Descent of the Dragon Prince

Chapter 18: Chapter 18 – Adrianne (1)

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The door closed behind Novus as he rushed to place the cloaked figure on the bed. However, weakness took over Novus, and he fell into the bed too. The fact that Novus had carried the cloaked figure here was already a testament to his strong willpower.

The inn’s bed creaked as the two fell into it.

The entire time Novus had carried the cloaked figure, they held onto his arm like it was their last saving lifeline. That continued as he felt the iron-like grip squeezing the life out of his arm.

Novus felt the waves of weakness clawing at his mind to fall into an unconscious daze. Ever so tempting, it whispered at his willpower to give in, to collapse for the second time today.

“Thank you.”

A low, sickly voice filled the otherwise silent atmosphere. Novus replied more casually than he felt as his bodily weakness sharpened into a gut-wrenching pain.

“Yeah, whatev—ah! AGH!”


The cloaked figure faced no less pain as twin screams rang out. The vivid chain tattoos on Novus’ arm sprung to life and wrapped around the flames coming from the cloaked figure’s skin. The two forces battled against each other in a vicious cycle. Blood appeared as their hands pierced skin, rapidly burning and then healing unnaturally.

What seemed like a terrible purgatory of flames slowly purged their bodies of remnant injury, hardened skin, and other minor defects in their weak bodies. What was left was tempered, soft skin that didn’t get the chance to show the deeper strength hidden within before it was burned and regrown.

Unintentionally, Novus had found a way to temper his body; But he sure as devilish hell wouldn’t have chosen it like this.


Meanwhile, outside the room, the innkeeper frowned.

Sure enough, his sixth sense for troublemakers had proven true, and he waved his hand towards the door. Suddenly, the screams couldn’t be heard, and the atmosphere in the inn relaxed again.

The innkeeper mumbled a soft complaint.

“To have to cast a silencing spell. What have young people come to these days?”

At that moment, the soft creak of the inn door opened, and a little girl skipped inside. In her hands were the beautiful flowers her mother had hand-picked.

The innkeeper smiled as he brought out a vase, one of his treasured few remaining, and set it on the counter.

“Hi, mister! I’ve got your flowers all ready!”

“Ah, Sophie, that’s perfect. Tell your mother again that I appreciate all the flowers I get from her. It makes the room shine brighter with the hint of colour they add.”

Sophie giggled as her eyes secretly shifted around the room.

In the dark corners, shadows shifted about for a few moments before escaping outside the inn.


“That’s so silly of you, mister! Flowers don’t shine!”

The light in Sophie’s eyes took on a glossy hue as her voice deepened.

“Flowers aren’t like the sun.”

Suddenly, the innkeeper’s sixth sense went off again. He looked at the doorway, but nobody was coming in. No troublemakers. He looked around the room at the patrons and found it odd. Why were they all staring at him?


The voice that entered the innkeeper’s ears wasn’t the sweet, cheerful tone anymore. Instead, it was profound and mysterious, almost like a lullaby that drew the innkeeper’s attention.

The innkeeper steadied his hand on the table. But, it didn’t help him as a wave of dizziness threatened to collapse him. He looked around and spotted the flowers in his prized vase.

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Vague yellow particles drifted from the rings of the flowers and spread out into the air. The innkeeper traced the many particles in the room and took a heaving gasp as he noticed the many centred on himself.


The innkeeper had tried his best, but the inevitable thud of his body hitting the floor echoed out into the room. Thankfully, a pillow had somehow made it there before he collided.

“Flowers are for many more things. Like a good nap!”


Sophie giggled as she skipped out of the inn. Behind her, the patrons fell onto the table or out of chairs, one by one, until eventually, they were all fast asleep.



Unaware of the commotion outside, the cloaked figure’s and Novus’ pained groans still flung around the inn room.

The battle reached its crescendo as phantom chains sprung from Novus’ skin and snaked along the cloaked figure’s arm. Then, in fierce retaliation, the purple-tainted white flames rose and burned away the clashing force.

The powers held each other back, neither one relenting to the other. Even as the flames grew, the chains multiplied and resumed their battle in the air. Unfortunately, that also meant destroying the room around them in the process.

Chain marks lashed out on furniture, and the entire bedframe was burned to not even ashes as a party, even more extensive than a hit rock band in a hotel room, toppled the room.


Time passed as groans were no longer heard. The pair had already fainted from exhaustion as their bodies pushed well beyond what either could accomplish alone.

The two powers within them gradually lost the limited strength of their hosts to influence them, and slowly, the powers settled.

But, the battle had produced a winner.

A stark azure chain snaking up along the cloaked figure’s arm and faded into a likewise tattoo that disappeared into their skin.


It wasn’t until much later that Novus reopened his eyes.


Novus’ eyes focused with each blink as his mind registered the room’s newest renovations.

Countless chain marks splintered the room into a mess. The bed Novus was previously resting on was now in shambled wood splinters. Of which, he was lucky none were pierced into him.

The only remaining item of pristine condition, an unremarkable antique vase, dropped to the floor as the table it rested on collapsed.

Topple, crash!

The noise jolted Novus, and his eyes winced from the soreness of his body. Speaking of body, his bandaged arm and side were completely healed. However, he did feel slow to react on one side. So, he looked over, and his brows worked out his furrowing facial muscles.

Beautifully flowing ochre hair wrapped around her pointed jaw as calmly fluttering eyelashes tried to open against her sleeping body’s wishes. Her light, crescent eyebrows wiggled alongside her short, rounded nose as a calming smile spread from her lips. A slight blush spread on her cheeks that contrasted her lightly tanned face.

A genuine human beauty was currently hugging Novus’ arm like a pillow. But, Novus seemed less than enthusiastic.

Why do I get a feeling that this is going to be a pain?

Suddenly, as if determining Novus was ready, floating word boxes interrupted him.

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