Dig a ton of gold

Chapter 795: 795

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What are the rewards for fighting piracy?

This is not common to ordinary people.

When to sit on the chair and look at the reward happily.

[congratulations to the host for participating in the headlines. The system rewards 51% of Xunlong technology group. Please click to get it!]


When Ming saw this reward, he bowed his eyebrows and picked it.

Reward company shares again?

Xunlong technology?

What company is this?

Why don't you have any impression?

When to open the system reward, but there is no explanation, only the receive or give up button.

This is not surprising.

For rewards of general items or skills, there will be a reward description.

There is no explanation for such share awards.

However, when you give something away, it is impossible to give it up. Click to get it directly.

Then, open the web page to search Xunlong technology.

The next moment,

When he saw the description of Xunlong technology, a surprise color suddenly appeared on his face and exclaimed: "lying in the slot!"

Xunlong technology is a domestic chip group!

Although domestic chip technology started relatively late and the manufacturing process is somewhat backward compared with industry giants, it has also formed a certain scale, especially the top ten chip companies, which have a very strong afterforce.

And Xunlong technology,

It is a large-scale and technologically advanced integrated circuit chip manufacturing enterprise, and it is one of the top ten chip companies in China!

Just got 30 of the world's most advanced lithography machines, the system sent him a chip company?

It's really sleepy. Someone gives pillows!

Originally, he thought that after returning home, he would quietly sell these 30 lithography machines to those enterprises in need. If no one dared to ask for them, it would not be impossible to donate them to the country free of charge!

It was robbed anyway!

But now, the system directly throws over a chip company to him, and it is still one of the top ten chip companies in China, with an absolute holding of 51%!

What a fart!

Can't you smell it yourself?

"Boss, I find your smile is really getting more and more obscene."

At this time,

Zhang Zheng said to he Shiming.

When Ming turned his eyes and said, "you know a fart! It's called a bright smile! Do you know what the big guys on the boat are?"


Zhao Hu asked suspiciously, "what is it? Is it gold?"

"Ha ha."

When Ming glanced at him and said, "no! It's more valuable than gold! Do you know what a lithography machine is?"

"Lying trough!"

Zhao Hu exclaimed, "lithography machines? You wouldn't say that this big guy is all lithography machines?"

When he nodded and said, "you guessed right! Thirty sets! And they are still the most advanced! I robbed them when they were transported from AB company to SG Company... No! They robbed them by those pirates. We suppressed the pirates by the way!"


Zhang Zheng looked serious and said, "you're not called bandit suppression! You're called joining the gang!"

When Ming turned his eyes, folded a pearl from his pocket and asked, "is it to suppress the bandits?"

Zhang Zheng's eyes lit up, reached out and grabbed the Pearl, nodded and said, "it's bandit suppression! Boss, you must be bandit suppression!"

At this time,

Zhao Hu's eyes turned wildly and said cautiously, "boss, I don't think you're called bandit suppression, but..."


You are reading story Dig a ton of gold at novel35.com

Zhang Zheng directly popped a brain on Zhao Hu's head and said angrily, "silly tiger! What are you talking about! Boss, that's called suppressing bandits!"


Zhao Hu pointed to the Pearl in Zhang Zheng's hand and said wrongly: "I..."


Another brain fell on his head.

"Unprincipled guy! Do you still want to rebel for a pearl? Boss, do you want me to cut him for you?" Zhang Zheng volunteered.

Zhao Hu: "??"


I have no principles?

Do you have principles?

At this time,

Zhu Wenwen came over and said, "boss, are you going to take these lithographies home?"

When he nodded and said, "of course! Is there a problem?"


Zhu Wenwen shook his head and said, "boss, everything you do is right! Naturally, there is no problem! But I often see in foreign media that with the level and ability of China, even if you give you the most advanced lithography machine, you can't make a chip! If you get it back, it may become a pile of waste!"


When Ming smiled and shook his head and said, "the foreign media also said we shouldn't eat pork and that we should give up nuclear weapons! It's difficult for clever women to make bricks without rice. Why do you think they want to block us madly? If it's really like what they said, we can't use it. Why do you want to block us?"


Zhao Hu next to him said with a smile: "we Chinese have 5000 years of wisdom. Mankind is the only ancient civilization that continues to this day. There are Pangu's opening up the sky and splitting the earth, Nuwa mending the sky and Weiqing reclamation. There are the prosperous times of the Han and Tang Dynasties. There are two of the three truths of the world. If we hadn't suffered great losses in modern times, they would have won?"

"All right!"

Zhang Zheng shook his head and said, "stop it! What else can you do besides fighting? In terms of technology, we have to rely on our boss! He is the cruel man who made the equation satellite!"

With that,

He turned to his boss and said, "boss, do you think so?"


When Ming grinned: "don't look at me like that! But I'm not talented. I happen to have a chip group in my hand! Has Xunlong Technology Group heard of it? Well, it's mine!"

"Lying trough!"

When you hear it,

Zhang Zheng and Zhao Hu all exclaimed, followed by all thumbs up and said in one voice: "cow force!"


Zhu Wenwen bowed down and said, "I'm too wise! Boss, since you get the lithography machine back, you must be confident that you can handle it! If you need to use our place, you can speak. Even if it's a sea of knife and fire, we will break through!"


When Ming waved his hand and said, "Why are you so serious suddenly? There are not many places where I can use you. You can just wave outside. Don't care about me or wait around. When you miss me, just come to China by boat to see me!"

"I see," replied Zhu Wenwen.

Soon after,

The party came to the periphery of the southern waters of China.

"Boss, we can only send you here, and you can only go on your own!" Zhu Wenwen said.

When he nodded and said, "well, let's say goodbye here! We'll be safe when we enter the southern sea!"

After parting,

When Ming and others entered the southern waters.

When did Zhang Zhengming ask, "boss, you just leave the valuable fleet outside? Aren't you afraid of their accidents?"

"Ha ha."

When Ming smiled and replied, "I'm not afraid of accidents. I'm just afraid they'll cause something!"

Zhang Zheng: "

It seems that... You're managing it, too?

Who dares to provoke such a fleet if it's okay?

The Baltic pirates who didn't see the God blocking and killing Buddha blocking and killing Buddha called brother directly when they saw this fleet?

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