Disguising Myself as a Man to Become a Knight!

Chapter 73: 73

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When Sheila stopped crying, Seiryuu opened his mouth, perhaps to change the atmosphere of the place.

“Speaking of which, Cody mentioned earlier about working together, so I guess the rumors are true.”


“They said that the fourth graders are going to work as one to win this year’s technique showcase competition.”

“Ah, that’s…..”

It was only natural that it would become known because it was a common room that anyone could use, but there was something awkward when it was mentioned by a sixth-year student who was the main contender to win the competition. Sheila, the one who had inspired everyone, scratched her head and smiled amiably.

“No, it was more like we were talking about doing our best for the competition…”

“This year will be my last showcase. I have to remain vigilant and take on the challenge so that I can finally finish on a high note.”

The look in his eyes as if he was looking far into the distance made Sheila feel that Seiryuu’s graduation was nearing once again. She knew that he had already been offered a position, but she had never felt that he would leave the academy someday.

“Next year, Seiryuu won’t be here… It’ll feel lonely without you.”

When Sheila muttered her true feelings, Seiryuu cleared his throat in a strange way. For some reason, his eyes were looking all around with a flustered look.

“Since Seiryuu-senpai has been assigned to the Patrol Corps, we might meet at the capital.”

“That’s right, it’s not like we won’t be able to meet at all. My parents live near his house, so if you want, why don’t we go visit him sometime?”

Cody and Zechs made suggestions on behalf of Seiryuu, who was acting suspiciously. Although it wasn’t that they couldn’t see each other at all, they were all proposals that wouldn’t have been possible without Seiryuu’s consent.

Because Seiryuu was kind and dependable, he was adored by many juniors, both nobles and commoners, and Sheila was just one of them. She was in a different position from Cody and Zechs, who had known him for a long time. Just because she saw him on the street didn’t mean she could talk to him.

“There’s no way I can go with you guys. It would only be a nuisance to Seiryuu-senpai.”

When Sheila teased him, Seiryuu himself surprisingly denied it.

“No, I’d be sad if our relationship break up like this….. If it’s you, you can come and visit me anytime. The Mifune family will do everything in its power to welcome you.”

“…. Um, if I’m welcomed with such full force, on the contrary, won’t it be hard for me to visit you casually….?”

Sheila could only let out a strained laugh.

However, the prospect of visiting the Mifune family was very appealing. She might be able to learn the secret of his strength, such as the swordsmanship that had been passed down in the family for generations.

Her friends, who knew exactly why Sheila’s eyes were secretly gleaming, were exasperated.

“Don’t worry, I won’t make it that formal. Even if I introduce you to my parents, there’s no deeper meaning….”

“What do you mean?”

“No, it’s, well, you know.”

Seiryuu was flustered by Sheila, who looked at him with innocent eyes.

Seeing their dependable big brother turned bright red, Zechs and Cody were left with mixed feelings.

“Aaahhh. Even Seiryuu got hit.”

“Should we support him as friends….?”

Considering that he was the heir to the Mifune family, it would be extremely difficult for his love life to be fulfilled.

With this in mind, the two kind people decided to keep quiet for Seiryuu’s sake.

“Seiryuu’s parents must be very strong. I look forward to meeting your family.”

“Y-you say you’re looking forward to it….?”

Sheila’s eyes lit up as she wondered if they could have a match or something, and Seiryuu’s face became redder and redder.

Zechs cut off the conversation that was somehow meshing with each other despite the large misunderstanding between the two.

“Ah, that’s right. Also, Seiryuu has a younger brother. He’s in the knight department here at the academy.”

“What? Seiryuu, you have a younger brother? And he’s aiming to be a knight too?”

“You’ve never met him, have you? That’s right. My younger brother will be in the fourth-grade next year. You might have to meet in the competency test, but please take good care of him.”

At the mention of his brother, Seiryuu immediately came to his senses.

Zechs and Cody look at each other with relief as they realized that the epic misunderstanding that was unfolding before their eyes was over.

“He’s got a bit of a strange personality, but he’s not a bad guy at heart. I’ll be graduating next year, so I hope you guys can look out for him.”

Sheila clenched her fists and assured him.

“Of course. If he’s learning the same style of swordmanship as Seiryuu, he must be pretty strong.”

“…. Since he’s younger than us, Sheila, you’ll have to go easy on him, okay?”

Cody timidly tried to soothe her, as she seemed to be ready to fight at any moment.

◇ ◆ ◇

The afternoon heat made it hard to stay active.

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Deciding not to rush, Sheila headed to the most comfortable building in the academy――the staff building.

As usual, Claushezade was sitting in his office, still finishing up the paperwork that had accumulated during the training program.

‘Most of it isn’t Claushezade-sensei’s work, though.’

Even so, he seemed to have a tendency to not leave things alone, so he was silently sorting out the papers.

It had been a long time since Sheila had visited here, as supplementary lessons had recently been reinstated.

“Claushezade-sensei, aren’t you suffocating under the paperwork?”

“I’m sure you can tell. If you’re here to help, get on with it.”

“You’re really using me shamelessly, aren’t you? I’m here out of kindness.”

Sheila had memorized all the standard forms of documents and the roundabout phrases peculiar to aristocrats. In reality, there was no need for her to help him anymore. That was why he no longer called on her, but Sheila came voluntarily. She would’ve liked to receive even a single thank-you.

The papers that Claushezade looked over were sorted into different places where they were carried with a familiar hand. Once everything was organized, Sheila brewed a cup of tea.

“I don’t think you’ve worked hard enough to take a rest yet, have you?”

“Claushezade-sensei worked hard, right? I’m going to take a break together for the sake of the teacher who doesn’t rest very often.”

Tired of refuting Sheila’s quibbles, he obediently let go of his papers.

As Sheila stirred her tea with honey, she remembered something she had failed to report to him.

“Claushezade-sensei, I am terribly sorry to have to tell you this.”

“First of all, do something about that creepy honorific.”

“That’s why, please don’t cut off my story. Um…. to tell you the truth, Leidyrune-senpai might have found out my gender.”

To Claushezade, who had stopped moving, Sheila continued, “No, he definitely found out.”

He slowly put the cup down and pressed his temples.

“…. Why do you think that?”

“I’m not sure how to say this, but he knew I had breasts, I guess.”

“……………. How?”

“I was supported by him when I stumbled. But since I bumped into his face without a chest binder, well, no matter how modest it was, it would have been obvious, right?”

As Sheila scratched her head and laughed awkwardly, Claushezade sagged deeper and deeper.

“…. Don’t ask me to agree. Rather, how can you talk so calmly like that…..?”

His peacock-colored eyes shot into Sheila’s with absolute zero coldness. Was he at the peak of his displeasure?

“Y-you don’t have to be so angry. Even for me, I think it’s bad that an academy official like you found out.”

“That’s not what we’re talking about right now.”

Claushezade then gave a really exhausted sigh, and she felt somewhat sorry for him. She had just added to his busy schedule.

“Um…. But, isn’t it fine if it gets exposed already? The other party is Leidyrune-senpai.”

Although Sheila was on the run from him, somewhere in her heart, she believed that he wasn’t the kind of person who spread rumors about anything. But the optimistic statement was immediately contradicted.

“Are you an idiot? Of course, it would be worse to be found out when you’re already halfway there. If things get too big, it will hurt the reputation of Felix-sama, who recommended you.”

“….. You only care about Felix for everything, don’t you, Claushezade-sensei?”

Half-awed with dismay, Sheila suddenly thought of a question.

“By the way, I’m wondering if I should cut my hair or not, what do you think?”

“Why are you asking me? Or rather, the problem hasn’t been solved at all, has it?”

“Right now I’m on the run from Leidyrune-senpai, so things are at a standstill. He’s already found out, so it’s pointless to discuss it. And as for my hair, Felix wants me to grow it out. I’m having the hardest time with it being halfway long that I can’t even tie it up at this time of year.”

When Sheila said that, he nodded indifferently.

“If Felix-sama says to extend it, then it should be extended.”

“….. I knew Claushezade-sensei would say that. It’s not helpful at all.”

Just as Sheila was scratching her hair, fed up with it, a breeze blew in through the window. Claushezade looked up as the wind caressed his cheeks.

Sitting at her desk by the window, Sheila’s soft hair fluttered in the breeze. The clear summer sky reflected the fiery rosy color of her hair.

Claushezade could understand why Felix had recommended that she grew it out.

“…. I agree. It’s more beautiful when it’s long.”

Sheila picked up on his tiny little murmur that spilled out unconsciously.

“――Then, I’ll grow it out.”

Sheila slowly smiled happily.

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