Demon King/The Parting of the Orchid and Cang

Chapter 109: CH 59.2

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Little Orchid’s heart rose up and there was a little bit of uncompressed emotion, “How come won’t find, didn’t you said you would. How come does not want to anymore now?”

Dong Fang Qing Cang did not respond. Instead, he asked back, “How come you are must return to the heavenly realm?”

Little Orchid choked on her words and then turned head away, “It’s because of wanting to find my master.”

So it’s the master (again)!

Dong Fang Qing Cang’s pupils congealed and peered at Little Orchid for a while. Then he crossed his arms and facial expression was rather arrogant, “What Siming xingjun, ben zuo will go capture [him].” *

*Note: Siming is a female, but in this particular context, DFQC is referring to Siming as a male due to the previous indications of a neutral pronoun used by Little Orchid. –

Little Orchid immediately jumped up like a cat having its tail stomped, “You dare!”

She furrowed her brows and scowled as if wanting to jump up and bite him.

Seeing the protective appearance for another person from Little Orchid, Dong Fang Qing Cang felt that at the bottom of the heart, there was the “screech” of a burning flame. He narrowed his eyes dangerously and voice was hard to distinguish anger, “Oh? You don’t think ben zuo will dare?”

After traveling with him for so long, naturally Little Orchid knew that there was nothing that this big devil wouldn’t dare do.

She gritted her teeth and in the end, compressed her anger down. She knew, cannot let Dong Fang Qing Cang attack the heavenly realm at this time…

Little Orchid lowered her head and said, “In short, you want me to stay…. by your side?” Inside this body, like what Chi De woman has said, turned into a piece of life fragment inside this body and then dissipated from this world.

Dong Fang Qing Cang nodded, “That’s correct.”

Frustrations and anger inside the heart billowed and surged, but was immediately pressed down by Little Orchid. Within this moment, she felt that her face has begun to heat up.

Little Orchid tightened the fists for a while. Then she turned around and voice was somewhat gloomy and cold after obviously tossing away the anger, “I will go outside to sunbathe.”

Dong Fang Qing Cang did not halt her and looked at Little Orchid who went away. His face darkened as if there was some sort of anger that one cannot say out loud. He merely snorted coldly and then went toward the main hall. He has many things that he has to deal with. Underground waves billowing under the peacefulness of the demon realm. Prime minister Shang Que closed the doors and did not step outside. There is also Kong Que who hung on the black plaque outside. They are scheming something, it’s not like he doesn’t know.

What Siming xingjun…

The steps of Dong Fang Qing Cang halted. Within the blood-red eyes, faint hostile energy appeared.

Little Orchid left the palace main hall with the black stones and angrily stepped on Da Yu’s head as she sat down and said, “I want to go to a tavern!”

The demonic snake stuck out its tongue and appeared somewhat hesitant. Little Orchid hit on its head, “Even you want to go against me!” Overbearing to the point of causing others to be unable to imagine the fearful appearance of hers when she first saw it.

Da Yu was hit but was not in pain. Yet, it was scolded and so felt wronged. It took Little Orchid toward the wine ward in the market.

At the wine ward, when Little Orchid has just gotten off the back of Da Yu, the people in the wine tavern in succession withdrew their tails and ran. Even the owner and the server also hid and did not dare look at her.

Little Orchid saw such and heart was even more annoyed. Remembering back in the heavenly realm, she was a little orchid flower loved by all. Right now, she was turned into someone that demon people become stiff from due to Dong Fang Qing Cang. Dong Fang Qing Cang wanted to take her life and even threatened her reputation! The more Little Orchid thought the more she couldn’t think clearly. She pounded on the table to call someone to bring two bottles of wine. At the beginning would use the cup to pour, then thought that the cup was too small and thus, held the bottle to drink. After that, felt that the bottle was too small and so hugged onto the wine jug. She hugged onto the wine jug that was bigger than her entire head and gulped it down into the stomach.

The head of Da Yu was too large and thus, was outside and cannot go past the door. It pressed its face close to the door and peered. After that, it stuck its tail inside and secretively poked at Little Orchid’s back.

Little Orchid tossed its tail out while saying, “Leave! You’re on the same side with big devil. You go far away from me!”

Da Yu withdrew its tail and curled itself at the door. It placed its head on the doorsteps and peered at her worriedly.

Little Orchid drank the first round of alcohol until she was full. She hiccupped once and then placed the wine jug down. Her head began to become dizzy. She angrily scolded, “Bastard big devil! Big devil that caused others to feel annoyed! Hateful one! Disgusting! You scoundrel! Hoodlum!”

She was stirred emotionally and scolded incessantly. She tossed the wine jug on the ground and then told the trembling scared server to bring up another wine jug.

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She opened the lid, but this time the hand was softened and could not hold the wine jug. Thus, she plugged her face into the wine jug and drank until she could no longer drink.

After that, she wiped her mouth and merely pointed toward the ceiling as she scolded, “You’re a bastard! Heart of a wolf! Simple-minded!”

Seeing her like this, the demonic snake was also scared and withdrew back.

Little Orchid was frustrated at Dong Fang Qing Cang who was heartless and unworthy to her. She was angry with herself for not thinking of a way to resist him. She poured the wine into the small bowl. Pour in one half and then pour out another half. The clothes on the body were wet thoroughly. After that, [she] carried the bowl of wine and disregarded whether the wine jug will fall on the ground or not. In the end, discovered that the wine on the table was completely out, Little Orchid did not call the server anymore. She went straight into the wine cellar herself. She would walk and whisper, but does not hear clearly what she was whispering about.

Da Yu blocked at the door’s path. It did not see Little Orchid and was secretively worry. It was about to turn around to find Dong Fang Qing Cang, but after turning around, it discovered that Dong Fang Qing Cang was standing in front of the wine tavern with a darkened expression.

The appearance of Dong Fang Qing Cang immediately brought forth a large force to the wine tavern.

But he did not look at anyone else, and only followed the steps of Little Orchid into the wine cellar.

The wine cedar was pitch-dark like the night. When Dong Fang Qing Cang saw Little Orchid, she was inserting her face into the wine jug. Half of the body crawled inside and splashing water was gurgling upward. He saw such and slightly paused. The feet stepped lightly to the front and pulled her out.

Her face was red and drenched all over up to the hair and face. The wine has caused Little Orchid to not be able to open her. Dong Fang Qing Cang blew on her face and her face immediately became clean. Yet, there was the matter of the wine smell in the entire body and won’t dispersed.

He mockingly said, “You want to turn into a sweet fermented rice wine?”

Little Orchid tossed head and did not want to respond. The figure collapsed toward the front and threw into Dong Fang Qing Cang’s embrace.

The body was soft. Does not have the stiffness of the clay. Cannot expect that she was molded by several clay components…This body was molded by Little Orchid meticulously, concaving delicately, extremely alluring that even he…

Little Orchid in his embrace suddenly rubbed against his chest. After that, suddenly jumped up and the head hit his chin.

He did not cry out in pain, but Little Orchid hugged her head with two hands and cried out loud, “So deathly painful…. Huhu…”

Dong Fang Qing Cang, “…”                          

Little Orchid hugged her head and squatted down. She wept grievingly.

Dong Fang Qing Cang breathed in one breath and said, “Stand up.”

“It’s dented…”

Dong Fang Qing Cang was briefly silent and then abruptly stooped down. He was not polite in pulling the hand that was hugging her head, but the strength of the hand was not strong as [he] did not see Little Orchid crying in pain. He peered at the tip of her head and asked, “Where?”

Little Orchid cried for a while and continued until he lost his patience and asked the second time. She then pointed at her chest, “Heart is dented. Deathly painful…” Dong Fang Qing Cang immediately furrowed his brows, “You drank wine to the point of becoming crazy?” Little Orchid lifted her head and the pair of eyes gleaming with tears that hung sparkling droplets peered at him. Dong Fang Qing Cang was dazed in front of this gaze. Suddenly, he remembered the beautiful moonlight the night before that imprinted in her eyes. Last night, she also peered at him like this as if in her eyes there was only his figure and she said she believed him.

In this entire world, there was never a fool who had told him that [she] believes in him.

But this fool has said so, but it seemed at that moment he also turned into a fool unexpectedly. He suddenly softened in a way that was never been before.

Currently, this fool did not say any words to him and only used this gaze to peer attentively at him. Dong Fang Qing Cang withdrew his cold, stuff tone and softly said, “You have drank too much, follow me home.”

Little Orchid pouted and was stubborn as she peered at him like a child who felt wronged, “I won’t follow you back.”


She sobbed spasmodically, and the tears fell down like pearls, “It’s because you have fooled me, you’re not a good person, you want to harm me.”

Dong Fang Qing Cang narrowed his eyes, “Who told you that?”

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