Descent of the Dragon Prince

Chapter 73: Book 3 – Fame of the Dragon Prince (2)

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Plot: Xuanwu hurriedly grasps his new control over his magical powers as he tries to teleport the group towards Yggdrasil. Shakily, but still arriving there, the group watches as hordes of HS creatures are breaching the gates of the elven city, Everlas, and are barely being repelled by the powers of Yggdrasil. The group descends into battle and fight off any attackers present. However, a mental communication to Novus has him running over to the main body of Yggdrasil where Superbia, Ira, Avaritia, and Luxuria are all bombarding the world tree with attacks that threaten its existence to try and find the origin key of fate. Xuanwu battles against Avaritia, The elven king battles against Ira, Novus battles against Superbia and Neipas alongside the elven king’s disciple and others from Book 2 battle against Luxuria.


Plot: The battle between Xuanwu and Ira is earthshattering as Ira channels the fuel of war that is brought about by being in a battlefield that is eventually defeated by Xuanwu’s growing control over his unlimited magical powers and supreme physical defense. Avaritia is seen battling against the king as he manages to absorb the abilities of the king and return them with a fearsome strength that shows the king is slowly losing.


Plot: The battle between the Book 2 players and Luxuria is tough as most of the players are bewitched continuously by Luxuria and the only way to fight her is to seal off most sense or have enough willpower to resist the status condition. However, under the lead of an awakened Neipas, the players are gradually defeating her. Meanwhile, Superbia is seen solemnly dueling Novus while boasting about his strength which grows stronger each time he clashes against Novus or is inflicted with a blow. AKA the HS Disciple Superbia is a berserker that grows stronger as time passes, and health dwindles in battle. The battle is mostly one of Novus deftly avoiding blows and trying to inflict deadly attacks rather than dwindling ones but is interrupted by the unease he feels.


Plot: Both battles are unexpectedly interrupted by the splitting of the World Tree and a massive shadow giant emerging from the world tree with an object in the core’s hands which is Mercury’s hands. Weak mental fluctuations make it to Novus as the world tree pleads with Novus to stop Mercury. However, bigger problems begin to appear as the HS Disciples slowly disappear under Mercury’s lead and leaves behind a seed in the core of the world tree. At the last sound of the portal closing behind Mercury, a shaking is observed as a leaf sprout from the core of the world tree and all Novus can process is Yggdrasil’s dying screams as a vine begins to suck out Yggdrasil’s energy and grow rapidly.


Plot: Xuanwu hurriedly attempts to stop the vines with his improved power, however, is clearly disrupted by the strength that keeps improving as the vine sucks out the power from Yggdrasil. The turtle linked to Novus explains of the origin of the vine that seeks to devour the life essence of the world and that it has just found the best soil to germinate from. It is now a race against time as all the elves and Novus and his companions try to defeat the vine that wants to devour Yggdrasil. However, the situation looks bleak as the rate of cutting down doesn’t seem to match the rate of proliferation. However, at this moment, the vague flute playing is heard on the horizon that brings some hope to the Xuanwus.


Plot: The wandering bard, having received a communication request from the world tree, appeared in a hurry as he suspiciously eyes up the vines eating away at Yggdrasil. With a light jump, the bard dismounts off the goat and takes off its blindfold that unleashes the goat to rapidly munch on the growing vines in the area. Novus watches in amazement as the goat begins to multiply with each vine eaten and wine drips endlessly from each goat’s horns in an almost unlimited supply. Wine soaks the land and Novus and crew finally have an opportunity to try and intercept the seed at Yggdrasil’s core.


Plot: Sensing intruders, the ancient plant seed tries to defend itself by sending out plant monsters that the party must battle through to try and get to the core. However, when the party arrives near the core, the seed itself begins to expand and wrap the core around itself as it turns into an Ancient Devouring Plant Giant. The party battles it, but soon realizes that Yggdrasil will be killed off if the core is destroyed alongside the seed that has parasitized with the core.


Plot: Novus thinks quick and communicates with the swords to try and separate the seed and Yggdrasil’s core but is warned by the sword of the consequences of his actions. Novus decides to initiate the plan anyway as he tells the party to make an opening for him to attack with both swords. The party manages to make the opening with the help of everyone and Novus lodges his swords deep into the core of the Plant Giant. The moment Novus lodges his swords into the core, he is wrapped around countless plant vines that seek to devour him as well and the party tries to rescue him.


Plot: Novus is soon surrounded in the unconscious space as he is graced by three lights this time like with Xuanwu. However, this time, the devouring plant seed is unstable and trying to escape the swords’ powers with each passing second. The vows that Novus make are binding as he promises them while using the blue chains that are still hidden deep within him to bring down the Ancient Seed. However, when the seed touches Novus, it sprouts into a vine that pierces into his legs and binds with him.


Plot: The crew fighting inside the core get a message from the bard to escape as the goat has almost reached its limits and reluctantly, the group escapes outside the tree. Soon after, the vines are seen swallowing the tree and beginning to extend towards the city before rapidly withering and becoming a layer of enriching dust that spreads across the city. Believing it to be Novus, the party hurries back inside to find a convulsing Novus that has roots trying to grow along inside his body. In a hazy daze, Novus summons his Soul Partners and soon faints right as the party arrives. With the power of Xuanwu and the party and Novus’ Soul Partners, the reborn Xuanwu casts a powerful spell over Novus.


Plot: Novus reawakens to see the faceless god pacing back and forth. Novus calmly sits at the tea table as the faceless god condemns Novus while still pacing for letting the origin key of fate slip away, for involving itself with the Earth Devouring Plant and almost letting its creation die. Novus, having realized the identity of the god he has always faced to be the Origin God of Creation, dismisses the gods worries. However, it doesn’t seem to work as the Creation God hits Novus for the first time since contacting him. This shocks Novus out of the space, and he reawakens in a rage that can’t be let out fully as he is in an elven room surrounded by his beetle, fox, ape, serpent, and turtle Soul Partners.

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Plot: Novus attempts to move out of the bed upon his rude awakening which prompts the soul partners to hold him down as he soon convulses with pain in the bed stemming from his legs. The noise attracts a group of people into the room including Percival, Edna, Circe and more who rushed here when they learned of Novus’ involvement in the incident. Circe hurriedly feeds Novus a pill that calms the pain racing across his body as he barely manages to sit up. The initially confused Novus grows shocked as he throws off the sheets and sees the roots that grow inside his skin and body. Novus then closes his eyes as he inspects his mana core to be entangled in growing vines that are gradually being absorbed into the mana core and is slightly relived to see his magic remains even though his body seems to be teeming with intrusive vines. However, Novus is by no means happy as he asks for any cures. The nearby Xuanwu explains that the only way the plant was defeated in the past was by reversing its life cycle and keeping it in its dormant form locked away somewhere on the continent. Novus, being Novus, tries something and uses his Dragon Prestige Aura to try and burn away the vines. However, the attempt is futile as he must directly purge away the connection the Earth Devouring Plant has with his soul source.


Plot: Grown frustrated by the limiting options that are being presented, Novus unsummons the Soul Partners that try to comfort him and tries to send everyone out including a nowhere to be seen Neipas, but Edna remains to talk and tells that Neipas is off getting drunk. Novus grumpily and verbally attacks her while she remains calm and tries to make Novus feel better at first before taking a more Edna approach and almost pummeling him. However, she doesn’t end up doing so and instead drags Novus to the window to see the streets below. There, the elven citizens are peacefully rebuilding structures and Novus feels guilty about harassing Edna. Edna accepts his apology and jokes about how some things can’t be solved with flames. However, a light shine in Novus’ eyes that only Edna notices as she wishes him well and leaves soon after. After seeing Edna leave, Novus painfully puts on a cloak and takes the limiting pills that keep the pain away from the table and slink out.


Plot: At a nearby elven bar, Novus slowly walks in with his hood pulled up and whispers to the barkeep a few words before slinging him some coins. Novus walks to the nearby table where a grouchy, slurred voice attacks Novus. At that moment, the barkeep brings over another drink to the table where Novus sits down to, to drink alongside an already drunk Neipas. Novus explains that he apologizes for not being able to handle things on his own and Neipas doesn’t respond. Seeing that his apology doesn’t work, Novus tips Neipas off that there is still something from the Sword Saint’s letter that he must do. This perks Neipas’ ears, and he snaps at Novus and tries to stumble out of the bar. However, an old, but buff Xuanwu holds onto Neipas and takes him out of the bar. The gradually sobering Neipas tries to shake off Xuanwu but is soon taken in front of a house as Novus’ voice explains the origin of the house to be the family of the elven guide. The door opens and a kneeling Neipas can only weep beneath the feet of the elven parents.


Plot: The scene splits back to the area around the world tree where the elven king gives a speech about life and death and gives fire to the corpses of the elves who had died. Nearby, cries are heard from all around as Novus slinks his shoulder around Neipas who is unsteadily shaking. With Novus’ support, Neipas removes the sword from his sheath and stabs it into the ground in front of him. Beneath the sword he lays a few flowers that he says reminds him of the sword saint. Meanwhile, a figure hiding behind the group watches with blazing red eyes that are locked on Novus.


Plot: As the group leaves from the procession, Novus is silently whisked away from the group without anyone noticing and finds himself in the hands of a figure he eventually recognizes all too well. Ultio’s blazing red eyes assault Novus’ body as he lifts Novus up by the neck when he attempts to summon his swords. Inflicted with dozens of status notifications at once in the face of a true dragon royalty, Novus remains steady under the odd cohesion of his Dragon Prestige Aura to Ultio’s hand. Confused by the familiar aura clinging to his, Ultio lets go and beckons Novus to speak of where he obtained his aura power from. Although shocked at seeing his previous self, Novus ultimately reveals nothing as the dragon launches a lethal condensed flame towards Novus. However, the unique flame doesn’t have the intended effect as the flame is instead absorbed by Novus’ body by the vines and slightly burn away at the root of the vines in Novus’ soul area. Both Novus and Ultio are shocked as the alley is soon crowded with the bustle of Novus’ companions who are all ready to attack the unknown entity.


Plot: Unleashing his aura to blast away the attacks from Novus’ companions, Ultio is about ready to start killing when Novus beckons Ultio to stop with an explanation that calms Ultio. Having calmed down enough to talk, Ultio explains that he sensed an aura too like his when Novus initially expose it on the island of Avalan and has been tracking him ever since. Faced with the shock of seeing him eat up his own flames, Ultio grows suspicious of Novus’ identity until Novus drops a bomb and says that he is Ultio’s half-brother. This shocks the entire group and Ultio is ready to kill Novus again before Novus explains that it is from his mother’s happiness that he was born. This seems to calm Ultio down or maybe create too deep of an impression as he instead grabs Novus and begins teleporting away. When Novus asks where he is being taken, Ultio replies that he must go show him to his mother and then decisively says ‘and father’ soon afterwards.


Plot: The group is shocked when Ultio teleports out and Edna soon disappears soon after as she tries to catch up and find Novus. However, it is only mere moments before Edna appears again and slightly caves in a building in rage as she lost the magic traces left behind. The group consoles Edna and a smirking Circe reveals a compass from her blouse pocket that she gives to Edna. Edna confusedly accepts it as she questions Circe and soon the group is overjoyed since Circe managed to put a tracker on Novus because he has been a ‘troublesome kid’ to them multiple times. Looking at the compass as it keeps on shifting, the group realizes that Ultio has taken Novus towards the Eastern Draconic Mountains and the group heads out to get Novus once more. However, Neipas and Xuanwu decide not to go as they will remain in the northern continent. Neipas training at the steps of the monk mountain and Xuanwu in Death Valley.


Plot: Cain’s attacks on the coastal islands give him the moniker Pirate King as he continues to work his way along the coastal islands both on the northern and southern waterways of the kingdom. In a surprise turn of events, Hercules is seen killing the Dwarven King in the back and slinks away from the arena as he heads to ‘defeat the seven disciples’ and ‘grow strong enough to defeat his only rival.’ In a heavenly pantheon, numerous glorious gods with their own unique looks and auras are seen arguing against each other before a pair of loud voices overpower their voices. The overpowering voices being the God of Creation and the God of Destruction (two of the only remaining origin gods). Under their orders, the pantheon disperses under the decree that all the pantheons’ resources be poured into strengthening their chosen apostles to quell the oncoming wave of evil.


Plot: In the golden throne room, all seven of the sins are present while six of them, Mercury, and Adrianne kneel behind the backwards faced throne and look fervently towards the sarcophagus that is held at the top of the throne room. Under the order of the gauntlet-throne figure, Invidia rises and exudes a corrupted darkness that reveals a writhing snake from her clothes and her own prized serpent. She brings out a plain staff with black foggy wings at the top that eventually the serpents crawl up and gradually become a part of as it becomes a caduceus. Flinging the staff upwards in the air, the staff remains floating above the sarcophagus. Finally, with Mercury presenting the origin key of fate that the king uses to destroy the strings of fate locking the sarcophagus up, the staff and seeped blood and origin key of fate manage to open the sarcophagus and release the revived evil from beneath it. A fair hand extends from inside and the laughing voice of a woman makes the eerie scene complete as the Hidden Shadow herself is revived.


Plot: After repeatedly teleporting for hours, the crew finally make their way to a coastal spring where Ultio chooses to rest after sensing that Novus’ condition is rapidly deteriorating. Helping him ease off the vines that are trying to take over his body, Ultio burns Novus with his flames and Novus reminisces over such soft flames. Ultio is like a kid who has had an injury touched as he tries to increase the intensity of the flames and ends up evaporating the spring. However, this cures Novus enough to cast a spell that calms Ultio down instantly. Novus tells Ultio that their mother used to do the same magic when they were little to help them relax. When Ultio is finished being amazed by the skillful play of magic that Novus does, he asks Novus who he is, and Novus replies that he ‘doesn’t know anymore’. Only that he is a child headed towards a home that he doesn’t consider a home anymore.

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