Digi-Soul [A Digimon Fan-Fiction]

Chapter 4: Chapter 3 – Digi-Eggs

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Chapter 3 - Digi-Eggs

Drona. “Hold on! Where is TT?”

Bernard. “He wasn’t here when I woke up.”

Vivienne. “He might have fallen somewhere else.”

Edgar. “When I got impaled on that evil stick, I saw the portal above us.”

Edgar gave a murderous glare at the stick still covered in his blood.

Drona. “It was?”

Drona looked up and searched for it, but there wasn’t anything other than a forest canopy. The sun is setting in the distance, its rays piercing through to forest floor.

Bernard. “It won’t appear again until the three-month cool-down is up.”

Drona. “How did you know it would return the first time.”

Bernard. “A wise old Digimon called Jijimon told me. He might be able to help us find TT and tell us who took Lynn.” 

Vivienne. “Are you sure TT came through? He wasn’t a human or a real boy, so he might still be back in Eden.”

Bernard. “We were all holding on to him when he charged through the portal. I remember his body melting into it. He might have arrived before us and found his way to Jijimon’s village.”

Drona. “Hasn’t it been over a dozen years since you were last here? Do you think your friend is still around?”

Bernard. “Mega-level Digimon aren’t easy to kill, and he is the Guardian of the Nursery.”

Edgar. “What does ‘Mega-level’ mean?”

Bernard. “Ah! I skipped over a lot of stuff in debrief because TT was in a hurry. Digimon are born from Digi-eggs like the one Drona is holding. They first hatch out as Infants. Within a week, they evolve into their ‘In-training’ level. A month later, they evolve into their ‘rookie’ level. If they clear some hidden conditions, they might evolve into Champions, Ultimates, and Megas in that order.”

Drona. “Are you saying that the portal thought we were Digimon? I thought it was just an age restriction.”

Bernard. “There are Digimon who look like humans, so that might be the case.”

Drona. “Would Human adults be classified as the last three you mentioned?”

Bernard. “Think of it like military ranks. The Champions are Lieutenants, the Ultimates are Majors, and the Megas are Generals. Each level up makes them more powerful than the last.”

Edgar. “Do they grow bigger too?”

Bernard. “Some do, and some don’t. Jijimon was among the handful of Digimon I met who reached Mega, but he was shorter than Edgar.”

Edgar. “Woah! How powerful are these Megas?”

Bernard. “Some are powerful enough to destroy the landscape.”

Edgar. “That’s awesome! I want to meet some.”

Bernard. “That might be a bit hard in this area. Jijimon should be the only Mega-level living in the nursery. We should head to his village before it gets too dark to travel without light, so follow me.”

Drona. “I don’t see any paths. How do you know where to go?”

Bernard. “The village is under the tallest tree. So we just have to head towards it.”

Drona noticed there was something massive blocking the sun in the distance. He thought it was a mountain, but he realized its a tree similar in size to the tallest skyscrapers in New York City. He looked at the Digi-Egg in his hands and was about to place it back in the tree trunk where he found it, but it began to wobble in protest. 

Bernard. “I think this one likes you. Hold on to it or give it to Jijimon. He spends most of his time gathering these eggs and would appreciate the help.”

Drona nodded his head and felt the egg wobble in excitement. He couldn’t understand why he could tell what the Digi-Egg was feeling, but somehow he knew. He held the Digi-Egg in one arm and followed Bernard and the others.

It took several minutes to reach the base of the tree. There they found a few buildings made of mud, sticks, and straw abandoned for quite some time. A small hall, a toilet cabin, and a small gym. As they got closer, Drona noticed Bernard looked confused and shocked.

Drona. “You alright?”

Bernard. “This place seems like a ruin compared to the one I lived in before.”

Vivienne. “It doesn’t look like anyone is here.”

Edgar. “No! I saw someone in the main building. I am going to take a look.”

Drona. “Edgar, don’t go in alone.”

Drona chased after the boy into the building that looked like it had been the site of a fierce battle. He found Edgar approaching an old man staring at the flames of a fire pit at the center of the hall. Bernard and Vivienne followed in right after, eyes resting on the lone figure by the fire with so much grey hair on his head that you couldn’t see his face. A pile of Digi-Eggs of various colors and a broken staff by his side.

Bernard. “Jijimon? Is that you?”

What Drona thought was an old man turned around and nodded.

Jijimon. “Bernard? You haven’t aged a day! I have been waiting for you… for fourteen years, I have been waiting.”

Bernard walked over and inspected the broken staff and the damage to the building.

Bernard. “Who did this?”

Jijimon. “A great evil has arisen in this world, and it is exterminating all the Digimon who refuse to submit.”

Bernard. “But you are Mega-level Digimon. How did they overpower you?”

Jijimon. “The Deities… they have been corrupted. You must stop them at all costs, or this world and your way home will be lost when the Royal Knights come!”

As Jijimon spoke, his body began to break apart.

Bernard. “Forget all that! What’s happening to your body?”

Jijimon. “My life span should have come to an end years ago. I held on for you to return so that I could warn you, and now that is done… I can finally reincarnate.”

Jijimon used everything he had left to say those words before he collapsed to the floor and dematerialized into digital code that reformed into a purple Digi-Egg with red and green spots crisscrossed over it. A coin appeared next to it with Jijimon’s face on it. Bernard ignored it and gently picked up the Digi-egg with his hands. His eyes were tearing up as he stared at it.

Drona saw how much it hurt to lose a friend before his eyes. Achara had told him that the Digi-eggs would have lost all their memories of their past lives. So he understood how difficult it must be for Bernard.

Drona. “I am sorry for your loss.” 

Suddenly the Digi-egg glowed along with Bernard’s eyes for several seconds before they both returned to normal.

Drona. “What happened?”

Bernard. “I think the little guy inside likes me and wants to be by my side.”

Drona. “The Digi-Egg spoke to you?”

Bernard. “More like a mental SMS.”

Drona. “Does he remember who you are?” 

Bernard was surprised that Drona knew that part, but he nodded and smiled.

Bernard. “Bits and pieces apparently, he will regain memories as he evolves this time since he has bonded to me.” 

Vivienne. “I am sorry to interrupt this emotional moment for you, but was Jijimon asking us to fight Mega-Level Digimon?”

Edgar. “How are we supposed to do that?”

Drona felt his Digi-Egg vibrate in his hand before it glowed with his eyes. He felt the connection with the Digi-Egg grow stronger. He saw a black cat with a flame on its tail burning a wooden house. Drona did not understand why he saw it. But he knew it belonged to the Digimon within the Digi-Egg. He assumed it was past life memory within the Digital World and let it go. When his vision returned to normal, Drona found words hovering in the air above the Digi-Egg and read them out loud. 

Drona. “The Digi-Destined have the power to save the Digital World.”

Bernard, Vivienne, and Edgar turned their attention toward Drona with confused expressions on their faces.

Drona. “Bernard, do you have any idea what a Digi-Destined is?”

Bernard. “That was what Jijimon called me when he found me. I thought that was the name they have for Humans.”

Vivienne. “So does that mean we are Digi-Destined too?”

Drona’s Digi-Egg vibrated again. ‘Digimon will protect Digi-Destined!’.

Drona. “I think a Digi-Egg needs to bond with you as ours did.”

Edgar. “Oh! Vivienne, let's see if the Digi-Eggs talk to us too.”

Edgar walked towards the small pile of Digi-Eggs and inspected them for a minute before picking up a Dark Blue egg with light blue and white stripes. It vibrated at his touch, making Edgar laugh. The Digi-Egg glowed along with Edgar’s eyes for a few seconds.

Edgar. “This is my Digi-Egg now! Let me try and see if more will bond with me.”

No matter how many Digi-Eggs Edgar, none of them responded. 

Drona. “Looks like one Digi-Egg is the limit.”

Edgar looked disappointed, but he got over it when he looked back at his Digi-egg.

Edgar. “Sorry! I shouldn’t have been too greedy.”

Vivienne approached the pile of eggs and studied their colors. She was about touch the one she picked, but another egg with the Ying Yang symbol on it moved on its own to knock away the competition. She was surprised by the behavior and tried to choose another, but the same behavior was repeated. 

Drona. “I think that Digi-Egg wants you to pick it.”

Edgar. “Why did mine not do that?”

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Drona could feel Edgar’s murderous jealousy.

Bernard. “There is something odd about that one. They shouldn’t be moving around like that.”

Vivienne. “I guess I have no choice then.”

Vivienne picked up the Digi-egg with the Ying Yang symbol and stroked its surface. It vibrated, rubbed her back, and glowed. After the two bonded, Vivienne hugged the Digi-Egg with affection.

Vivienne. “Aww! It just told me, ‘We choose you!’”

Edgar. “We? Shouldn’t it say I?”

Vivienne. “Maybe, but who cares! I will love it and spoil it with all my heart.”

Drona. “I wonder when they will hatch?”

Suddenly Drona noticed a countdown clock over his Digi-Egg. 

Bernard. “Mine says it will hatch at 6 AM tomorrow.”

Edgar. “Mine too!”

Vivienne. “Same.”

Drona. “Guess they will all hatch at the same time. Should we search for some food and firewood for dinner?”

Edgar. “Please, I am starving!”

Bernard. “Let's meet back here in an hour after foraging. Prioritize Meat and Mushroom over fruits.”

Vivienne. “You want us to hunt animals?”

Bernard. “There aren’t any animals in this world.”

Edgar. “Then how do we get meat?”

Bernard. “Ah! They grow out of the ground like plants.”

Drona. “Are you serious? What kind of meat do they taste like?”

Bernard. “The ones that look like a chicken leg tastes like Chicken. Apply the same logic to the others.”

Vivienne. “What do we do about water?”

Bernard. “Ah! Wait a minute.”

Bernard walked over to a cabinet at the end of the hall, opened it, and retrieved a small bag. He returned to the group and poured out the contents inside the bag. A small pile of discs with images of monsters with their names are imprinted.

Bernard. “These are called Digi-Coins. It is the currency used in the digital world. You can use these to pay for Drinks and snacks at vending machines.”

Vivienne. “There are vending machines here?”

Bernard. “There are a couple close to the big tree. I don’t know who restocks them, but they only accept Digi-Coin.” 

Edgar. “Why don’t we just buy what we need from the vending machines instead of foraging.”

Bernard. “I only use the vending machines when I don’t have time to forage. Plus, we only have eighty Rookie Digi-Coins. Each has a value of 10 Bits, and the price of a bottle of fresh water is 200 Bits.”

Vivienne. “Are you saying sixty coins will only get us four bottles of fresh water? What a rip-off! I will just find a river and boil the water.”

Bernard. “You could do that, but the nearest river is a thirty-minute walk. It’s already dark outside, and the vending machines are nearby.”

Drona. “You called them Rookie Digi-Coins. Are there others with a higher value?”

Bernard. “Digi-coins with Champion printed on them are worth 100 Bits, Ultimates are worth 1000 Bits, and Megas are worth 10000 bits.”

Drona. “Hold on a sec! When Jijimon passed, a coin with his face appeared beside his Digi-Egg. Are coins made when Digimon die?”

Bernard. “That’s the horrible truth of it.”

Vivienne. “Doesn’t that mean Jijimon’s coin is worth 10000 Bits? We could use it to buy a ton of supplies!”

Bernard. “Sorry, but I plan to keep that coin as a memento of him.”

Vivienne. “But he is right beside you in your Digi-Egg.”

Bernard. “When Digimon are reborn, they usually choose a new evolution tree. So he might not turn into Jijimon again.”

Edgar. “Is there a way to control what they evolve into? We must make our Digimon stronger than the evil ones that hurt Jijimon.”

Bernard. “If you know the conditions they need to clear, then it should be possible to make them stronger. But let’s talk about that later and focus on collecting food.”

Two hours later, the four are seated around the fire pit roasting skewered mushrooms and meat. They drank from bottles of fresh water and snacked on fruits.

Drona. “The food is not bad. Can’t believe there is a salty fruit. It blends well with the meat and mushrooms.”

Edgar. “Urgh! I picked a bitter one.”

Vivienne. “Mine is oily! Why?”

Bernard. “I gave up on asking why the world works this way in the third week. Just accept that anything is possible here.”

Edgar and Vivenne let out tired breaths and munched away at their food without further complaints.

Drona. “While gathering food, I was thinking about what Jijimon said before he passed. Do you think the Deity Digimon are the ones who abducted Lynn?”

Bernard. “Most likely… they are at the apex of Megas in this world. If they have been corrupted by the evil Jijimon mentioned, it won’t be long before the Royal Knights come to destroy them.”

Edgar. “Is that bad? They will be destroying the evil Digimon that abducted Lynn.”

Bernard. “Jijimon once told me that a conflict between the two sides would be a disaster for the digital World. If they destroy the portals, being stuck here for good or dead is the only future we will have.”

Edgar. “Oh…Will those Deities come after us too?”

Vivienne. “If they wanted us, they would have grabbed you and me along with Lynn. Since no one showed up so far, it means Lynn was their target for some reason.”

Drona. “Either way, we shouldn’t wait for them to come looking for us. Let’s find somewhere else to camp tomorrow.”

Bernard. “Then who will take care of these Digi-Eggs in the nursery?”

Vivienne. “Why should we care about them?”

Bernard. “Jijimon fought hard to keep them safe. We can’t just abandon them here. Until they reach Rookie-level, they will need someone to protect and look after them.”

Edgar. ‘But there are fifty Digi-Eggs here, and I saw more in the forest while gathering.”

Bernard. “It doesn’t matter how many of them there are. We will train up some Digimon to defend this place after we rebuild it to what it was.”

Drona. “What exactly was it before?”

Bernard. “The village was a safe space for Digi-Eggs and Infants. When they reached the Rookie-level, they either left or used the Gym to train up to the Champion-level before leaving. Some Digimon stayed behind to run Digi-Coin banks, Item storage banks, restaurants, meat farms, dojos, and a research center. They all pitched in protecting and taking care of the infants.”

Drona. “So you know what’s needed to rebuild this place?”

Bernard. “I spent a lot of time helping Jijimon run the village, so yes! I know quite a bit.”

Vivienne. “But without a Mega-Level Digimon to protect them. There is a chance it will be destroyed again if they return. Why waste our time with all this if our priority is to find Lynn and unlock the portals.”

Bernard. “This place could serve as the first town for all newcomers to the Digital World. Therefore, protecting it with our Digimon should be part of our goal. We don’t have many options until our Digimon are ready to fight the Deity Digimon or the Royal Knights. We can afford to make a nice home for ourselves and do something useful for the infants.”

Edgar. “Does anyone know construction and farming?”

Bernard. “There should be Digimon in the surrounding regions who have the knowledge. All we need to do is find and recruit them.”

Vivienne. “So, on top of foraging for food for who knows how many infant Digimon in the coming days. We explore, recruit and rebuild this place while training our Digimon. That’s a bit much, right?”

Drona. “How about we split the tasks? Exploration, Foraging, Construction, and Recruitment.”

“An excellent idea!”

Everyone paused to stare at the source of the eerie voice from the fire pit. The flames turned blue, grew, and shaped themselves into the form of a small scarecrow with a wizard’s hat. It floated in the air releasing blue flames from its body and head. Drona and the others got up and began backing away with their Digi-Eggs. 

“Calm down. It’s me, TT!”

Bernard. “Boss?”

Drona. “You became a Digimon?”

TT. “A being called Ghostmon. I don’t think AIs are meant to go through the portal. Fortunately, the laws of this world turned me into a Digimon and didn’t erase me.”

Vivienne. “Why were you in the fire pit?”

TT. “I hatched out of a Digi-Egg from that pile and evolved. I was overwhelmed by the changes, but Jijimon told me to stay inside the fire pit until I completely integrated into this new form.”

Edgar. “So you heard everything we discussed till now?”

TT. “Everything! I agree with Bernard. You should focus all your energy on turning this ruin into a proper base to call home. We shall call it 'Hope Village’!”

To be continued...

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