Descent of the Dragon Prince

Chapter 43: Chapter 43 – Battle with Tham (2)

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Unburdened by his colleagues, Novus was finally able to try something painful. A lot painful.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

With each heartbeat, Novus’ mana flushed his system as he tried to line his mana vessels with a smooth cover of mana. This action did alleviate the pain from his pruned mana system but didn't remove it. As he activated his mana, a singular, glowing crimson halo appeared behind Novus.

Doing this with a crowd is a stretch, but it should barely work if I focus on only the offensive players.

With nearly graceful arm movements, Novus stirred the surrounding mana and lightly whispered.

“Niem (Air).”

Light winds emerged from Novus’ fingertips and slowly sifted through the crowd of players. Only the sensitive ones like Adrianne, Percival, and Cain noticed the subtle gust, and for a split second, Cain’s eyes flashed. His lips parted as he mumbled a few words, and the air flowing near Cain’s spear began to rotate.

Despite his arms throbbing against him, Novus continued, and the crimson halo behind him glowed in response.

“Vyir (Fire)”

The wind around the player's weapons heated instantly as a slam sent them retreating.

Slam! Slam!

Tham’s staff emitted a sickening hue, and a brief fear set in Tham's eyes as he gazed at the weapons that glowed red with heat. Then, with violent intensity, Tham made the players retreat from around him as he wildly swung his staff at the ground. Just then, a cry spurred the hesitant players back into action.

“Don’t let up! MDDs full force!”

Cain weaved amongst Tham’s strikes as he taunted the ugly goblin leader by himself. He had some opportunities to strike, but he didn't. By now, the horned spear in his hand had begun making a whirling sound as it spun faster and faster. Oddly enough, the spear remained in Cain’s hand despite it not touching his hand at all. In return, Cain’s small mana bar was running lower with each moment that passed.

Cain must've used a system feature that Novus didn't know about since a message popped up while he was dodging Tham's strikes.

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