Deviant Transfer 05 – Various Gender Bender Stories

Chapter 2: Story 02 – Splinter Gene Effect

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Thomas Hunter is an intelligence agent of The Observers, an organization tasked by the World Justice Guild to watch over criminal activities throughout the globe. As their top agent, his assignment has took him on travels to many parts of the world. The job itself, though prestigious does has its curse. As Thomas is being plague along with the enemies he made in the line of duty. But like all heroes, he has allies that he can count upon to come to his aid whenever the need to call for their assistance arises.

This fact, have been proven countless of times especially at one incident which changes his life forever. Where he was on a mission to gather evidence against an international crime lord, who is an elusive criminal which has escaped prosecution many times. Fido Kaiser, the criminal which Thomas have been pursuing for years, is the most wanted criminal in the World Justice Guild List of Most Wanted Crime Lords. Boasting a crime empire of a million in numbers and a trillion in currencies, this crime lord has made himself the prime threat to the free world.

That is because Fido Kaiser had amass enough fortune to elevate himself from a crime lord to a warlord. The contemplated possibility, is no delusion, as unlike other criminal and terror organizations, Fido Kaiser's cause seize the whole world in a blitz. Many are unaware of this threat he pose, except for a few who had manage to procure information of his crimes. Even fewer manage to survive after knowing the threat he pose to the world. Not many are willing to testify against his crimes, but the prosecutors of the World Justice Guild knows that they have to bring him down in a decisive blow or risk starting the case from square one again.

Because of this very reason, that is why Thomas have been selected for the mission. Which is an infiltration mission, and a high risk one. Many had rejected the mission, he however choose to accept it. Aside from the many speculations of madness, vendetta, and promotion prospects. The reason why Thomas accepted the job was to honor the sacrifice of his mentor, Jake Reader who had died in an attempt to gather the vital evidence needed to shut Fido Kaiser's operations down for once and for all. In the latest mission to procure the document to prove the guilt of Fido. He was captured and brought to Fido, who had tortured him in cold blood.

To show that he mean business, he had the body of Jake's to be filled with liquid explosives before sending it back to their base of operations. As many of their team members are unaware of the threat Jake's dying body pose, they are unable to escape Fido's deadly trap. Jake was unable to warn them too, due to his weakened state and the lost of his speech ability due to the toxicity of the liquid explosive injected into his body. The corpse bomb went off, killing many of their team members and wounding some badly. Thomas was one of the survivors of that day, who had lived with several broken bones and burns to tell a tale to the rescuers who arrived to help them.

This incident has caused a very serious setbacks to both the investigation and prosecution. Not only they lost many of their best people, the information that they have gathered was lost in the explosion on that very fateful day. Survivors of that day vowed that effort of those lives lost will not be in vain. From the very first day of their full recovery, they have worked even harder than they had the last time to apprehend the beast who had taken many of their comrades that day.

Thomas had managed to infiltrate into one of Fido's crime installations, which is an estate mansion in a coastal city of Spain. It is a heavily guarded building which is equip with sensitive security systems. Fortunately, years of training and experience had proved to be a great help in the mission. Breaking into the office, he proceed to use one of the computers to access the database in the facility, which houses all the information of the crime lord's empire. Details such as information of their members, arsenal and assets are soon being downloaded into a device that he brought along with him, which will transmit the data to their mobile base of operations.

However, this act failed to go undetected. The installation of this device to their crime computers triggers the alarm, alerting the security guard there. Thomas however managed to acquire all the information he need before being caught in the act by Fido's men who are guarding the estate. Thomas managed to evade the enemy for a while, but luck is not by his side as he was spotted by one of the guards while trying to escape. He put up a valiant fight, but soon he was overwhelmed by the sheer number of the people who are being ordered to catch him.

Upon his capture, he was searched and interrogated by his captors. But they could find nor get anything out of him. As he have managed to conceal and destroy anything that will lead his captors to his support team which are still out there. Things start to change when Fido arrived to meet him, whom the crime lord assumed to be a spy trying to steal some information from him. However, to his amusement,it was a member of a group of people who had tried to bring him to face with justice for the crimes that he had done.

Upon recognizing his adversary, the crime lord with declared with glee that he will be the perfect test subject for his new weapon, which a prototype gene mutator. Fido explained to Thomas that his scientist had managed to create a weapon of mass distraction, that will be the first of its kind. While the world armies will be busy tending the pandemonium of rampaging mutants world wide. His men will seize control of the world when the time is right. Meanwhile, the allies of Thomas are working out a solution to rescue him. Unwilling to let him suffer the same fate like his mentor. They devised a plan to extract him from the location he was being held captive. Using the communication device surgically implanted into his body, the informed him that they will create a diversion which will allow him to escape.

Fido was about to fire the weapon when a blackout suddenly occurred, causing some distraction among them. Thomas who was warned earlier, had freed himself from the shackles they put on him. Wasting no time, he got into action and attacked Fido's men who are guarding him. This triggered panic among Fido's men, causing them to fire their weapons blindly, killing and wounding some of them. Fido ordered a pursuit, however, his orders are rocked by several explosions around the building compound. With the hold place in a state of mass confusion, Thomas made his way to the extraction point, where there will be a getaway vehicle waiting for him.While he is almost reaching to him escape vehicle, a beam of light suddenly hit him at his right leg.

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Thomas managed to get into the vehicle in time before another shot is being fired. However, that does not mean that he is safe from the effect of the first shot which is now starting to take effect. Thomas begin to feel extreme pain as his body started to change. The change itself was noticed by his associated too as it started to manifest slowly in front of them. Immediately, they brought him into intensive care at the medical bay of their mobile base. It is an airborne ship, capable of staying on flight for months without the need to refueling. With the state of the art medical technology, they managed to diagnose that he is suffering from rapid cellular mutation.

Sally Raven, the chief medical officer managed to slow down the rate of mutation that Thomas is experiencing, allowing him to live longer until a proper treatment is discovered. Along with the chief science officer, Mason Steel, they works round the clock along with the information that Thomas had gathered earlier that day. After moment of discussion, they come to a conclusion where gene replacement treatment along with the same radiation that Thomas had receive at extraction in the only solution to save his life. They informed their results to their commanding officer, Albert Stone whom immediately send out a medical team to extract samples from an unwary suitable donor.

The donor, Raymond Hunter is unaware of what is happening to his son. However, as a seasoned soldier of the Special Boat Service. He is able to discern that there are people had infiltrated his home for unknown motives. He wondered why these people had not attacked him and decided to pretend not to notice them at the moment. When bed time arrives for Raymond, he pretended to sleep in order to gauge the motives of the intruders. One of the intruders sneaked up stealthily towards him with a spray to sedate him. Before he could spray the content at Raymond, he was surprised with upper card by his intended target which started a fight between Raymond and his assailants.

The fight was short and intense with Raymond's victory. Restraining the last of the assailant who is still conscious, he questioned them about their motives of trying to harm him. The last assailant, Sally Raven removed her balaclava to reveal her identity to him whom he recognized as an associate of his son. She apologizes to him, stated that his son's is now in danger and his condition must not be known as the moment for certain reasons. He is unconvinced and demanded that she explain everything to him, or he will call the police to arrest them. Unwilling to let the mission end up in failure, Sally instead offered to take him to visit his son, an offer which he agreed upon.

Upon arriving at the ship's medical bay, Raymond is shocked to find that half of his son's body had been transformed into some misshapen monstrosities. Sally explained everything that had transpired to him and informed him that they need his genetic sample to patch Thomas back into shape. Wanting to see his son to survive, Raymond decided to consent for the extraction of a sample of his genes. Preparations were quickly made to save Thomas from death. Where a tank was being prepared as a medical bath to treat his condition. The tank will be filled with a solution full of genes from his father, Raymond. Aside from that, a radiation projector have been prepared by Mason Steel. It will provide certain doses of rays to bombard the mutant genes, which will splinter off from his genes. From there, the genes donated by Raymond will fill in the gaps made by the mutant genes, thus curing him from his condition.

Raymond have been informed by the outcome of the treatment to his son, where 33.33 percent will be success, 33.33 percent will be survive with complications and 33.33 percent will be death. When he asks about the 0.01 percent, Sally could only answer "Unforeseen Outcome" to him. The treatment starts, with the signs of good recovery observed at Thomas. Everything has starting to show sign of a smooth progress when out of the sudden, his heartbeat rate begin to spike, alarming the medical team who are attending him.

As they struggle to stabilize him, new changes started to manifest. First, body tissue start reorganizing themselves, changing his body from the figure of a male to female. Next came the small details, such as feminine facial features and other refinements. With the unchanged bone structure, Thomas, who is now a she, is a woman with an athletic sturdy built body along with a slim matron figure. When these changes completed, he soon started to stabilize. The medical team, who are too distracted in tending the instrument to stabilize him now noticed that he had changed in to a she, except for her father who is observing the whole process from the observation room.

It does took a while for everyone to accept the new Thomas, especially Thomas herself, who find it way beyond her expectation. To the whole world now, Thomas is now dead, which is a delight to Fido Kaiser's ears. But to both father and daughter of the Hunters, a new life is now starting. The investigation team and the prosecution team now had the solid evidence they need to bring Fido Kaiser to justice. With the aid of world wide police and special forces, they begin the long task of dismantling his crime empire, which will take months to be completed and forcing him into hiding to evade arrest.

One can run, but can never hide forever. Fido's whereabouts was soon discovered by them and a raid team have been assemble to arrest him. He managed to escape, while his men tried to hold justice at bay. Luck was not with him as he is soon intercepted while entering his last hideout by Tessa Hunter, formerly known Thomas Hunter. All went smooth sailing, although it did took a while for her to beat him up into a presentable shape for packaging to be sent as a Christmas present to the World Justice Guild to face his crimes.

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