Deteoh – A Glitched World’s Isekai Story

Chapter 86: Ch. 83 – [ ]

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With the alarm siren still blaring, we carefully proceed further down the stairs until we reach an open cave of sorts.

But before I can really take in the view, a bunch of knights armed with strange-looking guns stop us, "Halt!"

I raise my arms as to signal surrender, "So much for not a trap..."

Therese signals the knights to stand down, "At ease, he is with me. And here I thought the creature was acting up again... Clara, didn't you prepare the whole paperwork for Jared?"

Clara protests, "I did. His ID card was entered into the security system and everything."

Therese is surprised, "Huh, really?"

One of the knights clarifies, "Seems to be a false alarm then. I apologize for the inconvenience, Therese."

Therese asks him, "So the creature is still secured?"

He responds, "We also thought the alarm was because of it but at least in our cursory check it was still inactive. So we thought there was an intruder."

"Why don't you have different alarms for those two causes?"

Therese answers, "Jack broke it, so we just wired both to the same signal until we find materials to repair it."

The soldiers take their leave.

"And he continues to be a headache even from beyond the grave..."

Carla responds, "Jack isn't quite dead yet..."

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Therese admonishes her, "Carla, he didn't need to know that!"

She replies, "Huh? I thought he knew already..."

"What is that about Jack being alive? I thought he died in the dungeon?"

Therese sheepishly admits, "That's just the official story. Though for what it is worth, he might as well just be declared dead. Well, he had an accident with that section over there", she points toward what looks like a greek temple covered in a green beehive barrier.

I can't really make out any details from over here, but it's giving me the creeps, "What is that?"

She answers, "To make a long story short, all those questions I couldn't answer until 'later'? That's the reason. I can explain in a moment, but we should first meet Karen, the leader of the research team. Clara, I'll take the rest from here, you can go back to your other duties."

Clara salutes, "Understood. See you later", then she heads back.

"Follow me, Jared", orders Therese.

We start walking.

Now that I have some time to look around, I see several block houses and tents, just the bare minimum to qualify as a home. Do they all live here underground?

In a few tents, the knights from earlier are putting the strange guns back into what could be recharge stations, attaching some cables to the guns.

What are these weapons? They look mostly like hunting rifles but two green pipes connect the front to the back and instead of an ammunition chamber it has a transparent-black box filled with blue-tinted exploding clouds.

What does [Appraise] say for them anyway?

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