Death Can't Sleep

Chapter 23: 22

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The knights couldn’t hide their surprise as they watched her swordsmanship.

It was very different from Imperial swordsmanship because it was focused solely on killing.

Even women, whose flexibility and speed were their life, were able to cut goblins’ necks.

After her demonstration and a slurry of questions, they ate the sweet refreshments offered by attendants.

“As expected, you’re incredible, Madame.”

Leonard, who emptied his glass in one gulp, said bluntly. His tone was flat, so she couldn’t tell if it was a compliment. She turned away with a dry cough.

“Are you happy with his highness?”

“That’s right, your highness. You didn’t answer when you came before!

The knights, who had become quite familiar with her, spoke openly.

She quickly lowered her eyes. Thinking of Victor, the tips of her ears burned red.

“Victor is so kind and caring. He’s truly like a knight; elegant, and always kind to everyone…”

“Even thick wool would look thin to you because of your blind love.”

At Carlz’s poignant remarks, her cheeks reddened.

“But it’s true!”

“I told you to be careful around him, but… it was too late. It’s okay, though. As long as you’re happy.”

She shook her head in embarrassment. Oddly enough, the other knights also had very sour expressions on their faces.

“That’s right… It seems like the Grand Duke is very kind to Madame.”

“We are in a situation where we have no choice but to follow our master…”

“Even if it’s a little disgusting, I can’t help it.”

“I suddenly don’t want to go on the trip.”

She just blinked in amazement. She couldn’t understand why the knights, who were so loyal, were so angry about the Grand Duke, their master.

A few peaceful days passed, and the day of departure arrived.

The scorching sun warmed the Capital’s sky. The roses in the garden were in full bloom, the perfect backdrop for the busy servants loading luggage onto carriages.

Sweating from heat for the first time in her life, Amarion finished writing her letter to Catalina.

‘Perhaps her answer will come to the estate.’

She sealed the envelope and looked in the mirror. She looked like a common woman going on a summer trip, with a thin shirt, and black boots that accentuated her slender legs.

When she was wearing these clothes, she felt more awkward than when she was wearing a dress.

She hadn’t worn a shirt and pants regularly over the past few months.

At first, she used to think she would trip and fall when she wore dresses worn by ladies. But now, she felt uncomfortable without one.

Her door opened after a short knock.

“Marion, are you ready?”

Victor, who peeked his head inside, looked perfect today as well.

He smiled as he looked at her.

“You look like a tomboy when you dress like that.”

She was embarrassed and wrapped her arms around her chest.

“Is this unfit for a Grand Duchess?”

“What are you talking about, Marion? Whatever you do is the work of the Grand Duchess.”

She quickly handed the letter to her maids. Victor seemed to be in a good mood this morning, and now he was smiling.

Would it really be okay to leave the Capital?

He said they were leaving because something bad happened concerning their estate.

He leaned towards her.

“Whatever you wear, you are lovely.”

He kissed her cheek lightly.

“You don’t know how happy I am to take you to my estate.”

She opened her mouth like a fool, then moved back. She could hear the maids that were standing behind her giggling.

‘There were so many people who saw… now it has become a habit!!”

As she glared at him, he smiled sweetly.

“I like it when you are shy.”


“Come out when you are ready. We have to say goodbye to the servants.”

She followed him, cooling her red cheeks with the backs of her hands.

When they entered the garden, she could see the full exterior of their beautiful mansion.

The Black Lion’s mansion, belonging to the Grand Duke of Morte. In just a couple of months, this ridiculously gorgeous mansion had become her home.

The hostess’s office, which she was barely accustomed to, the kitchen that always smelled good, the study that she frequented, and the awnings in the garden that were installed just for her. Her favorite places came to mind one after the other.

All the people who fed her, clothed her, and treated her kindly.

She had felt strange when they held her hand, but now she regretted ever feeling that way.

On the first day, she was a stranger to them, and felt uncomfortable around them.

But as time passed, everyone in the mansion became her friend.

Unlike the maids who were shedding tears, Sumona was blunt.

“I look forward to your return.”

“Yes. Sumona must stay healthy.”

“Madame, please take care of yourself.”

She hugged the little old maid tightly before turning around.

The north was the only world she had ever known. It was beautiful and shiny, but it was also scary and difficult.

But now, she had a new home.

And that was enough.

Victor reached out to her from inside the carriage.

“Come on, wife.”

She took his hand and mounted the carriage, leaving her new home behind.

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It was the beginning of a long journey.


“Madame! Get up!”

She was suddenly woken up by sharp cries.

It was dark outside.

Torches illuminated the chaos outside her carriage window.

She drew her sword and jumped out of the carriage.

“Is it another monster?”

“Yes! D*mn, this area was supposed to be safe…”

Sir Carlz spat out angry words while he struck a fire wolf with his sword.

She frowned and analyzed the pack of wolves.

Fire Wolves were not difficult to deal with, but because they breathed fire, they were a nuisance to travelers with wagons or horses.

She counted the days that had passed in her groggy mind.

It was the fourth day since they started… they were traveling north, but they weren’t far enough for monsters to be this aggressive.

Besides, fire wolves only lived in the south. Was there something wrong with their surveillance?

She pulled Sir Carlz back and slashed three wolves in quick succession.

When she turned her head, she saw that the knights were struggling to defeat the wolves.

Her forehead twitched.

It was only then that she realized that when Carlz said that they were weak, he was not lying.

She couldn’t believe they were struggling against wolves.

She thought she should go help until she heard a booming voice from the front lines.

“Get out of my way. You’re disturbing me.”

A fierce sword cut through the wolf pack like a storm.

Victor’s sword deflected the attacking wolf and cut off its head without hesitation.

The monsters cut by his heavy sword screamed painfully, as if they had been brutally beaten. Carcasses piled up around him like fallen leaves.

Before long, over 30 wolves were dead.

She killed the last wolf before turning to him.


Holding a sword dripping with blood, Victor slowly raised his head. His dark amber eyes shone bright in the dark.

The light made her shiver.

In fact, the biggest problem on their journey was neither the monsters nor the unexpectedly weak knights.

As they said, ‘Walking Death’ was terribly unpleasant.


She sighed briefly.

“You were not in the carriage.”

“It’s okay. I was awake.”

With a gloomy face, he wiped down his sword.

It was a disposition that she had never seen in the Capital.

She couldn’t sleep a wink at the inns, so she slept in her carriage instead.

Victor’s insomnia had returned.

It was something that no one expected.

The reason they decided to go to the Morte estate in the first place was because his illness had improved a lot. He slept without difficulty every night, and when he woke up, he did not display any violent behavior. She thought that there would be no problem since they would be sleeping at inns.

On the first day, she didn’t notice because of her excitement about the trip.

She leaned on Victor’s shoulder and listened to stories all night long. What kind of place the Morte estate was, and how beautiful Morte’s castle was. Excited by their long-awaited trip, she had a fun night, just listening to his sweet voice.

However, as his sleepless nights continued, their situation worsened. Originally, he would have been able to fall asleep with only a sword in an enclosed space, but strangely, he couldn’t sleep indoors anymore.

Diederick, who accompanied them on their trip, said it was because his environment had changed. He said that he had become so used to the Grand Duchess’ bedroom that it would be difficult to fall asleep in other places.

She and the rest of the knights took turns guarding his bedroom, but Victor never slept properly. He slept for a while, but then he woke up and stayed up.

After three nights, Victor was completely exhausted.

“It’s so strange. I’m tired, but I can’t sleep.”


He was as exhausted as when they first met.

His face was dry with an undertone of unknown anger. His intimidation dyed everything black.

But in her eyes, he just looked tired and weak. She gently placed her hand on his cheek.

“Take medicine to help you sleep at the next accommodation.”

“It will be of no use.”

“But still…”

Everyone in the mansion had already confirmed that sleeping herbs had no effect on him. But she really wanted to do something. She wished she were an herbalist, so she could develop a medicine that made him fall asleep quickly…

Victor sheathed his sword and buried his face in her shoulder.

“I want to ride with you.”

“Victor, that’s not…”

“Can I? Please…”

It was a desperate voice.

Hearing that voice, she suddenly wondered what Imperial etiquette had to do with it. She nodded and he rubbed his face against the nape of her neck like a happy dog.

A faint laugh tickled her ears.

“Let’s get going, my lord.”

“Leave us alone. Do couples not sleep together?”

Victor raised his head slowly and glared at the knights. The embarrassed knights got on their horses and trotted away as quickly as they could.

How tired was he to be angry with his knights?

He was normally such a gentleman.

She quickly led Victor to her carriage, blushing with embarrassment the whole way.


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