Delusion: A Human Condition

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Beautiful Mind

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On a gloomy sunday night in the month of breakups, and the time of joy which's December a man was walking on the road marking houses block by block on his Ipad. All the houses were lit up by the jovial lights of christmas, families were celebrating the birth of Christ which was still debatable all over the world but for normal god-loving and god-fearing crowd, Saviour JC was born on the 25th of December. Through his eyes the man could see vivid colors dancing in the sky there was red, there was green and for sure there were small white sheets of ice falling down from the bountiful clouds perched in the sky. A nosy lady with a hair like a moose gave the man marking houses the stink-eye. "I'm gonna report you to the police if you don't scram from this neighbourhood. We don't need your kind prowling near our homes." 

"Look lady, I'm doing a survey about the condition of houses in this block, the city council's planning to completely revamp the whole area. You can take your complaints and your attitude to the city hall. Scoot over old lady. I gotta job to do."

The old lady was rather miffed, she almost swung her handbag but she stopped herself as another lawsuit could deport her wrinkled arse back to Mexico.

The snow falling from the sky would definitely ruin the man's suit (it was Suede) but he kept on walking and soon he was out of the neighbourhood and the old lady sighed in relief. He was a strange man. Although his clothes definitely bragged his regal taste, expensive choclate brown overcoat, black pants without creases, a shiny rolex watch dangling on his left wrist, and complimenting everything were his black boots gleaming in the darkness.

For everyone else he would appear as a man of culture but for the old lady who had seen her fair share of faces, he was a predator hiding behind the false pretense of a dapper man.

After she went back home, the man once again returned back to the neighbourhood but this time he had changed his clothes he had disguised himself as a pizza delivery guy by mugging a poor fella who was just trying to do a honest job for the first time in his life as Victor wanted to buy an IPhone for his Jewish girlfriend and give it to her as an gift on her sixteenth birthday.

The man marking the houses spotted a Mexican food truck, the woman handing over the food to the customers was especially gentle to the eyes, her golden hair were glowing even more under the yellow lights. She had pierced the tip of her right ear, he could see it clearly from afar. On her left arm there was a tattoo of a mythical dragon and on her right arm there was a phoneix rising from the ashes. Near her belly button there was a mole on top of which her name was burned in cursive, Aza.

She was a beauty masquerading as a punk. The man marking the houses could see her real beauty but he was not a least bit interested in her 'cause he already had a girl waiting back home in Lawrence, Kansas. And although the world had changed and it was commonplace for a good man with a nice job to have a spare womb, the man marking the house was especially dedicated to his lover. But he still went to the food truck and when his turn came he ordered the chef's special with a glass of lemonade, when her eyes met with the man marking the houses he was enchanted by the swirling grey storms in her eyes, and 'cause of this distraction he forgot to even pick up his order. 

Never once in his life the man marking the houses had been charmed by another human being it was his job to mesmerize a stranger, the woman inside the truck was saying something but he was lost, like a pariah he wanted to go to the shore but he was on a boat without an oar and the island was far away in the distance like a treasure hidden in the depths of the ocean.

After that the man did everything in autopilot, he paid for his meal, and then he took his order and later he stepped into the darkness, he didn't look back at all, she was a vampire disguised as a human serving food, he needed to inform the relevant authorities but was there really a File division in FBI?

Naughty and bored children had sneaked out of their houses, some were eating a piece of chicken while others were quietly sitting on the steps of their houses chewinv candies and quietly thinking about their next mischief.

One of the naughty kids went up to the man who was still in a daze, and they blatantly asked him what he was doing in this area? Their simultaneous questions finally broke his reverie and it again brought the light of our lord back in his eyes. He answered their question in a mysterious tone, "I'm from the CIA me and my team are dispatched to this area to gun down a rogue FBI agent from the Behavioural Science Unit. Will you help me kids? The job's quite simple you need to be the bait? I'll give you a hundred... what say you?

The naughty kids rejected his offer as soon as they heard the word bait. They stepped out of his way, and bade him farewell like nice little children. The man marking the houses didn't insist... and he went on his merry way while carrying a parcel wrapped in aluminium foil in his hands. After he saw an open trash can the man marking the houses jumped in air and he threw the package like a basketball and it went in like money.

"Nice shot." a blue collar worker who had worked the schedule of nine to five for a decade said to the man marking the houses. He was startled and he almost popped her head off with a .44 hidden inside the left pocket of his overcoat. He gave her a once over the overworked employee was wearing a beige sweater complimented by a grey pencil skirt, the only thing that ruined her whole attire of a cat lady were her red stilettos. Only the feet beneath her legs followed the trend of our and yours modern age.

She had a plain face you would never notice her in a crowd. She could blend into the shadows like an assassin, and if these were the ancient times then surely she would be sent on monthly missions to assassinate kings but in this modern world she was a pencil-pusher, a woman who is always harassed by her selfish colleagues. She didn't even put on lipstick there was a reason for that as her lips were already dry like the desert, and underneath her eyes there was a smudge of dark circles.

"Were you saying something? I didn't hear your words, can you repeat that please?"

"I was saying, you are good at playing ball. Why don't we both go to a court. The night's young, and basketball's just one of numerous ways to have fun at night."

"I'm sorry I can't play basketball for two reasons." the man marking the houses said with a sad look in his eyes.

"Just what's your story. Now I'm intrigued. Go deep into the nitty-gritty details. I want to hear every bit of your story by the end of this night."

The man marking the houses laughed playfully and he said, "This story's too short. I won't waste your time. You need your beauty sleep. Go back to your home and sleep like a baby. '

"Nope. I want to hear that story. Its really rare to meet an agreeable stranger in this garbage dump of a city. I don't want to miss out on this chance of a lifetime. Please, I'm begging you don't tell me to leave, I need to listen to your story to move on with my life."

"Hell? You're too clingy for a normie." the man marking the houses said exasperatedly.

"My good friend. Don't think too much about it. Keep it real. And just focus on the topic of our conversation." She spread her hands outward and then she flashed a dazzling smile. "You're not alone, I'm here for you, in this cold December night all we need is love, consideration, conversation and a cup of hot cocoa. Here have some?"

The man marking the houses gazed at the store bought paper cup, he didn't reach for the cup, and the stalemate continued on for tick-tocking ninety seconds. "Thanks for the offer but I don't drink hot beverages offered by strangers."

"Sure, I can understand, I do just the same."

"Don't drink that in a single gulp, that cocoa's piping hot, its not good for your throat."

"I like to try certain things, dangerous things, at regular intervals, it spices up my mundane life." She licked her lips, wiped the chocolate mustache on her face with her left hand.

"I can't get rid of you, its my loss."

"Going back to basketball as I was saying I can't play that ball sport for two reasons, the first one being I can't pass the ball its in my nature to hoard things that are of value."

"I'm a selfish person you can't expect me to play a team sport. Only I can be the villain, hero, supporting and minor actor of me life's movie, and that's the second reason." the man marking the houses said, the plain woman was visibly surprised but there was still a hint of smile on her charming face. "Look at the time, we've have been talking for hours, go back, you need to wake up early tomorrow for your job."

The woman with a plain face was flabbergasted by his ability to constantly lie like that Norse God Loki. He was a habitual liar, a trickster in a man's clothing.

"Will you please keep it quiet for a while? I want to get a word in this conversation. My god you talk a lot when given the opportunity. Lying to friends is no good. Open up your closed heart, and tell me the truth I know some good doctors they can fix you up like Ken and Barbie."

"I don't need any medical help. Everything I've told you is the cold hard truth." the man marking the houses rubbed his overcoat, and he dusted off the snow petals latched on the surface of his sleeves.

"You're lying." she moved her head back and forth like a chicken. "Listen to me if you close your heart you'll be stuck to dread like that guy in 'Ghost of Girlfriend's past."

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"But we're not even talking about romance here. And this ain't no self help group. Leave. Vamoos. Be on your way. I hope you have a good life. Now get the fuck outta my face."

The plain woman's mouth was wide open, she was beating her chest in shock. But her salt shakers didn't tremble inside her shirt, her breasts were non-existent small like little-scoops of ice-cream.

She covered her chest, with both of her hands, and the man marking the houses sighed in pity, and he prayed to the Lord to give her a little money so she could buy herself a pair of bouncy boobs.

"You know you're really rude for a nice guy. Don't pretend that you didn't just gaze at my chest." The plain woman rubbed her runny nose and continued. "Look at my face my mouth's up here. Little Bettie and Little Annie don't talk they are quiet like newborn bunnies." 

"No offence, its only my biased opinion but you should allow someone that you choose yourself to rub your Little Bettie and Little Annie, it help them grow into large lumps of fat that are round, juicy and kiss worthy." The plain woman swung her fist, the man marking the houses jumped back and he avoided her mighty fist that almost grazed his right cheek.

"You little twerp." the plain woman hissed. Her eyes were incensed, and they were lit up by the fire that is anger. "Don't move just stand there. I need to knock some sense into your rotten brain."

"Lady don't be offended, its was a verbal mistake." Now it was the time for the man marking the houses to flash his brilliant smile. "A woman can't defined by the quality of her boobs. You have a fine ass, I'll pay in cash to get a chance to tap that arse."

"How about you and I make up. We can even go to a hotel room. Lets fight all night on a bed decorated by red and yellow roses."

"You!!! I'll end your existence tonight... Darklord I'll exterminate this pest."

Wading his way throught the alleys, our man marking the houses evaded the pursuit of a deranged woman roaring in anger like a maniacal beast. In one alley he found a certain group of people four men and women digging through garbage searching for food, he ignored those poor bastards and he went on his way. In another alley a woman was nursing a baby, more specifically a plastic baby she was singing a lullaby "Sleep my child, the demons are near. Be a sleeping bear, never fear. I'll protect you from every bad thing. So sleep my child, Don't grow up to be naughty and wild." Out of the alley he saw four women harrasing a pretty boy they were planning on gangbanging the guy, the man marking the houses wanted to protect the weak ass artsy guy from the horror of forced sex but 'em girls had crazy muscles. So he thought it wise to just look the other way. Fake Santas were delivering fliers and one of them even tried to give him a sample of an Ice-Cream cake. He rejected to be a lab rat, and went on his way whistling about sluts and mutts being in heat, every single night and day of June.

The man marking the houses stepped on the main road, and he decided enough was enough he needed to get rid of the vampire so he made his way back towards the food truck. She was still handing out food, what did these deplorable fools didn't know? Was a simple fact, that she was a vampire.

It took a whole four hours for the meals in the food truck to run out. When everyome went away. The man marking the houses watched her from the shadows. Aza was smoking a J&L cigarette, the smoke was mystifying her golden ringlets.

"Vampire. Tonight's the night you will die."

Aza's face crumpled... another weirdo. Aza needed to call the police but she had handled bad drunks all her life so this was nothing new.

The man marking the houses lunged at her with a stake in his hand, he was a no nonsense guy he didn't waste time with dialogues, Aza realized the situation was getting out of her hand, she took out her phone and she called 9-1-1 to her dismay the emergency operator was busy with another person, she needed to wait for a while.

"Crazy fucker... let go of that stake." Aza screamed, and she tried to shout some sense into a man who had gone crazy.

The man with a stake in his hand, didn't listen to Aza's vile words he continued on stabbing. But his strikes were all hit and a miss. If it was baseball he would have surely been dropped from Mlb to inter-collegiate level.

"I'm doing this for your own good, beautiful girl." the man said "Being a vampire's a curse." he told her patiently while still moving his hands to drive the stake through her heart. "Just give up... and let go of that greed... and get back on the path of our Lord and Saviour. Vampire accept your fate."

Aza tripped on air, and she fell on her back, the man pounced on her like a mad tiger, and he drove the stake through her heart. The red blood that spilled out of her chest fell on the tiled floor, and that vile crimson ichor glistened like gold under the bright glow of yellow lights and the brillance of moonlight. The man gazed at her dying body, she was beautiful, almost ethereal her looks were shining there brightest at that tragic and unfortunate moment. Aza crawled towards the man, and as a final insult she flipped him a bloody bird to insist on her final defiance as a human.

Again he drove the stake to the roots, and after that sudden strike life faded from her aquamarine eyes. The man waited in anticipation for that moment when her body would turn to ashes but nothing happened, her body was still there on the ground in the state of decomposition.

It was another dud...

He picked her up in his arms, and he made his way over to the Food truck. Thank god the keys were near the makeshift kitchen. He laid her down on the small cafe table covered with a blue cloth, she was leaking blood like a pig on her period. The man inserted the truck key into the ignition and the four-wheeler was alive. He maneuvered it out of the open parking space, and drove it on a small road that would later intersect and meet at a highway.

A pop song buzzed inside the food truck, and the man who once marked the houses realized it was his phone. He really needed to change the song but the hook of 'In the Mirror' was stuck in his head.

"Hello? Who's there? If you don't say a word I'm gonna hang up!!"

"Mr. Blair..."

"Tony. You can call me Tony. Please call me Tony. I insist on that, you don't have to be a stranger"

"Look Tony we had an appointment tonight. And you never got here. I've been waiting for five fucking hours. Its looks like your company doesn't really want this deal."

"Ms. Danielle I was never informed about this meeting. I'm sorry, that because of me your one night was ruined. Let me make it up to you. We can have a meeting, first thing in the morning. You'll decide the place time. I'll wait for you. We'll go by your rules, it's a sailor's promise."

"Ok... we'll have this meeting in the morning. But if you're late the second time. The consequences will be disastrous enough for you and your company--- that can't even properly train their employees."

Tony wanted to have the final word. But she hung up on him like an cunt that had a stick up her arse. The decomposing body would start to really stink up the food truck after an hour. Tony needed to find a place, safe enough from the prying eyes of cops, and Aza needed to disappear from this world.

No animals were harmed while writing this story.

Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 

For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, it pleased God through the folly of what we preach to save those who believe. - Corinthians 1:20-21.

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