Disguising Myself as a Man to Become a Knight!

Chapter 96: 96

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A long time ago, Sheila had asked Claushezade about his relationship with Jornwerner. He seemed to be very clear in saying that Jornwerner was an acquaintance, so she didn’t pry any further into the matter.

But now, there was Jornwerner right in front of her.

He was relaxing in a chair that had been almost exclusively reserved for her in the teacher’s room, which she had thought no one but Sheila would ever visit. His blue-gray hair was brushed back, and his azure eyes twinkled happily.

This was no longer just an acquaintance, no matter what Clauschezade said.

“L-Let me ask again. Why is Jornwerner-sensei here….?”

“I don’t like it. Why do you have to say it twice?”

“Because it’s important.”

“Hahaha. You’re really funny.”

Jornwerner laughed at Sheila’s response.

But after many conversations, the only thing she got from him was always the recognition of being an interesting person. Her question was completely ignored.

‘This feeling of exhaustion…. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Jornwerner-sensei….’

It had been two weeks since they had spoken, as he had been busy trying to study his notes that were obtained from the technique showcase competition.

Perhaps it was because of the time that had passed, but even Sheila, who should have been accustomed to him, felt dizzy again. As expected of Jornwerner.

In the first place, the idea of using the students’ big day for his own research was too wicked. Sheila was glad that his research in the spirit arts had been put on hold, though.

Taking a deep breath, Sheila asked the same question again. She was well aware that if she got caught up in his pace, she would only get into trouble.

Jornwerner gracefully stood up.

Slowly, he approached Claushezade and snuggled up to his shoulder from behind.

“――Actually, we were reminiscing our past relationship.”


Before Sheila could be completely surprised, Claushezade’s elbowed him strongly. However, the blow that mercilessly attacked Jornwerner’s jaw was dodged.

Claushezade looked extremely displeased and opened his mouth with a face that looked like he had chewed up dozens of bitter bugs.

“Don’t use confusing words. I don’t like being misunderstood as having a questionable relationship with a man like you.”

Sheila, who had been momentarily flustered at the prospect of witnessing a male-on-male romance, which wasn’t uncommon at this academy, widened her eyes even more at the words that followed.

“We are merely classmates from our days at the academy.”


“…. Why are you more surprised than when you falsely heard that we were lovers?”

Claushezade rested his hand and looked up in dismay.

“N-No. It’s not like that….”

“What then?”

Unable to fool Claushezade, Sheila confessed.

“… I’m sorry. To be honest, I didn’t think you two were the same age because Jornwerner-sensei looks too young, and Claushezade-sensei looks too old.”

Claushezade always looked like he was in his thirties, but she had never thought of Jornwerner’s age. If he were silent, he would appear to be in his mid-twenties, which was to say, he would look his age, but he had an air of an unspecified age about him, perhaps because of his words and actions. Sheila had never seen an adult who, despite his age, could cause so much trouble for those around him.

Nonetheless, there was no way that she would be forgiven for being honest with him.

“――It seems that you are trying to pick a fight with me.”

“And that comment is directed at me, isn’t it?”

Claushezade’s eyes were intensely staring at her, and Jornwerner’s wicked smile made Sheila shudder.

She was just going to ask Clauschezade for advice, but now Sheila was in trouble.

‘Well, I feel a little better, though.’

Jornwerner suddenly held up a bundle of paper in his hand.

“I came here to hear Claushezade’s thoughts on the test results I got from the competition. Well, it was a really fruitful and wonderful tournament, wasn’t it?”

“… It must have been a great tournament not only for us, but also for Jornwerner-sensei.”

Mainly in terms of research. The image of the victims came back to Sheila’s mind, and she felt a sense of helplessness.

“I’m done with my business. I would love to flirt with you more Sheila, but I’m going to leave now.”

“I don’t think I’m going to flirt with you even if you stay here too long, though.”

“I like that about you, too.”

With a wink, Jornwerner dashingly left the room.

‘… Eh? Did he purposely leave because of me? No, but it’s not as if it’s written on my face that I’m troubled about something….’

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Sheila concluded that it would be impossible for Jornwerner to be that considerate, and then she came to her senses.

When he left, the room suddenly became quiet. She was really alone with Claushezade.

“… Claushezade-sensei….”

“What’s the matter with you, sounding so pitiful? You called me ‘Claushe-sensei’ without hesitation at the competition.”

“W-Why are you mentioning this now?”

Sheila suddenly turned bright red. At that time, she called him that because of the situation. Later, she was deadly embarrassed and rolled around on her bed alone.

Although Sheila was nervous, she tried to meet him later, but there was no particular reaction from him, so she let her guard down. She was rather slightly mortified by the fact that he was unresponsive, and she wanted to curse herself for that until now.

Claushezade continued to stare at the paperwork and raised an eyebrow viciously.

“I thought it would be more of a shock if I gave it some time.”

“What an insidious strategy…”

As Sheila sagged, his eyes sparkled with increasing enjoyment. It was a slight change, but Sheila could tell. As a teacher, this was a very problematic reaction.

“――I’m having a hard time with the sixth graders graduating.”

Frustrated rather than embarrassed, Sheila opened her mouth to vent her anger.

“I don’t like the fact that I won’t be able to see Seiryuu or the dorm leader anymore. I feel like I’m being left behind, which makes me anxious and insecure. Even though I’m learning it, I still can’t get used to doing the proper form.”

Sheila wanted to reassure Claushezade as soon as possible, but despite her feelings, she wasn’t growing fast enough. She was so frustrated with herself.

“I’m so confused about everything. I don’t know what to do….”

Sheila looked down in frustration, and Claushezade looked up dubiously.

“What are you talking about? If it was about the proper form, you’ve already done a good job about it.”

“…. Eh?”

After a beat, Sheila let out a dumb sound. He seemed unconcerned as he continued on.

“Your movements in the tournament were excellent. You move according to the proper form, but your speed is the same as before. Your speed was very fast and your swordsmanship was sharp. What else I could say other than that you have it all under control?”

“Eh, because… huh?”

“If you feel like you’re still slow, doesn’t that mean you still have room to grow?”

Sheila couldn’t stop Claushezade, who kept talking on his own. Or rather, she was terribly confused.

Had she already regained her old speed?

Sheila didn’t even think about that. Because she still had too much movement in her limbs. She could feel that she couldn’t go any further.


The anguish that made her whole body tense up quickly disappeared, and Sheila was stunned.

At the same time as Sheila relaxed, tears rolled down her face. Once they started to flow, they couldn’t be stopped, and they kept on flowing. As she wiped her cheeks, she finally realized.

‘I see, I was… I wanted to cry…’

Sheila knew now that she was just looking for a place to cry. She was looking for a place where she could be forgiven for her uncool whining and complaints.

The reason why she naturally turned to this place was probably because Clauschezade had already seen her crying. Even if she sniffled or clung to him until his clothes were wrinkled, he would pat her on the back without saying a word.

Sheila remembered how awkwardly but carefully he soothed her. A comforting hand held her as if she were a newborn baby bird.

As Sheila covered her face and resisted the urge to reach out to him, she felt a gentle warmth.


Claushezade gently held Sheila in his arms, a move he was still not accustomed to. But the way he caressed her hair was much smoother than before. She was a little concerned by the way it felt like he was stroking a dog’s coat, though.

“You’re more of a crybaby than I thought.”

His manner of speaking was really as if he was dealing with a small child, and Sheila pouted.

“….. This is the first time I have been told that.”

Come to think of it, in the past, Sheila would never have thought of crying in public no matter how sad she was.

She didn’t want anyone to know that she was hurting, so she hid her tears even from her family. Why would she cry in front of Claushezade?

‘Have I become weak….?’

Sheila should probably thank him and leave immediately.

But she felt so comfortable in Claushezade’s arms. There was something irresistible about it.

So, for now, just a little bit.

Once Sheila had cried a lot and felt refreshed, she could move on.

She didn’t want to be left behind by her precious friends, and she hoped that they could be together forever.

When Sheila regained her strength, she would be able to walk again.

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