Death Timer

Chapter 7: EP 007 – Never trust a woman

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After a while, he began to explain the ins and outs of our work as superheroes. It was a lot to take in, and I found myself struggling to keep up with all the information. 

"So, let me get this straight," I said, my head spinning with all the new information. "We're working with both heroes and villains, and this Amourardent person is helping us out with gadgets and stuff?" 

Dimensor nodded. "That's right," he said, his voice dripping with admiration. "Amourardent has been a huge help to us, more so than Steel Man. And the best part is, she's willing to give us her gadgets for free. I mean, who doesn't love free stuff, right?" 

I furrowed my brow, still trying to wrap my head around everything. "But why would she do that?" I asked, my voice filled with confusion. "It doesn't make sense for her to just give us all this stuff for free." 

Dimensor chuckled and patted my arm. "Oh, Isabelle," he said, his voice filled with amusement. "You don't ask questions when you're getting something for free. And besides, she pays very well. We might be working for both sides, but we're still getting fortune. And that's what matters in the end, right?" 


As we drove through the city, my mind was racing with thoughts about Major Brooklyn targeting me. I knew I had to be careful, so I turned to Dimensor, and asked him where we were headed. 

Dimensor looked at me with a sigh and replied, "Isabelle, we have to fix this situation and that means visiting Amourardent." 

I was shocked at his response. "What? Why her? Didn't you just say she's dangerous?" I exclaimed, jumping in my seat as much as the seatbelt allowed. 

Dimensor nervously chuckled, and said to brace myself, but before I could even prepare myself, our car was suddenly transported to a garage. I was taken aback by the sudden change in location and looked around, trying to take in my surroundings. 

"What the hell just happened?" I demanded, turning to Dimensor for answers. He snickered that I should stop doubting his powers and look around. 

At his demand, I glanced around, I couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion wash over me. The garage was unlike any I had ever seen before, filled with all sorts of gadgets and gizmos. It was painted a bright shade of pink, with hearts and cute emoticons adorning the walls. And a lot of skull emojis. It was clear that this was a place designed for someone with a playful, lighthearted personality. Maybe she had a daughter? 

I stepped out of the car and looked around, taking in all the sights and sounds of this strange new place. There were gadgets and machines of all shapes and sizes scattered throughout the room, and I couldn't help but wonder what their purpose was. I spotted a small robot in the corner, diligently scrubbing the floor with a tiny brush, and couldn't help but smile at its tireless dedication to its task. 

As we made our way through the garage, I felt anxious about coming face to face with the powerful Amourardent. Dimensor led the way towards a single door at the back of the garage and I followed him, my heart racing with uncertainty. I tried to steady my nerves and prepared myself for the encounter, unsure of what to expect. 

Dimensor and I walked into the room, and I couldn't believe my eyes. In front of us was a beautiful gamer-girl, completely absorbed in her game. She was dressed in a cosplay outfit that left little to the imagination, with a plunging neckline that showcased her ample cleavage. 

She nodded to acknowledge us and raised her finger for us to wait. I wanted to say something, anything, but Dimensor’s stern glare stopped me, so I focused on her. 

Her long, flowing pink hair cascaded down her back in a mass of curls, and she wore a pair of cute bunny headphones that matched the pastel colors of her outfit. As she sat in front of her computer, her fingers flew across the keyboard with lightning speed, completely focused on the game. 

I was mesmerized by her beauty and skill as she played, her big, bright green eyes glued to the screen. Every now and then, she would let out a little giggle or squeal of excitement, completely immersed in the virtual world. Sometimes she commented something for her stream. 

Her large monitor allowed her to see all the details of the game, and she had a collection of figurines and other collectibles displayed proudly on her shelves, evidence of her love for all things gaming. 

The room was filled with a warm, cozy glow from the soft amber light of her desk lamp, and the air was filled with the soft hum of electronic devices and the occasional sound of gunfire or explosions from the game. 

"Is that her?" I whispered to Dimensor, my voice filled with disbelief. "That fearsome Amourardent?" 

He silently nodded, his brow dripping with sweat as he looked nervously at the girl in front of us. She seemed completely innocent, focused solely on her game as she expertly navigated through the virtual world. It took her only a few minutes to win a match in Zonewar. 

But as she finished her game and said goodbye to her stream, she exuded a sense of confidence and charm. She blew an air kiss to her viewers and signed off with a cute wave, her sparkling personality shining through even on the internet. 


I couldn't believe that this was the girl who was supposedly so powerful and dangerous, she moved her hand towards us, so we approached her, ready to introduce ourselves. Dimensor seemed just as nervous as I was, his hands shaking as he introduced us. 

"Amourardent, this is Isabella," he said, gesturing towards me. "Isabella, this is Amourardent." 

The girl, Amourardent, turned to us with a bubbly smile on her face. "Hi there!" she exclaimed, her voice full of positivity and energy. "It's so nice to finally meet my new minion! What brings you here?" 

I looked at Amourardent with a confused expression, not understanding what she meant by that, didn’t he tell her? Thankfully, Dimensor came to my rescue and started explaining. 

"She completed your mission, and we obtained the anomaly," he said, but his voice wavered. "Unfortunately, Major Brooklyn found her and ambushed her. She managed to slip away, but her super persona is now burned." 

I stood there without a sound, and she shot a frustrated glance in my direction. "This is...unfortunate," she grumbled, turning her attention to Dimensor. With a fierce glare, she demanded, "So, where is it?" 

Dimensor gulped nervously and sweat began to form on his forehead under her intense gaze. "I-I left it in the car," he stammered. "I'll go get it right away." He quickly scrambled away, almost tripping in his haste to escape her wrath.  

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She swiveled on her heel to face me, her sweet voice sending shivers down my spine as she asked, "So luv, what's going on with you now?" She paused for a moment, her face contorting in realization. "Oh, I forgot to give you this," she added, handing me a pink bracelet that had a transparent display on top.  

The bracelet was adorned with intricate designs of cute stones, and it sparkled in the light, but something about the way she handed it to me made me feel uneasy. She grinned shyly, her sweet voice sending chills down my spine as she explained, "This bracelet will tell you your Death Timer." She encouraged me to check it, saying cheerfully, "Go on, click on the display." 

My hands immediately began to sweat as I hesitantly pressed the display with shaking fingers. The screen flickered to life, revealing a cute anime character, who looked uncanny like me. Then it spoke in an anime girl style. "Two days and seven hours," it declared. 

I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over me as I stared at the screen, and I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in my stomach. Moreover, despite the girl's friendly demeanor, she seemed to take pleasure in my discomfort. I took a deep breath and asked as nonchalantly as possible, "Is there anything I can do to extend my time?" 

She nodded eagerly, her chirpy voice filling the air as she answered, "Oh yes luv, you can extend it! I can give you up to a month! But first, we need to test the thingie, right? To make sure your death is certain." 

Without warning, she placed her hand on my head and a piercing pain shot through my body, causing me to fall to my knees in agony. I stared up at her in disbelief as the display began counting down. 






"Death!" the character announced in a happy voice. 


As the countdown reached zero, my lungs refused to let in air. A cold feeling ran through my body and a pain so excruciating that I hadn't felt anything like it since I jumped off the bridge invaded my mind. I gasped for air, my body writhing in agony as the pain consumed me. 

Thankfully, after she inserted something into my mouth, the pain started dissipating into nothingness. I lay there panting, my body trembling as I tried to catch my breath. Amourardent nodded, apparently pleased with herself as she glanced at me. The bracelet on my wrist announced "fifteen".  

She then put her index finger on her mouth, and appeared thinking, as I was catching my breath. After what felt like a century, she said in a cute voice, "It works, huh." As if on cue, the bracelet announced fourteen. "Oh!" A realization came over to her, as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a bottle of something. "Drink this, minion." 

I stared at the bottle uncertainly, my mind racing with confusion and fear; I noticed that it was labeled "Gamer-girl Bathwater." My mind raced as I tried to make sense of what was going on. But as the bracelet announced "ten," I threw caution to the wind and chugged the entire bottle. 

The bracelet announced that I had a month to live, and a sense of panic washed over me. But before I could react, the gamer girl grinned, and sang out to me, "Wakey wakey, rise and shine, sun is up, I'm feeling fine." 

I didn't wait for her to finish her song before jumping up as fast as possible, my heart racing with fear and desperation. 


Dimensor returned, holding a small toy dragon in his hands. As soon as she laid eyes on it, her eyes sparkled with excitement and she ran towards him, exclaiming, "Look at this cutiiiie!" 

She grabbed the dragon, cradling it in her hands as she cooed over it. But the toy wasn't happy with its new owner and breathed a small puff of fire at her. Rather than being frightened, she merely grinned and began to caress the toy, clearly enamored with it. 

She seemed to have forgotten that we even existed as she calmly walked over to her computer, still firmly holding onto the dragon. She nodded to herself as she searched for something on the screen, a grin spreading across her face as she turned towards me. 

"Well, now that you've dealt with your first mission, we need to get you a name," she declared, her eyes drifting towards my cat ears. She showed her teeth in a grin and exclaimed, "Kittygirl! A perfect name for you!" 

I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at her words. I didn't know what her motives were or what she had planned for me, and the thought of being at her mercy filled me with fear. Only by now I understood what Dimensor meant. 

I forced a fake smile and replied, "What a lovely name. I'm Kittygirl now!" Inside, I was terrified, and my nerves were on edge as I tried to play along with this girl's game. 

Dimensor smirked and turned to me, saying with conviction, "I got my name from her as well. It was truly genius and I love it." I almost believed him, but something about the way he said it made me doubt his sincerity. 

"With that done, I’ll call you for the next mission. Shoo." Amourardent nodded and shooed us with her hand. The world turned white, and when the colors returned, I found myself sitting in Dimencar in the RN headquarters.  

"What the-" I started but was cut short by Dimensor. 

"We survived."

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