Descent of the Dragon Prince

Chapter 25: Chapter 25 – Stash’s Ending

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“Circle around—”


Novus called out to Adrianne, who used her Quick Movements skill to burst with speed. Once behind Stash, Adrianne cut Stash's neck with a leaping strike. Distracted by Novus’ crimson flaming sword, Stash didn’t notice Adrianne’s strike until it was too late.



Adrianne’s swords ripped through the back muscle and fat protecting Stash’s vitals. But, she didn't hit any vitals as Stash rolled. Then, more black iron junk appeared in Stash's hands that they threw at Adrianne.


Two treasures seemed to be the limit Stash could take out from his Dimensional Storage at once, but it could do so so quickly that it appeared like a bunch of magically reinforced grenades.

Boom! Boom!

How much damned treasure did those Whookes steal?

Novus complained as he ducked behind the cover of some rock outcroppings. Few remained that weren’t blasted to smithereens, and Novus suspected that they wouldn’t outlast Stash’s supply of bombing treasures.

If we don’t finish this soon, we’ll be the ones to get taken out.

Novus ran over his options.

Circle and carve out its other eye? If I launch my sword into its already injured eye, it should find its brain. I can't disrupt its bombing without taking a blast head-on, which means whatever move I make has to be quick and unnoticed.

Novus peeked, only to be met with a treasure bomb flying at him. Novus hurriedly leapt out of the way as the bomb blasted away the rock, and Stash’s oversized figure barreled through it.

Novus took out a Moonglow Mushroom and ate it for a brief spike of clarity.


Novus watched as Stash's attention shifted to Adrianne.

He quickly climbed, jumped off a nearby rock, and landed on Stash’s back like an acrobat. Thankfully, Stash’s layer of fat helped Novus hang onto something as he avoided their flailing arms.



Stash had his leg injured again as he dropped to the ground in pain. Not too far away, Adrianne shouted at Novus.

“Quick! I’ll keep him pinned!”

Adrianne slashed at Stash’s injured leg, allowing Novus to climb up towards his head. However, Stash wouldn’t take it lying down as he attempted a barrel roll that nearly squashed them both. The two quickly jumped away, and Stash rolled into some very collapsible rocks.



The loosened rocks crashed into Stash’s body and tore into his existing wounds, which prompted a wrathful roar.


An enraged Stash, clearly not thinking straight, attempted to run towards the duo but tripped mid-way through from its injured leg. Though the duo evaded, they were far less afraid of a stumbling Stash than a treasure bombing one.

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Is it finally out of bombs?

Adrianne counterattacked, and Stash fell to the ground. Novus’ aura-covered sword flared out, and he was about to pierce it into Stash’s head.

At that moment, Novus felt a sense of immense danger, and the sword heading toward Stash’s eye was quickly yanked back.



Time stilled in Novus’ eyes as he saw Stash pull out another treasure bomb. This object wasn’t like the others. It was a pulsating, green core the size of a palm, and when Novus saw it, he cursed.

“What kind of challenge—”

Novus didn’t have time to continue that thought. Behind him, the core lit up like Stash’s other treasure bombs. And within moments, the core let out a blast radius at least three times the size of the others and blew a hole in the ground where Stash’s body used to be.


The explosion rocked the cave, and Novus felt the integrity of the entire area shake. Stones fell from the ceiling, and the duo shook themselves awake from the aftershock.


Novus spat out some blood as he struggled to regain control of his limp right arm and leg. Not too far away, Adrianne was on the ground, struggling to find her balance. Suddenly, the two felt the strength of a level-up heal their systems.


In a blur, the duo escaped the collapsing cave through the entrance that closed behind them.

Huff. Huff.

Despite having been healed, the two still seemed shaken up. Moments passed before Novus pulled himself up and looked at Adrianne.

“That was your monster core, wasn’t it?”

Lying on the ground, Adrianne hardly held the mental strength to get up like Novus.

“Yeah. An iron rank treasure that helped with your mana thing. I assumed I would need it eventually, but here we are.”

Adrianne pointed towards her roughed-up appearance. The level up may have healed their injuries, but the duo still looked like two dirty travellers.

“All blasted up.”

Adrianne sighed as she plunged into the weary ground. Then, suddenly, she heard a chuckle. She turned her head to see Novus taking out a small grey core.

“You mean like this one?”

Adrianne looked in shock.

“How— is that from Stash?”

“Well, it looks like your luck won over mine. Or maybe, it balanced us out?”

Novus looked back at the screens that flooded his eyes when he had room to breathe.

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