Dead Star Dockyards

Chapter 161: 159 Hlapven

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"Lord Merndil." Diana took her seat next to Merndil as they waited for the professor to show up. She was late, technically, but it wasn't uncommon for the professors to be tardy either. Diana lamented the fact that she had become a little lazy, but she wasn't exactly losing out on anything here. At worst she might miss an interesting bit of conversation. "Would now be a good time to talk about the party?"

"Good morning, Lady Diana. And yes, I think now would be a perfect time to discuss such matters. This is your first party, correct?" Merndil handed his dagger to Satie. It was impolite to perform such negotiations with a weapon in hand, even more so for someone with a superior status to to have a weapon on his person. 

It was, however, an action he almost immediately regretted. Satie bowed, drawing the lecherous gazes he held on to the knife for in the first place. It would appear that the usual candidates had something they were more interested in at the moment, so the gazes didn't persist for long. 

"It is, however I have received some assistance on my end in the form of old friends." Calling Gretts an old friend wasn't a lie, she was literally an old friend. "What are your thoughts on centering the party around the commoner experience?"

"The commoner experience? I apologize if this makes me sound ignorant, but what exactly do you mean by that?" Merndil, the sponsor of the party in question, had to make sure that it wouldn't be a flop. He wanted to make sure that she had the freedom to do everything needed to make her party fresh and entertaining, but putting a stop to anything that could damage either of their reputations was in his best interest.

"I wouldn't go so far as to suggest they be degraded as the common man might, only exposed to some of heir cuisine, music, and games. I am not particularly knowledgeable on the subject of common themes for parties, but I feel it might be a new and exciting experience. Have you ever been to a tavern before?" Diana was asking the people in the surroundings, those interested in attending such a party, a question indirectly through her conversation with Merndil. "Of course, if that idea is unappealing then I am perfectly willing to accept whatever theme you have in mind."

The responses of those nobles in the surrounding seats ranged from confusion to mild disdain to reserved intrigue. There wasn't any definite yes or no response she could decipher from the murmurs.

". . . seeing as the food is often the most important part of these events, I would have to assess the cooking of your prospective chef before I accept. Other than that I can see no issue with your proposition." There was an eager glint in Merndil's eye as he said this. Of all those in attendance, he was the most eager individual. "From what you have said, am I correct in my assumption that they run a tavern?"

For Diana, this response was perfect. His response was measured, not too enthusiastic but not distant, leveraging his status as the most influential in the room to permit those who desired such a theme to freely express their support while appeasing those who were not entirely on board by reaffirming them that at least the most important aspect would be quality controlled to fit their tastes. 

"Yes. If it fits your schedule, she would be more than happy to have you over after class is done for the day." Diana had gone to Manama's tavern last night to pick up Rize, confirming that she would be happy to cater such a party. The merchant blood was definitely strong in her, one of her justifications being that the profits would far outstrip the losses associated with closing her tavern for a day. It was clear that she was far more interested in the process though, the opinions of nobles on her cuisine were something she had yet to receive.

"Then let us do just that. Rest easy, gentlemen. I will arrange for other cuisine to be present regardless of the quality." Merndil did not want to turn people away from an event on the basis of cuisine alone, he would provide such an amenity. "I believe the Bulsarzian culinary corporation should be available. Does that please you?"

Murmurs from the surrounding informed Diana that this company made high quality food. Given that it had the name of Merndil's nation attached to it, it probably operated by way of royal charter. 

"My apologies, Prince Merndil, but I must protest your presence in a commoner tavern!" A voice of dissent from a row back. "What would happen to your reputation should word spread?"

"My reputation is not so fragile as to be broken by a mere tavern visit, Sir Hlapven." 

"Perhaps not enough to break it, but it would most certainly stain. You are the heir to the Empire, my prince. As one of your future vassals I would be remiss to ignore something like this."

"What tripe! I am performing an important duty to determine whether or not this cuisine can live up to my tastes. My pride will not allow another to act on my behalf, so don't get any ideas." Merndil was already trying to cut Hlapven off at the pass. He had experience dealing with such vassals, and he was under no pretense that he would back down because of something so simple.

"Then I insist that I accompany you, my lord! Surely it would dampen the blow if there was someone more reputable than just this woman in your entourage." Diana rolled her eyes. She was facing the other direction, so he definitely couldn't see it. That one back handed comment was all she needed to get a grasp on his motives, and there were two possibilities.

The first of these, the more likely one, was that he wished to curry favor with Prince Merndil by way of proximity. Being closer to him with less people in the vicinity would create more opportunities to make himself look better. Conversation, gifts, boot licking - all manner of options could crop up in their time together, but he needed to be there to take advantage.

"I will ignore that comment on account of your status. Do keep in mind that Lady Diana is not a vassal in the Bulsarz Empire, and you are in no position to tarnish her image in my presence."

"For that I apologize, though it was not my intention. I sincerely wished to point out that she is an unknown quantity here. I have heard nothing of either her or her race before you suggested that she host a party on your behalf. In my eyes she simply cannot be trusted!"

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The second possibility was that he was in opposition to her. As he stated, this might not be an explicitly hostile relationship. As a vassal he had duties to ensure that his lord, be it past, present, or future, was not acting in a way that would be detrimental to them. Just as the reputation of the vassal affected that of the lord, the reputation of the lord had implications on the vassal's. He probably also felt there to be the chance that Diana might try something to harm Merndil in some way.

"Even if that is the case, do you think that I am unable to protect myself? If she is without influence as you claim, would it not take minimal effort on my part to ruin her? Do not misunderstand me Hlapven, I appreciate your concern. It pleases me to know have caring vassals such as yourself, however this is my personal business."

"But my lord-"

"Hlapven." Merndil had slightly turned his head to the side to point a single cold eye in his direction. Further protest would no doubt lead to consequences for Hlapven. 

"I have no issue with it, Lord Merndil." Diana had come to the conclusion that her best option was not to act neutrally or in opposition to Hlapven but to advocate on his behalf, even if it was only token support. It was evident to her that Hlapven was at least somewhat influential, he had enough status to be willing to protest the wishes of the Crown Prince, and he was important enough to not immediately be shut down by others. If he did have the level of status she suspected, then it was wise to avoid conflict with him. If he didn't have that level of status, it would paint her in a better light for those who might have that status. Her number one priority was making allies and avoiding enemies. "What he says is true, my reputation alone is not enough to act as a buffer should something occur."

"Perhaps, but I made it clear that this is something I wished to do alone." Merndil offered a bout of resistance to Diana, not entirely sure what she was after.

"Perhaps, but I cannot help but see the benefit of a second opinion on the matter of Manama's cooking. Pardon me if I am wrong, Lord Merndil, as I am no gourmand, but can you say that your tastes are representative of everyone you wish to invite?" Diana justified her position by positing a question. This ultimately left the decision in the hands of Merndil, the one in charge, but it provided him an out from his previous position by way of external insight. "I understand that the subject of commoner food promises to be somewhat contentious, and I would like to make sure that my first party goes off without a hitch, so. . ."

Merndil sighed. Diana had offered him more than enough reason to change his position, both in the form of 'advice' and 'requests'. "Very well. Hlapven, I will give you permission to accompany us, though I pray you don't make a scene. Drawing undue attention would only defeat the purpose."

"Of course, my prince."

Rather conveniently, the professor coughed to draw their attention at that time. It was a courtesy thing, his thinly veiled attempt at trying to draw attention to himself so he didn't feel like he was wasting his time, which meant that this loud conversation was over for now. Any further mingling would have to take place with hushed whispers.

"I apologize for my subordinate's behavior." Merndil and Diana could continue their conversation by virtue of being seated next to each other.

"Your apologies are unnecessary, he was only performing his duties. Truth be told, I would feel uncomfortable if it was only me and you there." Diana wasn't just looking for justification. If it was only her and Merndil there was every chance that it might be interpreted as her being on a date of sorts. She hadn't been on a proper date with Donovan yet.

"Hmm. Yes, I can see how that would be problematic for a Lady such as yourself. Forgive me, but I had forgotten that I was conversing with one I would normally consider 'dainty'." Merndil had a slight smirk on his face as he stared blankly ahead, completely ignoring the professor.

"You make it sound as if I am not feminine enough for your tastes. Should I take that as an insult?" Diana was only teasing, playing along with one of Merndil's rare jokes, but she did feel a little insecure now that she said it. She felt her duty to be Donovan's wife was far more important than any other, maintaining her attractiveness in his eyes was paramount to their 'success' in the bedroom.

"No, you are plenty feminine. It is more the case that I feel you can fend for yourself." Merndil accepted the dagger from Satie, resting it in his hands once more. "Perhaps you might call it professionalism, maybe experience, but whatever air it is that you exude makes you seem aloof from the consequences of such petty considerations."

Diana smiled. It was a small compliment, but it made her happy. "I was wondering what I should do for games. I know the theme is about commoners, but what do you all normally play?"

"Games? I am afraid they are not that common in parties, usually people just talk or dance or enjoy the music. Sometimes hosts will arrange duels during the event to provide further entertainment, but it isn't seen as necessary."

"I see. . ." Diana already had a few ideas, seeds that might eventually sprout into business opportunities.

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