Diary of a God-Man: Genesis for the End of the World

Chapter 1: #0 – A Description of the World

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I am writing this for the future generations, or perhaps the past who find their future here. This is a status condition of the current world as of me writing this: The year is x002, although it does not matter. God is dead, and no one killed him. Humanity is despairing on a lonesome rock with no love from an omnipotent being, and they are forced to realize just how loved they truly were. Atheists have forsaken all of their past despairs and truly cried in hopes of its return, The wicked cry for they understand the truth of just how far they made it thanks to that God's love, and those who held no hope at all have opened their eyes to just how worse it can be. It is an ending for the world, is it not? And yet, rather than simply giving up and cursing everything before dying with spite, humans have decided to persist. With the death of God, a new understanding of God was acquired, and progress was made towards [something worse].

Ah, right, this may seem as though I am being pretentious, but that's just how it is as of now. Personally, I'm not religious, nor will I ever be- Hell, I don't even have a reason to start since the person we were supposed to worship isn't here anymore, but the fact is that he was here, he isn't here now, and that people miss him dearly. Ever since that day came, where everything went to hell, nothing has been the same. It's as though almost every man, woman, and child forgot kindness, as if every law we once built our societies on has closed its eyes and went as peacefully as the one who ensured those laws existed. And that is because they did, because that was the Law that God had brought upon us. With his death, not only did we learn that he existed, but we learnt how he operated- Mostly due to what he left behind.

What was left behind was pieces of his order, the rules that defined it- Physics, Fantasy, Humanity- Divine Fragments. By studying and understanding these things, we learnt of how our world ended and how the world worked at the same time. Truly, somewhat poetic for the last discovery of science to be of how it died and how it was wrong. That magic did exist, but just forgotten. That god (or gods) did exist, just hidden- So many things were learnt, and so many things were lost in exchange. It was painful, but many men died satisfied upon figuring out 'just how the world died'. But what of those who didn't die? What of those who couldn't just give up and accept 'the world's death, nothing to do there'? Simply put, they either built cities as humans do, regardless of the illogical nature of the act, or they pursued change, as they also did.

The men built a city on God's Corpse, while others- Those whose minds could not be considered human and carried Illogic of the greatest kind- Moved to fill the void of God. The world offered eternity to humans, and while others crawled up into balls and huddled together, others who desired change- who desired death- who desired nothing- embraced eternity and became like gods. Their illogical minds and wishes became Domains, the shape of the world that would grow to coat the worlds, and their bodies became strengthened to match their new state of existence. It should be specified, however, that they themselves are not 'Gods' but 'Those who can become God'. The potential to become God has manifested, but none of them are Gods- For there can only be one, and all of them seek to become 'the sole god'. They have dubbed themselves God-Men, but Humans prefer the term Pseudo-Gods. I am technically a Pseudo-God, but I find the comparison unflattering and do not meet many of the other qualifications, so please consider me as a worse human being with cheat-codes. I believe a better comparison for me would be a devil, but I'm not that much of a fool to believe that much of my own 'hype'.

On the other side of things, Humans are not entirely powerless, for they have acquired methods of surviving in the new world and becoming stronger. They cannot challenge Pseudo-Gods, in my own experience, but they are strong enough to retain some independence in certain colonies where most would've kneeled to them by now. The method? The previously mentioned Divine Fragments. Whereas God-Men enforce laws based on concepts that describe their soul, such as "Nothing should ever change" or "Everything should fade away", Humans access the past that was wiped away with Death of God through the corpse that they built their last true city on. Implanting pieces of it inside their body, they access bits and pieces of the systems that disappeared with the end of the past. Every fragment carries small pieces of 'the rules of the world'. These vary, from Physics Based things such as Time's Forward Movement and Time's Backwards Movement, Gravity's Presence, to more Mystical Phenomenon like Onmyodou, Reincarnation, or something more simple- Like sealing magic. The more fragments within one body the more powerful the rules enforced are. The catch for this is simple: The Divine Fragments are incompatible with Humans and outright reject Pseudo-Gods, in a similar way eating rotting meat causes damage to you for obvious reasons.

The world is in an unnatural state, where Men who Carry the Future (God-Men) and Men who Carry the Past (Humans) shall clash. I am an interrupter, an intervener, and I apologize in advance for this. It is a part of my goals that I must do this, so I apologize that I cannot simply record 'the happenings of the world' for you to enjoy. I will, however, record for you my life and what I do, as well as some chronicles of the world. I hope that will suffice as a replacement to this.

"...Ah, I believe I should mention this: My name is Tugarin, and my wish is [XXXX]. I cannot share with you my specific wish at this moment, but I hope you will forgive me for that as well. You will understand soon, but I cannot give the name of it at this moment. It is now time, for A Final War, to decide who will supplant God." 


New Romana - Man On the Silver Mountain

The City built upon God's Corpse, the last remaining mark on the Earth that remains 'as it was'. While it is called God's corpse, it is more accurate to say that it is just the remains of when God ruled the Earth, where things remain the same as before he died. Magic follows the same laws here, Science follows the same rules here, and Human Beings follow the same rules here. It is a city that cannot progress, for its future has already been lost. There are approximately 30,000,000 Humans within the city, and while the city may not look like it from afar it is more than capable of supporting those lives due to the President of New Romana's Divine Fragment. As mentioned before, the entire city is made up of Divine Fragments that have no bearing or meaning to 'human beings', only serving to establish the world rather than represent any belief- Which is why they are left alone by everyone, even the most power-hungry humans.

Looks like a dystopian mixmash of New York and Tokyo.

Pale Waste - It's Raining Somewhere Else

The land in-between New Romana, the small colonies of humans that exist outside of their last city, and the domains of the Pseudo-Gods. A world of white, black, and ruined cities. Trees with no leaves grow and litter the streets, and small shrubs and vines fill every corner of the world- Even the places that are completely illogical, even by 'nature reclaiming the earth' standards. In addition, none of the cities match any place that once existed, stretching on infinitely before changing 'genre' to fit how far it's gone. An unrecognizable suburb becomes an unrecognizable city, and that city becomes an unrecognizable Japanese city. Think of it like some of those AI-Generated city images that look cool from afar but become more and more illogical the closer you look at it. There are no forests, however- Nor are there any swamps or any real pieces of nature, simply remains of humanity stretching on infinitely.

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