Demon Bound

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

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The dizziness was strange. It wasn’t just that swaying feeling in her head, but a full body experience. It was powerful, but lasted only a fleeting second before vanishing entirely. Then she was falling flat on her back. A scream built up in her throat but never had time to leave before she landed on something soft.

Blinking she realized she was in the bedroom laying on the bed as her demon stood at its side.

“What the hell. Did you just teleport us?” Maria asked, bringing herself up onto her elbows. All that had ruined the mood a bit, though Maria still did hunger for her demon.

“I did,” Edith replied with a cocky grin.

“How? No, let me guess, magic?” She gave a bit of snark to the demon who now sought to crawl on top of her.

“I didn’t know my girl was both beautiful and a genius,” Edith snarked right back at her. Even though it was a snide remark, Edith calling her ‘my girl’ made Maria’s heart flush with joy. Her advancing crawl forced Maria down onto her back as she soon loomed entirely over her. Edith’s red eyes looked her up and down the same way they had last night. “So beautiful.”

Maria wasn’t good with taking compliments, so she just nervously wiggled under the demon’s gaze.

“Before we go any further,” Edith started, bringing Maria’s eyeline back to hers. “Are you okay with me touching you down there? Or would you prefer I avoid it?”

“You can touch me,” Maria nodded eagerly. Not wanting to ruin the moment any more she forced back the tears threatening to escape. “Thank you for asking, Edith. It means a lot more than you know.”

Her demon smiled down at her before bringing them back to a kiss. They didn’t go right back to the same level of heat in the kiss, instead they slowly built back up from the beginning. Soon they were tearing at each other's clothes, eager for the other to be rid of them.  It was a little clumsy and both shared a few laughs.

Edith was beautiful. Maria had already known that but she still couldn’t help but openly stare. She also now had a good look at Edith’s erect equipment. It was big, maybe not as big as Maria had feared it would be but still big. Maria guessed it was at least a bit under eight inches. So it seemed Edith was more of a shower than a grower. At least Maria didn’t have to worry about dealing with something inhumanly big.

Dick-size feelings and being trans are a really strange combo. Having been raised a ‘boy’ Maria had the joy of constantly being subjected to the idea of being bigger is better. Though she knew that wasn’t true and she didn’t want to be the owner of a penis, there was still that ingrained feeling of you have to be big in order to be good. Maria wasn’t big. Before hormones she had been a solid six inches, not bad, but now she was maybe four and a half on a really good day. So seeing Edith be nearly twice her size made her feel a little self conscious. There was also another part of her who felt giddy and thrilled that she was small compared to her demon. 

Another thing Maria noted was that she was uncut like herself. Though it’s commonplace in America for newborn ‘boys’ to be circumcised, Maria wasn’t as her parents saw any form of modification done to the body as going against God’s plan. So tattoos, piercings, hair dye, makeup (which her mother was a hypocrite about), and for some reason circumcision were all out. Yay for foreskins, nature's lube! 

Finally Edith seemed to have enough of staring at one another and went to attack one of her new favorite places, Maria’s neck. Moans filled the room as Maria happily squirmed under Edith’s body. Unlike this morning, the demon was now fully on top of her. A growl rose in Edith’s throat as she ground her cock into Maria’s much smaller one. Hot hard flesh on softer wet flesh. It was then that both of them noticed how much pre Maria was leaking.

“You’re really wet,” Edith said from the crook of Maria’s neck. “Like really wet. Let me guess, another little gift from HRT?”

When Maria went to answer the demon bit down hard, making sure the only thing that came out of Maria was a scream. Maria’s back arched as her body seemed to take on a mind of its own. She was no longer in control, just along for the ride. Her nail’s clawed hard at her demon’s back as her hips pushed up into the demons. She wondered if she would even be able to see the red claw marks on Edith’s skin. Then she realized there probably wasn’t much a human could do to harm a demon.

Though Maria wasn’t able to mark Edith as hers physically, Edith was doing a damn good job of marking Maria. Bite marks and hickies lined both sides of her neck before Edith finally pulled away to admire her handiwork. The pleased smirk on her face made Maria’s submissive heart sing with joy. She was marked. She was claimed. And it felt so good she was panting. 

“Oh those are definitely going to show up in your photo tomorrow,” the demon chuckled out. 

The thought of her hickey covered neck in a photo made the shy girl inside Maria want to hide. Though, the submissive in her wanted to show them off with pride. But before Maria could ask what Edith meant by ‘photo tomorrow’ her demon leaned down and took one of her nipples in her mouth. 

Maria let out a preemptive gasp expecting Edith to toy with her nipple with the same ferocity as she had her neck. Instead her demon just teased her. Her forked tongue flicked and pulled at her nipple as her hand kneaded Maria’s other breast. Maria couldn’t help but wiggled and moaned under her demon’s play. One of her hands gripping the back of Edith’s head, pulling her in tighter, as the other clawed at her shoulder. 

Edith seemed to purr as she kissed and licked her way from one tit to the other. Her eyes glued on Maria’s face as she mewled and moaned. By the gods, Maria found those eyes so enticing. Maria meanwhile ground her aching hen into her demon’s stomach. Her pre smeared all over her and Edith as she moaned for more. 

The demon did her best to make Maria a moaning mess from her nipples alone before deciding to slide her hand down in between them. Maria didn’t notice the hand till it was firmly wrapped around her cocklette. It was hot. The warmth reminded her of the few times she had ever penetrated someone. She could only imagine how it would feel to be inside of Edith, but that wasn’t an option. She kept being shocked by the warmth of Edith, which she probably shouldn’t be at this point. Though it was always a nice surprise.

Maria eagerly thrust herself up into Edith’s gripping hand. A sense of relief washed through her as her need to be touched down there was sated. Edith pulled away Maria’s nipple and chuckled as she looked down between them, intently watching. Maria just managed to see this through slitted eyes and immediately felt a wave of embarrassment.

“What?” Maria asked nervously.

“It’s just soft and wet,” Edith replied.

“Is... Is that a bad thing?”

“Oh quite the contrary,” she said looking back into her eyes. “I think it's really cute that you're all wet for me considering how wet I am for you,” Edith emphasized by rubbing her cunt on Maria’s thigh. “And it being soft just makes your little cocklette fun to play with.” Edith gave Maria’s member a playful tug causing Maria to gasp and arch her back. “Does that feel good, cutie? Do you like me playing with your hen?” The dominance had returned in full force to her demon’s voice.

Maria nodded eagerly, thrusting her hen into Edith’s hand but Edith pulled back. Maria whimpered at the loss of touch. Edith’s wicked nails trailing up the underside of her cocklette. 

“I want to hear you say it, Maria.” Her demon’s teeth grazed against her nipple.

“I like it,” Maria half whimpered and half whispered her reply.

“Louder,” Edith commanded, teasing Maria’s nipple again.

“I like it!”

“And what is it that you like, Maria?” Her nails ran up and down Maria’s soft, sensitive flesh. Maria groaned in frustration and pleasure. Her body was begging for it. She so desperately wanted her demon’s touch. She needed it. Every fiber of her being seemed to be calling out for it.

“You,” She panted, the pentacle on her chest grew brighter. “You touching me.” Edith's hand gently wrapped around her. “Teasing me.” Her demon bit down on her sensitive nipple. Maria hand gripped the back of Edith’s head “Playing with me.” She started to stroke her again and Maria let out a satisfied groan. “Taking me.”

Edith chuckled as she watched as her human squirmed under her handiwork. Maria’s hips thrust sporadically into her demon’s strokes. Her body shook as waves of pleasure rippled through her. The demon’s touch was bringing her ever closer to the edge. Maria wasn’t the only one feeling pleasure though as Edith was grinding herself into Maria’s thigh. Coating her leg in a layer of her wetness. The pentacles above her and Edith’s hearts seemed to throb with the waves of ecstasy.

That familiar tingling feeling was steadily rising up in Maria. She wasn’t sure how long they had been at it, but she knew she normally wouldn’t be getting this close so fast. Maybe it was all the teasing that had happened earlier, both at her own and Edith’s hands. Maybe it was the idea of it all, being claimed and taken away by a beautiful demon. Maybe it was the magic binding them, pushing them to be with one another. Maria didn’t know, and she didn’t care. She just wanted that sweet release.

It was so close. She was right there. Maria’s nails dug into Edith’s skin as hard as they could. Her breath was ragged and so was her demon’s. She could tell the build up was happening for her partner, but she probably wasn’t nearly as close as Maria was. Gods, she was almost there. Her back arched as she felt herself reaching the edge of the cliff. Her mouth gaping open in a silent scream, and then her demon stopped.

Maria whimpered like a hurt dog as Edith took her hand away. She was right fucking there. She looked over pleadingly to her demon. She felt tears threatening to break through.

“Why… Did you stop?!”

“I couldn’t have you tiring yourself before the main event,” Edith purred out. She leant in and gave Maria a very quick and deep kiss, before climbing off of her. 

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Maria gripped at her demon, not wanting her to go. She wanted, no, needed her to take responsibility for Maria’s throbbing arousal. She sat up and watched as Edith crawled over to the bedside table and fiddled around in a draw. Admittedly it did give Maria a perfect view of Edith’s rear. Part of her suddenly yearned to sink her hen into Edith’s dripping cunt, which was strange as she hadn’t wanted to use her member like that for a long time. It was one of those things that even though she knew fucking someone with her cock wouldn’t make her a man or masculine, it still felt like it. She knew it was dumb, but still the human brain is a weird thing.

 Maria didn’t care for whatever she was doing over there, she just wanted her back over here. So she did the first thing that came to mind, she grabbed the end of Edith’s waving tail. She heard her demon gasp and turn her head to look at her. Those red eyes were wide as she looked between her tail and Maria. Was this a weak spot for her? Maria curiously rubbed the tip between her thumb and pointer finger and saw her demon let out a stifled moan. Oh it was, Maria chuckled in amusement.

“Hey, I don't laugh at your sensitive spots,” Edith said trying to pull her tail out of Maria’s grasp to no avail. 

“Yes you do.” If Edith was going to leave her hanging, there was no reason why she couldn’t at least tease her in retaliation. Leaning forward she licked the last six or so inches of the tail in a sort of mock blowjob. Her eyes stayed locked locked on Edith as she watched her shudder and moan.

“Oh, you’re going to get it now,” her demon growled out as she took the last inch inside her mouth swirling her tongue around the tip. Maria couldn’t help but smile as Edith let out a low moan while crawling back over to her.

Maria didn’t stop felating the tail as Edith found her place between her legs. She was fastly falling in love with the hunger in her demon’s eyes. She barely noticed the bottle of lube Edith had brought over, until she suddenly felt a couple of wet fingers brush against her backdoor. Quickly she pulled away from them and let go of the tail.

“What?” Edith asked worried she had hurt her somehow.

Now it wasn’t as if Maria didn’t enjoy being penetrated. There were definitely a few toys in the cardboard box in the closet that would say she did. It wasn’t the end all be all thing some people made it out to be, but it still felt good and added another element to everything. She also just liked the idea of being taken by someone like that in lieu of not having a vagina. There was just one issue right now.

“I’m not...” This was always a little awkward and embarrassing, but part of anal sex. “I’m not prepped down there for that.” Right now she was really wishing she had the foresight to have seen this coming and prepped before Edith got home.

“Oh dear,” her demon smirked out. “Have you forgotten I whisked you away and took you to a world full of magic. Do you really think there wouldn’t be a simple solution to prep?”

Edith had a point. Maria honestly thought if magic came to humanity the first things made or done would all be sex related. So it made sense there would be an easy way to prep. But then Edith should have let her do that before going straight to putting lube on… Oh wait.

“The lube?”

“Bingo,” Edith said before leaning down and kissing her. Less on edge Maria gave into the kiss, happy to have her lover back on top of her. Edith took it slow with lubing her up, seeming to enjoy how much it made Maria shudder. Especially when she finally sunk a finger inside of her. Maria wiggled around the intruding finger, helping Edith to find that sweet spot that caused her little hen to jump around.

Slowly but surely Edith worked her open, making sure to constantly play with Maria’s prostate. Maria was starting to get heavily worked up again now. She could feel that build up starting inside her once again as her cocklette twitched and steadily dribbled pre onto her stomach. Her arms locked around Edith as she moaned into her demon’s neck.

Without a word she felt Edith pull out of her, leaving her with a feeling of emptiness. Maria pulled back and opened her eyes to groan in protest that her pleasure was being taken away again, only to feel Edith’s cock pressed up against her entrance.

“This is your last chance to leave, Maria. If we do this, I’m never going to let you leave. You’ll be mine forever.” That possessive look was back in Edith’s eyes, but Maria could also see there was a hint of worry in them. Worry that she would stop this all right now and leave.

Not wanting to see that look anymore, Maria did the first thing Edith had done to her. She kissed her. A gentle kiss that only lasted a second before she pulled away and looked into her demon’s eyes. 

“Then take me already.” Maria felt her heart and pentacle throb with anticipation.

 The smile on Edith’s face was the biggest of the night, and easily made butterflies of Maria’s insides.Taking charge with a kiss, Edith started to push forward into Maria. Thanks to all the lube and stretching Maria felt herself easily open to take in Edith’s cock head.

It was hot. Hot enough that it felt like Maria’s insides were melting, in a good way. It was also big. Very big. Erotica, smut, and porn may have one think that eight inches or so isn’t big, but it is. It was by far the largest of any of Maria’s previous partners, and that included the toys, too. Edith seemed to understand this as she took her time pushing into her. Every inch or so she would pause and let Maria get used to the feeling before pulling out a little and pushing back in deeper. 

It felt like an eternity had passed before Maria felt Edith’s hips press against her rear. Maria couldn’t help but wonder at how she managed to take her demon balls deep, well not ball deep considering her lack of them, but still. Edith seemed content to just stay buried deep inside of her and let Maria get used to the immense feeling of fullness.

“You’re mine,” Edith whispered in her ear, causing her to give a full body shudder. 

Maria was Edith’s. There was no way around it. She had been taken and claimed by a demon. The best part of it all was that she had wanted it. That it all felt so right. 

“I’m yours, and you’re mine,” Maria whispered back. Edith purred in response as Maria held onto her tighter. 

After a few shaky breaths Maria wiggled her hips just enough to let Edith know she was ready. She couldn’t help but whimper as Edith started to move. She felt fuller than she ever had before, which was both thrilling and a little scary. Maria also quickly found that because Edith was so big that with every thrust in and out her cock would grind against her prostate. The feeling of it was balancing that line between just the right amount of pleasure or being far too much.

Edith continued to take it slow and let Maria more or less designate the pace. Though they were taking it slow, that didn’t stop Maria from constantly wiggling her hips, making both of them moan. Edith’s lips found hers again as Maria’s legs wrapped around the back of her demon’s knees, trapping her in their love making. 

That’s what this was. This wasn’t hard hot sweaty sex. This was love making. This was slow, deep, and sensual love making. Despite all their build up and aggressive fooling around before hand neither of them could bring themselves to turn this into fucking. Wrapped up in each other’s arms, and tail, melding into one. Neither of them could see that both their pentacles grew blindingly bright before seeming to pulse with their own heart beats.

Though this was love making, their pace picked up steadily. Both of them panting and moaning into the kiss neither of them wanted to end. The beat of the pentacles began to speed up as both of them felt their release fast approaching. Maria had never come solely from anal alone, and though she wanted it so badly, she still needed a little more. Begrudgingly she let go of Edith with one hand and sought to reach between them, only to find Edith’s tail quickly beating her to it.

“Let me take care of you,” Edith said with a possessive and loving tone. It really wasn’t fair how she could so easily send Maria’s heart aflutter.

Nodding in agreement, Maria felt her demon’s tail take a firm grip on her cocklette. Another time Maria would have found the level of control Edith had over her tail impressive, but right now all she could focus on was the pleasure it brought. Rather quickly, Edith helped push her through that wall and was bringing her closer and closer to the breaking point. Not wanting to come alone Maria redoubled her efforts on squeezing down on Edith.

Maria felt her impending orgasm ride up far too soon. She wanted this to last so much longer. To feel her demon deep within her for hours on end, but Edith was far too good at making her feel good.

“Edith,” Maria panted out. “I’m… fuuuck, I’m so close.”

“Are you going to be a good girl and come for me?” Edith moaned out. That sentence was probably the sexiest thing Maria had ever heard and nearly pushed her over. She desperately nodded knowing that her voice would be nothing more than a squeak. Her demon purred into her neck as she bit down.

Maria didn’t last three more strokes before her orgasm crashed into her. Normally Maria isn’t very vocal when coming, but for Edith she screamed. Wave after wave of orgasmic bliss washed over her. Her body spasming and clenching down on her demon lover. Her little cocklette jumped as clear cum poured down onto her stomach. 

“Good girl,” Edith cooed breathlessly in Maria’s ear. “That’s it.” Her egging on succeeded in drawing out Maria’s mind numbing bliss. Years seemed to go by before she felt her high start to die down, only for Edith growling into her neck as she thrust hard into her one last time.

Warmth flooded her insides as Edith came inside her. Her dying orgasm was replaced with another one in an instant and she screamed again. Their bodies jerked together as they both came. Edith’s throbs inside Maria causing her to clench down, only to cause Edith to throb in a seemingly never ending cycle. Their matching pentacles pulsed together before suddenly flaring bright for only a split second. It died as quickly as it came, bonding the two pentacles forever, and thus bonding the two forever.

Slowly their shared orgasm quieted. Maria unclamped her teeth from Edith’s shoulders, not fully aware of when she had bitten down. Edith did the same to her neck as they pulled back to look at one another.  They were both panting and flushed as they stared at one another, smiles quickly growing on their faces. Before they knew it those smiles turned to giggles. Edith held Maria tight as they giggled together, neither quite sure why they were laughing, it just felt right.

“You’re mine,” Edith said, bringing her forehead down to rest on Maria’s.

“I’m yours,” Maria replied.

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