Death Timer

Chapter 1: EP 001 – A friendly squirrel

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Author's note:

Hi! Before you start reading this amazing story, I wanted to tell ya a liiitle bit about why it exists. I have written another story, . Sadly, I went on hiatus, and that was mainly because I'm a perfectionist to a fault.

I rewrote the chapters at least 15 times, and despite that I felt still unhappy about it. After my book deal got canceled because of "reasons" (money cuts on editors side, probably) I felt like never writing anymore.

One reader challenged me to write another story this year (it was in February). I almost didn't take it, but when I found out about ChatGPT and that it could revise and edit my story I decided to take a spin. It is not ideal at all, but I feel like the fault lies with us both - me and the bot. :) So, we're sharing a burden and I feel more at ease releasing it in this form. Right? It still should have my voice...

Also, I have access, for now, to an AI midjourney - so I will add pictures what AI thought about some scenes. Please tell me in the comments if ya like it, or nah. Enjoy the story!

My life was about to turn upside down, and as I sat at my desk; I was staring intently at the glowing computer screen in front of me. For months, I had been eagerly awaiting this moment, ever since I had first stumbled upon an article about studying in America. My small village in France had always felt confining to me, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to break free and see the world. At least that’s what my therapist said. 

Finally, the long-awaited email arrived. My heart raced with excitement as I clicked on the message, scanning the words on the screen. "We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to study at the Millstone University in the United States," it read. I could hardly believe my eyes. This was the chance of a lifetime, and I knew that I had to seize it. 

I jumped up from my desk, overcome with joy and disbelief, and ran to tell my sister Lisa and my, hopefully finally, proud parents. 

"I can't believe it," Lisa exclaimed as I burst into the living room, panting with excitement. "You're going to America!" 

"I know, it's so exciting," I replied, my eyes shining with wonder and delight. 

My parents were equally thrilled, their faces beaming with pride and happiness. Before I knew it, I was packing my bags and saying goodbye to my friends and family in the village, feeling a mix of sadness and anticipation. 

As I boarded the plane to America, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nerves. I heard about people being racist, and although I had fit figure - good point, purple was my favorite color, so I dyed my hair. Fingers crossed that nobody would complain as much as my old teacher did.


I arrived at Millstone University, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. As I walked into the main office, I was greeted by a grumpy clerk who barely looked up from her desk. "Here's your room key and a flyer with your schedule. Your dorm is on the fourth floor," the clerk mumbled disinterestedly, handing me a key and a piece of paper. 

I took the key and the flyer, trying to hide my disappointment. I had been hoping for a warm welcome, but it seemed like I was just another student to the clerk. 

Feeling a bit deflated, I made my way to my dormitory. I followed the directions on the flyer, but somehow, I managed to get lost. I spent a good half an hour wandering the labyrinthine corridors, trying to decipher the confusing map on the back of the flyer, before finally stumbling upon my room. I hesitated for a moment before opening the door, bracing myself for whatever lay on the other side. 

To my surprise, the room wasn't empty. There was a girl sitting on one of the beds, her long blonde hair pulled back in a sleek ponytail. She looked up as I entered, a slightly annoyed expression on her face. 

"Hi, I'm Lenna," she said, in heavily accented English. "I'm from Germany. You must be my new roommate." 

My heart sank. I had always imagined living in a single room at Millstone, not having to share it with anyone. But I tried to put on a brave face and forced a smile. 

"Hi, I'm Isabella," I said, extending my hand in greeting. "Nice to meet you." 

Lenna didn't seem impressed by my friendly greeting, however. She barely even shook my hand before turning back to her phone, muttering something about how much she hated Frenchie. 

I tried to make small talk, but Lenna was having none of it. She seemed more interested in scrolling through her social media feed than getting to know her new roommate. 


I woke up feeling disoriented and groggy, struggling to adjust to the new time zone. I had gone to bed early the night before due to jetlag, and now I had overslept. As I looked around the room, I saw that Lenna was already gone, her bed neatly made. 

Feeling a bit embarrassed and flustered, I quickly got dressed and washed my face, trying to shake off the grogginess. I had a busy day ahead of me, with classes and a meeting for the new dormitory club. I needed to get a move on. 

As I brushed my teeth and combed my hair, I tried to shake off the last remnants of sleep. I wasn't used to waking up so late, and I was feeling a bit out of sorts and disorganized. 

Once I was ready, I headed to the cafeteria to get breakfast. I was hoping to find some croissants or baguettes, the types of bread I was used to in France, but to my disappointment, the only bread they had was something called a "bagel." It didn't even look like bread to me. Sighing, I took a bagel and added some jam and butter, trying to make the best of it. 

Feeling a bit unhappy about the lack of proper French bread, I decided to take my breakfast outside to a place called Rose Garden. I found a bench in a sunny spot, the warm rays feeling good on my skin, and sat down to eat. 

Just as I was about to take a bite of my bagel, I felt something dart past my hand. I looked down and saw a mischievous squirrel running off with one of my bagel nuts. "My nuts!" I hissed, trying to grab it back. But the squirrel was too quick, and it nimbly bit my finger before running off with the stolen goods. 

I couldn't believe it. First, no French bread, and now a squirrel thief. This was not the start to my day that I had hoped for. 

I tried to ignore the throbbing pain in my finger as I gathered my books and headed out the door. I had classes to attend, and I didn't want to fall behind. But as I walked down the hallway, I started to feel a fever coming on, my head aching and my body feeling hot and weak. 

I looked at the clock and saw that I still had time to make it to class. But as I weighed my options, I knew deep down that I needed to take care of myself. "Healthy body, healthy mind," my mom used to say. 

So, with a heavy heart, I turned around and headed back to my room. I cleaned my wound, took some medicine, and lay down on the bed, feeling exhausted and feverish. I was asleep within minutes, my dreams filled with images of squirrels and bagels. 

Midjourney's interpretation

When I woke up, it was already afternoon. Lenna was back in the room, looking annoyed and impatient. "Our teacher was looking for you," she said, her voice laced with irritation. "I told her you were probably just pretending to be sick." 

After blinking a few times, and breathing as my therapist taught me, I calmly said, "I was trying to eat my breakfast outside and a squirrel ran up and stole one of my bagel nuts. Then it bit my finger before running off." But I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. "I know it sounds ridiculous, but it's the truth," I said, still feeling a bit groggy and feverish. 

Lenna raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. "I'm not sure I believe you," she said, her tone dripping with disbelief. "It sounds like something out of a liar's book." 

"I know it does, but it really happened," I insisted, determined to make her believe me. "I've been feeling sick ever since. I even have the bite mark to prove it." 

Lenna hesitated for a moment before sighing, giving in. "Fine, I believe you," she said, her tone softening. "I'll bring you some soup from the cafeteria. And maybe we can find some bandages for that wound." 

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I smiled in gratitude, relieved that she was willing to help. "Thank you, Lenna," I said, feeling grateful. "I really appreciate it." 

A few minutes later, Lenna returned with a steaming bowl of soup and a box of bandages. "Here you go," she said, setting the items down on the bedside table. "You’ll feel better soon." 

I smiled and nodded, feeling touched by her kindness, despite her lack of smile. "Thank you," I said, starting to feel a bit more like myself. "I'm sure I will." 

"You have to admit, it's a bit funny," Lenna said, a hint of amusement in her voice. "A squirrel stealing your nuts and making you sick." 

I chuckled, grateful for the levity. "Yes, it's definitely a story I'll never forget," I said, shaking my head at the absurdity of it all. "I guess it's just one of those things that can only happen in America." 


Lenna bit her lip and gave me a mischievous look, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Ah, but we're not in Europe anymore," she said, her voice laced with enthusiasm. "We're in America, the land of superheroes. If you're lucky, you might even meet one." 

I stared at Lenna in surprise, not sure if she was serious. "Really? Do you know any?" I asked, my curiosity piqued. 

She nodded, a sly smile on her face. "I've heard that Steel Man lives nearby," she said, her tone dripping with mystery. "And there's a superhero called Bunnyman who supposedly has a secret base somewhere around here. Who knows, you might even run into them one day." 

I sat on my bed, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in my finger as I ate my soup. But despite the discomfort, I couldn't help but smile at Lenna's words. "Bunnyman in a white bunny suit and a bunnymobile?" I asked, trying to imagine it. "It's a bit hard to believe he is here, I heard he was somewhere on the west coast." 

Lenna shrugged and sat on her own bed, keeping a bit of distance between us. "I heard that every hero has their own original story," she said, her voice filled with wonder. "Maybe yours is the squirrel bite." 

I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the idea. It was a bit far-fetched, but I had to admit that it would be a unique story. "Well, I guess we'll never know for sure," I said, still chuckling. "But I'm just happy to be here, squirrel bite or no squirrel bite."


I slept soundly until the next morning, finally feeling rested and refreshed. As I jumped out of bed, I felt a renewed sense of energy and excitement coursing through my veins. I walked towards the bathroom with a spring in my step, feeling more alive than I had in days. 

After freshening up, I walked back to my bed to retrieve my phone. Lenna was still lying there, watching me with a curious expression. "Why are you running?" she asked, her voice still sleepy. 

I cocked my head, confused. "I'm not running," I said, surprised by her question. "I'm just walking normally." 

Lenna sat up and examined me closely, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Then you must have a superpower," she said, and furrowed her brows. "You're a speedster." 

I shook my head and laughed, feeling a bit embarrassed by Lenna's assumption. "That's not possible," I said, trying to downplay the incident. "I'm just a normal girl." 

But Lenna was convinced, her eyes filled with conviction. "I saw it with my own eyes. You're a speedster. That's your superpower. Why did it have to happen to you?" she asked, her voice filled with sadness. "Why not me? I could use a superpower to save my brother." 

Lenna gritted her teeth and punched the wall, her frustration clear in the weak, ineffective strike. She was overwhelmed with emotion, and it was all she could do to hold back the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes. 

I walked over to Lenna and hugged her, even though she hadn't even asked for it. Lenna grumbled a bit, but eventually she returned the hug, leaning into my embrace. "I'm just as confused as you are," I whispered, my voice filled with concern. "I don't know how I got this power or why." 

Lenna sighed and pulled away from the hug, her eyes downcast. "I came to America to find a way to get to my brother," she said, her voice heavy with emotion. "He moved here a few years ago, and everyone says he's a villain. But I know he's not. He's just a victim, caught up in something he doesn't understand." 


Lenna looked down at her hands, her eyes filled with sadness and desperation. "I just want to save him and bring him home," she said, her voice laced with emotion. "But I don't know how. Maybe if I had a superpower, I could do it. But I'm just a normal girl, like you were." 

I squeezed Lenna's hand, feeling a surge of compassion and understanding. I knew how it felt to want to protect the people you loved, and I was determined to help her find a way to save her brother. "I'll find a way," I said, my voice filled with determination. "We'll figure it out together." 

Lenna's emotions swung from sadness to anger in a matter of seconds. She shook her head and glared at me; her eyes filled with frustration. "I don't know you," she said, her voice cold and distant. "You don't know me. Why are you being so friendly? Why is everyone in this damn country so friendly?" 

Without waiting for a response, Lenna stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind her, leaving me standing there feeling a bit stunned and confused. I wasn't sure what had just happened, but I was determined to be a good friend to Lenna, no matter how grumpy and unpredictable she might be. 

Exactly ten seconds later, Lenna burst back into the room, her face bright red. She was wearing her pajamas and looked embarrassed. "This is your fault!" she yelled, but her tone was more subdued than before. 

I couldn't help but laugh. "My fault? How is this my fault?" I asked. 

Lenna blushed even harder and mumbled something about forgetting to get dressed. She stormed off to the bathroom, leaving me standing there with a bewildered look on my face. 


Later, I sat in my university class, trying to pay attention to the lecture. But my mind kept drifting to the strange incident from the previous day, and the mysterious superpower that seemed to have awoken within me. Suddenly, I felt a strange sensation wash over me. It was like a surge of energy and adrenaline, causing my body to move faster than usual. 

Without thinking, I shot out of my seat and rushed to the front of the class. But I moved too fast and ended up crashing into the professor's desk, sending papers flying everywhere. The class erupted into laughter, and I felt my face turn bright red with embarrassment. I couldn't believe I had made such a blunder, and I hoped that the professor wouldn't hold it against me. 

As I tried to apologize to the professor and compose myself, my phone vibrated. I pulled it out and saw that I had received a mysterious message from an unknown number. "Superhero, come to Warehouse 145. You have twenty minutes, or else I..." the message read. My heart skipped a beat as I realized I had just been summoned by a mysterious figure. 

Red as Burgundian wine, I ran from the class without explanation, and quickly checked the location on my phone and saw that the warehouse was three miles away. Panic set in as I started to hyperventilate, my therapists' lessons forgotten. What was going on? Was I really a superhero? And if so, what was I supposed to do now? I had no idea, but I knew one thing for sure: I had twenty minutes to figure it out. 

Next chapter later today!

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