Death Escape

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 Pitted by the Penguin

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Rong Qing Lin observed the card from one side to the other but couldn't determine what kind of skill it might have.


Determining that there was no danger, Rong Qing Lin tried to reach his hand and touch the glowing green circle around it.






Despite being 5'8" he couldn't reach it. 


A vein bulged on his forehead.


When Rong Qing Lin was young he looked like a petite young girl. Even if others knew he was a boy they would unconsciously treat him like a delicate porcelain doll. Thus Rong Qing Lin was very conscious of his height. He would drink a whole glass of milk twice a day, would eat his entire meal including the vegetables he hated even if he had to eat it with his nose pinched, sat ramrod straight even if his back killed him, endured waking up early, and the grabby hands of old grannies pinching his cheeks, as he went with his grandfather to do Tai Chi and many more.


All to increase his height before his puberty hits so he doesn't remain a shorty eternally. It wasn't until he was in his third year in junior high, three years ago that his height started to sprout and he reached from 4’9’’ to 5’8’’.


Rong Qing Lin stood on his tip toes and after a tiring struggle finally touched the glowing circle, staggering back as the circle popped like a bubble. The card floated in front of him.


By appearance, it was a black card, the size of an ordinary playing card. There was a logo of an angry snake coiled around a broken human skull on one side of the card. It was a fierce design in every sense of the word: aggressive, assertive, forceful.


While the other side was engraved with several strings of strange runic words.


Suddenly the sky started to dim. Dark clouds covered the sky in a circular motion with its centre……….


Right above him!!!!


As the surroundings darkened a beam of light fell upon him.


[Ding dong!]


The sound of party horns blowing and confetti popping sounded as a chorus of clapping was heard. Streamers and confetti fell from above as he suddenly found himself standing on a stage. Buntings and banners of congratulations levitating above his head without any support, balloons rising from below the stage.


Abruptly, the penguin again descended from the sky and put one flipper on Rong Qing Lin’s shoulder to bring him close and looked in front as if to address the non-existent audience.


Rong Qing Lin’s hair was on end as he restrained himself from moving, his facial expression rigid.


He still didn't know what could be defined as violence by the penguin's terms. The director had just grabbed its shoulder and he had blown like a water balloon. 


Who knows, if he just touches it a little hard, he might be crushed into a meat patty!!!


[Ding! Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!]


[Ding! Congratulations to Player XY18069096081072027 for being the first player to acquire a Special Bloodline skill card.]


[Ding! Thanks to Player XY18069096081072027's contributions the player's ranks will be upgraded from unofficial players to official rookie players thus individual systems will now be assigned to all the players and the in-play betting will now be activated. Spectators are encouraged to wager on any players they favour.]


[Ding! Due to Player XY18069096081072027 acquiring a Special Bloodline skill card, the difficulty level will now increase.]


[Ding! The difficulty level will increase by twofold, from Hard to Extremely Difficult.]


[Ding! Game time will now be reduced…….Re-allotted……..7 days…Confirmed.]


[Ding! Number of players…..Recalculated…….2,830 players…Confirmed.]


Unknowingly, the penguin had already released him and disappeared with the stage and all the confetti.


Dumfounded, he stares straight at the floating blue panels fixed to his vision.


Damn it!!!!!!!


Daaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnmmmm ittttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He was pitted!!!!!!!For those who don't know pitted means to put someone or something in opposition or competition with someone or something else, which in this case the penguin pitted Rong Qing Lin against the other players


He was pitted so baaaadddddddddd!!!!!!!


Realization dawned on him, as monstrous anger raged in deep green irises as Rong Qing Lin threw caution to the wind as he sprints to the indoor gymnasium’s storage room near the senior-year building not caring if anyone saw him.


At the same time, a cute voice rang in his head.


[Ting! Qualified soul detected. System binding in progress.]


[Ting! System binding 1%,2%,3%,4%,........,55%,56%,..........,98%,99%,100%]


[Ting! System loading 1%,2%,3%,4%,........,55%,56%,..........,98%,99%,100%]


[Ting! Welcome Player XY18069096081072027 to the Immersive Escape Game: Abyss.] 

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He hid behind the stakes of plastic chairs and hugged his legs.


[Ting! Game data loading 1%,2%,3%,4%,........,55%,56%,..........,98%,99%,100%]


[Ting! System data loading 1%,2%,3%,4%,........,55%,56%,..........,98%,99%,100%]


“Wrong! Wrong!! WRONG!!Ahhhhh!!!!! This is all WRONG!!”


Taking deep breaths, he lay down and shifted to a fetal position examining the blue panels.


On the top right corner was a countdown




06 for 6 days. 


21 for hours.


54 for minutes.


13 for seconds.


3 hours, 6 minutes and 47 seconds had already passed.


Below the countdown was 2,830. 


In 3 hours, 9 people have already died. 


Human psychology is really fragile. 


Just a little push and they could do anything, including killing another.


But not this fast. It would at least take a little more time before normal people start to kill. 


And the convenience store should still be full. Plus even if the food had not been shipped the canteen should still have today’s breakfast and some other little things.


This comes down to two different possibilities.


First, due to anxiety, the players are too much on edge and easy to trigger and the rate of accidents has increased.


Or Second, there are some sociopaths and psychopaths in the academy.


He would actually not be too surprised if it’s the second option.


Maple Leaf Academy is a prestigious private academy for the rich and the gifted, boasting as the best academy for raising future leaders. Gifted as in having a talent of any kind, not only studies.


A place with too many extraordinary people is equivalent to a place littered with sociopaths and psychopaths.


He would actually be surprised if no sociopaths or psychopaths are encountered by the end of the game.


Or it may be both options.


The first panel was a status window


「Name: Rong Qing Lin

Player ID: XY18069096081072027

Player Rank: Rookie 

Player Status: Now playing 

Date of Birth: 29th February

Height: 5’8’’

Weight: 71 kg

Moral Standards: 5/10



The second panel showed all the details of the game the penguin had previously mentioned.


While the third panel was a Map.


A map of their academy.


Maple Leaf Academy offers both primary and secondary Schooling. Its facilities include the administrative building, 3 different school buildings for the Primary School Section,  Junior High school Section and High School Section, 2 dorms, a small greenhouse, a tennis court, a basketball field and various sports fields, an all-purpose field where it all began, an indoor gymnasium, an auditorium, the previously mentioned convenience store, a swimming pool, and a fountain in the plaza.


And on the map were tiny dots. Tiny dots, most likely, indicate the so-called players. Fortunately, the map was just a 2d plan and the green dots only indicated that there were players inside a building without much detail on where they might be inside the building.


The thing was, the dot inside the indoor gymnasium was red!!!!!

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