Diablo in Highschool DxD

Chapter 3: Rebirth

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Chapter 3: Rebirth

A blonde-haired maid hurried out a room, carrying something delicately as she moved across the hallway.

When she finally reached the end of the hall she halted and opened the door to the side.

Behind the door was a luxurious room full of clothes and toys for babies, she walked towards the crib in the centre and gently placed the precious thing in her hand carefully on it.

She slowly ruffled the soft white blanket covering it, revealing the head of cute tanned baby boy with a patch of black hair.

His eyes were closed as he moved his arms around playfully.

She just stood there for a moment as she observed the baby with an emotionless expression and turned around when she heard footsteps behind her. A black-haired maid entered the room with a couple of towels. She kept the towels on the shelves to the side and walked towards her fellow maid, joining her glancing at the baby as she looked tenderly at him.

"Isn't he adorable?" Squealed the raven-haired maid

"Yeah...he is, he'll definitely break a lot of hearts when he grows older," The blond-haired maid agreed amusedly, whose response made the other maid giggle

"...but why are his eyes closed? He's clearly not sleeping.." Asked the raven-haired maid with confusion

Hearing her words the blonde frowned, before sighing, "The doctor was also confused, he told us that he might open them later or otherwise...."

The blonde paused before continuing, ".....it might be that he's blind"

The raven-haired maid gasped as her eyes widened in horror but then her expression turned sorrowful

"The Barbatos clan is going to end after all huh...." said the raven-haired maid sorrowfully

"Don't say that!" Shrieked the blonde, "If anyone hears you, we are going to get in a lot of trouble!"

"...but it's true..... lots of members of the clan died out in the Great War and The Devil Civil War.....After that, the remaining members 'mysteriously' starting disappearing one by one ....but everyone knows they were assassinated by some of the other Devil clans because they were afraid of the magic and power of the Barbatos clan," Said the raven-head with a tone dripping with hate as she ended.

"Lord Barbatos was found poisoned in his office 8 months ago and today Mistress died due to childbirth......but named Young master before giving her last breath. Young master Diablo is the last remaining member of the Barbatos clan and he is too young to manage the affairs of the clan...is the Barbatos clan doomed after all?" said the raven-head as her tone got softer and softer with last statement coming out of her mouth as a whisper.

The blonde didn't say anything and stood there in silence, the raven-head followed in suit. They stood there for a moment before moving around the room to clean it, they fed the baby and left the room to attend to their other duties.

As soon as they left the room, the childlike movements of the baby suddenly stopped

'So I really got here huh,' thought Diablo with a smile on his face, before frowning as he recounted what the maids talked about in front of him

'Hmm, looks like the Barbatos clan is getting targeted, Does that mean they will go after me too? If they do came after me I wouldn't be even able to fight back or even defend myself,' thought Diablo who started getting worried but after a while relaxed, '...and also....I know I told ROB for me to be the only one in the family....BUT I DIDN'T MEAN LIKE THIS!'

He sighed

'Well there is nothing I can do about it anyway, if such a thing does occur in the future I will worry about it then......but when I grow up and get enough power, I will find the one behind this and make him pay.....its the least I can do, considering I indirectly killed them all,' thought Diablo with a weak smile

'Now that we are done with that, why the hell can't I open my eyes?.....Wait a sec, was that maid saying that I might be blind, correct?....Did ROB lie to me?!' thought Diablo as he had mild panic attack before shaking his head, 'No, he won't lie to me..... after all I 'intrigue' him. Maybe I'll open my eyes a little later in the future, they aren't normal eyes after all in the first place'

'Well that's that, now what should I do....hmmmmm...

.......being a baby sure is boring......

.....Will I shit and piss my pants without control now?

.....I wonder how much time has passed.....


.....Who the fuck was the moron who thought that reincarnating as a baby was good idea....'

After a while he relaxed and peacefully slept.....because 'THAT'S THE ONLY GOOD THING ABOUT BEING A FUCKING BABY'....his words not mine.




It was midnight, Diablo laid on his crib sleeping peacefully, when the door to his room slowly creaked open. A figure creeped out as it made its way towards Diablo's crib. On the way, its figure got exposed by the shining moonlight through the window, revealing the blonde maid that took Diablo to this room.

Walking slowly towards the crib she accidentally kicked a toy away. She quickly looked at Diablo and sighed in relief when she saw him still sleeping undisturbed

Little did she know that after Diablo's parents died in his past life he became a very light sleeper.

'Who is that? Why are they creeping behind me?' thought Diablo as he pretended to be asleep. He soon found out it was one of the pair of maids that were talking in his room by hearing the voice behind him

"Young Master I'm sorry for doing this.......but the Barbatos clan were getting too troublesome and were too powerful for their own good....so we had to fix them......just like how I fixed Lord Barbatos with that poison...... and just like how I am going to currently fix you," said the blonde softly.

Diablo realising that this bitch didn't have any good attentions, was about to cry out loud but was muffled by a pillow pressing against his face suffocating him. He tried to push it away by his hands but alas he was still a baby.

You are reading story Diablo in Highschool DxD at novel35.com

His head turned purple as he slowly lost all air in his lungs and was about to lose his consciousness....When suddenly the pillow got pushed away, as he greedily took a deep breath.


A few moments earlier:

A raven-haired women, who was wearing a gown, was walking down the hallway to go the bathroom on the other side of the mansion, where the other servant quarters was located. The bathroom in their quarters got plugged and everyone was too lazy to fix it.

This raven-haired women was also the other maid that was present with the blonde with Diablo previously

As she was walking down the hall, she noticed that her Young master's room was open. Curious, she walked towards the room and nearly fainted of disbelief at what she saw.

She saw her friend pressing a pillow on the Young master's head, suffocating him.

Without any hesitation she immediately used all the strength she, a Mid-Class Devil, had and pushed her away. The blondie hit the wall as she fell down. The raven-haired maid didn't care about her and immediately ran to her young master and was relieved to find him still alive.

"YO--!!!" Enraged she was about to turn around and deal with the blonde but was surprised when she saw a wind slash coming towards her.

It was too fast for her.....


Blood splattered everywhere as a raven-headed head fell to the floor, quickly followed by the body.

The blonde without even any flicker of emotion calmly started walking towards the crib to finish the job.

Diablo, as if sensing her approach, started shivering. Seeing his reaction only made the blonde smirk as she slowly reached out her hand towards him.

However just as she was about to get in contact, her hand halted.

She put her hand on her mouth and saw blood escaping between her fingers. She painfully turned her head downwards and found a spike of ice piercing her chest.

She bitterly let out a pained chuckle, as she realised the surety of her demise

Using all the remaining strength she had, she turned around to see the identity of her murderer.

Her, being shocked would be an understatement

Her murderer was a women, a beautiful young woman.... appearing to be in her early twenties with back-length silver hair that featured a long braid on each side with small blue bows at the ends, while the rest was let down which ended in twin braids. She was wearing a French maid outfit and her cold crimson eyes were piercing through her. It was ironic how she was killed by a maid herself, but that was not what shocked her.....no..... it was that it was Grayfia Lucifuge herself that killed her


....Why was she here..

....Why was the Silver Demoness of Ice here....

She fell down on the ground and died with an expression of disbelief.

Grayfia coldly looked down at corpse with unhidden disdain before finally moving her attention to the crib. She calmly walked towards it, before finally setting her eyes upon the pitiful appearance of Diablo. Her cold eyes softened slightly, she was about to pick him up but suddenly froze in place as she turned stiff.

Diablo's eyes finally opened, as it narrowed at her. Grayfia battle hardened instincts were screaming at her to run away. All the hair in her body stood up as chills ran up her spine. Looking at those eyes, she could only see..... death.

Diablo looked around, and as if finally understanding the situation his eyes relaxed. Grayfia noticeably calmed down but had cold sweat running down her back. She again looked at his eyes, this time properly gazing at them and was mesmerised. He had beautiful eyes.....the pupil was the darkest a blue could be, with a purple halo around it as the iris had a light blue colour.

His eyes were like the most beautiful of pearls that were buried deep inside the ocean, something this beautiful wasn't supposed to exist....it was unnatural.....His eyes were like a cursed jewel.

She was in daze for a moment before she finally snapped out of it and looked at Diablo carefully, she picked him up and put his head across her shoulder and gently patted him.

Diablo unexpectedly stretched out his tiny arms and hugged her neck making her eyes widen at the unexpected action, as she froze for a little bit. A thousand thoughts sped across her mind in an instant

Before she finally relaxed and gave out a beautiful smile that could make any man's heart skip a beat.

"There, there... don't worry now.... I will always be with you from now on.....Young master," She said, hesitating a little at first... but with newfound determination and a certain glint in her eyes, she spoke her one and only lord's title.


At the same time when Diablo awakened his eyes:

Somewhere far away in a certain cross-section between space and time, laid a huge red dragon in slumber

It suddenly opened one of its eyes as it sensed something and grinned, showing its sharp teeth

"Interesting........Looks like another player has joined the game," Said the dragon in a deep, proud and majestic voice before closing its eye and entering its slumber once again.

Silence greeted the surroundings once more

{{NOTE from Author-san: Yep, I know that the Barbatos Clan is already a clan in canon, but here it's different}}

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