Disguising Myself as a Man to Become a Knight!

Chapter 66: 66

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End of Training

Today, many children were playing and shouting at the fountain plaza. That was the turning point for various patrol routes.

Thinking that she might end up running into Leidyrune, Sheila looked around with vigilance.

Cody tilted his head at the suspicious movement.

“Are you looking for someone?”

“No, no one in particular….”

“――Perhaps, Leidyrune-senpai?”

Sheila jumped at the name that popped out of her friend’s mouth.

“H-how did you know?”

“He was looking for you this morning in the cafeteria. He asked me, ‘Where is Sheila Danau?’, but I pretended I didn’t know.”

A chill ran down her spine when she thought about the reason Leidyrune was looking for her, but most of all she was touched that Cody had covered for her. It must have been a life-shortening experience for him to lie to the son of a Duke.

“Thank you, Cody. Friendship is a wonderful thing.”

“So, what did you get yourself into?”


She was less impressed when he asked her that question so casually. No matter how much trouble she always caused, wasn’t it too cruel to ask with the premise that Sheila was at fault?

“I’m offended that you assume that I did something wrong. Even though I did do something wrong…”

“Then, let’s use the word “offended” only when it’s something really offensive.”


His sharp remark stung.

Sheila felt like she had been treated poorly by Cody lately. Was this another proof that their bond was deepening?

She was sure he was asking because he was worried about her, but since there was no reason to talk about it, she would remain silent.

“Well, today is the last day of training, right?”

“I think you’re bad at lying.”

“Maybe it’s because of all the trouble we’ve been having, but the month just kind of flew by. Hahaha.”

Cody seemed to have gotten the message, even if she wasn’t very good at it, and he let it slide with a sigh.

“… That’s right. It must have gone by really fast for you.”

“I owe you a lot, Cody.”

She felt that a lot of things had happened in just one month. It was truly a turbulent month.

Today was the last time she would be making rounds of the royal capital in this way.

First Avenue, where many merchants lived. Second Avenue, where many craftsmen lived. Third Avenue, where many people from the countryside lived. Stores and restaurants lined up along the central street. And the fountain square in the center of the city.

Looking at the children having fun, she wished now that she had visited more of these places.

“There was a lot going on, but it was quite fun, wasn’t it?”

When Sheila asked Cody, walking next to her, for his agreement, he immediately smiled.

“Yeah, and it was fulfilling.”

“Every day was a learning experience.”

Hyderion nodded solemnly. Sheila looked into the face of Dilliam, who was walking next to her.

“How did it go for you, Dilliam-senpai?”

“… I think I learned a lot of unexpected things from the training. Including from you.”

“Huh? Me?”

Dilliam’s tea-colored eyes stared at Sheila. When she was intimidated by the sullen look in his eyes, he added in a whisper.

“….. I’m sorry about that time.”

Dilliam felt that Sheila helped him a lot when he was distraught after being kidnapped.

It was the first time he had noticed. Even Sheila, who seemed to be going through everything with a nonchalant expression on her face, was not without fear. It was the first time he realized something so obvious.

At that moment, Dilliam realized the foolishness of his past.

It didn’t matter whether you were a commoner or an aristocrat when it came to being recognized for your efforts, but he was just angry that Sheila was placed in the special course. He took out his frustration directly on her as harassment. He took advantage of the fact that Sheila didn’t say anything about it, and he did it again and again.

Why did he assume that because he was an aristocrat, he was allowed to trample on people’s dignity?

The figure of Count Gilgner was his future self. He could only measure things according to his own standards, and he boasted that he was the most righteous person in his small world.

Sheila, on the other hand, never made a mistake.

It was an eye-opening experience to see her trying to protect what was important to her without losing sight of her purpose.

Dilliam felt like he understood the true meaning of the “pride” that he was talking about before.

To become a knight was pride in itself. Every emotion and misfortune were only part of the process.

How could those who were prepared to go to such lengths be undermined just because they were commoners?

“…. I have no choice but to give you special recognition. If you can get into the special course next year and the year after that, that is.”

Those who were listening around her were exasperated at Dilliam, who wasn’t being upfront about his feelings, and averted their gazes. However, only the one who had been told this broke into a smile like the sun.

“Yes! Dilliam-senpai, I’ll do my best!”

Sheila’s joyful expression baffled even Dilliam.

“W-what are you so happy about?”

“Because one of my goals during my training has come true! I wanted to be recognized by Dilliam-senpai!”

“W-what’s the matter with a little recognition from me……?”

Sheila, who was usually a bit of a bobblehead and always showed a goofy, carefree smile, had a big smile on her face.

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Her cheeks were red and puffy like a child, and the whiteness of her teeth stood out. Her yellow-light eyes sparkled like the radiance of life itself.

When she smiled at him so openly, Dilliam blushed and turned away.

“Haaa~ I was able to get a little recognition from Dilliam-senpai, and I was able to spend my time safely, so it was a good training program….”

“You weren’t quite safe, though, were you?”

When Sheila said that with her big smile, a dismayed Hyderion corrected her.

Still, Sheila’s feelings remained the same. If it ended like this, wouldn’t it be great?

All the students were deeply moved as they gazed at the view of the royal capital. They would probably come back again, but they would no longer be patrolling the city as part of their training.

“We will miss you, too. It’s become so natural for us to patrol with you guys.”

Isaac smiled a little sadly. Zola, who was walking in the lead, also looked back and chuckled.

“You guys, the knights are fine, but the Patrol Corps is good too. Protecting the lives of the people of the royal capital is a very rewarding job. Think about it, you are welcome here.”

He was apparently hoping for them to join the Patrol Corps after graduation. In a way, being invited was the best compliment.

“The other guys are nobles, so I can’t force them, except for you, Sheila. Your way of doing things is definitely suitable for the Patrol Corps. This time, you’ve shown us that you are indeed a wild kid.”

“Well, I can only imagine the commotion that would ensue if he were to join the Order of the Imperial Knights.”

Seeing the adults nodding to each other, the feeling of excitement suddenly withered. No matter how you look at it, Sheila was the only one who was too much for the knights to handle.

“I feel like I’m being undermined in some way, but…. I’ll think about it.”

Sheila nodded while pouting.

She was able to learn a lot this time by coming into contact with the work of the Patrol Corps.

The pain and bitter reality almost overwhelmed her, but the reward was great. She was able to protect the future of the children.

Sheila felt that through the training, she learned about another option than the knight she had always dreamed of being.

“――Yes. I’ll think about it properly.”

When she nodded obediently, both of them patted her head. Leaving Isaac aside, Zola wasn’t so easy to deal with and it hurt.

While Sheila was worrying about her scalp, a small figure came running from afar.



A beautiful boy, who could pass for a girl, waved his hand happily. She greeted Melvis with a smile, who was only as tall as her waist.

“How have you been?”

“Good! I went to see the others I was with at the time. They all seem to be doing well.”

“I’m glad to hear that. That’s all I could think about.”

Melvis tilted his head, perhaps feeling something strange about Sheila’s way of speaking.

“My training at the Patrol Corps ends today.”

The boy’s expression turned tragic, almost to the point of exaggeration. His resilient amber eyes shook with sadness.

“No way….. I won’t be able to see you anymore?”

“It’s not like I won’t be coming to the royal capital, and I’m sure we’ll see each other again at some point. Take care―”

“I’ve decided to apply for the knight department at the Steitz Academy.”

Melvis interrupted her in the middle of her farewell speech. Sheila’s eyes widened.

“What? Even though you’re that small?”

“Don’t call me small!”

“I mean, Melvis is ten years old now, right? Are you going to be able to study in time?”

You had to learn even religious studies, which weren’t taught to commoners, to become a scholarship student. Sheila was truly a special case. Because of that, though, she was still busy with her studies to this day.

Melvis bit back at the realistic remark.

“I’m going to make it in time! I mean, you’re the one who made me feel like this!”

“Eh? Did I put you up to it?”

Melvis, frustrated by the unintelligible conversation, grabbed Sheila’s hand. The boy’s hand, which she had expected to be small, was surprisingly almost the same size as hers.

He smiled boldly while laying his palms on top of hers as if to confirm that fact. Sheila blinked as she couldn’t understand his challenging gaze.

The boy slowly weaved his resolve as though he were thinking about it.

“I want to be a man who can protect someone like my brother. I don’t want to be someone who is only protected by you.”

Melvis’s hands wrapped around Sheila’s hands protectively. His cheeks were dyed red, perhaps due to his desperation.

“That’s why, I’ll definitely catch up with you, so just…. wait for me!”

As if to say goodbye, Melvis, who turned bright red, ran away. Sheila was going to reply, “I’ll be waiting for you,” but she guessed he didn’t need a reply.

Cody tapped Sheila on the shoulder as she stared at Melvis’ shrinking back.

“…. What did you do to that boy?”

“Eh? What? Why did you ask that in a definite form?”

Tilting his head, Cody squinted at the boy’s back again.

“But I’m happy. I’m glad to hear that people are following in our footsteps and want to join the Knight Order or the Patrol Corps.”

“I don’t think that one was even like that…..”

Cody’s mutterings didn’t reach Sheila’s ears, who smiled proudly.

“Ah. Tomorrow, we’ll be back at the academy――”

Returning back.

Sheila went back to the academy with the feeling of loneliness from the parting and many travel stories.

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