Demon’s reign

Chapter 1: Chapter 0: Prologue

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Millenia ago, the most beloved of god’s children, committed a primordial sin. A crime so great that God cast him out of the heavens into the abyss below. His wings were taken away as punishment for his disgraceful acts, mercilessly torn from his body. And in their place, as if in defiance of his father, the child grew a scaly, serpentine tail. His previously miraculous grace was replaced by ferocious savageness, a bestial form beyond his own comprehension, formed from his twisted inner psyche. His disfigured body remained as a reminder of his grave crime against God.
Cast down from the heavens, he fell down into the abyss in the form of a shooting star. Lucifer wondered: “what did I do wrong? I only wanted to take them to the light.”
“I am not wrong! It’s them, they are wrong! The world is wrong!”, Lucifer thought as he plummeted down to earth. Great rage consumed him and in his final act of resentment, he revoked the name his father had previously given to him.
This is how the light bearer - Lucifer, became Satan, the opposer.
With his descent, Satan marked the beginning of a new era for the planet in his wake, the era of demons. Massive reptiles that inhabited the world at the time could not oppose the mighty transcendental being. They could do little to harm him. They were mindless, dumb, and weak. They could do little to quell his desire to love and be loved.
Driven by madness and the desperation of solitude, Satan learned he had inherited his father's power. The power to create life.
He created the first primordial demons using himself as the image. From his magical energy, he created the demon of the mind, Lucifer, whose name would serve as a reminder of his past. From his own flesh, his severed ring finger, sprouted Goliath, the demon of the body. Lastly, using a fragment of his own soul, he created Prometheus, the demon of spirit.
The three demons did well to distract Satan, but they were not enough to satisfy their father’s twisted desire for love. His never-ending curse of solitude had all but completely consumed him.
He continued creating children In the image of the first three primordials, eventually giving rise to the race known as demons.
God became enraged, having witnessed the blasphemous actions of his child. He unleashed the full might of the heavens on to earth. A great war came to fruition.
Despite the demons being fewer in number, they proved to be powerful adversaries to the armada of angels. For as long as the battle raged on, the demons would always come out on top.
Certain members of both factions eventually grew tired of fighting. They put their differences aside and joined hands, not for the sake of war or domination, but to live in peace. Having bread amongst each other for generations, they eventually lost their powers and became the predecessors of the third race known as humans.
Humans lacked magic, they were small, tiny in fact when compared to demons and angels, but they possessed a certain quality that the other two races did not. They were mortal, their lives moved on it the blink of an eye, they were flawed, inconsequential and weak, but they were happy.
Human civilizations emerged, worshiping both angels and demons as gods, sometimes relying on their powers to survive. Each culture had their own truth, mythology, behind the never-ending war between the angels and demons.

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Satan’s first and third sons eventually grew tired of fighting. The two became enamored by the human ability to create, an insatiable urge they had inherited for their predecessors, which eventually manifested as a new trait, a power that made no sense to either of the two primordial races. As such, they chose to leave their father’s side and live amongst the humans, taking in their fragility.
Lucifer lived amongst the humans, indulging in the human lifestyle, mascaraing as a magician, taking on the name “Merlin”. His brother Prometheus, however, granted humans a gift, the ability to accept angelic or demonic souls into their hearts, manifesting power through a contract.
This, however, had unforeseen circumstances. Demon souls did not disappear after death. Instead, they would cling to powerful human hosts, wooing them with the promise of power, slowly taking control of their bodies.
As the war raged on into a time, the humans labeled the Middle Ages. Lucifer joined hands with the angels with the promise of him being granted wings. He devised a plan and created a seal capable of locking away the demon armada under the earth’s crust. His brother, goliath stood to oppose him, and despite being the more powerful one of the two, Goliath was tricked and killed by his Lucifer.
The plan went through, and Lucifer succeeded. The demons were sealed, along with all the other creatures of demonic origin. The great war was over. But the victory was short-lived. Lucifer, who was granted wings, in a twist of events, was tricked by the angels, who tore them off as a mockery. Lucifer’s form became even more twisted, his tail grew to unimaginable proportions. Much like his father before him, he fought the angels alone. Unable to adapt to his changed body, he was slain.
The last primordial demon, Prometheus, was not trapped along with the rest of his brethren. It is unknown what happened to him or where he disappeared to.
The sealing of demons beneath the earth’s crust marked the start of a new age, the age of man. With the disappearance of demons, humans waged their own wars, not with magic but with technology, and this time they were fighting amongst themselves.
Ages passed, human technology progressed and carried the civilization to a global level. This was a world where everything was connected, all information was readily available on the internet. It was in the early two thousands when a certain premonition became popular on the internet. Multiple sources: A date on what appeared to be a Mayan calendar, the ramblings of self-proclaimed prophets, pointed to a certain date, December 21 year 2012.
There were many sceptics and just as many who believed that the world would end on that day. But there was no one even remotely prepared for what came that day.
On December 21, 2012, the seal protecting the human world from the ferocity of the demons was broken. The demons were set free.
Many demon souls were let loose from the gates of the underworld; they scoured the world is search of powerful humans. This gave the rise to the term “contractors”, men who could harness the power of demons, and eventually become them.
The human world was destroyed and from its embers, a new world was born, a world where humans had to once again fight for supremacy. This was no effortless task. The human military was not powerful enough to combat the demons, who walked as tall as buildings. Maybe if they had more time, maybe if they were given another century to develop their technology, maybe they would have stood a chance. It was a pointless war that humanity would undoubtably lose.
In their ultimate act of desperation. The humans created a space elevator and formed a floating city, the last human city on earth. Those who could not ascent built their houses below the space elevator, and in time, a “lower’ city was formed. It grew much larger than the floating city, housing both humans and contractors. The organization known as “Knight” took over as the managing force of the city, allowing only weaker contractors to live within.

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