Disguising Myself as a Man to Become a Knight!

Chapter 63: 63

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As Sheila’s tears subsided, Claushezade recounted the current situation.

“…… Dilliam Ishmer and the children are safe and sound. The patrol was very helpful in getting them out of here. Also, we now know that the building is owned by Count Gilgner. Do you know if he is involved in this crime?”

“Not only is he involved, but he is the main culprit. I met him once, and I can testify as much as you want.”

She clenched her fist in resentment, and quickly lost her temper. She remembered that cunning smile.

By the look on Sheila’s face, Claushezade seemed to have guessed everything.

“The Count’s personality is well-known in social circles. He is intelligent and wise, but cunning and ruthless. That man, he didn’t even let you get a statement, did he?”

When she nodded reluctantly, he seemed to be in a similar state of mind, suppressing his sigh.

“We still have no proof. That’s what bothers me. If he says that the criminals were using the vacant building without permission, it will be difficult to pursue the case.”

The more she thought about what the Count might say, the angrier she became.

Claushezade turned around.

“Let’s head out to the courtyard for now. Since there is an order issued by the Ministry of Justice for this house raid, the presence of the owner is essential. It’s about time that Count Gilgner should be here, but…. I don’t know if we can really corner him.”

Walking behind him, Sheila struggled to control her emotions and somehow managed to compress them.

“――I just can’t forgive that man.”

She would never let him do what he wanted to do.

Although they were able to rescue the children in the nick of time, they might be left with emotional scars for the rest of their lives. It was unforgivable that the Count would continue to live in comfort, unscathed. If they didn’t make him pay for his crime, he would surely repeat the same thing.

Something burning and hot was coiling in the pit of her stomach. It was so hot, she felt as if her consciousness was burning out. This must be anger. Or hatred. It was the first time Sheila had experienced such heavy emotion.

Sheila’s guardian gave up on admonishing her too soon because she seemed out of control. She certainly wasn’t about to take the trouble to ensure Count Gilgner’s safety.

“Let me tell you in advance…. Don’t do anything rash.”

“I will do my best.”

“I’m not at all persuaded by what you say when your face currently looks like a boar.”

Just as she was about to say calling her a “boar” was rude, she heard the faint neigh of a horse. Had the carriage carrying Count Gilgner arrived?

The two of them hurried to the courtyard.

◇ ◆ ◇

The courtyard was noisy, even though it was late at night.

“What the hell is all this fuss this late at night? If it weren’t for the order issued by the Justice Department, I wouldn’t even be going out with you. I’m definitely going to sue you back for defamation!”

It was Count Gilgner who was raising his voice and making a fuss.

Claushezade seemed to be busy with various things, and after a reminder, he joined the Commander in Chief, who was in charge of the occasion. Sheila quickly looked for familiar faces and found familiar faces clustered around the edges.

“Zola-san, Isaac-san.”

The taller Isaac quickly spotted Sheila in the crowd.

“Thank goodness you’re all right.”

With a smile of relief, he patted her on the head. His hands were rough, but warm.

“You came back just in time. I had left it to Claushezade-sama to pick you up, but it was so late, so they started making a fuss about going looking for you, and I was quite troubled.”

Zola pointed out that the guys who were making a fuss were Cody, Hyderion, and Dilliam.

“Sheila, I’m so glad you’re okay…..”

A tearful Cody patted Sheila on the shoulder.

“I had heard from Dilliam-senpai that you were doing well, but I was still worried until I saw you.”

Hyderion, who always had a stony face, was smiling softly, which was unusual. Looking at their faces, she realized that she had indeed returned.

Cody seemed so excited that he had forgotten how to control his strength, and her shoulder, which had been repeatedly slapped, hurt quite a bit. However, unable to say anything to her friend who was so happy to see her again, Sheila continued to endure it while smiling.

When she felt a gaze on her, she turned around to find Dilliam staring at her. Sheila again rejoiced in the other party’s safety.

“I’m glad that Dilliam-senpai and the children managed to escape safely.”

“Of course, I was there. The children are unharmed, so don’t worry. They should have been reunited with their parents at the corps headquarters by now…. You don’t seem to be injured either. Thank you for holding them back.”

He had his usual pompous attitude, but she found it somehow a little endearing because she could tell that the heated stare he had just given her was to check for injuries.

“What happened to the magic seal?”

“Claushezade-sensei already fixed it, so it’s long since come off.”

She heard that a spell breaker could remove the magic seal even if you weren’t the person who put it on. If it was Crow who attached the spell, she was worried that they wouldn’t be able to remove it because he ran away, so she was really glad.

“Really, as expected of Claushezade-sama! I wonder how very talented he is?”

Cody’s praise of Claushezade began abruptly, and Hyderion and Dilliam, who weren’t accustomed to it, were a little taken back. Cody didn’t even seem to notice this as he continued to speak passionately.

If this outpouring of passion were to reach the person in the vicinity, would he really be able to maintain his usual expressionless face? It was inappropriate at a time like this, but she felt like she wanted to find out.

“――Are you okay?”

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Suddenly, a dignified, beautiful voice flew through the air.

“….. Leidyrune-senpai.”

His presence here was unexpected.

Few of the academy’s students attended today’s raid. She had thought that Cody and Hyderion were the exceptions because they were working in the same group and wanted to make sure their friends were all right, even if it was just for a glance.

Apparently, Leidyrune was also sincerely concerned about Sheila and Dilliam’s safety.

“How are you feeling? The Patrol Corps has prepared a carriage for you and Dilliam, and I would be happy to accompany you if you want to return to headquarters.”

Sheila shook her head hurriedly as she was about to be pulled by her hand.

“No, I can’t leave yet. ――I won’t go back until I see it through to the end.”

She stared at the crowd that had formed in the center of the garden. The situation was at a standstill. Count Gilgner was dodging the pursuit of the corps without any change to his complexion.

“――Indeed, this building belongs to me. I use it as a temporary storage place for items I buy from merchants. Since I rarely go in and out of the building, this time the crooks must have taken advantage of it while I was gone.”

The same excuse that Claushezade had guessed. But Sheila had absolutely no intention of letting him get away with it.

Perhaps sensing the determination in her eyes, Leidyrune pulled his hand away.

“…. I knew he would probably say that. Dilliam, you go back first and get some rest.”

When Leidyrune turned his gaze to Dilliam, he looked hesitantly at Sheila.

“But then….”

“You don’t have to worry about Sheila Danau. Just in case something happens, I have the Duke’s carriage nearby.”

Sheila was surprised by Leidyrune’s good control of the situation, but she decided to concentrate on Count Gilgner for now.

‘.… I have an idea on how to do it.’

She wasn’t allowed to do anything reckless, but she’d rather do something than let him get away with it here.

Sheila walked out slowly.

Count Gilgner immediately noticed Sheila’s existence. For a moment, he looked as if he had swallowed something bitter, but his expression quickly changed to a mocking smile. It was as if he was absolutely certain he could get away with it.

“If you doubt my involvement, do you have any proof? If you have proof, I’ll be happy to be taken in for questioning.”

The reason he could be so imposing was that he had left no trace of his presence here. Certainly, if there was no evidence, then he was right, it would just be speculation.

‘But if we have time to get the evidence, we would surely be able to prove the Count’s involvement.’

Sheila made up her mind and fixed her eyes on the Count.

“We can prove you’re involved. The children can testify as to how often you’ve been coming here.”

“There’s nothing more unreliable than a child’s testimony. What I’m asking you to show me is physical evidence.”

Sheila looked behind her and saw Leidyrune. After watching him blink slightly, she turned to face the Count again. Then, she took a deep breath, shaking her head.

She pictured Jornwerner in her mind. A look of complete and utter disdain for her opponent. The provocative words and actions.

“….. You don’t understand anything, do you? Apparently, pigs can’t understand well.”


A crack appeared in the Count’s composure.

Sheila continued with a disdainful smile on her face.

“The corps can move like this because they found evidence, you know? You’re shamelessly clamoring and moving wildly about it, it’s unsightly.”

Not only Count Gilgner, but most of the people present were stunned.

Only Clauschezade was holding his eyebrows as if to say, ‘Oh dear.’

In the terrifying silence, Sheila sneered with contempt.

“They’ll catch you soon enough anyway, but, well, a nobleman’s prison is probably a much better environment than the pigsty you’ve been living in. You can rest assured.”

“….. Who do you think you’re talking to, huh? Shall I throw you in jail first?”

“Ehh? How can a pig do such an advanced thing?”


Count Gilgner, who turned bright red with anger, closed the distance between him and Sheila. Slowly, he pulled out a knife with several jewels inlaid on it from his pocket.

“――It seems you’d rather be condemned here than thrown in jail!”

The Count raised the knife. His bloodshot eyes had lost their sanity.

Sheila assessed the knife’s trajectory and avoided it slightly to the left. The knife would hit her right shoulder, though it was far from a fatal wound.

And then, something unexpected happened.

A back with jet-black hair appeared in front of her.

In front of Sheila’s astonished eyes, she saw blood splattering from Leydirune’s shoulder.


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