Detective Everlong

Chapter 27: Dream Walking (5)

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It was already dark, when she was let to stand up. Her knees were bleeding, pieces of corn still embedded into her skin. She was led upwards naked, beaten and bleeding, left without a dinner. Arriving atop the staircase, she was tossed into her room before her mother locked the door behind her. Inside, beside her bed was nothing else but a lone table, with a thick bible on it. Watching the empty, white walls, sitting down on the bed she finally let out a painful hiss as she slowly started to pick out the pieces of corn kernels from her flesh. 


“Fucking nutjobs… they not just fucked over their own daughter but my own family as well by extension! Hope you all burn in hell!” spat onto the wooden floor and her fingers stopped rubbing her knees, watching the stain of her saliva, turning the spot where it landed much darker. The last sentence was uttered by her in a complete sync with Yukari’s soul inside of her mind. Only the knocking on the windows jolted her out from the strange numbness she started to sink into. Hurriedly rushing there, opening it for Everlong who climbed in like a professional burglar she breathed out softly, with a relieved look. 


“Geez…” looked at her, watching the naked body of Hiyori, quickly turning her, touching the red marks on her back as his eyes suddenly turned very serious.


“Ouch… careful… they still sting!” hissed, biting her lip, feeling utterly shy before him yet not even trying to cover herself up, getting a bit of excitement out of the situation.


“Sorry! This explains a lot of things…” murmured Everlong, recovering his calm expression before finally taking off his shirt, dressing up the girl, stroking her head with a smile. “How are you?”


“Fine.” answered, her eyes looking at him with a strong light in them.


“Good! Sometimes reliving past events can be… traumatizing.”


“I’m good, trust me!” replied with a puffed up chest then she quickly retold him everything that happened until now.


“Hmm…” crossed his arms, sitting down on the bed as Hiyori climbed up next to him, wearing his shirt. While he was thinking she could not help but chuckle, imagining what kind of face her mother would have if she opened the door now, finding them like this! Wait… that was not her mother!


“Damn it!” clicked her tongue as she tousled her hair with two hands. “Stop trying to get into my head already!”


“Close your eyes.” placed his hand on her back, gently rubbing it, trying to avoid the snake-like marks under her shirt. Even though it was still stinging as she touched her, she quickly followed his instructions “Deep breaths… in… out… in… out… good. Don’t stop, just do it… that’s it.” whispered, helping her regain full composure and calmness. “Better?”


“Yeah…” nodded, letting loose a very long breath from her lungs. 


“It’s not the first time I see something like this.” shook his head Everlong “I’d like to say it is getting less and less prominent in the modern days… but it seems not.”


“What now? Is it the trigger? The fact they are going to move? Was that the final push?” 




“Everlong?” asked, seeing him remain silent, thinking with a serious face.


“Worse.” shook his head “The marks on your back…” pointed at the bottom of her spine through the thin cloth covering her. “Going upwards…” whispered in a quiet voice, as his finger started to travel, sending shivers through Hiyori’s body. Soon he was using all ten of his fingers as he ran them over the marks, left by the wooden ruler, reaching up to her neck and shoulders. “They are in the image of a Hydra.” 


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“Leviathan?” asked Hiyori, quickly connecting what he was trying to get at. 


“Yes.” nodded Everlong, turning her face to face with him “This means it is not just her who was influenced but the whole family…” shook his head with a sigh “There is a thin line between devotees and fanatics. The latter are a group that are already corrupted and they don’t even know it! It is true for not just religious groups but for any other facet of life! Politics, sports, science, you name it! Those humans who became fanatics are very, very easily morphed into something else! Something inhuman!”


“Are you saying that the whole family is under the influence of Leviathan? His property?” asked with a bit of shock in her voice.


“No, no, no!” shook his head, raising his hand “Demons at his power level won’t bother with a family like this! The princes of Hell have much more pressing matters to deal with than corrupting some small family out in the world! They are not interested in worshippers. They do not strive to be worshiped… they are much more direct. They command you and that is it.” 


“Oh… I see… I think. Are they Level 5 beings?”


“Close but also very far away from that. So no. But they are a cut above all of the other Level 4s! So the one that twisted and corrupted her parents, her family, from devotees into fanatics is just another demon, but in the servitude of the serpent.” explained, standing up as he was walking up and down in the room, thinking.


“What does that mean for me?” asked, gulping, feeling the weight of the topic, especially how serious Everlong’s look was right now.


“For you? Nothing. I’ll take care of it, it won’t be the first time I piss off someone strong and also not the last! I’m only thinking about how to prepare for the aftermath. Hah, okay, let's focus on the now! Think, did she have any kind of journals we could look into? Peep into what Yukari was truly thinking?”


“Heh, not all girls keep little journals, this is not… a… movie…” said, stopping at the end, twitching her eyes.


“Hm?” smiled Everlong as Hiyori stood up, walked to one of the floorboards, lifting it up and a thick, black book was under it that she just picked out.


“Fuck. You were right. She did have one…” said Hiyori, sounding a bit defeated as she turned towards Everlong.


“And not just a simple one!” walked to her, taking it from her hand, flipping through it. 


“Can you even read it? You said texts in dreams and illusions are unreadable!”


“Yes, that is true.” said, laying out the thick journal onto the only table in the room, showing it to Hiyori “But this is her thoughts. The only possible exception to the rule! And they are clear as day, look!” pointed at the scribbles on the paper, looking like the ravings of a madman and not because they were in a ‘dream’. Yukari’s handwriting was disturbing, strong at places as she almost painted the pages with ink and even blood, while at other pages it was flowing elegantly, like something from the hands of a calligraphy expert. There were drawings accompanying the writings, images of herself, clawing off her own skin, emerging from it like a butterfly from its cocoon and on other instances, she was depicting herself amidst an orgy, surrounded with text, suggesting everyone was wanting a piece of her. Sometimes literally as she was fucked to pieces then devoured.


“Damn…” whispered Hiyori “She could’ve been an artist with skills like hers! A guro artist, but still… an artist.”


“Her talents were wasted.” replied Everlong, sitting down, deciding to go through the whole journal, page by page, while Hiyori simply sat into his lap, reading along with Everlong, sometimes having to look away, as she was feeling her stomach turning from the detailed drawings or descriptions of Yukari’s.

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