Descent of the Dragon Prince

Chapter 46: Chapter 46 – Novus’ Dream

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Silky sheets threw themselves from Novus’ chest as he sat up, and his rapidly blinking eyes searched the room for what had awoken him so abruptly.

The velvet-looking curtains mimicked different shades of red as they swung in the gentle morning breeze.

The silky sheets crumpled in his hands felt unbelievably smooth and soft like warm water.

The various neatly placed items were all in their positions, ready to be used at a moment’s notice.

“My room?”

Novus’ brows scrunched together.

“But I remember….”

Novus attempted to recall something, but it remained elusive, like it was actively trying not to be remembered.

“A nightmare?”

Novus waved his hand through the air as the ambient mana followed his hand and physically manifested as a wave the bright colour of red crayons. The waves revolved around Novus’ calloused palms like a boat on calm waters. Then, feeling at ease from the familiar mana, Novus pulled the silky sheets from his body and sprung off his regal bed.


Wings sprouted from Novus’ back that, despite not fluttering, kept him in the air. It wasn’t until he willed it that he gently descended to the ground.

“It’s good to see my wings again.”

However, in the next moment, Novus questioned himself.

“Wait, again?”


Novus couldn’t continue his inner confusion as a figure burst through a door to his room.

“Brother! You’re awake!”

It was a young girl wearing a light pink dress that floated like clouds around her. The frail arms held a surprising strength as they coiled around his thigh and caused Novus to sigh. But, it was a relieved sigh as he affectionately rustled her auburn hair and caused her to smile up at him.

“Hehe. Brother, I thought you were going to sleep all day! And look! Your wings! Were you trying to go flying without me!?”

Novus couldn’t explain or resist the urge to lightly pinch the young girl’s nose.

“Ouch! Hey, I told you not to!”

The girl lightly complained, burrowing her nose into her cupped hands in a pouting defence.

Seeing the girl’s weak protest formed a refreshing natural smile on Novus’ chuckling mouth. Then, Novus dramatically raised one righteous hand and hid his other behind his back as he vowed.

“Of course. I, Ultio, will never nose pinch again.”

The little girl's eyes squinted as she hurriedly ducked to jab her hands at the crossed fingers behind Novus’ back. The little girl protested as she tried to untwist Novus’ fingers.

“That’s a lie! I already know that trick! I won’t fall for it anymore!”

Novus lightly avoided the little girl’s untwisting attempts as they danced around the room in a game of cat and mouse. Chuckles rang out as they burst past the curtains onto a patio area outside Novus’ room.

The Twin Angrean Suns, Delia & Phoebus, were already proudly shining in the sky as Phoebus’ light illuminated the duo and the view behind them.

Anyone seeing the view would be lost for words.

Clouds outstretched across spires that jutted from beneath the cloud layer. Across the largest of these spires was an expansive palace that stretched for countless square miles. Fiery pillars illuminated the corners of the golden palace and their streaks of vibrant red tapestries, murals, and more decorations.

The word ‘grand’ wasn’t enough to describe an inch, let alone miles, of the palace. Yet, the two playing a game of cat and mouse seemed unaware of their incredible background.

Back and forth, the two chased around the patio as one closely evaded and the other nimbly caught up. At one point, the little girl leaped like a jaguar and nearly caught Novus’ trailing hand. However, with a deft body twist, Novus watched the little girl leap past him and off the patio without railings.


Novus was shocked, but he quickly rushed to the edge and jumped.


Novus’ pair of wings unravelled, and his human-looking form twisted. A vibrant-red tail anchored Novus’ body as his back grew wider with each breath. After that were his arms and legs that lengthened and grew glinting scales, his hands grew razor-sharp claws, and the minor dents on his head spiralled out and formed horns like a mountain ram. Before long, Novus had transformed into his original appearance.

A dragon.

Novus’ wings folded in as he yanked his head and pulled his scaly body through a series of clouds with a light puff.


Novus followed the excited screams of a little girl with no fear. His figure zoomed, and an airstream trail was left behind him as he exited the cloud layer.

Parachuting through the air, the little girl had her cheeks puffed up from the amount of air rushing into them as she plummeted through the sky.

Within moments, Novus closed in on the girl and outstretched his wings once he was under her. The wind lifted his large body abruptly as air drag took effect and patted the girl against his broad back.

Novus cancelled the fierce wind currents high above the ground with a magical thought, and the little girl threw her arms up in the air.

“Wooo!! Again! Again!”

Novus’ deadly teeth revealed a fear-inducing smile as words came out of nowhere and into the little girl’s mind.

“Your brother will always catch you.”

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Novus didn’t know why, but a guilty feeling crept into his heart when he spoke those words.

Regardless of his inner feelings, his outward appearance was that of a flying taxi as Novus brought the little girl back to the patio where they played cat and mouse. But, of course, the two took many detours as they rolled in and out of the clouds.

By the time the pair returned, Phoebus’ sunlight was already making way for Delia’s soft moonlight to shine through.

On the patio, an older man garbed in a simple, aged butler attire was already standing with his hands behind his back as he formally greeted the two.

“Master Ultio, Lady Somnum, your father has requested your presence in the main dining hall.”

Novus and the little girl returned the call with a bow and curtsy, respectively. Then, under repeated farewells by the little girl, the old butler led her away to dress for dinner while Novus was met with a wave of boredom.


Novus folded into the silky sheets of his redressed bed and inspected his now-human appearance. Everything seemed fine, but a nagging feeling still wouldn’t leave him alone.

What’s wrong with me today?

Novus’ thoughts were incomplete as a squad of maids hurried into the room to groom Novus’ appearance.

His naturally curly red hair, reminiscent of his mother, was straightened and put into a neat ponytail. Everything from earrings to shoelaces were changed as Novus transformed from the common-looking boy to a noble prince charming.

Novus resisted the urge to mess everything up and waited until the maids had left before undoing the ponytail and magically curling his hair. Then, in the mirror, Novus put on a smile that wasn’t a smile as he rushed to a nearby chest for the finishing touch to his appearance.

Inside was an unknown cloth wrapping a long, narrow object.

Mother… if only you were here.

Novus removed the cloth and unwrapped it to reveal a simple black sheath covered in a light layer of dust that he promptly blew away. Next, he gently unsheathed the sword and tried to read the inscription along the blade. At first, the inscription looked like gibberish, but then Novus’ voice coincided with a voice that echoed in his mind.

“Tiny Flame.”

The inscription glowed in response before Novus abruptly closed the sheath and attached it to a holster along his hip. Novus felt grounded simply by having the sword by his side.

When Novus exited his room, the maids bowed and watched Novus’ dishevelled appearance head towards the main dining hall. Outside the main dining hall doorway, Novus could hear his sister's laughter as she chewed food and tried to speak simultaneously.

She always was a glutton.

Novus’ tense expression eased at the thought of his radiant sister, who was bound to attract some of his father’s attention. Walking closer, Novus signalled the entrance guards to ease. He would open the doors himself and wouldn’t announce himself to his father. He never liked the etiquette traditions, and it didn’t seem necessary to start now.

As Novus laid his hand on the door handle, a hand reached there first and caused Novus to shiver unexpectedly.

It was a normal human hand, except for the fingernails painted a rose colour. A nauseating feeling overcame Novus as his eyes followed up the arm connecting to the hand.

“Hello, Ultio.”

A face much like Novus’ own, but older and sharper, was set before him. A curious gaze was twisting the man’s head as he curiously opened the doors against the resistance from Novus’ twitching hands.


Emotions crashed inside Novus in a jumble of confusion as his gaze lingered on the man bowing before the main dining hall.

“Tantibus greets father.”

Novus couldn’t explain it. It felt surreal how all his emotions told him to do the same action. Then, when Novus looked up and saw his father’s stern stare, the feeling became overwhelming.

It was a quick motion that Novus had practiced at least ten thousand times. Neither the guards nor his father could stop him. After all, nobody would expect Novus to do it.

The little girl had flown out of her chair as she rushed to greet her brothers. It wasn’t until blood splattered onto the petite face that the area burst into action.

The guards tried numerous spells as healing magic peppered Tantibus’ stabbed corpse. However, no guard tried to separate Novus’ hands from penetrating the sword deeper into the young man.

Tantibus’ head limped to one side before unnaturally twisting to face Novus as it spoke to him.

“Why would you kill me?”

The little girl’s screams and the guards’ yells receded into the background as Novus calmly stared at the young man’s blackening eyes.

“Why would you kill me?”

Voices appeared all around Novus and repeated the words.

Why would you kill me?

Gradually, the young man’s face faded away with each repeating voice, washing away like waves against the rocky shore. The fading voices trailed off not too long after.

Then, features began to brush themselves in Novus’ bloodshot eyes. However, seeing the formed figure only confused Novus.

It was a figure with wild hair, dark greenish-brown skin and an odour that burned at Novus’ nose.



A loud shout shook Novus as he shot back and crashed into a crumbling wall.


Novus’ back felt like it broke upon impact as waves of pain washed over his consciousness. But, Novus resisted his receding consciousness for long enough to witness Edna descend from above and cradle Garbal into her arms.

Within Garbal’s chest was Novus’ shattered sword, lodged in very deeply.

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