Dead Star Dockyards

Chapter 158: 156 Blue or Olive

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Diana was slightly disappointed that Titanyana didn't respond to her probing. She felt it to be a failing on her part, proof that she didn't yet know Titanyana well enough. She wondered if she could have approached differently, perhaps just asking why she was irritated outright. From experience, Titanyana seemed to appreciate straightforwardness. Perhaps Diana was just too cautious about making it apparent just how obvious Titanyana's emotions were to read.

Actually, couldn't she have asked her about it using English?

It wasn't like anyone else would have been able to understand. The worst case scenario would be some level of indignance, which could be easily smoothed over. Diana viewed the wellbeing of her friend and valuable key to manpower and authority as tantamount to their future success, her being stressed out was not good for their relationship.

"Good evening, my lady."

Diana flinched. She hadn't noticed Nemo, who was seated in the shadows.

"Good evening Nemo, I didn't see you there."

"I see. . . "

"Is something wrong?" Nemo seemed down, not that Diana knew what she was normally like. One meeting was not enough to establish a baseline.

"Nothing you should concern yourself with, my lady."

"Have you apologized yet?"

Nemo turned her head the other way. ". . . no."

Diana frowned. Was this one socially inept as well? Was she really going to be cursed with subordinates who didn't know how to act in public? Donovan was one thing, 'high' etiquette wasn't something he had grown up around and he had grown detached from his own emotions, but to also have to deal with Titanyana and Nemo's problems?

"I suggest you get on that as soon as possible."

"I will apologize to Lord Strauss once he is done with the training."

"Donovan?" Diana raised an eyebrow. "Donovan isn't the one you need to apologize to."

Nemo looked back up at Diana, confused. Was Diana really that hard to understand? Were implication and nuance beyond these people?

"Donovan has expressed that he doesn't need an apology from you, we have already received an 'apology' from the Arboreal Maiden. Titanyana is the one you need to make good with."

"The Progenitor . . . apologized?" Nemo was struck dumb by this. The individual who had been so outraged that she almost killed her had made amends on her behalf? Did that really happen?

"I'm not at liberty to discuss what that conversation brought us, but I can say that we more intimately understand the dangers that you Velar present. Trust that Donovan does not blame you for your actions, you only used a tool at your disposal, but you need to understand that he, we, will refuse to work with you and your people unless you make amends with Titanyana. In our eyes, she is a much more valuable asset."

It was a simple truth of numbers. No industrialized society was going to choose a significantly fewer number of people who were much stronger individually over a far greater number of weaker individuals. Politically, economically, industrially, more was better. The benefits of technology mitigated the advantages of the body.

"Is that so . . . still, I wish to express my apologies for making him go to such lengths."

"Then I will not stop you. Just remember to fix the problem you created."

- - - - -

"Alright you lot, you can stop there." Donovan decided to 'let them off' once it became incredibly apparent that they would be unable to continue. "Don't forget to shower and eat, I'm sure the cooks will whip something up to hold you over."

"Hold us over for what?" Anbel, on his back, choked the words out between breaths.

"Until you build up the strength to walk back home. Do you think you will be able to do that as you are?"

Groans of irritation spawned from the exhausted crowd. Even Trebar had forgotten to factor in the trek home. A slight thud came from Zhoie's direction, who in her attempt to get up fell flat on her face.


"Ha!" Cholst never failed to take a jab at his annoying rival when presented with the chance. "Idio-"

Cholst himself faltered and fell on his face as he tried to stand, further laughter erupted from everybody else. The only one not laughing was Zulf, who was once again unconscious. 

"Yeah, don't try standing up just yet. Rest until you can feel your legs then try again."

""Yes sir.""

A chorus of confirmation, it was all Donovan needed to turn away. This training was about as impromptu as it could possibly be, and Donovan still had some work to do. Calling it work probably wasn't entirely accurate, studying perhaps a better term, but whatever the case it was going to be long and tedious. Arc had compiled a manual on the basic effects of split on 'space', edited and approved by the Arboreal Maiden with help from the Great Csillacra, so he needed to learn this stuff by heart.

He had only finished the introduction when Titanyana arrived for breakfast, after which his company for the day arrived. He wasn't particularly bothered by that development, in fact he was fairly enthusiastic about it, but he did need to get this stuff down. The sooner the better, who knew if some of the information within would warrant a complete redesign of the Pegasus and Trawler?

"Donny." Diana didn't leave the wooden platform, but she still wanted to make it clear there was something urgent she needed to discuss.

"Trebar, I'm going to go talk with Diana. When you are ready for that talk, feel free to ask a maid to grab our attention."

"Will do. What of the bathroom?"

"Feel free to wash up, all of you."

Eight gasping bodies to his rear and one left sleeping to his left, Donovan jogged over to Diana. His kiss was accepted enthusiastically, however his attempt at a hug was vehemently refused. He was too sweaty, he would ruin her clothes.

"Clean yourself off, meet me in the study."

"Will do, where's Titanyana?"

"She went to go get water."

"Got it. See you in ten, fifteen minutes?"

"That's fine."

- - - - -

Donovan opened the door of the study to find Diana reclined on the sofa in the middle of an intense debate with Cherry.

"No, it would have to be blue."

"I think green would look better."

"Green? Come on, that would only make it look dull. There needs to be some sort of pop to it or else there won't be the impact I'd want."

"Perhaps, but a reserved dress will make you more eye catching when you are the center of attention."

"Does it?"

"Mommy says that's how she got my daddy to like her."

"Ugh, anecdotal evidence? Have you ever seen someone wearing a green dress?"

"I don't thinks I have? But that doesn't mean blue is a good choice either! I haven't seen anybody walking around in blue dresses. . ."

"A fair point, but have you considered how blue would match my eyes?"

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"Blue and silver?" Diana's head snapped to look at Cherry. "I think an olive green would look better on you than any shade of blue."

"Oh god, my eyes are silver aren't they. . ."

"Pardon, my lady?"

Diana waved her hand dismissively. "Don't worry about it. You are right, olive would be a better choice after all."

"If we are talking about dresses, wouldn't black or white be best?" Donovan had absolutely no idea how dresses worked, nor did he understand how outfit color palates were chosen. What he did know was that they looked phenomenal on Diana.

"Oh! You're here." Diana pushed herself up into an upright position. "I'm going to say no to both of those. Black dresses are for funerals and mournful occasions and I refuse to wear a white dress until our wedding day. This is a party dress Donny, a party dress. It needs to be a bit flashier."


"That's a good one Lady Diana. Would you like me to see if there are tailors with purple fabric?"

"Fine, olive or purple. No combining them! I don't want to walk out looking like a pile of sludge." Diana 'finished' the argument and crossed her legs. "How was your day?"

Donovan's eyes were drawn to her calves, which had been slightly exposed when she crossed her legs. Maybe it was because he was fresh out of a hot bath, but he could feel himself sweating a bit. "I'd say it went pretty well. I only got through the introduction on the manual Arc provided and the training of Trebar's squad went well enough. If I had to say, the most irritating part was that Zulf guy. I knocked him out like two or three times, but he just kept trying to attack me."

"Did he hurt you?"

"I've got a bruise on my forearm from blocking one of his kicks, but for the most part I'm fine."

"Did you hurt him?" Diana raised an eyebrow. Given the fact that Donovan had won a multitude of times she didn't have to worry too much about him. Zulf was a separate matter entirely.

"Most likely. I'd suspect a concussion or two as well as some slightly broken bones and a dislocated shoulder. It shouldn't take too long to heal, but Trebar probably won't let him fight until he heals." Donovan scratched the back of his neck. "He actually seemed a little happy about that part."

"Is that so . . . Well, don't be a stranger soldier boy, come take a seat." Diana patted the cushion directly next to her. Under most circumstances Donovan would sit on the seat opposite to her, but there was no point in denying her the cuddles she was asking for. "Cherry, can I trust you to bring Gretts and Titanyana here in . . . let's say ten minutes?"

"I will be certain to have them here in fifteen minutes for sure!" Cherry made a not so succinct wink in Diana's direction.

"Thank you Cherry." Diana smiled back to her. She loved Cherry's peculiarities, it brought life to an otherwise bland routine.

"It is no issue, Lady Diana." The door shut gently behind Cherry, the sound of her shoes on the floor slowly fading off as she walked away.

Donovan, despite Diana's invitation, stood frozen for a moment or two. "When did she become your collaborator?"

"Cherry? She's been my trusted girl-talk companion since day one. I was surprised at just how much of a fashion sense she has." That didn't directly answer the question, but it made their relationship clear. Donovan just wondered when he was going to get such a high quality guy friend, nobody really fit that mold at the moment.

Donovan no longer hesitated to take a seat, the final witness having recently evacuated, so it would be fine to get a little more intimate. The instant tush hit cush, Diana readjusted herself to get as much of her body in contact with his as possible. For a moment, Donovan got the feeling that she was marking her territory.

"You smell good."

"As do you."

"No I don't, I haven't bathed since this morning." Diana pushed her head into Donovan's neck, closing her eyes and letting the stress leave her body. "I haven't had the chance to reapply perfume either."

Donovan responded to her nuzzling by wrapping his arm around her and squeezing her closer. "I was just outside with a squad of sweaty soldiers, you smell absolutely divine right now."

"I don't want to be compared to something like that."

"Then what would you like to be compared to? A meal?"

"I already know I'm delicious." Diana giggled as she reminisced.

". . . probably not the best comparison in hindsight."

"I liked it." Diana looked up, fishing for a kiss. "I really want a baby." She knew that they couldn't afford a child at this point in time, they had neither the situational security or the medical facilities, but she couldn't help but reassert her body's desire. She had seen Manama and Pinishi's relationship, and she had borne witness to a great number of parent's and children on the streets. Her desires were so strong that she wondered if something had been done to her, not that she much cared if that was case.

"Some day, just not now." Donovan gave her a long kiss on the lips. "I'll be more than happy to oblige when the time comes, but we have to work hard to make sure that it comes about in the first place."

"And then you'll come?" There was a mischievous grin on Diana's lips as she said that. It was the sort of teasing she was only comfortable with doing in private, it was the only teasing that Donovan couldn't turn around on her.

"Naughty!" Donovan put his weight into her, pushing her flat on her back as he held himself above her. "Aren't you supposed to be the prim and proper one?"

"Only in the presence of others!" Diana wrapped her arms around his neck, gently pulling down on him as if to coax him closer. "In private I can do and say what I want."

"Oh? What is it you want to say right now then."

Diana pursed her lips and stayed silent for a few seconds just to let the tension build. "Come a little closer."

Donovan obliged, dropping his head down.


He began to bend his elbows, his chest hovering only slightly above her breasts.


He let himself down gently, his body pinning her down but not crushing her. He was still supporting himself with his arms. Satisfied, Diana moved her head up against the side of Donovan's, so that her mouth was just below his ear.

"I love you~"

She felt him shiver and tense up instantly, and thought about taking her teasing a bit further. The only reason she stopped herself from continuing was the realization that it would inevitably lead to intercourse. Kissing of the French variety would have to suffice for now.

Diana knew that her assumption was correct once she felt the intensity at which he engaged. His arms were still supporting him, so she was the one to control the pace, but his enthusiasm was contagious. She kept going until she was out of breath, after which she slid up a bit.

"Done already?" He looked a little disappointed, but Diana wasn't quite finished yet. Her job wasn't yet done. Once she judged their relative positions to be about right, she gently pulled down on his head, pressing it into her bosom.

"You can lay down now, Donny." Her pull was a little bit more forceful for a moment as Donovan let himself down, his weight now fully supported by Diana. Fortunately she had moved up, so she wasn't being crushed. "You don't have to do anything honey, just relax."

Slowly, gently, she began to stroke the back of Donovan's head. Her hand traced down his spine for as long as was comfortable before returning to the head. What she was doing right now was not an action born solely out of affection. She was certainly doing this out of love, that much should not be mistaken, but she had other reasons as well, important reasons. In fact she believed that this might be the most important thing she would do all week.

This was a method of destressing Donovan, who had been working practically non-stop since before they had even met. She had no doubt that there was a great deal of stress he had built up, both physical and mental. At the same time, Donovan was also someone who had grown up without a traditional source of affection from a parent or lover. She wanted to give him what he never had.

Was it manipulative? A little. Was it malicious? It could not be further from ill intentioned.

Stress was an unseen enemy to the two of them, having affects not entirely clear at a glance. It built up slowly over time, making it difficult to differentiate the results. It could cause health problems, it could cause breakdowns, but most importantly it could affect their reproductive health. Therefore in order to secure the future it was vital to keep their stress under control, especially for Diana.

A knock at the door startled the two of them. They had almost fallen asleep like that, a clear sign of just how tense they had been. Their fifteen minutes were up.

"Lord Strauss, Lady Diana? May I enter. "

"Of course, Cherry. Come on in."

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