Demon Bound

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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As Maria slowly drifted from the land of sleep her first semi-conscious thoughts were that this was the perfect level of comfort. The bed was soft, but firm much like the very expensive mattress she had back at her parents’. Nothing like the mattress she currently had. The second thing was that whoever was spooning her was just the right level of warmth to keep her comfy and not overheating. It was truly perfect after the crazy dream she just had. 

Honestly who could even come up with a demon coming to claim her after a deal her parents had made before she was born. And considering the demon was the epitome of one of Maria’s sexy boss wet dreams, it really took the cake of craziest dream. 

Like any of that would ever happen she thought with an amused chuckle as she backed up into the person holding her. Their warm breath gently caressed the back of her neck, causing Maria to go into a full body shiver. 

“Oh, did I just find a weak spot?” Asked a familiar sultry voice.

‘That’s right’, she thought, nodding lazily before saying, “more.” The back of Maria’s neck was her number one weak spot. To be honest it wouldn’t take much stimulation back there to bring Maria to the point of begging. Don’t judge. Everyone has a spot like that. Hers might just be a little more sensitive than most… Needless to say the person holding her decided to take full advantage of Maria’s weak spot as she felt their lips kiss the back of her neck.

Maria let out a light, still sleepy, sigh as the warm soft lips started to gently kiss her neck. Part of her mind imagined that it was the demoness from her dreams last night that was kissing her, and in her sleepy state she didn’t mind whatsoever. She must still be dreaming, so why not enjoy it, right? After all, the demon was perfectly Maria’s type.

 The slender arms currently wrapped around her pulled her in tighter. The now noticeable breasts pressed firmly into her back as the woman continued her conquest. Maria’s hips decided on their own to grind back into the other woman’s, and she was surprised to find a noticeable lump pushing up between her ass cheeks. Not that she minded. Maria wasn’t one to care what genitals her partners had. And only on occasion would a vagina-endowed individual cause her to have a dysphoric reaction. 

Deciding to fully enjoy the dream, Maria reached back with a hand to grab at the ‘demon’s’ horn, and was met with the very surprisingly realistic sensation of feeling a pair of horns. That was interesting. They weren’t how she imagined they would feel. Though they looked rough and bumpy, they were actually quite smooth to the touch. Apparently the grabbing of one of her horns made the she-demon let out a small growl. Weird her dream would have such a level of detail…

Then something long and silky decided to wrap itself around Maria’s lower leg. What the hell was that? A snake? Wait no, that’s right. The demon had a tail, and it felt way too real…

Still the kisses and occasional lick at her neck caused her to let out little moans.  Her hips ground harder as her grip on the horn pulled the demon deeper into her neck. Out of nowhere the kisses on her neck turned into a bite. Not an overly hard bite but enough of one to make her eyes shoot open as a loud moan escaped her lips. Though the bite had been exactly what her lustful mind had wanted, it did let her know that this was no dream.

In a quick panic, Maria pulled away from the demon behind her. She scrambled to the edge of the bed before rolling over, keeping the covers tight over her as to not let the demon see anything. She was met with the sight of the very same demon from last night, who apparently wasn’t just part of a crazy dream. The demon had gently propped herself up on her elbow. Her beautiful elven face carried a genuine smile as her hair looked like it had just been professionally done. That has to be a demon thing. No one wakes up with such perfect fucking hair.

The other thing Maria noticed that is probably worth mentioning is that the demon was naked. Well the sheets cover her from the waist down, but still naked! And was currently giving Maria a perfect view of the perky breasts that had been squashed up against her not moments ago. Even if the red skin and burgundy colored nipples were a strange sight to Maria, she was admittedly having a bit of a hard time looking away from them. They looked so soft, and just the perfect size to be that right amount of overflowing handful. ‘For the Gods’ sakes stop staring at the demon’s tits’, she internally berated herself.

Somehow she managed to tear her gaze away from her breasts, much to her lust’s dismay, and up to the demon’s face. Though to be fair the demoness didn’t seem to mind the promiscuous gaze.

“You know you didn’t have to pull away so soon,” the demon said with a playful pout.

“Fuck off. You were taking advantage of me.”

“You literally asked me to do it, cutie,” she replied crawling a little closer.

That was true…  “I...I didn’t know it was a literal demon doing it.”

“Says the woman who purposefully reached back to grab onto my horn just to pull me in closer.” The characteristic smirk returned now as she continued to move closer. Maria didn’t try to move away. She was on the edge of the bed so she couldn't move away. Well she could climb out of the bed and run out the door. Scream for help and be rid of this whole demon affair. So why wasn’t she?

“I… I thought it was a dream…”

“Well why don’t we make those dreams a reality?”

That was really cheesy, but it still made Maria’s insides do a little flip. Not many people had ever come onto Maria that hard, and it was apparently really flipping the submissive switch in her body. She felt hot. Her heart was starting to pound again but not from fear. Her head pushed back into the pillow under her as the Demon’s face loomed ever closer. 

She shouldn’t let this happen. She really shouldn’t let this happen. Why the hell was she letting this happen? It’s wrong. This was a demon. A literal demon! But she wasn’t stopping her. All she could think about was that her lips were right there. They were so close, and they had felt so good last night and just a few moments ago on her neck. Oh gods, she was letting this happen. It was happening. Oh fuck, this was so wrong but her body was telling her it was so right!

The red hand cupped her face much like it had done last night before her burgundy lips met pink ones. Maria couldn’t help but let a moan and the demon let out a growl of approval. That made Maria’s heart flutter. The kiss was slow and gentle. It was a lot more sweet than Maria had expected the demon to be. Not that she was complaining. It gave her heart a chance to calm down. 

Though the gentle kiss wasn’t short lived it did start to become more intense. The deeper the kiss got the more Maria willingly gave in. Their bodies soon pressed together with Maria laying half underneath the demon. She felt that perfect chest against hers as one of the demon's smooth legs ran up hers. Maria had also nearly forgotten about the tail until it tightened its grip on her leg. Strangely she actually liked the feeling.

Eventually Maria felt the demon’s tongue slide across her lips as if to ask permission to enter, which Maria gladly gave. When their tongues finally met Maria couldn’t help but gasp as the demon seemed to start purring gently. She had always fantasized about what it would be to kiss someone with a forked tongue, among many other things… It was more than she could have ever hoped for. The smooth as silk tongues danced around hers. Pulling, swirling and teasing her tongue with well refined skill. 

Maria was now openly moaning into the kiss as she felt the demon’s member press into her leg, grinding into it. It was hotter than the rest of her demonic body, which shouldn’t have come as a surprise. There was one thing that did feel off however, but Maria couldn’t quite place it. But it didn’t matter, it all felt so good. It felt so right laying under this devilish body. It felt right in her heart for some reason she couldn’t explain. 

The pentacles over both of their hearts began to glow brighter, not that either of the women took notice. Though they both on some level realized that the magical tattoo was heating up. Not in a bad way or at a too unbearable level, just enough to notice.

As their ‘little’ makeout session deepened, Maria felt the hand cupping her cheek slowly start to move away. At first she was worried that might mean the end of this moment, but as it started to trail down the side of her neck she realized she had nothing to fear. The wickedly sharp nails gently traced down the side of her neck, sending shivers throughout her body. The demon above her seemed to purr louder at the feeling of her shivers. Nails lightly scratched across Maria’s collar bone as they continued their descent downwards. 

The demon seemed to thrust a little harder into Maria’s leg, causing the demon’s breath to noticeably quicken. Not that Maria was complaining at all, in fact it was quite the opposite as she pushed her own leg harder into it. In response her demon companion ran a teasing finger over one of her nipples. With a sigh of pleasure she pushed her chest out and into the demons waiting hand. Maria had always loved having her chest and nipples played with, even before growing tits, but with tits it was so much more enjoyable. Her nipples were a close second to the weak spot on her neck and the demon was happily exploring that.

Her thumb ran back and forth over the sensitive nub causing Maria to let out a small gasp every time. The arms she had around the demon's neck pulled her in closer. Wait, when had she wrapped her arms around the demon? Did it matter? The demon’s ministration continued for a time, seeming to thoroughly enjoy the reaction it was getting out of her. Maria meanwhile felt like she was floating on a cloud of lust. She could feel her body shake and quiver at the hellish beings' lightest touch. It felt too good to be real, but it most certainly was real.

Gently the demon returned to sliding her nails downwards across Maria’s body. Anticipation was steadily building in the girl’s gut as she felt the hand go lower and lower. Oh how she wanted to feel that warm hand on her nethers. The long fingers slide over her wet mound. Encircling her throbbing cli… Wait. No. Maria didn’t have those parts. She didn’t have a vagina. A pussy. A cunt. She had a penis… A cock… A dick… Oh fuck, her body was wrong. So so very wrong. She felt her small world crashing in on itself. Nothing was right anymore. This wasn’t right. She wasn’t right. No, she couldn’t let the demon touch her there. She could let the demon know that she was wrong. Let the demon’s touch remind her even more that her body was wrong.

A hot stream of tears burst from her eyes as the arms that had been holding the demon close now pushed her away. Unlike the prior night she did actually manage to move the demon away. As she did she scrambled out from under her, off the side of the bed. She nearly tripped and fell over as she wasn’t expecting the bed to be quite so high off the ground. Panting hard from the sudden and intense attack of dysphoria Maria wrapping her arms tightly around her midsection. It was a small comfort as she tried to get her breathing under control.

“Did I hurt you?” The sultriness of the demon’s voice was gone. It had been replaced with concern.

Maria suddenly remembered she wasn’t the only one in the room.

“No. You, um…you didn’t hurt me,” Maria replied trying to quell the sobs wanting to make themselves known. She wasn’t facing the demon at this moment, but that felt wrong. She wanted to look at her. Only because it's rude not to face someone while you're talking to them. Right, that's the reason. And definitely not something like seeing her face would reassure her and make her feel better… Taking her time, Maria turned back around. She was once again greeted with the sight the demon propped up on her side. This time however the demon was propped up taller and her face was full of concern. It was kind of odd. You would never think you’d see a demon with a concerned expression.

“Did I do something wrong? Were you not enjoying yourself?” The red eyes scanned Maria up and down. They definitely lingered on her semi erection for a while longer than Maria felt comfortable with. There was a large part of her that wanted to cover herself up. To hide the wrong thing between her legs, but she braved it.

“You didn’t do anything wrong.” Well besides the whole ‘I own you now’. “And I… I was enjoying it…” Her cheeks turned nearly as red as the demons as she admits that both to the demon and herself.

“Really? You don't seem to be very physically aroused...” The demon actually sounded a little upset.

Now that pushed Maria to grab the corner of the massive blanket on the bed and cover herself. It also made her realize just how large the sheets and bed were as her covering herself didn’t uncover the demons lower half.

“That’s…” Maria’s cheeks were burning hotter. “My body doesn’t… Not everything is fully functional, okay?”

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The look of concern on the red elven-like face turned to confusion. “What do you mean?”

Oh boy, this conversation was happening… Wait wasn’t she also trans? She had a cock after all. But it was from the feel of it, it was fully functioning.

“What do you mean? Aren’t you trans as well?”

“No, I’m not transgender.”

“But you have a…”

“I’m a demon, dear. Our bodies do not work the same.”

She couldn’t really argue with that.

“Okay… Um, but you know what being transgender means right?”

“Yes I do. It is not something that can happen in demons, but I do know what it means. Though I will admit I don’t know many details about the transitioning process. Is that why you aren’t very hard?”

So this conversation is really happening. Not really what you want to happen after having a dysphoria-induced mini-panic attack, but hey, she literally asked. Which is a lot more than some of Maria’s partners had done.

“Well umm… One form of transitioning is by using Hormone Replacement Therapy. For transwomen it works by replacing testosterone with estrogen and sometimes progesterone. It basically induces a second puberty. You grow breasts, your skin gets softer, body hair lightens, your emotions and feelings can intensify. Lots of things happen, but one big thing that can happen if you do the high dosage style treatment is that your junk doesn't really function anymore. It can’t get very hard. You don't really ejaculate so much as leak. And you become infertile…”

The demon took a minute to think over all of that. It was understandable there was a lot that goes into being trans, and to be honest Maria had just scratched the surface.

“That sounds like a lot to go through.”

“It is. Especially when you don't have people helping you through it…”

There was a moment of awkward silence between them. Neither was quite sure what to say next. Eventually the demon spoke up.

“Why did you pull away, Maria?”

“It's nothing.”

“It must be something if it made you cry.”

Fuck… What was Maria’s life right now? She was having a fucking meaningful conversation with a demon who owned her after they had just tongue fucked each others mouths. She should be angry. She should scream and run away. But she wasn’t. She was just standing there accepting the heartfelt conversation. Actually happy someone wanted to hear what was going on with her. No one had done that in a long time. Finally she broke and gave in.

“When your hand was sliding down... I really wanted you to touch me down there. Only I didn’t want you touching what I have there. I wanted you to be touching the thing I don't have. And when I remembered I don't have a vagina but a penis… It all just blew up in my face and I panicked.”

She couldn’t look at the demon. She was too embarrassed so she elected to stare at the beautifully polished hardwood floor. She could almost see her own reflection in it.

“Does that happen often?” The demon asked, reaching out to lay a hand on her arm. Maria flinched a little bit, but she didn’t pull away.

“It used to, but not so much anymore. But like you saw, it does still happen.” The demon was now gently rubbing her thumb up and down in a soothing motion. It felt really nice and caring. The tail around her leg tightened just a bit more.

“It's fine though. It's who I am,” Maria spoke up trying to end the awkwardness. “It's not like anything can really be anything done about it."

"No there isn't. At least not until after your body has acclimated," the demon said shifting over to be sitting on the edge of the bed. The sheets falling away not without any care from the red woman.

And she was now naked and uncovered in front of Maria, who couldn't help but look down over the women's form. More specifically her eyes went to the thing that had been rubbing up her leg a few minutes. Oh gods it's like six inches long and it's only soft. How big does it get when it's hard? Can she even fit it in people? Are demons just big or is it just her? There was still something off but she still couldn't figure it out.

No, wait. Maria somehow managed to pull her attention away from the behemoth in front of her and gave it back to the demon. 

"What do you mean 'until my body acclimates'?" What did that even mean?

"Well," the demon said as she suddenly grabbed onto Maria's arms and pulled Maria into her awaiting lap. Maria let out an honest to god ‘eep’ at the sudden movement. If her face wasn’t already red enough she now found herself nose to nose with the demon. Unlike last night the demon’s eyes weren’t glowing, but maybe that was because it was light inside the room. Either way Maria couldn’t look away from them. The long arms wrapped around her waist, giving her no escape. At least she still had the covers mostly around her.

“Human bodies are very weak to magic. Even a little amount of it can easily kill you. But you, my dear Maria,” she said as one of her red hands decided to explore her uncovered backside, “have been claimed by a demon. You are mine, and mine alone. And because of that, we have been marked by that ancient magic.” The demon nodded down to the glowing tattoos. “It's magic; the magic of the world you are now in, and most importantly my magic courses through you. It will be weak at first, but as time goes on it will become stronger. It will alter you. Make you more fit to live in this world by my side.” Her voice trailed off as her head leaned in to give Maria a gentle peck on the lips.

A large part of Maria gave into the kiss, but another part of her kept playing the  words over and over in her head. There was now magic in her. It would change her. But how and into what? Would she no longer be human? A familiar feeling of panic started to build up inside her. Somehow the demon sensed this and drew her attention back to her.

“Please do not worry. There is nothing either you or I can do. It is the way of these things. So all you and I can do is enjoy our time together.”

Maria could see the demon was going in for another kiss, but somehow the tiny voice in her head that told her to keep fighting back won out. “Nothing you can do? You're the one that started all this.”

“No. I’m not,” the demoness replied matter of factly. “Your parents started this when they decided money is more valuable than you are.”

Even though Maria hadn’t even talked to her family in nearly three years, that fact still hurt the little child in her that hoped her parents would accept her. Her eyes drifted away from the demon as she felt her heart sink. She didn’t notice the red hand had left her ass until it was gripping her chin and pulling her eye line backup to the demons.

“And what immense fools they were. But their stupidity brought you to me, and for that I am more grateful than you can possibly know.”

How can someone go from terrifying you one night, to seducing you the next morning, to consoling you when you're having dysphoria, and then finally stealing your heart all in less than 24 hours. These sort of things shouldn’t happen. Especially when said person was a demon who laid claim to you before you were even born. But she didn’t seem like the evil demons in her childhood stories. She seemed caring, compassionate, maybe a little too sexually forward, but was that really such a bad thing? The tattoo over Maria’s heart seemed to throb with waves of heat as she let all these thoughts and feelings wash over her. 

Maybe they were right. Maybe this was where she was meant to be. Maybe this was what her life had been really leading up to. Gods how badly she wanted the demon to kiss her, but she wasn’t. She was just sitting there staring back at Maria. Maybe Maria should be the one to take the initiative. Maybe she should be the one to lean in and kiss her. Her entire body seemed to scream for her to do it, but there was still that tiny voice that was telling her to stop. Eventually that tiny voice lost the battle. She leaned in and took the initiative.

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