontation beneath to end and for an opportunity to surface.

However, the rumbling only continued to escalate further, and it was only a few minutes before the place came crashing down. The entire tomb was crumbling upon itself, a structure that stood for thousands of years has fallen.

Ian who was at the center of all of this remained seated with his eyes closed. He could feel the dust basically overcoating him, and making breathing a bit difficult.

He also felt something falling on his left leg, not too hard and he only felt a little pain. The thick combat boots did help in protecting his toes, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to sleep for years to come just because of the pain everyone has experienced some time in their life.

"You fucking bitch." Ian muttered as he opened his eyes. He noticed the thing on his leg was but a small piece of rubble. He took it off and started looking around, barely finding a hole to climb out through.

'I really didn't think this through, did I?' However, he was able to climb through the rubbles to his destination. He made sure to remember the direction, and the area around his target was relatively empty.

The most conspicuous thing in it was a massive statue that has fallen onto what looks like a pit with a dark green liquid.

Ian could faintly see that it has fallen on something. What looks like a body, an extremely old body. He could see its skin which seems to be stuck on its bones, pale dead skin. The body barely had any clothing on to hide its dreadful appearance.

That wasn't just it, there were many similar bodies, all were dry as if their life was sucked right out of them. Corpses were scattered everywhere, but that one was special.

Ian calmly approached the body after a little reconnaissance of his surroundings. His dagger was still in his hand, ready to act at any moment.

However, the body was lifeless and motionless despite his presence there, and he knows exactly who the body belongs to.

"Fortunately I got used to wearing gloves all the time," Ian muttered without stepping into the pit. He happened to know what the dark green liquid in it was, or the pit in general, Lazarus Pit.

A mysterious fluid-filled pit with some miraculous effects, notably the pits would regenerate and even revive the dying and kill the healthy, though with some side effects, most famously bouts of insanity.

Ian remembered that, so it was only natural he would take off one of his gloves and put his hand in the liquid to see what would happen.

'I'm healthy, so will it kill me?' He either has blind trust in his ability, or he has no regard for his life.

However, nothing happened. The liquid seemed to be boiling with bubbles spurting everywhere, yet it felt cold but heavy.

Ian frowned, he was even more sure about a theory of his about his power, 'You win some you lose some I guess...'

He put the gloves back on and approached the body. He stretched his hand to what appeared to be the head and gently lifted it, finding himself faced with black abyssal eyes, staring at the depths of his soul.

"Doo... what... I s-say... Help m-me... out..." And she spoke. the rest of her body must've been completely destroyed by the stature, yet here she is still alive.

Not only that, her skin was clutched to her bones as if she has no flesh or blood. She shouldn't be alive in the first place.

"Such a fascinating thing no matter how disgusting you are, you represent the extent and magicalness of the world, the expansion of my horizon."

Ian murmured ignoring her plea, and then he noticed something, "Eww, still disgusting though." He remarked feeling her skin slipping out of her head in the area he's holding, 'I'll have to throw away my gloves.'

The lady seemed as she hissed and spoke with some unknown language. As time passed however, she realized that whatever she was doing wasn't working.

Ian realized that as well. He smiled at her as he brought his phone up to her bewildered face, showing her a picture of an old scroll, a seemingly incomplete scroll with a few pieces missing.

"Now be a dear and tell me what these words mean."


"Say what now?"

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