Deteoh – A Glitched World’s Isekai Story

Chapter 94: Ch. 91 – Omission

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POV: Anna

There are the stairs upwards, we can finally leave the lava cave behind us! No more nearly sweating to death with all my fur!

"Come on, Geoffrey, I wanna get out of this sauna! Let's hurry!"

He nods, "Yeah, sure."

"Hmm...? What's wrong? You seem kinda absent-minded."

He collects himself, "Do I? Ah, it's nothing, I'm just worried about the others. We've seen nothing of them in quite a while and... I got this strange feeling..."


"Nah, they'll be fine. We just have to get moving and we'll find them soon. They can't be too far away!"

He shrugs it off, "If you say so."

The stairs are shorter than the last ones, uhh, whatever.

At the end of the stairs, I see... Oh, come on, not this place again, "Why are we back in the stupid spider cave..."

Geoffrey scratches his head, "No idea, but we didn't find any other routes we could've taken. I guess it is just a different cave."

I sigh, "I already hate this place..."

Out of alternatives, we travel further into the spider cave and fight a couple of spider monsters every now and then. But so far there are no branching paths.

After a while, we finally find a junction. To the left are more narrow web-covered corridors. To the right... nope, nope, not dealing with that shit. Again I see a big room that contains a spider cocoon and hundreds of spiders guarding it or alternatively, crawling into the cocoon. No thanks.

"I, uh, vote we take the other direction. I don't want to deal with that many creepy crawlies."

Geoffrey agrees, "Yeah, I agree. Even if we didn't have to worry about them fighting back I doubt we have enough SP between us both to beat all of them. And we have no safe zones to retreat to either. So left path it is. Come, but be quiet."

I nod, "Uh-huh."

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POV: Dan

I see the cat girl and the gruff man walking away from the cocoon.

Uh, guys? I think you forgot something. Or rather someone.

...and I extra brought you back here so you wouldn't miss your friend again. So much for me trying to be a good friend...

But what else can I do to reunite them? As it is, I've way overestimated their chances and just ending the game not even ten percent in would be a total letdown...

While I think about what I should now do with the captive girl, a fish-legged mummy approaches me.

"Uh, buddy? You're in the wrong place. This is the spider-only place, uh, I think."

Not sure, ever since that furry-eared girl shouted at me, I doubt what I know...


"No, no, it's fine. You can just go back to your area. Now, shoo."

He wobbles on, heading toward the collection of spiders.

Why is he...? His area is in the other direction.

Oh, he wants to tell his friends hello first, gotcha!

Munch Munch

Uh, why does he chomp on the spider friends now? That's rude! You don't eat your friends!

He has already killed two spiders and is nibbling on a third, "Hey, stop that!"

I slap the mummy away with my mouths.

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