Demon Bound

Chapter 15: Chapter 14

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“Alright guys, I’ll see you all later,” Maria said waving at the camera on her new laptop. Her friends on the screen waved back as well.

“See you soon!”

“Bye everyone.”


One by one, Maria’s D&D friends hung up from the discord call, leaving just her and Sammy on the call.

“Well, that was something,” Sammy chuckled as they furiously wrote down notes from their session.

“Oh yeah it was,” Maria laughed. “I can’t believe Sue actually burned down the temple. I thought she was just bluffing to scare the priests.”

“Never mess with a vengeful paladin who wants to root out all corruption. Especially one who is friends with a pyromaniac rogue.” Sammy gave Maria a smirk.

“Hey, in my defense, I didn’t know that’s what she wanted the oil for.”

“Really?” Edith chuckled from the other side of the living room, looking up from her book. “I was barely listening, and I could even tell that’s why she wanted it.”

“It was super obvious, Maria.”

“Well, I was just being a good friend.”

Edith shook her head and chuckled, while Sammy finally finished their notes.

“Speaking of obvious,” Sammy started, “your glamour is starting to drop.”

“Oh shit. Well, at least I managed to keep it up throughout the session.” She could see in the video of herself on the screen that her eyes were definitely purple now. Not quite glowing and slitted, but still noticeably purple.

“Need some help taking it off, dear?” Edith set a bookmark in her book, before getting up and heading over to Maria.

“No, I think I can do this myself.”

“You sure? You know how much I like taking things off of you,” Edith finished with a devilish smirk.

“Gods...” Sammy quietly said on the other side of the screen.

“I got it. You can save taking stuff off of me until we head to bed.” The budding demon closed her eyes tight as she focused her mind inwards, trying to find that tiny spark of magic inside her. It was a very strange feeling, mostly because it was new. It had been a couple of days since Maria and Edith’s impromptu double date with Sammy and Ahti, and her magic had steadily built up from there. Though it was enough for her to learn how to put on her own glamour, it wasn’t enough to last long or do much else at the moment. That didn’t matter to Maria, however, because she was learning fucking Magic!

With a good amount of concentration, Maria felt the glamour over her and worked to pull it off, letting her true form out. Finally, Maria pulled herself out of her mind and blinked her violet eyes.

“Very good, dear,” Edith says before pulling her in close and kissing the top of her head.

Maria could feel her now somewhat paler cheeks, heat up in a blush. “Thank you.”

“Hey, did your horns get bigger?” Sammy asked.

“Oh, yeah,” Maria said, reaching up to feel them. Her horns had grown from tiny bumps to inch long little bullets. Every morning Maria would thoroughly check herself in the bathroom mirror to see what changes had occurred. Besides slightly larger horns, the only other changes were that she was a little paler and her tailbone had turned into a five-inch-long tail. That last bit was a little alarming at how fast it was growing. Doing the math on it however, actually made sense though as by the time three months was up she would have a full length tail at this rate.

“Just a little, though.”

“Well, it looks good on you,” Sammy said with a smile.

“I think so, too,” Edith chimed in.

“Thank you.” Maria couldn’t help but blush again. She had to admit, she actually did like how the horns looked on her. They were cute. At least they are for now while they're small. She wondered how they’ll look when they fully grow in, and what kind of shape they would have. Would they run back along her head like Edith’s? Would they curl like ram horns? Who knows, but at least it’s exciting now and not terrifying.

“How’s the tail?” Sammy asked, continuing their questioning on Maria’s ever changing body.

“Oh it’s coming in nicely,” Edith answered for her. “A cute couple of inches now.” Edith’s hand snaked down the back of Maria's pants in order to give it a feel that sent Maria’s cheeks aflame.

“Yeah,” Maria said, trying her best to get Edith’s hands out of her pants without Sammy noticing. “It’s kind of strange growing a whole new appendage.”

“I bet.”

“Though it is fun to move around.” Maria wiggled her tail a little, but was restricted by her pants. “Pants are starting to be annoying on the other hand... We’re going clothes shopping tomorrow so I can get some pants that work with a tail. Which is something I never thought I would be saying.” 

Sammy chuckled.

“Though we aren’t just going out for pants, my dear Maria. You are in desperate need of some new clothes in general.” 

“Yes! Get her some good clothes,” Sammy said enthusiastically. “She deserves them!” 

When Maria had been kicked out, she couldn’t take anything with her, so Sammy had taken them shopping the day after. Maria felt like shit using Sammy’s money for clothes, but Sammy wouldn’t have it. The three outfits she bought that day have lasted her until now, even though growing tits has messed with the fit. Since then her wardrobe hadn’t expanded much, and even then, most of it were shirts she got from work. 

Sammy had always told Maria to splurge a little on clothes that actually made her feel good, but Maria always found an excuse for not doing so. Though she had been on hormones for three years now, Maria had avoided getting clothes that were distinctly feminine and always went for a more androgynous look. There was just a part of her that feared that she wouldn’t look good in affirming clothes, that it would just make her feel even worse about her body. That fear was great enough that she just tried to avoid it all together. Even right now the mention of tomorrow’s shopping trip made her a little scared.

Edith and Sammy had started their own little conversation about what they think would look good on Maria while these fearful thoughts started to run rampant in Maria’s head. Edith quickly noticed that Maria was starting to get a little distant.

“Hey, what’s wrong dear?”

“It’s nothing,” Maria said, shaking her head.

“It’s not nothing if it’s making you look all sad.” Edith’s tail left Maria’s calf and went to wrap around her waist, holding her tightly. That had become a little thing Maria noticed over the past few days. Edith would wrap her tail around her like that to hold her even closer. Maria didn’t know if it was a conscious thing Edith did or something that was subconscious, like holding onto her calf. Either way she did appreciate it because it felt comforting to be held tight like that. Especially whenever she would get dysphoric or upset at looking at the news (which was typically about her family and the media’s search for her. Someone finally had the bright idea to check for a marriage certificate and had tracked Edith down to their ‘real’ apartment on Earth. Apparently reporters and the such were constantly harassing the security guards to let them in, or just waiting outside for her to inevitably come out. Protocol dictated that Edith was notified every time someone tried to get in, see them, or even just waiting outside for them, and Edith’s phone had been buzzing a lot the past two days...).

“Clothes shopping is just scary...” 

Edith looked a little confused by that, but quickly caught on. “Maria, you’re going to look beautiful and cute no matter what you wear.”

“She’s right, you know,” Sammy said with a smile over the camera.

“See, I’m not the only one who thinks that. It’s going to be okay, dear. It’ll be fun, I promise.”

“Your idea of fun is fucking,” Maria teased, feeling a little better.

“And?” Edith asked with her typical devilish smile. Maria could see Sammy shaking their head on the screen.

“Are you saying we’re going to fuck while out shopping?”

Edith's only response was a bigger grin, making Maria blush.

“You guys are too much,” Sammy said from the other side of the call with a laugh.

“Oh you haven’t seen anything yet, Sammy. I promise Maria and I will give you a good show one day.” Maria’s cheeks turned bright red at her lover’s words. Sammy’s cheeks were also quickly turning red. Edith just laughed at the two’s reaction. “Though, I will ask if I have Ahti’s permission first,” the demon finished with a smirk.

“Anyway!” Maria said loudly, to escape this current line of dialogue. “So clothes in the morning and afternoon.”

“Then dinner with my parents afterwards.” Edith gave a bit of a giddy smile. Though they had pushed off the dinner by a few days, Edith was really looking forward to dinner with her parents. She admitted to Maria that she had never had anybody to introduce to her parents before, so she was really excited about it. Also, incredibly nervous, but Edith managed to hide that well.

Maria was also quite nervous herself. She had only ever been introduced to one set of parents before, and that had been by accident when her date’s parents had been eating at the same restaurant. It was rather awkward as the parent’s didn’t know that their daughter liked other women.

“Wow, that’s a big step,” Sammy said. “Though, you guys move pretty fast to begin with.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Maria teased.

“No,” Sammy laughed. “I just couldn’t do it that fast.”

“Speaking of doing it,” Edith started, “I heard that you’ve got a date tomorrow night.”


Sammy blushed. “It’s just dinner out. It’s not really a date.” Though they were being coy, both the demons could clearly see the massive smile on Sammy’s face.

“Sammy, going out for dinner is a date,” Maria corrected with a big smile. She was really happy for them. Even if nothing ended up coming from Sammy and Ahti, she was just happy that they weren’t letting ex drag them down anymore.

“Fine, maybe it is a date...” The enby said quietly. Edith laughed gently. 

“Anyway, I have work in the morning, so I need to get some sleep.”

“Alright, Sammy. Text me okay?”

“Will do.”

“Oh, Sammy,” Edith quickly cut in. “Be careful if Ahti has a bit to drink. She gets a little bit nippy.”

“What?” Maria and Sammy said at the same time, and the demon just laughed.

“Don’t worry about it. You’ll find out soon enough.”

“O—Okay? Um. Well Goodnight, you two.”

“Night, Sammy.” “Goodnight.”

The video call ended and Maria reached out to close the laptop with a sigh. The session had gone on late. Well, late for her, really late for them considering the time difference. Leaning back, she fell into her lover’s embrace, closing her eyes. 

“What’s the whole ‘nippy’ thing?” The budding demon asked with a light chuckle.

“Oh, Ahti tends to nip at people she likes when she drinks a bit.” Edith nuzzled into Maria as she held her close. 

“Oh? Not dissimilar to a certain demon I know,” Maria chuckled out.

“I don’t nip, my dear Maria. I like to full-on bite.” Edith’s head moved its way down till she was in the crook of Maria’s neck.

“Would you mind showing me the difference, because I’m not sure I know what it is.” Maria couldn’t help but lean into her demon more, shivering at the feeling of Edith’s warm breath on her neck.

“I would absolutely love to show you the difference, my dear.”


The market district was a lot busier than Maria had expected for a weekday. Or so Maria had thought. Edith had to remind Maria that Celesque and Earth don’t work on the same schedule. Here in the central plane it was actually the weekend surprisingly enough. All that really meant was that Maria had to learn a whole new week schedule, which was a little annoying but not the worst thing in the world.

“So today is...”


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“And tomorrow is Crestday, right?”

“Yep,” Edith confirmed with a smile. “And the day after?”

“It’s... Crownday?”


“Yes!” Maria fist pumped the air. “This isn’t that hard.” She paused. “I say that, but I’ll still probably mess it up.”

“You’ll get it in time. I still don’t understand Earth’s whole week system. Not that I really need to.” Edith shrugged. She was right though. Since they didn’t live there, there wasn’t much of a need for her to learn. 

“Well,” Maria started, “it couldn’t hurt if we need to visit or something.”

“True. Or I could just say I forgot what day it is,” the scarlet demon said with a smirk.

Maria pouted. “Why do I have to be the only one learning new stuff for this relationship?”

“Hey, I did learn English for you, you know.”

“Wait, really?” Maria was a little shocked.

“Of course. I didn’t speak it before I made the deal with your parents. I didn’t have a need to. But after the deal I did make a point of learning it. Hard as hells. So many different ways to literally say the exact same thing. ‘She was over there’ ‘Over there she was’,” Edith said exaggeratedly.

Maria chuckled. “Okay, Yoda.”

“Yoda? What’s that?”

Maria just stopped dead in the middle of the street and stared at her demon. “Do you really not know who Yoda is?”

“No,” Edith shook her head. “Are they like some celebrity on Earth or something?”

Maria’s brain took a second to reboot. “Do you not know what Star Wars is?”

“No.” Edith shook her head.

“What?! You don’t know what Star Wars is?! But you fucking know what Star Trek is!”

“Is it a TV show or something?” Edith was thoroughly confused as to why Maria seemed to be losing her mind.

“Oh my fucking gods. Oh my fucking gods,” Maria repeated holding her head, trying to process this fact about the woman she loves. How could she know what Star Trek is, but not Star Wars?!

“I don’t know what’s going on...”

“Okay! Tomorrow! Tomorrow we are watching Star Wars. There are nine films. Well, eleven if you count Rogue One and Solo. Twelve if we add the Clone Wars animated movie.”

“That’s a lot of a lot of films, Maria. I don’t think we could do that all in one day if we want to sleep,” Edith said with a chuckle as she started to find Maria’s enthusiasm for these films a little humorous.

“Okay, the next two days. But fuck what order do I show them in...”

“What order? Shouldn’t there just be the order they came out in?”

“By the Gods, Edith... There’s fucking that order, then the chronological order, and then the machete order. Fuck, I need to text Sammy and get their input on this.” Maria quickly brought out her phone as they started to actually move again. “Oh fuck, there’s also the Clone Wars animated serious, both the Samurai Jack looking one and the one that follows the film. Then Rebels, and that other one set in the sequels... Oh and the fucking Mandalorian! I haven’t even seen that yet! Do you have Disney+?”

“You have completely lost me, dear,” Edith laughed out.

Maria sent out a text of help to Sammy, knowing she won’t get a reply till they’re on break. Putting the phone away, Maria took a deep breath. “Okay. We will fix this travesty. But it can wait...”

“You’re ridiculous,” Edith said, taking their arm.

“I wish I was dickless,” Maria replied with her dumb joke, only to realize it doesn’t sound right in Infernal. Suddenly knowing new languages has really made her mind a bit of a multilingual jumble.

“What?” Edith asked, suddenly worried.

“Sorry, it’s a dumb joke, but it only works in English.”

Edith raised an eyebrow and then seemed to think on it for a second before letting out a laugh. “Ha, that’s actually kind of funny. Though a little sad.”

“Eh. Sometimes making jokes about it helps. But the fact that I will actually become dickless soon enough helps,” Maria said with a small smile.

“I suppose. Or you could end up like me and have both. We could have a lot of fun if that happens,” Edith said with a smirk.

Maria paused for a second. Could that actually be what will happen? That she’ll have both like Edith. It was a strange thought. It wasn’t as if Maria hated her penis, but the idea that having a penis means that you don’t have a vagina, typically. So her dislike and dysphoria of her external reproduction organs was really just the fact that she didn’t have a vagina. So would she be fine with potentially having both? She’d still have the right thing between her legs, just with a little something extra. It would also make sense if she ended up like Edith, so that they could really ‘fit’ together perfectly.

Edith had taken notice of Maria’s pause, and quickly felt bad. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel dysphoric.”

“Oh, no. It’s okay. You didn’t make me feel dysphoric, Edith.” The scarlet demon seemed instantly relieved. “I was just lost in thinking about it. I guess it, uh, wouldn’t be so bad to have both. It might even be really fun...” Maria admittedly shyly, thinking about the other night where she got to play with all of Edith.

Edith smiled mischievously at her love. “Well, we will just have to wait and see now won’t we?”

Maria nodded in affirmation. Her mind did start to wonder back to the past few times her and Edith had fooled around and looking back she definitely realized her hen was getting harder than normal. Oh fuck. That’s probably what’s happening. Oh fuck.

The budding demon shook her head. She didn’t need to think about all that right now. It will come in time. But right now she should probably focus on the fact that Edith is now pulling her into what appears to be an underwear boutique. Instantly, Maria became nervous, and a little embarrassed as they walked in. She wasn’t quite sure why she felt embarrassed, but she did, making her blush up a storm.

“You okay there, cutie?” Edith asked, putting her arm around Maria’s waist, and her tail gently wrapping around her calf. It occurred to Maria that Edith didn’t really wrap her tail around her much in public, or rather at all in public. She only did it when they seemed out of anyone’s eyeline.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just never been in a store like this before.”

“Really?” Edith was a little surprised, though she probably shouldn’t be considering she has seen the kind of underwear Maria wears.

Maria nodded. “Never really had the courage... Always afraid of people calling me out for being trans. And, well that could end really badly where I used to live...” Maria could see a small wave of frustration, maybe even anger, wash over Edith’s face.

The scarlet demon shook her head. “I don’t get humans. Can’t even let a woman get underwear in peace,” she said, seeming to vent out some of her frustration. “Well you're not going to have to worry about that here at all.”

“You sure?” Maria knew that no one would judge or care about her being trans here, as Edith and Ahti had made clear many times. Still, there was a tiny part of her that was afraid and needed the reassurance from her love.

“Yes, dear,” Edith said, kissing the top of her head. “This is where I get my underwear, and you’ve seen how those are pretty accommodating of what’s down there.” That is true. Her underwear was made to actually work with her equipment instead of assuming that someone wearing panties doesn’t have a cock.

“Okay,” Maria said, still a little timid. “I, uh, I don’t really know where to start.”

The pair of demons were still standing at the front of the store by some displays. It wasn’t a large store by any means. But it was a cute little store. Made it seem more personable to Maria. It also helped that there were only two other people in the store. Well, three if you include the attendant behind the counter. Either way Maria still stayed right by Edith’s side.

“Well, do you know your size for a start?” Edith started to bring the two deeper into the store.


Edith just looked at her before saying, “Right, we need to get you sized.”

“What? Why? I know my size.”

“Well, can you convert it to metric? Because I sure can’t.” Edith raised an eyebrow at her.

“Ummmm. 90 something? Maybe...” Edith put on a look of ‘I told you so’ as she led Maria over to the counter. “So Celesque uses the metric system?”

“We invented it so why would we use anything else?” 

That was a fair point. Wait, Celesque invented it? Huh... Also, Maria had to admit that the imperial system was strange as hell. Twelve inches in a foot, three feet in a yard, 5280 feet in a mile. Fucking dumb. Though that did mean that Maria would have to now learn metric. Well, she understood metric. It was more of just actually implementing it and gaining an understanding of relative size. What else is Maria going to have to ‘relearn’ living here?

“Welcome,” the surprisingly human-looking attendant said as the two as they walked up. “How can I help you today?”

“We need to get her measured and fitted,” Edith said, somewhat pushing Maria forward.

“Perfect. If you would just follow me this way.” The attendant said, stepping out from behind the counter and heading over to the back. Maria started to follow, but noticed Edith wasn’t joining her.

“Aren’t you coming?”

“I don’t need measuring, and besides the room is rather small. I’ll just wait and start picking out cute things for you,” Edith said with just a kind of mischievousness.

Maria felt a little nervous about going in alone, but she did trust that Edith wouldn’t leave her alone with someone she didn’t trust. The budding demon quickly caught up to the attendant who was waiting outside a door to a small changing room.

“Right in here, Miss,” the woman said, holding the door open for Maria. Once they were both inside the lady quickly instructed Maria on what to do so she could take her measurements. It was a little awkward and strange for Maria, but she did as told, and was thankful that the lady was very professional about it. To help distract herself from the embarrassment of what was happening, Maria focused on trying to figure out what the woman was.

“Trying to figure out what race I am?” The lady asked, having noticed Maria's quick glances and focused expression. 

With her face heating up at being called out, Maria quickly spat out, “Oh, I— Uh, I’m— I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to be rude.”

The woman chuckled, pulling away her tape from Maria. “It’s fine. I know it’s pretty rare to see another human here.” So she is human! “Well, maybe I should just say ‘a human’ rather than ‘another’, considering,” she said, gesturing to Maria’s horns.

Right. Maria wasn’t really a human anymore. Still so fucking weird to think about, but not in a bad way. “I’ve not met ano— a human here before.”

“Yeah, we’re pretty rare. Most witches and sorcerers keep to their roots on earth since paganism and witchcraft won’t get them killed anymore. Well in some of the more modern countries.”

“So you’re a witch?”

“Yep. You can put your shirt back on now.”

“Oh, thanks. So um, a witch who works at an underwear store?”

“A witch, who owns an underwear boutique,” she corrected.


“It’s fine,” She said with a laugh before opening the door, and letting Maria out.

Before they could say anything else a new voice from the front of the store cut over everything.

“Oh look! If it isn’t the halfbreed.”


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