Descent of the Dragon Prince

Chapter 57: Chapter 57 – A Smiling Edna

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Perhaps because of the system’s role or a natural part of the Soul Predator ritual, Novus felt no significant difficulties in attempting to activate the new skill. In fact, the skill felt intuitive, like Novus had practiced it many times already.

Novus closed his eyes and searched inside his body for Mino’s soul. Then, gradually shifting through what felt like layers of differing gravities, Novus felt the pang of a connection to another space at the crown of his head.

Had Novus been looking at his body from the outside, he would have noticed the brief activation of a glowing tattoo of an ornamental black prism beetle hidden underneath his curls of crimson hair.

Even in the soul world, Mino took his spot on Novus' head.

Time passed as Novus slowly followed the string-like feeling, and suddenly, Novus felt his consciousness being pulled out of control into the floor of a cozily small cave. Novus could move from one side to the next within seconds. However, it was the perfect size for the small black beetle snoozing inside a fuzzy, crimson bed made of unknown material.

Pesnooze. Pesnooze.



Rolling from one side to the next, an excited Mino raced into the air and onto Novus’ soul-formed hand. Mino fluttered its wings as if it was ready to play after dying of boredom in the small cave. Novus chuckled and spoke to Mino.

“Yes, yes, I’m happy to see you too, little guy. I’m testing something out, and then I’ll let you roam free outside again. Got it?”


An exhilarated sound left Mino as it rapidly calmed down and waited on Novus’ hand with anticipation.

“All right, I require your power, Mino.”

At Novus’ words, the white lines arcing around Mino’s body let out a dull shine as they contrasted against Mino’s black shell. Eventually, Mino’s body followed suit and disappeared as twinkling lights into Novus’ soul form.

Novus opened his eyes again in the real world as he sensed the changes that Mino’s power gave him. Had Novus been looking in a mirror, he would have noticed streaks of black inside his golden irises.

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As Novus breathed in, the ambient, atmospheric mana gathered towards him and entered his body unconsciously. Unfortunately, that brought great pain as the mana aggravated his ragged mana vessels. However, Novus bared through the immense pain as he sensed the mana appear at his mana core area.

In the hopeless fight against Mercury, Novus had nearly burned his entire mana core to unleash the Iron Rank Spell, Fireball. All that was left in his mana core area was a husk of his previous mana core that Novus would have to rebuild if he ever wanted to cast spells in this lifetime.

Despite the immense pain, Novus’ senses remained sharp as he noticed something revolutionary. The mana entering into his mana core area was turning into a black colour that reminded Novus of Mino’s shell. Further, the black mana gently gnawed at the mana core husk as it grew bigger. Unmatched excitement began to grow inside Novus.

There’s no way, right!?

Novus painfully swirled the mana into his hands as he condensed a minor incantation. A pained expression crossed Novus' face, but his efforts coalesced into his hand.


Novus’ eyes flickered alongside the flame dancing alongside his palm. That flame weaved and flowed as it turned colourless and spun as droplets floating in the air. Soon after, the spinning water droplets dissipated into a formless air that brushed against his palm, and soon after, gentle earthen flakes layered on Novus’ hand.

“Prism Mana!”

Novus’ eyes glimmered at the revelation of Mino’s power.

With the increased speed of gathering mana and the ability to convert my mana to Mino’s black prism mana, I should be able to cast iron rank spells of any element in no time! The best part is that I won't have to rely on ambient mana for spells. I could cast fire magic underwater just as easily as water magic! Not only that, but the spells will likely be far more potent than regular spells of the same level!

Novus had picked up the perfect mana steroid. But, before Novus could try anything else, he heard Mino’s voice in his mind.


The voice sounded tired after an initial burst of energy. Then, Novus felt Mino’s black hole-like power gradually fade from his body and return to the soul space at the crown of his head.

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