Descent of the Dragon Prince

Chapter 52: Chapter 52 – Interludes (2)

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Phoebus carved brushstrokes of pink, yellow, and orange hues across the clouds that lined the sky.

Interrupting the steady stream of clouds were sharp, rigid mountain peaks that proudly cut through the skyline and stood there, admiring their accumulation.

From above, all was serene. No noise from below penetrated the clear air at the top. Maybe that was why, in a cave hidden between two incredibly tall mountain peaks, laid a still darkness that burst into noticeable life.

Animals, both regular and magically strange, fled from the area as two puffs of flames came from two identical nostrils.

Puff. Puff.

The long breaths accompanying the flaming puffs brushed against the hardened cavern floor. Like a rock gradually smoothened by water, the puffs of flames were enough to harden the stones to unimaginable durability. With enough time and flame, they would become obsidian.

Puff. Puff.


The shut eyes of the colossal beast opened to reveal golden irises and slits for pupils. The air around stirred as the animals outside the cave hurried away even faster.

Slink. Slink. Slink.

The scaled tail unwrapped from around the beast as its claws pierced through the hardened stone like butter. Then, finally, the tail lifted as the colossal beast revealed its appearance beneath the colours of Phoebus’ first light.


With an explosive opening whip of the beast’s wings, the nearby trees were tipped over as roots ripped from the ground. Yet, despite the beast's magnificence, its words were calm and unhurried.

“…My aura? No, something is off about it.”

The beast peered into the sky as it unleashed its entire presence.


The beast was the king of the sky, an emperor of creatures, and ruler of its territory.

The beast was a dragon.

“Investigation time.”


The gale of wind caused a mass avalanche as the snow receded from the joint spire cavern. However, the mischievous dragon which caused the disaster was already spiralling into the sky and disappearing beyond the clouds.

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"Hurry, sis. We don't have much time."

"I know! I'm rushing as fast as I can!"

Along the endless grains of sand, two figures, one a small little girl and the other a grown woman, shaded their eyes against the raging desert storm.

"Why do we have to come back? I want to watch over them."

The little girl pouted, obviously unhappy with how events had laid themselves out.

"You know exactly why. We can't have our fates intertwining more than they already have. We've done all we can, and I've even given them gifts from us."

The older woman waved her hand and reinforced the invisible shield keeping the sand from impacting their dirtied forms. However, the gusts of wind still pressed against them.


The older woman let the wind pull back her hood and reveal her glasses and raven-black hair. Lo and behold, the figure was Veronica, and she seemed equally upset with leaving the little island.

"I just hope we've given them enough to survive the challenges ahead."

The little girl also couldn't resist the wind, and it pulled her hood back, revealing herself as the little flower girl that had seen Novus at the church, and many times after that.

"Sis, it's not fair! Why do we have to—"

"Because that is our duty, Cleo. We have to be here for when they make it back to us. They are our only hope."

Veronica gently rebuked the little girl, Cleo, and then watched as the sand storm began to fade around them. Then, with hope in her eyes, Veronica looked far beyond the desert.

"They have to make it here."



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