Dead by Daylight: Hunter’s Hunt

Chapter 9: Friday the 13th (2009) – Part 8

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"Too late..."

Jason saw himself jump into the underground passageway as he immediately observed his surroundings, only to realize that the chains binding Whitney had broken and she was gone.

"Grrrhrr!!!" Jason emitted loud grunts of rage as he began to search for his treasure.

"Let's go!" shouted Clay, seeing Jason's shadow not too far from him begin to approach rapidly.

The group began to run with Hunter last, to avoid possible mistakes from that could cause the death of one of them. Running the group found a small passage or rather a hole so they could get away from this bad situation.

When all the members of the group had crossed the passage, Hunter was about to do so as well, but his instincts went to the highest levels of danger and so, without a moment's hesitation, he moved his body to the side just in time to dodge a machete blow.

Knowing that attempting to enter the passage again would bring a machete behind his back and a bad death. Hunter faced Jason head-on with a carefree smile.

"Hunter!!!" cried Bree worriedly trying to reach him, only to be stopped by Clay and Jenna.

"I'm fine. I'll see you later," replied Hunter without losing sight of Jason who was in front has him and one small wrong action could cost him dearly.

"But..." Bree wanted to say something but was interrupted by her friend Jenna who was holding her close to keep her from doing something crazy "We have to trust him! Especially you Bree!"

Bree looked at Hunter's back with red eyes on the verge of tears as she bit her lip hard letting out some blood as she cried, "If you survive I will give you the best blowjob of your life!"

Hunter smiled as he listened to her words as he responded with a thumbs up to say he understood and at the same instant dodged a machete blow only to find himself with his back against the wall, unlike the last one he had faced Jason this was too narrow a space and it was very difficult to move especially when your opponent had

In the end even Hunter could not dodge forever in this confined space and was hit by several blows that left him with several superficial wounds had he been in top condition these small wounds would not have been a problem. But now he was a damn yes!

Hunter just wanted to buy time to get the others to move as far away as possible, but instead he was slowly ending up killed. Unable to he not even have time to grab the remaining frashbang in his backpack to try to escape.

Seeing his situation Hunter decided to risk it all as he likes, after all, you get nothing out of life if you don't put yourself on the line. This time Hunter did not dodge the machete blow, no! He could clearly see it coming toward him and it was in this very dangerous situation that Hunter's time was slowed down again focused entirely on the machete. One second, two seconds, it was as if time had slowed down in this new life-or-death situation. He couldn't feel anything, and his surroundings seemed to slow down again.

With this new perception of reality, Hunter easily dodged Jason's blow and counterattacked with a strong kick to the base of the blow, right on his already weakened legs. Without much emotion, Jason fell to his knees as he could be seen forcing his legs to try to get up with little result, and that was just what Hunter wanted.

Hunter had never been afraid of Jason, but the only thing he feared about him was his immortality, which could not be defeated in the normal way. Therefore from the beginning he only wanted to weaken him slowly and then kill him for good.

Seeing Jason's attempt to get up again, this time Hunter decided to be more cautious and immediately took the remaining frashbang from his military backpack and without the slightest hesitation removed the aluminum ring on the left side of both of them and threw it directly at Jason's face.


Hunter immediately ran into the small passageway without waiting for a reaction from him. He quickly climbed into the passage and popped up without much surprise inside an overturned school bus and with much awareness and care got out and hid behind the bark of a large tree that was nearby.


After a few minutes' with no expression of surprise on Hunter's face there was a large explosion. A sea of fire that completely overturned the school bus and greatly damaged the surrounding area. He honestly did not want to be in Jason's place at this time at all even though he doubted he was dead, but he was definitely not all in one piece.

"There's nothing like fire!" affirmed Hunter with a smile, seeing the spectacle before him.

A little stratagem could really work wonders in this kind of situation! A small steel wire placed in the school bus connected has an old lighter that was practically placed in the gasoline reserve of the school bus, and with that we have something powerful enough to make Jason not get up for a while.

Hunter certainly did not wait for Jason to get up, so he immediately ran to where he thought he would find the others. Donnie's barn was in front of him and he entered it without any fear. But soon after entering he felt a sense of danger as he tried to dodge an attack only to find a pitchfork on his neck.

"It's me, me!" shouted Hunter, stopping the oncoming attack in time.

Seeing that he was not the killer, Clay immediately backed away with his weapon for fear of injuring his friend.

"Hunter!!!" shouted Bree running toward him to hug him.

This time Hunter did not flinch and allowed himself to be hugged to try to relieve the tension in the group that was already at its highest.

"Hunter!!! What was that explosion just now?" asked Clay with visible confusion.

"I don't know, at one point the school bus exploded luckily I was far enough away not to be involved in the explosion. Although I don't know what happened to the killer," Hunter said with tired sigh to make a better acting.

"I see, the important thing is that you're okay man. As for the killer, he might be dead then," Clay affirmed with obvious relief in his voice.

Hearing Hunter's words everyone in the group relaxed and the tension that was aggravating on their shoulders eased a lot believing that the killer had been involved in the explosion and was dead.

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Eventually the group decided to go out of the barn and check if the killer was dead or if he was dead once and for all. Clay was the first to leave with the others in tow while Hunter was last to leave the barn to prepare a little surprise for his close friend Jason.

But too bad for the group that the nightmare was far from over, after, not even leaving the barn area, a surprise machete blow pierced Clay's chest, shocking the entire group.

A wild Jason had appeared before them! He was definitely in horrible condition, no longer even wearing his characteristic Hochey mask, and his hideous face could be seen. Moreover, to make matters worse, the entire upper part of his clothes were all burned and the numerous burns and scars he had suffered during his teenage years could be seen.

"Jason! Jason stop! Please!!!" shouted Whitney trying to momentarily distract Jason by pretending to be her mother as she saw the machete pierce her brother's chest.

Hearing her words, Jason came to a complete stop as he pulled the machete from Clay's body and slowly reached forward to try to grab it.

Hunter certainly was not the type to waste this kind of opportunity and immediately pulled out his gun and fired all the remaining rounds in his magazine.

*Bang Bang Bang*

To his misfortune Hunter did not hit any of his vital areas. But at least he now had Jason's full attention seeing how he was loading it completely ignoring everyone else. Hunter escaped into the barn as he deftly jumped his trap and instead saw Jason fall into his simple trap like an overgrown little mouse.

*Clack! Clack!*

Jason's foot fell into a simple bear trap. You could hear the sound of his bones shattering, but even in this situation he tried walked slowly to reach Hunter.

The trap was definitely not the most effective method, but it certainly did the job of slowing Jason down in this type of situation Hunter was content with its small effect.

Hunter certainly did not waste this opportunity as he grabbed an iron chain and wrapped one end around his neck and tried to take him into the chipper to kill him once and for all.    But Hunter underestimated Jason's immortality even with all the wounds he had accumulated over the course of the day he was still well ahead of him by a great deal and could be seen as he tried to free himself with monstrous strength.

"Don't touch it!" x3

Bree along with the other girls grabbed a large pitchfork together and pierced Jason's chest! Honestly, Hunter was surprised by this unexpected action that he had not calculated at all.

Jason looked at the girls for a moment before grabbing the weapon that had now penetrated his chest to slowly remove it as if it was not worthy of his thought and focus his gaze on the blond girl in front of him.

Hunter seeing how Jason was ignoring him as if it was nothing important and his attention was instead on Bree took advantage of this opportunity as he could feel his surroundings slowed down again. Hunter's mind went blank he felt like his body was moving on its own. Countless instincts in combat rose in his mind.

"Ahhh! It's not over yet!" Hunter screamed as His eyes were completely are blood red and full of frenzy.

With this new found strength Hunter managed to push Jason's head completely into the wood chipper and watched with a cold stare and a happy smile as it was torn to pieces as all the blood and brain matter splattered on the ground.

While he was watching he body shredding in pieces Hunter whispered in crazy tone "Throughout heaven and earth.... I alone am the honored one"

[Congratulations on being able to survive!]

[Survived escaped from Jason three! Awarded 1500 points]

[Congratulations on killing Jason! Awarded 2000 points]


Name: Hunter Martin

Race: Human (Sealed)

Age: 20

Health: 25%

Mental Health: 75%

Bloodpoints: 5000

Innate Skills: [Sense Danger] - [Luck]

Normal Skills: [Enhanced Senses] - [Instinct] - [Abnormal Resistance]

Talents: [Hand-to-hand Combat (Master)] - [Tactical Intellect (Expert)] - [Master Weapons Specialist (Expert)] - [Hunter(Expert)] - [Mathematics (Advance)] -[Cooking (Advance)]

Equipment: Glock 17 - Military backpack (A gas Mask - A long rope - "1" Fragmentation Grenades -  Two T-shirts - "1" Lighters)

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