Dig a ton of gold

Chapter 1005: 1005

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According to the address given by Brooke, he soon found his residence.

Although this Fenghua apartment is an apartment, all of them are villas!

After opening the door according to Brooke's password, you can see the hall decorated with Nora.

When Ming's eyes constantly scan every corner of the room.

Found no problem.

When Ming was discussing with Wang Jianbo, he was in the avatar Hotel, the capital of Nora.

In a private room.

If you were here at this time, you would surely find that all the people sitting in this room are members of the board of directors of altustine group.

"That's right! I dare to shoot Neil Baker in public! I haven't seen such a person for decades!"

"Why is he so arrogant? Is it because he owns 50% of the shares of altustine group? This is not his arrogant qualification at all!"

"Yes, now it's in Nora, not in China! When Ming, even if it's a dragon, he has to dish it well!"

The member of the board of directors said as soon as you spoke.

On the side of Brooke, after hearing what the people said, sat in his seat with a blank look and didn't know what to think.

"Brooke, what are you thinking!"

"We may not really be our opponents." Brooke said slowly.

"Are we together? You are helping when Ming to speak, and when Ming is just a Chinese!"

"The base camp of the ottostein group is in Nora! On our territory! How can he control us!" One of the directors said.

Brooke frowned after hearing the director's words and said, "I have to admit that I haven't seen such a young chairman when Ming. His momentum is even more frightening. We really can't treat him as an ordinary person!"

"Brooke, when Ming gave you any psychological shadow? Why do you always help when Ming speak!"

"Yes! I'm just a Chinese! Is there a gap between me and us?"

Several directors yelled after hearing Brooke's words.

They didn't hear Brooke's words at all. In their hearts, Brooke was a man who was scared and stupid by when.

"We should let him remember that we are not easy to bully!"

"That's right!"

After hearing their discussion, Brooke slowly closed his eyes. He didn't know whether the decision of the board of directors was correct.

In the evening, when Ming and Wang Jianbo had a simple meal outside, they returned to their accommodation.

I have to say that there is a lot of comfortable space, but it is much better than the base in terms of facilities!

At this time, when the ringing mobile phone rings.

It was Brooke who called.

"Dong He, there's something I want to discuss with you." Brooke's voice came from his cell phone.

"What's the matter?"

"Our directors invite Mr. He to visit the industrial park of the group tomorrow. By the way, I don't know if Mr. He has any plans for the next development direction of altustine group."

"OK, see you tomorrow." When to say it briefly.

In the private room of avatar hotel at this time.

When the directors heard that he Shiming agreed, they cheered one after another.

"He Shiming agreed!"

"Boy, you're crazy! You'll look good tomorrow!"

At this time, when you sound in the apartment, you naturally don't know that the danger is approaching him!

In the early morning of the next day, when to ring is to wake up by the door bell. When to ring is to simply put on your clothes and open the door of the apartment.

"Good morning, Dong he!" A Nora national spoke respectfully.

"What's up?"

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"I was instructed by the president to lead Mr. He to the industrial park of the group!"

"OK, come in and wait a minute!" When Ming finished speaking, he came upstairs.

When Ming knocked on Wang Jianbo's door impolitely and kept shouting: "fat man! Fat man! Get up quickly! The pick-up and drop-off people are already downstairs!"

After hearing the cry of when Ming, Wang Jianbo reluctantly stretched himself, immediately got up, opened the door, looked at when Ming and said, "why, you push it until the afternoon!"

"Hurry up!" When Ming shouted at Wang Jianbo.

The last time the board meeting was postponed, it was mainly to suppress the momentum of all directors. How could it be postponed today for no reason!

Then they came downstairs after a simple wash.

"Let's go!"

When Ming said, he followed the little brother out of the apartment.

As soon as I walked out of the apartment, I saw a sightseeing bus appear in front of me.

When I saw this sightseeing bus, I suddenly looked frozen!

what the fuck!

These guys representing the major chaebols prepared a sightseeing bus for him to observe?

Shouldn't he have a bulletproof car?

What if this car light is attacked?


When Ming suddenly remembered that the elder brother who offended the major chaebols in the United States was arranged by those people in Congress to watch the light car go out, and then was killed?

And now I've met it myself?

Is this international unification?

"Please, Mr. He!" The little brother made a gesture of invitation.

When Ming pondered for two seconds and asked, "where's Brooke?"

"Back to Dong He, Brooke has something to do temporarily. Let me show you around first."

"Well, let's go."

After getting on the bus with Wang Jianbo, under the leadership of my little brother, I drove towards the industrial park of altustine group.

He wanted to see what these chaebols wanted.

Because it is an industrial park, it is located on the outskirts of the city.

Even if the altustine group is a detached force in the whole world, it can not consume blindly. The industrial park is better in the suburbs.

The vehicle slowly left the capital. When Ming and Wang Jianbo looked at the surrounding environment curiously.

Maybe it's the location of Nora. Different from the suburbs of China, when vehicles drive out of the city, they see tall trees.

The leaves on trees are as long as arms.

Of course, this is related to the environment of Nora.

"Lao he, why do I feel a little nervous?" Wang Jianbo looked at everything around him and said.

"What's the matter? Is something wrong?"

"Something's wrong everywhere! Although I don't understand the way here, you, as the chairman of the board, sent only one driver to inspect the industrial park for the first time, and it's still a convertible!"

"Hehe! Are you familiar with this scene?"

"How can I be familiar with it! I've never been abroad! And I've never driven a convertible or even sat! This thing can't hold my rich soul at all!"

When Ming turned his eyes and said, "it's not a problem, but this kind of thing! Have you heard of it in history? For example, an old brother in the United States who has a good relationship with us?"

"Hmm? Big brother? How can I... Lie in the trough!"


Wang Jianbo stared and said, "I remember! They want to kill you!"

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