Descent of the Dragon Prince

Chapter 20: Chapter 20 – Haggling 101

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Adrianne thought deeply about her current troubles. To be exact, her inner worries and her external situation.

Without the reassurance of Novus being present, she hardly had the comfort to go anywhere for too long. After all, who knew when the temporary sealing would wear off?

Why? Why is it him?

Adrianne stared at the young man weaving his way through the busy clusters of people. She activated her Spirit Eyes and saw it again just to be sure that she couldn’t simply whack Novus unconscious and drag him to power level.

Layered across Novus’ entire body were dense lines of chains that pulsated with an azure light. The light made Adrianne’s eyes twitch in defiance, but she remained unable to peer past it.


Right now, Adrianne felt many words to describe the man before her; however, the only polite one would be eccentric. Even with her amnesia, Adrianne was sure no young man had ever rejected her like this in a long time.

Where’s he going anyway?

He hadn’t sped away to escape her, and although Adrianne felt confident in chasing, it hadn’t come to that point. Instead, he simply let her trail behind him like a haunting ghost. Which only added to Adrianne’s dissatisfaction with the man.

Tang! Tang! Tang! Tang!

The resounding hits of a hammer against metal were the first of many sounds that Adrianne heard. Soon, she could see numerous buildings and even more artisans swarming around them from all sides.

Like many fantasy games, the players could choose to focus on lifestyle skills. Smithing, alchemy, cooking, fishing, carpentry, and many more choices were available instead of the brutal fighting seen by combat-style players. Many lifestyle players dreamed of cooking with a man-eating squid or hammering against a legendary metal. But, of course, those materials weren’t currently available, so the lifestyle players had to resolve themselves with simple fish and copper ore.

An artisan hub?

Adrianne looked suspiciously at Novus’ lack of quality armour and proved her investigative abilities.

Come to think of it; his armour was all torn up by the power clash. Is that why he’s here? For better equipment?

However, Adrianne’s investigative abilities tripped.

Is that why he said no? Because my power sealing ruined all his armour?

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“Hey, do you need money again?”

Adrianne watched as Novus lurched to a stop and his face scrunched. Undoubtedly, many curses were flowing in his mind, but he replied without any of them.


Adrianne lightly chuckled to herself and followed Novus into a light armour and weaponry shop. Despite the hustle and bustle of the outside, the inside of the shop was dead quiet.

In truth, many current players were unwilling or unable to spend the high cost of the equipment sold here. However, that didn’t seem a problem for Novus as he waltzed up to the counter.

“Hail, Shopkeeper. May I interest you in a trade?”

Adrianne watched Novus and the shopkeeper exchange pleasantries and quickly grew bored of their... chatting? They seemed overly friendly all of a sudden. So instead, she decided to look around the store.

Wait, was that a smile on his face?

Novus' eyes drifted towards her, and Adrianne quickly shifted her focus back to the store. The light armour looked well-refined and detailed. The swords, when she held one, were balanced and sharp. However, Adrianne didn’t find an interest in any of them. In her demonic rampage, and thanks to her enviable luck, Adrianne had unintentionally obtained equipment that was even or slightly better than the equipment sold here.

Of course, each store holds its mysteries.

It wasn’t until Adrianne’s Spirit Eyes caught a lingering trace of mana that she was drawn to a dusty box of sheathed swords. Adrianne rustled around the box, inhaling in no lack of sneeze-inducing dust, until a sword giving off a lingering trace of mana caught her eye.

Compared to the other pristine swords, this sword looked like it was from a bargain shop. Its handle was worn, and upon unsheathing, Adrianne found the blade rusted along some parts. Whatever this sword had gone through, it looked like it was on its last legs.

Adrianne lightly swung the sword.

Oh, it's perfectly balanced.

With another slow, slashing movement, Adrianne was sure this sword had been an incredible weapon at one time. She wasn’t sure how she knew, but perhaps there were memories of swords in her amnesiac mind. Quite extensive knowledge based on the way her Sword Mastery had skyrocketed in level.

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