Detective Everlong

Chapter 29: Judgment

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“Why?!” shouted Hiyori, quickly jumping out from Everlong’s lap as he just backed up, not even thinking about interfering. His figure even slowly merged into the darkness of the night, disappearing. 


“...” Yukari did not answer, just looked at her, watching Hiyori’s eyes. Where the latter’s were filled with tears and anger, the former’s were almost lightless. Dead. 


“If you don’t want to answer me, I’ll beat it out of you, you bitch!” screamed Hiyori, not even afraid of her by now. 


“You had it all.” opened her mouth, speaking with a cold, uncaring and unfeeling voice, not blinking once as she was looking into Hiyori’s eyes “Yet you threw it away.”


“What the hell are you talking about?!”


“You look like me.” replied, for the first time moving her eyes down on Hiyori’s body then back up “Thin, frail, no sex appeal, no style… bland. A background character at most.”


“And?” asked, even stepping closer to her, taking deep breaths, smelling the decay, the iron filled odor of blood, coming from Yukari’s direction as the wind blew it towards Hiyori’s nostrils.


“Yet you still had it… friends. Parents who loved you…” continued and for a brief moment, Hiyori could feel emotions coming through, straight from Yukari’s heart, carried along by her voice and the wind. Yet all of those emotions were laced with deep seething envy and resentment! “Even HE asked you out! Confessed to you! Yet you refused?!” shouted, howling just like the wind, blowing Hiyori’s black hair backwards, as the empty eyes of hers lit up in dark, green color “On what basis?!”


“You…!” opened her mouth Hiyori, realizing the simple, sad and plain truth of everything. All the things she went through, why her parents had to die, why Yukari ruined not just her life but two others’ too! Just because she was having it better than her? Just because Yukari saw similarities in their outward appearance? Just because she… refused a boy she didn't even know?! Everything just because of that?! “You are… insane…” whispered, as tears rolled down on her cheeks, unable to hold back, feeling like she was about to cry and laugh at the same time “All of this torment… because you were jealous? This is a joke… this must be… a very dark joke! Ahahaha…” held her face, feeling like she was about to collapse.


“Why should I care…?” asked Yukari, watching her with a small smirk forming on her face, “You people only know what it means to be at the bottom if you experience it… your kind especially! Not even thanking God as to how good you have it! Squandering it!”


“God…?” raised back her head Hiyori, looking at her through her fingers, holding her head with one hand. 


“My… God!” smirked Yukari as her body started to melt and transform, back to a black, smudge-like being “You are going to be-” started to speak but then both of them felt a strong gust of wind hitting them. 


While Yukari stumbled backwards, Hiyori wobbled, taking a step to her opposite direction, falling to her butt as a really strong headache assaulted her. Looking up she was back in reality, seeing the fences around the roof, the pentagram below them and the still smoking little mortar in the middle of it. Sheby was standing close by, gasping for air, blowing out white smokes through her nostrils. 


“My turn~” grinned the goat demon, transforming, growing larger and larger, ripping her clothes apart. Only a second later, a 3 meter tall, minotaur-like creature was standing there with hairy, saggy tits as her goat-like head was salviating, watching the confused Yukari who barely knew where she was or what even happened.


“Sorry Sheby, things have changed!” arrived Everlong’s voice, appearing behind the spirit of Yukari, pressing the barrel of his revolver into the hole in the back of her head. 


“NO! THIS WAS NOT OUR AGREEMENT!” screamed Sheby, her voice echoing far away as a goat’s cry. 


Everlong was not hesitating at all, pulling the trigger just as he finished speaking and with a bright flash, the spirit of Yukari was simply blasted apart, blowing into thousands of pieces. As what remained of it fell forward, it started to melt, turning into nothing but a nasty, foul smelling pool of tar.


“EVERLONG!” roared Sheby, almost jumping on him, but he just aimed his gun at her, making her stop fully. 


Hiyori was just sitting there, barely able to process what even happened, looking at the two, almost forgetting to even breathe.


“She was groomed.” replied Everlong, still aiming at Sheby’s head, looking at her with eyes that made the demon shudder involuntarily. She saw those types of eyes many times before. The same look, the same tone of voice she was hearing now… all of the most savage and cruel demons in Hell had it! Those beings she escaped from, betrayed… earning asylum amongst the human world in the end!


“By… who?” gulped, as she turned back into a human-like form, pulling the destroyed strands of clothes around her body up, somewhat covering her naked torso. Her voice quickly returned to normal, still with tangible resentment soaked in it, but at least with less open hostility. 


“Dunno. But her whole family was owned by someone. You eat her and it would probably come for you. Asylum or not, you would be fucked. Probably both ways.”


“...” lowered her eyes Sheby, looking at the still bubbling, smoking pool of tar, left behind by Yukari. 


“Here.” lowered his gun Everlong, taking out a shining, golden coin from his coat’s pocket, flicking it towards Sheby.


“...!” catched it with surprise, taking only one look, before covering it with both hands, watching Everlong if this was a joke or not.


“Are we good?” smiled a little, dispersing his cold appearance before the demon.


“Yeah!” nodded Sheby, gulping, before glancing at Hiyori, committing her face to memory and just jumped, leaving the rooftop in a hurry, not even looking back as if she just remembered she left the stove on back home!

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“Are you okay?” walked Everlong up to Hiyori, crouching down, holding her still trembling hands, rubbing them together between his.


“I… I think…” said with a weak voice, gulping down her heart that was stuck in her throat. “Everything happened… so fast.”


“Sorry. Opportunities come rarely in cases like this!” smiled, watching Hiyori’s expression change, constantly switching between relief, pain and confusion as her mind tried to process everything.


“Is it… dead? Dead, dead?” stood up with Everlong’s help, only taking one glance at the puddle, afraid it would rise up again and jump at her.


“Deleted from existence.” nodded.


“Deleted…?” licked her parched lips “You mean… she won’t come back anymore?”


“She can’t. She does not exist anymore! There are three ways to deal with demons. 1) Banish them back to their own realm. 2) Trap them in something and seal it away. 3) Delete their whole existence.” chuckled “Why? You wanted to give her a chance at redemption?”


“No!” answered immediately, furrowing her brows “I’m not… that kind of a girl! She chose to do those things to me so I wanted her gone!” groaned, gulping back tears, fixing her clothing, closing her eyes, whispering in a softer voice “Probably if I had killed myself, I would have turned out like her in the end… huh?” 




“Everlong?” opened her eyes a little later as he did not answer her, looking up at him.


“Yes. You may have been a second Yukari in the making. Because of your parents’ death.” nodded in the end, not mincing his words. “I am 90% sure of it. Especially because of the light in your eyes every time you remember it.” 


“Yeah… I guessed so…” sighed “Because I feel happy now… knowing that the bich is gone!” smiled weakly, rubbing her own face, shaking her head. Trying to expel all the weird feelings from inside her brain! 


“It’s a human thing, you just have to balance it out!” patted her back. “‘What comes out of a person is what defiles them. For it is from within, out of a person’s heart, that evil thoughts come—sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and defile a person.’ Mark 7:20-23”


“Are you religious?” blinked Hiyori, surprised at the sudden quote.


“I don’t know myself!” chuckled Everlong “Because I deal with this kind of shit regularly I should be. But I am also not, because I DEAL with this shit regularly. Plus the previous quote, I think it ignores the other side of the coin!” said, pointing at Hiyori’s chest “All the positive things, love, joy, happiness, compassion, all the opposites of negativity also originate from here! Not from God, not from any of the Gods! But from us! You just have to balance it out and you are going to be fine~” patted her face gently with a smile.


“Thanks… I… feel a little better!” answered, returning his smile before letting him hold his hand, as they walked towards the door, leading into the school building “Ah… wait… what about this…?” looked back at the mess but by now it was completely gone and the whole place looked as if nothing had happened at all, surprising her.


“Convenient, huh~?” chuckled Everlong, not explaining, just pulling her into the building.


“Yeah… damn!” clicked her tongue “Oh and… what was that about Gods? Plural?” shook her head, deciding to not question it at all if she wanted to keep her sanity intact.


“It is what it is!” laughed Everlong as they descended down the stairs “All religions are the truth!” explained with a nonchalant grin.


“You are pulling my legs…” rolled her eyes, finding it hard to believe but Everlong refused to explain further.


“No, I’m pulling your hands!” said, squeezing her frail fingers “Come, let me treat you to something tasty!”


“Ahhh… that sounds good…” sighed, nodding in the end, giving up to gain more out of him. 


As they arrived at the car, sitting down, Everlong picked up a newspaper from the backseat, flipping through it. Hiyori wanted to ask why but then she realized the answer for her own question, making her also leaning close, reading the different articles.


“Okay, we are truly out!” sighed Everlong, closing it, and throwing it at the back, smiling at her as Hiyori was still leaning forward, blinking rapidly. “Always remember to check on it, after every job!”


“Noted…” murmured, pulling back, watching her school getting smaller in the rearview mirror as they drove out from the parking lot, feeling weird at watching the changing scenery. Everything… changed. She could not point a finger at it at that moment, but she felt it, she knew it. Her life was changed into something, she would be unable to run away from anymore. 

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