Death Timer

Chapter 3: EP 003 – Super secret base

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As we embarked on our journey, I couldn't help but feel frustration towards Dimensor's slow driving. The trip took nearly an hour, and I began to question if it would be faster to just run there myself. 

Just as my annoyance reached its peak, the outside world suddenly disappeared. I looked around in shock, trying to understand what was happening. 

Dimensor, seeming pleased with himself, explained that he had used his power of teleportation to bring us and the car to our destination. "It just took me a little longer than usual," he said, "because I had to bring the car with us." 

I stared at him in disbelief, struggling to comprehend how teleportation was even possible. Dimensor launched into a lengthy explanation, filled with terms like quantum entanglement and parallel dimensions. Despite my best efforts, most of it went over my head. All I really understood was that Dimensor had used his power to transport us and the car to a garage in an instant. 

"It just takes a bit of practice and focus," Dimensor said, finally finishing his lengthy explanation. "And maybe a little bit of math. But hey, who doesn't love a little bit of math, right?" 

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Dimensor's enthusiasm. "Well, I guess I have a lot to learn about being a superhero," I said, still trying to process everything that had just happened. 

As I sat in the darkness of the car, I couldn't see anything. Suddenly, I heard the sound of Dimensor's door opening and then his footsteps as he walked away, disappearing into the shadows. My mind raced back to the moment when Dimensor had leered at me, and a surge of fear ran through me. I wasn't sure what to do, wondering if I should follow him or stay put. 

As it turned out, Dimensor had only walked a few feet away to turn on the lights. In an instant, the garage was filled with a warm glow, allowing me to see that we were in a large space filled with modern equipment and machines. Despite its high-tech appearance, the garage was lit with old-fashioned lightbulbs, giving it a nostalgically vintage feel. 

"Welcome to RN headquarters," Dimensor said, spreading his arms wide to encompass the space. "This is where we conduct all of our villainous, eh I mean mostly hero stuff and mission planning. It may not be as luxurious as some other superhero HQs, but it gets the job done." 

As I took in the breathtaking surroundings, a mix of awe and nervousness washed over me. I had never been in a place like this before, and I wasn't sure what to expect. 

Suddenly, a male voice called out from behind me, but when I turned to see who it was, there was only a wall. "Is that her?" the voice asked, its raspy tone tinged with excitement. 

Dimensor turned and yelled, "Yes, the beauty has arrived!" I couldn't help but stare in disbelief as he shouted at the wall, his face contorted in excitement. I had never witnessed such behavior before, and therapist suggested observing the behavior of others, so I noted that shouting at a wall could be a valid reason for shouting. Naturally, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of people I had gotten myself mixed up with. 

Despite my reservations, however, my curiosity was piqued. I wanted to know more about this strange world. At Dimensor's urging, I followed him to the wall, then he grabbed me by hand and pulled me towards it. 

To my shock, the wall was actually a fake projection, something that shouldn't have been possible. I walked into a laboratory filled with machines and equipment that I had never seen before. 

My attention was immediately drawn to an old man in a white coat, who was bent almost to the ground. He had spiky silver hair and piercing red eyes, and he seemed to be muttering something to himself. Despite his age, there was a sense of energy and vitality emanating from him that was hard to ignore. 

I stared at the man with my mouth agape, wondering who he was and what he was doing there. 

As I watched, the man turned to me and gave me a thorough examination, nodding approvingly. "A good kid, beauty and all," he said in a gruff but friendly voice. "My name is Clothmaker. So, we need to make you a superhero costume. Any preference?" 


I was caught off guard by the old man's sudden question, but I tried my best to remain composed. "I'm not sure," I hesitantly replied. "I haven't really given it much thought." 

The Clothmaker let out a frustrated sigh. "You young people," he grumbled. "Always so indecisive. In my time, we knew exactly what we wanted. But no, you have to spend weeks, even months, considering your options. It's a nuisance." 

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the Clothmaker's complaints. "I apologize," I said, trying to be polite. "I've just been really busy and haven't had a lot of time to think about it. I only found out about my powers yesterday." 

The Clothmaker waved his hand dismissively. "Ah, well, no matter," he said. "We'll come up with something. Let's get started, let’s make something yellow as your hoodie and purple as your hair." 

Then he worked on the costume without consulting with me anymore, and Dimensor made numerous suggestions, all of which seemed to revolve around making me "even more attractive." He emphasized that I was already super-hot and that we needed a suit that would showcase my curves and make me stand out even more. 

However, the Clothmaker was having none of it. "What are you talking about?" he growled, his silver eyebrows furrowing in annoyance. "This isn't about making her look good, it's about making her look like a villain. She needs a suit that will protect her and help her fight, not one that will flaunt her figure." 

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Dimensor and the Clothmaker got into a heated argument about the suit, with Dimensor insisting that sex appeal was an important aspect of being a superhero, and the Clothmaker arguing that functionality was the most important factor. 

As I watched them argue, I felt a bit uncomfortable and wondered if I was just a pawn in their debate. I couldn't help but feel objectified, as if they were only focusing on my appearance and not on who I was as a person. Coming into America really hadn’t changed that, as it seemed. 

After much back and forth, Dimensor and Clothmaker finally reached a compromise on my superhero suit design, but Dimensor insisted on adding cat ears to the mask. Clothmaker tried to argue against it, but their disagreement quickly escalated into a heated argument, one that seemed to be a common occurrence between the two men. 

Without consulting me, they began creating the suit using a combination of traditional techniques and advanced technology that was beyond my understanding. It was fascinating to observe the process, as I had never witnessed the creation of even a simple piece of clothing, let alone a superhero suit.  

I chuckled, as this line was the exact same as the episode when French presenter came to Japan. Except the superhero stuff, he got only some traditional Japanese clothes. 

As I watched, I noticed that Clothmaker appeared to be using his own superpowers in some way, though I couldn't begin to guess how. When I asked him about it, he simply waved me off and grumbled about the lack of practical education in schools today. When I protested, he smirked and attempted to explain some complex physics concepts that went completely over my head. Bastard. Same everywhere, nobody had ever taken me seriously. 

Despite my excitement at the prospect of finally having a superhero, or was it supervillain? Well, suit, I couldn't shake a sense of nervous anticipation as I waited in the lab for it to be completed. I nodded in satisfaction as I was using complicated English words in my head. If they noticed my accent, they didn’t show it. So maybe I passed as an American, albeit a bit strange? 

When it was finished, the suit was a stunning combination of my favorite colors, purple and yellow. Made of a lightweight and durable material that seemed to shimmer in the light, it fit me like a glove. 

Clothmaker handed me the final piece of the suit - a domino mask with attached cat ears - I put it on and checked myself out in the mirror. To my disappointment, I looked cute rather than intimidating. I was about to make a sarcastic remark about wanting a refund when a strange sound filled the complex. It was a girl's voice saying, "uwu, an alert! uwu!" 

Turning to Clothmaker and Dimensor, I felt a sense of dread wash over me as I asked, "What's that? Is something wrong?" 

Both men turned pale at the sound and Dimensor shook his head, swallowing hard. "This is not your concern," he said, his voice laced with worry. "I will send a Pitcher to deal with her. Don't worry." With that, he teleported away, leaving me and Clothmaker alone in the lab. 

Clothmaker let out a heavy sigh as he shook his head in frustration. "You see what I have to deal with?" he yelled, gesturing to the empty space where his impetuous apprentice, Dimensor, had been standing just moments before. "These young minions, always rushing off without thinking things through. It's a recipe for disaster, I tell you. She might punish them!" 

As I listened to Clothmaker's rant, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. Yes, the therapist said I should show compassion whenever applicable. "I'm sorry," I said, looking at him with sincere eyes. "They should consider your feelings." 

Clothmaker let out a deep sigh and patted me on the shoulder. "I know you do, kid," he said, his tone softening. "And I'm sorry for getting angry. It's just that this job can be frustrating at times. But don't worry, you'll get the hang of it. And in the meantime, I'll try to be a bit more patient." 

I knew that it wasn't my fault that Dimensor had rushed off without explaining things, so I bit my tongue and tried to change the subject. "What about that voice?" I asked, trying to sound casual. "Who was that?" 

Clothmaker seemed to remember something then, and his expression became thoughtful. "Kid, I'm not the one who should explain things like this," he said. "You'll have to wait for Dimensor to get back. He's better at this stuff than I am." 

I nodded, disappointed but understanding. I knew that I had a lot to learn, and I didn't want to get in the way. At least that was what I was supposed to do, right? 

"On another note," Clothmaker said, eyeing my cat ears with a critical eye. "I hate impractical things. Those cat ears of yours are going to attract a lot of attention. They might be cute, but they're not exactly practical for a superhero." 

"Then why did you add the cat ears?" I asked, feeling a bit self-conscious about my suit. 

Clothmaker let out a deep sigh and shook his head. "Dimensor," he said, his voice dripping with frustration. "He's always insisting on impractical things like this. He thinks it makes the minions more marketable or something, but I don't see the point. He may be selling us like cabbages at market, but it's just a distraction." 

I couldn't help but feel annoyed at Dimensor's lack of consideration. Just as I was about to say something, a mechanic voice filled the complex. "Code seven thirteen six one omicron four slash five," it said in robotic tones, monotone. It was different than before. 

Clothmaker's expression brightened at the sound of the code, he let out a relieved sigh. "Ah, this one I know," he said, a hint of excitement in his voice. "Steel Man. This should be an easy job for you, kid, and Steel Man pays good."

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