Detective From the Future

Chapter 175: 1101

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Liu kuangsheng wiped the sweat on his head, "officer Han, what you said is true?"

Han Bin asked, "why did I come all the way from Quancheng to cheat you?"

"That means my sister is in a dangerous situation."

"Yes, we came to Qindao to protect their safety, but the problem now is that we can't find them. If those suspects are found first, they are likely to be poisoned. "

Liu kuangsheng took a deep breath. "I don't think so. Even you can't find it. Why can they find it?"

Han Bin said, "there are only dozens of police investigating the case, but there are hundreds of owners of longhuju, including thousands of family members, relatives and friends. They are likely to be connected. There are many people and great power. Nothing is impossible.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, they have planned this operation since a year ago. They have enough time to investigate Ding Sihai's whereabouts. However, the police only found Ding Sihai's situation yesterday. In terms of time, they have a huge advantage.

Therefore, it is not impossible for them to find Ding Sihai ahead of the police. "

Liu kuangsheng couldn't sit still and took a deep breath. "Officer Han, I want to go to the bathroom."

"Shall I show you the way?"

"No, I'll just go myself." Liu kuangsheng left the meeting room quickly.

Before long, Liu kuangsheng trotted back, "Captain Han, my sister's cell phone can't get through."

Han Bin said, "didn't you say you couldn't contact Liu Ping?"


Liu kuangsheng apologized quickly, "sorry, I lied just now. My sister told me. No matter who is looking for her, let me say I don't know. "


"It's not because of Longze real estate company. Although my brother-in-law made money as the general manager, he also provoked a lot of coquettish. At first, someone asked him for trouble. Later, he stopped his cell phone and hid. Then someone asked my sister for trouble. My sister simply hid herself for fear that the owners would come to trouble. "

"When was the last time you contacted Liu Ping and Ding Sihai?"

"Just now, I called my sister in the toilet, but no one answered. She usually doesn't answer my cell phone."

"When was the last time you met or talked?"

"Three days ago, we had dinner together."

"Whose mobile phone number is Liu Ping using now?"

"It's my daughter-in-law's."

"What's the number?"


"Where do Liu Ping and Ding Sihai live?"

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"Guang'an Road, Xingchen community, room 1101, building 4."


In half an hour.

Han Bin took people to Xingchen community.

He divided people into three groups. Wang Xiao led people to check the monitoring, Zhu Jiaxu visited his neighbors, and Han Bin led people to control on the 11th floor.

Like last time, Tao Yuanliang was still listening at the door.

He gestured that there was movement in the room.

Han Bin was not in a hurry to break the door, but waited for the feedback of the other two groups.

Zhu Jiaxu visited with his men. Most of the neighbors didn't know Ding Sihai and Liu Ping. Even if they were impressed, they didn't know which floor they lived on.

Only the two neighbors on the 11th floor were impressed by Ding Sihai's family. The neighbor of 1103 also met Liu Ping yesterday afternoon.

Soon Wang Xiao found Liu Ping and Ding Sihai in the monitoring room. Liu Ping mostly came out during the day, while Ding Sihai usually came out at night.

The last time Ding Sihai appeared in the monitoring was the night before yesterday, when he took the elevator back home.

The last time Liu Ping appeared in the monitoring was yesterday afternoon. She took the elevator back home with too many bags in her hand, like going shopping in the mall.

Judging from the current situation, Ding Sihai and Liu Ping are likely to be at home.

Since she is at home, why doesn't Liu Ping answer her brother's phone?

Judging from the current situation, Ding Sihai and Liu Ping are likely to have an accident. Han Bin can no longer wait to die and is ready to break in.

At this time, Wang Xiao hurried to, "team Han, I found a new clue."

"What clue?"

"At 9:35 this morning, two suspicious people went up the eleventh floor and haven't left since." Wang Xiao said, turning on the tablet and clicking on a surveillance video.

This is the picture taken by the elevator monitoring. There was a man and a woman in the elevator. The woman was wearing a courier uniform. The man carried a box in his hand. When he was approaching the eleventh floor, the man handed the box to the woman. They got off the elevator one by one.

Han Bin glanced at his watch. It was 10:29. The two men stayed on this floor for more than 50 minutes.

Han Bin watched the video again. The female courier was wearing a mask, but her body looked like the suspect Lao Dao.

The other man is probably the suspect Xiao Zhong.

Han Bin said, "from the current situation, the two suspects are likely to be at Ding Sihai's home." Zhu Jiaxu said, "it is reasonable to say that the suspect will leave immediately after committing the crime. Few people stay so long." Han Bin said, "these two suspects have strong retaliatory psychology, which is different from ordinary suspects. I'll arrange the task, Wang Xiao. You take someone to continue to check the monitoring, find out the route of the two people to the community, and whether there are other suspects to pick up. The other team members went in with me to catch people. " Zhu Jiaxu suggested, "Han Bin, do you want to find a way to cheat the door open?" Han Bin pondered, "no, the two suspects have committed many crimes. They have long been frightened. They won't open the door when they knock, which will only arouse their vigilance. Liu kuangsheng has the key to Liu Ping's house. Let's open the door and rush in to arrest him. " Han Bin arranged the arrest plan, but no one raised any objection. Every minute delayed, Ding Sihai and Liu Ping's lives were more dangerous. If the two suspects come out by themselves, it is estimated that Ding Sihai and Liu Ping will be gone. At 10:37, the arrest is ready. Liu kuangsheng opened the door and immediately hid aside. Wang Chang rushed into the house with a pistol. At this time, the female suspect Lao Dao didn't know if she heard the movement. She was standing not far from the porch with a bloody dagger in her hand“ Police, put down your arms! " The female suspect was stunned and turned to run in the direction of the bedroom. Tao Yuanliang's eyes were bad and his feet were fast. He directly chased her up, kicked her to the ground, and the dagger fell to the ground. Bao Xing and Bai Jianshan rushed up and directly pressed Lao Dao, "where's the other suspect?"“ Help... "A whimper came from the nearby bedroom. Zhu Jiaxu kicked beside the door lock, "bang!" The door was kicked open. A charming middle-aged woman curled up naked by the bed with her hands tied. It was Liu Ping. Next to him, a 30-year-old man put on his shorts and put a knife around the woman's neck. "Whoever of you dares to come in, I'll kill her." Han Bin walked to the door with a gun and shouted, "put down your knife. You've been surrounded by the police." The man shouted, "get out, or I'll kill her now." Han Bin advised, "don't make a senseless struggle. As long as you release the hostages, I can help you fight for leniency."“ Shit, if you're my father, it's a breeze. " The man was angry, raised the knife in his hand and stabbed it into the woman's shoulder“ Ah... "Liu Ping uttered a shrill scream. Taking advantage of this moment, Han Bin made a quick decision and pressed the trigger“ Bang! "

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