Doe in the Middle

Chapter 12: Chapter 12

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Kinks: Shibari, Group Sex, Wax Play, Dirty Talk, Oral

A billion thanks to  for the help proofing this chapter, xyr help is always appreciated!

Noelle was wearing her collar outside and this fact sent a wash of emotions bouncing around within her mind. A part of her felt liberated by this, loving the ability to wear what she wanted and not have anyone give her sass for it. Another part of her felt nervous as if every pair of eyes in the entire world was suddenly upon her, silently offering their judgement. Though this voice then ran into the cold logical part of her brain which reminded her that no one could see her collar as it was currently under a thick scarf.

No, this little accessory existed for the benefit of her and her partners alone. But boy, did it feel nice to get away with something like this.

“So, what exactly is a munch?” Noelle asked.

Susie looked over her shoulder and smirked. “It’s a brunch where a bunch of kinky people meet up and talk about BDSM stuff with other people who are interested in it.”

She was wearing a pair of jeans and a black sports jacket with the logo of the university’s soccer team on it. The jacket was an article of clothing that she’d picked up a year ago during Noelle’s ill-fated attempt on the team.

It looked warm though and Noelle could appreciate that as it was a little chilly this morning. For her part, she’d opted for a simple red sweater and a scarf that just happened to serve a more conventional purpose.

Meanwhile Kris wore a long-sleeved cream-coloured shirt with an anime logo on it and a plaid skirt with a pair of knee-high socks. It would seem that humans somehow thermal regulated better than their monster counterparts as Kris didn’t seem even remotely bothered by the cold.

“People just talk about that in public?” Noelle asked. Previously, she would’ve blushed at something like that. Now, she could only smile at the thought. “That sounds pretty freaking rad actually.”

“I haven’t been to one in a few years,” Kris said. “Not since we started dating actually and I’ve never been to one in Hometown before. Though I thought it could be fun after Catti told me that a few people meet up at QCs every couple of weeks.”

“Catti is into BDSM?” Noelle asked.

Susie snorted. “Does that honestly surprise you?”

“Well, uh…” Noelle actually thought about it for a moment before shaking her head. “No, that actually kind of makes a whole lot of sense.”

“We used to hook up back in high school and for a while in university before she headed back to town,” Kris explained.

Susie smirked and glanced at them. “What was she like?”

“Girl loved her ropework and I was a perfectly usable bondage bunny,” Kris explained, snorting. “She also had a few other fetishes that were interesting to explore. Not really my cup of tea but she seemed to enjoy them so I was willing to give them a try for her sake.”

“Like what?” Noelle asked.

Kris smirked. “Why don’t you ask her yourself?”

Noelle looked up and saw that they were approaching QC’s. There were a few cars parked out front, most of which Noelle recognized. Though she had to remind herself that not everyone inside was likely going to be there for this munch.

“Hope the menu hasn’t changed,” Susie teased.

Kris snorted. “It’s a small-town diner, babe, I’m sure everything is exactly the way you remember it.”

“God, I miss their poutine,” Susie murmured, looking between her partners. “Is it wrong to get poutine for breakfast?”

Noelle smirked. “I don’t think anyone would judge you for it.”

“I would,” Kris interjected, flashing a shit eating grin.

Susie snorted. “Well thankfully I don’t care about your opinion.”

They finally reached the diner and Noelle peered inside, seeing that it was about as normal as it usually was for this time in the morning. About two-thirds of the seats were taken up though what caught her attention was Catti sitting alone in one of the booths. She was sipping from a glass of soda and looking at her phone, seeming quite bored.

Though she always seemed bored, Noelle could remember.

This was probably the first time that Noelle had seen her in close to half a year and she suddenly felt a little guilty for not keeping up. Though she pushed aside such feelings as Kris stepped inside, holding the door open for the other two.

Noelle was hit by an intense wave of nostalgia upon entering. Sure, there were restaurants in Homecity that served all kinds of food. But none of them could quite capture that specific vibe of getting a salad and cola at QCs after a long day at school. The smell alone nearly brought Noelle back to her high school years and the only thing that stopped her from succumbing to nostalgic memories was the fact that Kris and Susie both moved towards Catti’s booth.

“Hey stranger,” Kris greeted, flashing a cheeky smile as they plopped down within a seat across from Catti.

Catti looked up and offered a demure smirk. “Kris.” She then nodded to the other two. “Susie, Noelle…”

She hadn’t really changed all that much since high school, still looking like the same stereotypical emo girl with thick black eyeshadow and matching lipstick. She wore a black jacket with a grey shirt underneath that had some pretty hardcore text upon it, likely the name of some band that was outside of Noelle’s usual wheelhouse. Though compared to high school she did sport a number of new piercings on her eyebrow and ears.

“How have you been?” Susie asked.

Catti shrugged. “Finding myself. University a bad fit. Not for me.”

Susie motioned for Noelle to slide into the booth and she did so, coming up alongside Kris before Susie scootched in herself. Noelle’s attention immediately went to the menu. Which, as predicted, had hardly changed since high school.

“They have Impossible Burgers, now?” Kris asked, snorting as they shook their head.

Catti nodded, offering a wry smile. “Hometown’s cosmopolitan now.”

Kris scoffed at that but said nothing to the remark.

“How are you?” Catti asked, focusing her attention on Noelle. “Lots has changed, no?”

Noelle’s cheeks warmed a little, knowing exactly what Catti was referring to. Though instead of shying away from the remark, Noelle owned up to it, gripped at her scarf and pulled it down to briefly expose the band of purple around her throat.

Catti snorted. “Looks good.”

“T-thanks,” Noelle whispered.

She then covered it up once again before any unwanted eyes could settle upon her.

“So how many people usually come to this thing?” Susie asked, also looking at the menu.

Catti hummed. “One or two booths. Usually… older crowd.”

“Isn’t it always,” Kris quipped.

Catti nodded and said nothing more on the subject.

There was movement to the side of a booth as an older monster approached with a notepad and pen, beaming a wide smile to the assembled crew. She was a cheery looking tiger with a little grey in her hair and a figure that spoke to a lifetime working in restaurants.

Her name was Tina and all three of them knew her well.

“Well look who decided to grace our fine establishment today,” Tina said, tutting and giving her head a practiced shake. “You know Kris, I saw your brother here earlier. His new partner looks mighty fierce.”

“Yeah, they seem pretty cool,” Kris said, offering a warm smile.

“Anyways, what can I get you kids today?” Tina asked.

Susie hummed. “Poutine and a coke.”

“The house salad with a cup of black tea. Oh, and if you could take off the chicken, please,” Noelle said. “And…”

“And add an extra egg?” Tina asked, pointing her pen at her as she offered a knowing little smile.

Noelle nodded and Tina scribbled it down.

Kris hummed. “I’ll take the clubhouse sandwich and a coffee please.”

The three of them then handed their menus over to Tina who then hurried herself along to the next booth.

“The more things change,” Kris quipped.

“Miss working here.” Catti shrugged. “New gig pays better.”

“I’d imagine,” Kris said.

Noelle perked up. “New gig?”

Catti nodded. “Professional Domme. Plus, OnlyFans.”

Noelle’s eyes widened and she was at a loss for words, simply blinking at such a declaration. Then she blushed as she realized that she was now gawking at Catti.

Though this only seemed to amuse Catti as she got a little mischievous edge to her gaze. She even offered a legitimate smile, showing off the pointed tips of her feline teeth.

“Surprised?” she teased.

Noelle drew in a breath. “Still getting used to these things.”

“New frontiers,” Catti quipped before popping a bite of salad into her mouth. She then nodded towards her and Susie. “I know Kris’ preferences. What about you?”

Noelle looked around, making sure that no one was watching. She was about to respond in a hushed voice but then Susie chuckled quite loudly.

“I like to make my pet eat me out and I like to make her feel good while she’s doing it,” Susie said, not even trying to curb the volume of her voice in the slightest. In fact, she seemed to own it, flashing such a cocksure grin.

Noelle’s eyes widened as she frantically looked around the room. Though it seemed that no one had picked up on their conversation as all the eyes in the room remained firmly where they had been before.

Susie shrugged. “I’m a simple girl who likes simple things.”

“I respect that,” Catti teased.

Noelle drew in a breath. “I’m really warming up to the idea of breathplay and exhibitionism.”

“Solid kinks,” Catti replied, pointing at her with her fork. “Bondage?”

“Bondage?” Noelle asked, nodding. “Yeah, I suppose I like that as well.”

“Best rigger,” Catti declared, pointing to herself “Can teach shibari.”

“Are there any other riggers in town?” Susie asked.

Catti perked up and allowed herself a playful smile. “Speak of the devil…”

Susie looked over her shoulder and snorted. “No way.”

Though it was impossible for Noelle to see who it could’ve been. So, she just waited in suspense, intrigued by this mysterious figure.

“Small group today, huh?” a familiar voice asked.

Noelle’s eyes widened.

There was no way, no chance that she had just heard that, right? Like there was no possible way that…

Alphys stopped beside the table and was flanked by Officer Undyne, the owner of said voice. Upon seeing who was seated there, Alphys’ face went pale and her eyes widened as she looked at the other three like a deer in the headlights.

“Huh,” was all she could say.

Susie smirked. “Hey, Miss Alphys.”

“M-misses Alphys these days,” Alphys said.

Undyne snorted and shook her head. “What is up with kids these days?”

“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?” Kris chided, flashing a bratty little smile as they held a hand to their chest. “You think you’d be thrilled with the fact that we’re learning active and enthusiastic consent at such a young age.”

“Fair enough,” Undyne chided.

Catti moved over and slid all the way to the end of the booth, making room for the other two. For a moment, it seemed like neither of them would take it but Alphys slowly overcame her shock and fit herself into the spot.

Honestly, the whole situation was surreal but centremost amongst that sensation was how strange it was to see these two wearing regular clothes.

Alphys had gone with a nice baby blue sundress with a light jacket thrown over top. It was a cute choice of attire. Meanwhile, Undyne wore jeans and a plaid long-sleeved shirt, confirming in Noelle’s mind who was the top in this specific relationship. Not that it was a very hard thing to figure this out.

“Good to see you,” Catti quipped, looking at Undyne. “Susie asked about rigging. Informed her…” She offered a sly smile. “I’m the best.”

Undyne scoffed. “You?”

“You know it,” Catti teased.

Undyne shook her head and then looked at the other three. “So, long time no see. Been staying out of trouble?”

“Absolutely,” Kris said.

“This is so weird,” Alphys groaned.

Noelle nodded and offered a warm smile. “A little bit, yeah. But hey, isn’t a little awkwardness how these things usually go?”

Alphy pondered this for a moment before nodding slowly. It took a moment but she flashed a nervous little smile at the trio. “Want to pretend that our entire knowledge of each other only started once you turned eighteen?”

Susie smirked. “Works for me.”

Tina returned at that moment and brought out three beverages, handing one to each member of the polycule. She then collected Alphys and Undyne’s orders before slipping away and letting the conversation continue as normal.

“So, what type of stuff are you two into?” Noelle asked.

Alphys drew in a breath, obviously reminding herself that she had only known them since they were eighteen. “Uh… I mean being with Undyne means that bondage is kind of a given. Though I’m also a big fan of impact play and getting dominated and stuff.”

“Love tying people up,” Undyne quipped, smirking. “Also, petplay is a lot of fun. You wouldn’t believe how adorable Alphys sounds when I can get her to bark.”

“Undyne!” Alphys whined, covering her reddened face with a hand.

“What? It’s true,” Undyne teased.

Noelle blew upon her cup of tea before taking a sip. It was a pretty standard earl grey but it just tasted better in the old ceramics that this place used. She looked over at Kris and watched them take a sip as well, nodding along as the other two spoke.

“Also, she’s really hot when we’re doing exhibitionist stuff around town,” Undyne quipped, humming. “Though I guess she’s always hot.”

Susie snorted. “Isn’t exhibitionism illegal?”

Undyne smirked and gave her a look. “What, are you a cop?”

Susie actually chuckled at that.

Two more beverages arrived and the food started to come out as well. Noelle was pleased to see that Tina had remembered to change the house dressing with the oil based one that she liked way more. That woman’s memory was impossibly vast.

Tina checked if anyone wanted anything else and everyone declined. So, she slipped away and once more granted them a little privacy to talk.

“So,” Susie said before popping a fresh fry into her mouth. “How long have you two been doing this kind of stuff for?”

Undyne bit her lip. “Five years?”

“Wait, wait, wait,” Kris began, counting the time on their fingers. “That would mean…”

“That we haven’t known each other until you three were eighteen,” Alphys interjected, narrowing her gaze. “You should really stop counting, Kris, math was never your strong suit.”

Kris pursed their lips together and nodded slowly. “Right, right.”

“Play party tonight,” Catti said, looking between the three. “Want in?”

Noelle perked up. “They have play parties in Hometown?”

“Enough people are into this kind of stuff. Though it’s never more than like a dozen or so people,” Undyne said, smirking. “We usually have it at our place since I managed to throw together a proper dungeon for it.”

Alpyhs smirked. “She’s quite the handywoman.”

“You built a dungeon?” Kris asked.

Undyne grinned with pride after finishing off another bite of her burger, placing it back down upon its plate. She then flexed one of her arms, showing off a powerful bicep even through the thick material of her shirt.

“This plaid isn’t just for show Kris,” she teased.

Alphys grinned and pretended to swoon which in turn made Noelle giggle and even made Susie crack a smile in between bites of fries, gravy, and cheese curds.

“You two are kind of adorable,” Noelle said.

Alphys smirked. “Thank you and I’m glad that you three actually ended up together in the end. Always had a good feeling about that.”

Catti nodded. “Happy triad.”

Kris grinned and shook their head. “Just glad that these dweebs can put up with me.”

“Hey, that’s my line,” Susie ribbed.

“So, uh…” Noelle bit her lip, returning to the most pressing subject. “What’s this about a play party tonight?”

“We’re hosting a little get together,” Undyne said. “And if you three don’t mind being around some older folks then you’re more than welcomed to come over.”

Alphys seemed a little uncomfortable about this. Yet, it seemed that this misgiving lasted for only for a moment as she drew in a breath and slowly let it out. She murmured something about only knowing them since they were eighteen under her breath.

“Sounds like fun,” Kris said, looking at Noelle and Susie. “I don’t know, do you two want to fuck our former teacher and her friends?”



Noelle and Alphys both looked at each other and then cracked a smile before devolving into a collective snickering fit.

“Do you see what I have to put up with,” Noelle wheezed.

Alphys nodded quickly. “They haven’t changed a bit.”

Susie shook her head and placed a hand upon her girlfriend’s back, patting it quite firmly to help her through this fit. “I think we’ll be there.”

Noelle hadn’t known what to expect but everything felt strangely mundane as she approached Officer Undyne and Misses Alphys’ house. Sure, a logical part of her knew that there wasn’t going to be some bright neon sign hung over the door with arrows pointing to the orgy inside but still this felt strange with just how normal it was.

Instead, the evidence of potential depravity was a little more subtle as she saw a few cars parked out front and another two people slipped inside of the house. All the blinds were drawn but many of the lights were on with silhouettes moving around amongst the various rooms.

There was something going on in there, that much was obvious. Yet no one outside of the invited guests would have any way of knowing what exactly it was.

The air tonight was a little cool though she could’ve also been shivering due to her nerves. This felt like a pretty big moment for her. Sleeping with Zelda had been one thing but this was a giant leap, potentially having sex with one or more strangers.

“Nervous?” Kris asked.

Noelle chuckled. “That obvious?”

Kris nodded and stuck their hands into their pockets. “Plus, nervous is kind of your default babe.” They stopped walking and looked at her. “Want to back out?”

Susie paused and looked at her as well, looking equally concerned. “No shame in that, babe. This is a pretty big step and I’m sure that no one would hold it against you if you got cold hooves.”

Noelle drew in a breath and shook her head. “No, I’m… I’m ready for this.”

“Only if you’re a hundred percent certain,” Kris said, suddenly sounding quite serious.

Noelle did think about it for a moment, maybe even two, running all of the potential scenarios through her head. She trusted these two, she trusted Catti, and she trusted Officer Undyne and Misses Alphys. So, she knew that anyone else who was at this thing was probably going to be part of an equally good crowd.

So, she nodded resolutely and then took a purposeful step forward. “Let’s do this.” Then she grinned back at them. “Plus, it’d be a shame to get all dressed up for this and not be able to show off our outfits.”

Sure, their outer attire looked pretty normal with each of them wearing an overcoat to stay warm. Though she could feel the skimpy outfit that she wore underneath, just lingering and waiting for a chance to be revealed.

“Well alright,” Kris said, moving towards the door.

“Anything I should know?” Noelle asked.

Susie shrugged. “It’s Undyne’s dungeon so she’ll make sure to let you in on the rules when we get inside.”

“Just remember that your consent is the start and end of any encounter,” Kris said, offering a playful little smile. “I know I go on and on about that but it’s true. If you want to do something and they want to do something, great. If you don’t want to do something then voice that. If they don’t want to do something then you respect that.” They snorted. “Oh, and for the love of god, please don’t be vague when talking with a Dom tonight.”

“What do you mean?” Noelle asked, lifting an accusatory brow.

Kris smirked as they moved towards the front door. “Telling a Dom that you’re open for whatever or that you’re free game isn’t going to cut it. So, be clear with what you’re looking for and open to discussing all the details of the scene before engaging in it. A lot of people feel more comfortable when they preplan.”

“And try and have fun,” Susie teased, stepping forward as well.

Kris knocked on the front door before Noelle could say anything else. And that’s when the butterflies decided that they were going to come flooding back into her stomach. Still, she drew in a steely breath and forced her most natural smile.

A second later and the door opened with Undyne peering out at them. She was dressed in a turtleneck sweater and a simple pair of jeans. There was a thin smile upon her lips as she held open the door for them.

Together they all stepped inside.

There wasn’t much taking place in the entryway though Noelle could hear the murmur of a party taking place in a nearby room. It sounded like all the events she’d been to in college. Hell, it may have even been a little more constrained than some of them.

“Alright, have you three ever been to a play party before?” Undyne asked, looking between them.

Noelle snapped back to the moment just in time to see Kris and Susie affirming that they had.

“This is my first one,” she then added.

Undyne nodded. “Respect people’s consent, don’t talk about things that happen here outside of the event unless it's with other guests, and follow the green-yellow-red colour system. You get me?”

“Crystal clear,” Kris said.

Susie and Noelle nodded along as well.

“Then you three have fun,” Undyne quipped, grinning and showing off her sharp teeth. “We have snacks and mocktails in the living room if you get hungry or thirsty. And if not, then uh... don’t be afraid to ask me or Alphys if you need anything, alright?”

The three of them agreed and Kris was the first to pull off their jacket, revealing their adorable little outfit underneath. Noelle and Susie soon did the same, hanging up their coats on a series of racks by the door. Noelle noticed that there was already a sizeable number of jackets present with probably more than a dozen already hanging from the various hooks.

Noelle, for her part, wore a tight little cocktail dress that she’d never worn before, having bought it with the promise that she would one day wear it out clubbing. An event which never ended up taking place. And since she wore such a nice dress, she also made sure to put on lipstick and a little eyeshadow to accent it.

Kris wore a pair of booty shorts and a fishnet top with pasties plastered over top of their little teats. Though they also had a nice layer of mascara and eyeliner on. Make-up was a pretty rare addition to their outfits, so this meant that the event was something special.

And Susie had opted for a sports bra and jeans, really playing into maximizing her butch potential. She’d also made sure to add just a hint of hair gel to her mane, making it look way nicer than usual.

They were a hot triad and all three of them knew it and knew it well.

Undyne snorted. “Well, you three are certainly dressed for the part.”

“Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to wear this for,” Kris teased, pointing at Noelle with their thumb. “We bought slutty outfits to go clubbing ages ago and never got a chance to wear them.”

Noelle playfully glared at them and stuck out her tongue.

Though Kris let the matter drop as they moved towards what Noelle assumed was the living room. She and Susie decided to follow behind. Honestly, she had no idea what to expect as she headed deeper into the house. Yet, as they entered the living room, she found out that the truth was both over- and underwhelming in nature.

Most people were dressed in similarly skimpy attire but were still mostly dressed, just chatting amongst themselves or doing some casual kink to start off. There were a fair number of leashes and collars on display, and at this moment, Noelle wished that she had a leash for Kris or Susie to lead her around with.

She spotted a masculine bat with a rugged haircut, grinning and showing off his fangs as he chatted with a smaller feminine bird monster who wore nothing but a pair of panties and unbuttoned plaid shirt. The two of them seemed familiar and Noelle recalled that they were in Grade 12 when she’d just started Grade 9.

There was also a rock monster that was made of a silvery metal who was sipping drinks and talking to an equine and a possum. Noelle didn’t know the possum or the equine but she did recall that the rock monster had worked at a local museum when she’d been in high school.

And finally, Noelle noticed that there was another human in the room who was kneeling by a gryphon who held onto their leash.

Since when had another human lived in Hometown?

Though she wasn’t allowed to gawk at the townsfolk for much longer as Susie hooked a single meaty finger through Noelle’s ring and decided to lead her around by it. Something which made Noelle’s cheek warm and filled her with a little pride. It was good that everyone knew who she belonged to.

The most overwhelming part of this party was the fact that there was a sex swing hung up in the living room with Alphys currently set up in it and getting railed by a bulky goo monster. The crude plaps of their flesh coming together were constant and frequent, pairing with guttural grunts and a series of lustful moans. While it did garner Noelle’s attention, it seemed that most people observed it with a passing interest, like background entertainment for their conversations.

“Noelle,” a monotone voice called.

Noelle looked over and saw that it was Catti who was dressed in gothic attire that put even her usual clothing to shame. She was wearing a black leather trench coat with a firm corset and equally striking pair of tight pants clinging to her legs. The corset was short, ensuring that her tits were exposed and Noelle couldn’t help but look at them and the piercings embedded within each nipple. And her make-up was even more striking than usual, tickling at that…

Fuck, Noelle Holiday was so fucking gay.

“H-hey,” Noelle stuttered.

“Love your dress,” Catti said.

Noelle grinned. “Thanks, it’s my first time wearing it. I uh… I uh… I…” She giggled. “You look pretty hot too.”

Catti offered a thin smile. “Thanks.”

Susie’s finger slipped away and Noelle looked to the side, only to see Susie and Kris wave as they merged into the party, chatting with people who she barely knew.

Susie ended up with a purple snow leopard who seemed like another sub. She was wearing a short fishnet dress that left almost nothing to the imagination. Honestly, she was kind of cute and for the briefest of moments she wished Susie had brought her along.

Meanwhile, Kris ended up in the company of a fierce dragon. The dragon had a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth, was dressed in solid leather, and probably had a solid two or three feet on Kris. In other words, xey were probably going to turn their hips to dust. And Kris seemed to know this well, grinning at the prospect.

Though that’s all Noelle could catch before looking back to Catti. At least they’d left her with a friendly face.

“How’s your first party?” Catti asked.

Noelle nodded. “It’s…” She sighed. “Honestly, it’s a lot to handle.”

“Go somewhere quiet?” Catti asked, glancing away from the party and motioning towards a nearby hallway.

Noelle nodded and felt a little more heat enter her cheeks. Was she really about to embark on her first hook-up? Though she promptly realized that of course she was because that’s what a play party was meant to accomplish.

“Uh…” She grinned. “Yeah, that sounds like it would be pretty nice actually.”

Catti nodded and moved away from the living room, heading down another on the house’s many hallways. She led Noelle into another room that kind of looked like an office before plopping down in one of the chairs.

She spun around and then patted her lap, inviting Noelle over.

Noelle sat down upon it, shivering as Catti placed a hand upon her leg and started to stroke it. As she looked up, she noticed that there was no ceiling to this room with the bare support beams on display. They looked pretty sturdy.

“Your interests?” Catti asked.

Noelle chuckled. “I don’t know, I’m not really picky.

She paused and quickly remembered the lesson that Kris had literally just hammered into her brain mere minutes ago. Thankfully, it seemed that Catti was patient, merely lifting a brow at her remark.

“I want to try bondage,” Noelle said. “I uh… I’ve been interested in shibari and hearing you and Undyne talk about it really piqued my interest, you know?”

“I can do bondage,” Catti said. “Anything else?”

“Well, are there any things that you’d like to try out?” Noelle asked.

Catti hummed. “Sex tonight? Or just bondage?”

Noelle was about to speak but then she took the moment to really think about it. Did she want to have sex tonight? Did she want to have sex with Catti?

It turned out that she really did. So, she nodded. “Yeah, I would like to have sex with you.”

“How about waxplay?” Catti asked, purring softly.

Noelle beamed. “It’s pretty hot!” She then paused and let out a nervous string of laughter. “Shit, I didn’t mean to make a pun.”

“It happens,” Catti said, rubbing so tenderly at the coat on her thigh. “Bondage… Done it before?”

“Been tied to beds before,” Noelle said. “But nothing too fancy.”

“Dreemurr and Susie… I’ll give them some advice,” Catti replied before humming. “Start light? Then judge from there. Should others be involved?”

Noelle shivered. “M-maybe.”

“Yes or no,” Catti said, narrowing her gaze.

“That’d be hot,” Noelle admitted, letting out another nervous laugh as her cheeks warmed just a little more. She ran a hand across her complexion, hoping that this would cool it down though it didn’t in the slightest. “Angel, this is really happening, isn’t it?”

“Undyne might help. Loves to teach,” Catti said before humming, pondering something. “Dirty talk?”

“I love dirty talk,” Noelle beamed.

Catti snorted. “May disappoint. I’ll still try.” She drummed her fingers against Noelle’s coat. “One last question.”

“What’s that?” Noelle asked.

Catti slid her hand under the hem of Noelle’s dress, pressing her palm firmly against the crotch of her skimpy little panties. “Can I kiss you?”

Noelle gasped at the contact before giggling softly. “Please do.”

Catti used her other hand to tilt Noelle’s head towards her own and the two of them shared a playful little kiss. A spark ignited in Noelle’s chest as she realized that she had just kissed one of her oldest friends. It felt nice, very nice.

Mouths soon opened and two tongues came forward to fill the void. Being a feline, Catti’s tongue was a little rougher but not so much so that Noelle found it uncomfortable to tango with. It was an interesting sensation, coarse and prickly.

Catti’s hand continued to press against her crotch. Two fat fingers rubbed at Noelle’s folds through the thin fabric of her lingerie and a mewing moan edged forth from Noelle in response. The gesture felt nice and Noelle couldn’t help but melt against Catti’s touch.

The kiss came to an end and Catti bore the most genuine smile that Noelle had ever seen from her. It almost seemed like she was Catty for a moment though this only lasted for a few fleeting seconds before her critical gaze overcame her once again, her lips returning to their resting position.

“Now what?” Noelle asked.

Catti smirked and hooked a finger through Noelle’s ring, giving it a tug. “You’re mine, Holiday. First things first…” She drew her hands away from Noelle and leaned back into the comforting chair, folding her arms behind her head. “Strip.”

Noelle felt a little heat flood into her complexion but she nodded, getting up and taking a couple purposeful steps away from Catti. She did a slow spin, allowing her dress to whoosh around her and giving her partner an excellent view of her from every angle.

Catti seemed to appreciate the view as she offered a pleased smirk, showing off the tips of her pointy little fangs.

Noelle drew in a breath and reached for one of the straps on her dress, drawing it away from her shoulder. She winked at Catti as she started to sashay her hips back and forth, allowing the dress to drop down her body, nice and slow. She didn’t stop until it was completely off and pooled around her ankles.

Catti purred at the sight, holding onto that pleased little smile. “Not bad.”

Noelle was left in nothing but her bra and panties, which tonight was some pretty scantily clad lingerie. She took off her top, nice and slow, exposing her perky breasts and giving them a little wiggle before tossing aside this article of clothing. She then did the same with her panties, kicking them away once they were around her knees.

The only thing that remained was her collar though she had a feeling that Catti would want her to keep that on.

Catti did a little spinning motion with her finger and Noelle obeyed, doing another slow spin. She flushed as she felt Catti’s eyes upon her, roving her coat with such hunger. Once she had finished, she saw that there was a pleased little smile on the feline’s lips.

“Kris and Susie have good tastes,” she said.

Noelle swallowed a lump in her throat and nodded. “T-that they do.”

Catti got up from her seat and made her way over to a closet off to the side of the room. The familiarity with which she walked clued Noelle into the fact that she probably knew this house very well. How many play parties had she attended? Surely, it must’ve been quite a few.

“How many partners?” Catti asked, glancing at her.

“Just Susie and Kris,” Noelle answered before remembering something. “Oh… and Zelda but that’s more of a casual thing.”

“How is she?” Catti then asked.

Noelle shrugged. “I like her a lot more than I did back in high school.”

She watched as Catti emerged with a box that was filled with various kinds of rope. It looked like quite the bounty, more than capable of restraining her in all sorts of interesting ways. Catti brought it over to one of the desks before placing it down upon it. She then hummed to herself as she rifled around within, smirking as she drew out a bundle of brown rope and a pair of oddly-shaped scissors.

“Used hemp rope before?” she asked.

Noelle nodded. “That’s Kris’ favourite kind.”

“Good tastes,” Catti quipped, snorting. “Should’ve known. Same kind I use.”

Before she came over, she shed her coat, draping it over the office’s other chair. She looked quite fierce without it and Noelle could really appreciate just how strong she was with a pair of really powerful arms.

“No knots. That’s the secret,” Catti explained, coming up behind Noelle. “Easy to remove if issues.”

“No knots, got it,” Noelle said as she nodded along.

She drew in a breath as she felt one of Catti’s hands rest upon her bare hips. Though it lingered there for only a moment as Catti started to draw the rope across her body, starting at her waist and working her way up. She wove the rope around Noelle’s naked form, looping it through itself over and over again in order to ensure that it stayed secure. Though as promised, not a single knot was tied.

Inch by inch the bondage crawled up along Noelle’s body, starting to squeeze her as more and more rope was applied in a criss crossing pattern. As it reached her breasts, the cord wove between them and supported them more effectively than most of her bras. Noelle was honestly surprised by how flexible the bondage felt though she couldn’t deny that the squeeze of fibre against her coat was an extremely pleasant sensation.

“How long have you done this for?” Noelle asked.

Catti smirked. “Since I was eighteen.”

“Kris mentioned…” Noelle began.

Catti nodded. “Dommed them. They were fun.”

“Sounds like it,” Noelle whispered. “Wish they would’ve told me sooner.”

“Taught them everything,” Catti teased.

Noelle shivered as the rope continued to coil around her body, squeezing her even tighter than before. It felt so nice, oddly liberating in a way. A part of her wished that it was even tighter but she held onto that thought, not airing it as she was excited to see what exactly Catti had in store for her.

When Catti had finished with the first length of rope, all of Noelle’s belly and torso were covered by an intricate series of cross-crossing lines of hemp fibre. None of which were tied or knotted but instead wove through each other to keep them secured in place.

Though it seemed that one length of rope wasn’t going to be enough as Catti grabbed a second bundle and came up behind Noelle. She reached out and grasped one of her arms, pulling it behind her back.

Noelle took the hint and obediently folded her arms behind herself, crossing her wrists over one another.

This seemed to please Catti who carefully wound the cord between her hands and gently bound them together. This was the only knot she had actually tied so far, ensuring that it was tight enough to secure them without biting needlessly into her coat.

Noelle shivered as she felt so helpless, quivering in the presence of someone who obviously knew their art quite well.

Catti smirked. “Do you like pain?”

“I enjoy it,” Noelle said, nodding. “T-though not too hard.”

Catti reached out and not so gently pinched her nipple, giving it a firm squeeze. Noelle’s eyes widened and a hushed gasp escaped her lips as she squirmed against Catti’s relentless presence. She could hear her friend let out an amused little note of laughter in response.

There was a knock at the door and Catti drew away, looking towards it.

“Who is it?” she called.

“Kris,” a familiar voice replied.

Catti smirked. “Come in.”

The door opened and Kris stepped inside. Noelle was a little surprised to see that they were already naked, devoid of any clothing. Though it seemed only fair since she was currently in a very similar state. A few messages had been written upon them in a black marker and they were wearing a collar that she wasn’t familiar with. It seemed simple, temporary, but it marked their submission regardless, going well with the little cat ears that they now wore.

“Just wanted to check in on my sub,” they teased, coming over and giving Noelle a once over.

Catti smirked. “She’s in good hands.”

“I can see that,” Kris chimed in, glancing up at Noelle and offering a coy little smile. “Having fun, little doe?”

“Lots,” Noelle teased. She was unable to stop herself from grinning at that title.

Kris nodded and ducked back out of the door.

They were just about to close it when Catti loudly cleared her throat. “Kris.”

Kris paused and poked their head back in. “What’s up?”

“Is Undyne busy?” Catti asked.

Kris hummed, pondering it for a moment as they tapped a finger against their chin. “The last time I saw her she was about to head off with a pair of monsters to do some electrostim stuff.” They glanced briefly at Noelle before looking back to Catti. “Why?”

“Noelle’s interested in rigging,” Catti explained, motioning towards her. “I want Undyne’s help.”

Kris smirked. “If I see her at some point, I’ll make sure to let her know but…” They grinned. “I’m about to get my ass flogged so no promises on when that’ll be, okay?”

Catti snorted. “Alright. Have fun.”

Kris grinned and winked at them before slipping back into the hall. They closed the door behind themself, leaving Noelle and Catti alone once again.

Catti grabbed a stepladder and placed it down in a spot right in front of Noelle. She then went over to the box of ropes and grabbed another bundle, much thicker and longer than the rest. With it in hand, she stepped onto the ladder. It took Noelle a moment to realize that she was throwing this length of cord over one of the sturdy beams. It seemed more than long enough for whatever she needed as it touched the floor on both ends with plenty of additional slack available for use.

Noelle watched as Catti appraised this rope before nodding to herself and stepping off of the ladder. She then went over to a nearby wooden beam that acted as a supporting pillar and tied one end of the rope around it before returning to Noelle. She then grabbed the other end of the rope and carefully wove it through the ropework that clung to Noelle’s body. This rope went through it again and again, ensuring that Noelle was well secured and properly affixed to this new cord.

She had some freedom to move but only a little.

“You’re getting me excited,” Noelle teased.

Catti chuckled and gave her a little kiss on the cheek. “I’m glad.”

She got up and made her way back to the pillar and undid her knot, grasping the rope in two hands.

“Ready?” Catti asked.

Noelle nodded.

Catti started to draw back upon the rope, levying it through the support beam above and lifting Noelle upwards as she did so. Higher and higher Noelle’s body rose, making her get back onto her feet. Though this was when Catti stopped, seemingly content with getting her to this point and letting her still touch the ground.

“That should do,” she said. “No suspension yet. Not ready. Ensuring it works.”

Noelle shuffled in her standing position, moving around with what freedom she still had. She became extremely aware of the wetness between her legs, her anticipation more than pronounced as it coated her inner thighs.

“I deserve a reward,” Catti said.

Noelle bit her lip. “Oh yeah?”

Catti nodded and slowly slackened the rope, allowing Noelle to settle back down onto her knees. She then once more tied a knot around the post before coming over to Noelle. There was a predatory glint in her eye as she reached out and ran a hand through her friend’s hair.

“Sex is fine?” she asked. “Right?”

Noelle nodded.

Catti smirked and reached for the fly on her pants, making a show of slowly unzipping it. She then pulled them down a little and exposed the panties that lingered underneath.

That’s when Noelle realized that there was a bulge within them and a pronounced wet spot on the very front. This confused Noelle for a moment, wondering what…


“Huh,” Noelle whispered.

Catti paused and lifted a brow. “What?”

“I uh…” Noelle chuckled. “I had no idea that you were trans.”

“How did… We’ve…” Catti shook her head. “Is that a problem?”

“Not at all,” Noelle teased.

Catti peeled away her panties and a modestly-sized erection came springing forth. It was different from most of the penises that Noelle had seen with all sorts of interesting little barbs upon it. The way it looked was both intimidating and also a little enticing. It was very unique, to say the least.

“Your hen looks amazing,” Noelle teased.

She wanted to know what this would be like to take and it didn’t seem like she would have to wait for very long to find out as Catti gripped her antlers. Catti then drew her forwards and pressed her against her erection.

First, Catti dragged it across Noelle’s cheek, marking her with her scent. Though this also gave Noelle a chance to feel its unique texture prickle against her complexion. Though this lasted for only a moment as Catti angled it and soon forced it into Noelle’s mouth.

She snorted at Noelle’s comment. “Call it a cock. That’s what it is… on girls like me.”

Noelle obviously couldn’t respond as she was busying herself with wrapping her lips tightly against Catti’s erection, rolling her tongue around it over and over again. She loved the strange texture of it, finding it oddly tactile compared to Kris or Zelda. She bobbed along it so eagerly, making sure to lewdly slurp as she did so.

And it seemed that Catti enjoyed the treatment as a faint moan came bubbling forth from her.

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“Good at this,” Catti teased, snorting. “For a dyke.”

Noelle’s eyes widened and Catti’s expression slipped.

“Too much?” she asked.

Noelle shook her head and continued to slurp and lick, even doing so more energetically than before. That little slur had unlocked something in her brain, making her ears fold back and filling her with an overwhelming desire to serve her temporary Mistress.

Catti’s breathing started to grow just a little heavier, a smidge more desperate in nature.

Noelle loved to hear that laboured breathing, took pride in peeling back that layer of self-control in her partner. This was something that she was so used to seeing in Susie or Kris. Though it was equally nice to see Catti enjoying herself and it was especially enjoyable to feel her start to draw back and pump her hips forwards, working her way into her mouth at a steady pace.

There was a warmth between Noelle’s legs and there was nothing that she could do to address it. Though she was used to such denial. Hell, she even craved it at this point. She took pride in giving pleasure, in extending the sensation of good vibes that she felt onto someone else.

Catti’s grip began to tense and she let out a shuddering little breath. “Very good at this.”

She steeled her grip and began to get a little more forceful, really pumping herself between Noelle’s lips. Her pace was steady, growing faster and faster as she so obviously succumbed to the unique pleasure of fucking her friend’s mouth.

Thankfully, Catti was smaller than Kris and easier to handle because of this. There wasn’t a moment where Noelle struggled to breathe, not a second where she was left wanting for air, nor a moment where her jaw ached.

In reality, she could keep this up all night if that was demanded of her.

Okay, that may have been a little ambitious but she could do it for quite awhile.

Catti shivered and drew Noelle forwards, holding her against the base of her erection. She forced her to linger there and Noelle took full advantage, swirling her tongue around with all the vigour that she could possibly call upon.

A little pre flooded into her mouth and she enjoyed the delicious little sample greatly. It was salty and thin, much less substantial than Kris’ but no less pleasurable because of it.

“I’m close,” Catti whispered. “Okay to finish?”

Noelle nodded and with that Catti resumed her tempo, pumping away and using her mouth anew. Her pace was more sporadic and her breathing had grown so heavy. As Noelle looked up, she could see that her friend was so utterly in the zone, lost in the sauce as it were.

“Fuck,” Catti murmured.

She managed a few more thrusts, pounding away between Noelle’s lips a couple more times. Her pace had grown so animalistic and feral, desperate as she puffed for breath over and over again. It didn’t seem like she could keep this up for much longer, the wet plaps of fucking growing more forceful but less frequent in nature.

It seemed that they were just about to reach their conclusion as Catti finally settled back to the base one final time.

Noelle had never heard Catti moan before and it was a fierce noise, guttural and nearly feral in nature, closer to a growl than a sound of pleasure. Her cock twitched and an eruption of seed came rupturing forth, filling the back of Noelle’s mouth. It tasted potent but was once again thinner than what she had anticipated.

Still, it was a delicious little treat regardless.

As Catti drew back, a web of fluids linked the two of them together, connecting Noelle’s lips to the rapidly fading shaft in front of her.

“Thank you,” Catti whispered.

Noelle grinned. “Happy to help.”

The web of fluids lingered for only a moment before Catti drew away, severing them as she pulled back. She made her way over to the support beam, lumbering towards it slowly. Once more, she undid the knotted rope and started to lift Noelle upwards, drawing her beyond a standing position and making her balance upon her tippy toes.

The rope around her torso managed to handle quite a bit of her weight, evenly distributing it throughout her chest and helping to take some of the pressure away from her legs. It was amazing what a few loops of rope could manage, making a strenuous position that much more bearable in nature.

Catti then tied the rope back into place around the beam and took the moment to circle around Noelle, appraising her from every angle imaginable. She seemed like a hungry predator who was just dying for a chance to play with her food, making sure to show off those carnivorous teeth inside of her mouth as she moved in front of Noelle.

“Wish I had a camera,” Catti commented, placing a hand against Noelle’s complexion.

Noelle smirked. “Maybe something we could do another time?”

Catti paused at that and studied her for a moment before nodding. “I’d like that.”

She traced her hand down Noelle’s body and rested it between her legs, rubbing a pair of furred fingers firmly against her pussy. It was already soaked with arousal and this seemed to amuse Catti as a playful smile soon coloured her lips.

“Enjoying yourself?” she asked.

Noelle smirked, biting her lip in order to hide a moan. “You know it.”

“Good little doe,” Catti teased, pushing forwards with those fingers and pressing them inside. “I can smell you. Your lust is heavy.”

Noelle shivered and let out a mewing little moan as she felt Catti’s digits moving around inside of her, swirling and flexing, stroking at her inner walls. They were so purposeful in their motions though seemed cautious, taking things slow as if Catti was trying to judge her reaction.

“Turns out I like bondage,” Noelle teased.

Catti nodded and drew her fingers out, holding them up between them. Strands of arousal linked them together and the black fur was matted with moisture. She popped these fingers into her mouth and enjoyed the taste as she moved off to the closet once again.

“Can I ask a weird question?” Noelle asked.

Catti smirked as she drew out a familiar brand of vibrating wand. “What’s that?”

“Have you ever…” Noelle bit her lip. “Have you ever slept with Alphys?”

“Yes,” Catti answered. “Fun fetishes.”

Noelle snorted. “This is surreal.”

“You get used to it,” Catti replied with a shrug.

She grabbed some more rope on her way over to Noelle before placing the wand on a nearby table. The first thing she did was loop the rope around Noelle’s midsection, more towards her belly and waist.

Noelle was intrigued about its purpose, wondering what it could’ve possibly been meant for. Until, she saw that Catti picked up the wand and hooked it inside of this fresh bondage, ensuring that the rope would keep it anchored in place. The rubbered tip pressed so firmly against her lips, brushing against her clit as well.

There was a sinful little smile on Catti’s lips as she flicked the wand onto its very first setting. And this smile only grew as Noelle moaned, gasping. She shivered and squirmed in her bondage, dancing upon her tippy toes.

Catti drew away and sat back down upon one of the office chairs. She idly played with herself as she watched Noelle utterly engrossed in her pleasure. All the while that contented little smile remained, seemingly so enticed by the display.

Noelle felt so seen at this moment but she couldn’t help but revel in the sensation. It was divine to feel Catti’s eyes upon her and she wished that she could have even more eyes than just that watching her in this moment. Hell, the mere sensation of eyes was just as divine as that vibrator that was rumbling against her lower lips. She didn’t understand her brain but there was something euphoric to the sensation, so pleasurable in nature.

“You look divine,” Catti whispered.

Noelle whimpered. “T-thank you.”

“Comfortable?” Catti asked, drawing her hand away from her shaft. There were strands of fluids that stuck to her fingers though she was still soft. Regardless, she made a show of licking her essence off of them, still looking so coy as she made eye contact with Noelle.

Noelle thought about it for a moment and then nodded. “Very, this is oddly… comfortable. I didn’t think it would feel this good.”

“Shibari is good. Evenly distributes weight. Makes it easier to handle,” Catti explained. “If you’re interested…” Shehummed and glanced towards the door. “Undyne could suspend you.”

“I’d…” Noelle whimpered, feeling the fire in her loins grow so warm. “I’d like that a lot.”

Catti smirked and got up, making her way over to Noelle. She reached for the wand and fiddled with the controls, emboldening it to one of its more pronounced settings. This caused the pleasant vibrations to intensify even further, pushing into something far more potent.

Noelle gasped so loudly, feeling her body quiver even more violently than before. Her eyes were wide and her voice sung out with such praise.

It seemed that Catti enjoyed it immensely. She reached forwards and cupped one of Noelle’s breasts, giving it a firm squeeze. Though this lasted for only a moment as she let go so that she could move behind her instead.

She lashed out and slapped Noelle right across the rump before doing so again and again, each blow marking her flesh. They weren’t especially potent blows, just a clap of hand against rump, barely causing any pain. Still, those little bites felt nice, adding to the heat inside of Noelle and making it that much more enticing.

“I’m close,” Noelle whined.

Catti purred and embraced her from behind, burying her face into Noelle’s neck and giving it a firm kiss. She bit down just a little and suckled roughly though such a gesture wouldn’t bruise through her coat. The sensation still felt fantastic, however, ushering forth such a frantic moan from the back of Noelle’s throat.

“Fuck,” Noelle whimpered.

Catti reached around and turned the toy up another degree, pushing it to the brink of overstimulation but not quite crossing that threshold.

Noelle cried out and could feel the fire in her loins growing more and more intense. She was soon rocking her hips forward, practically humping the air. Her mind was so absent of thoughts and all she could really think about was her own impending pleasure. She craved release and wanted nothing more than to plunge into the waters of bliss.

And it seemed that Catti desired this as well as there was no move made to bring it to an end.

Noelle felt stretched out and so seen. It was a sensation that she so utterly adored, wishing that the whole world could witness her beauty in this moment.

The fire in her core was reaching a broiling point, seemingly unstoppable going forward. Her breath fluttered as she let out a series of such desperate little moans. She had no doubt that her eyes were wide with a half-crazed quality, desperate for any form of relief.

“Cum for me,” Catti said, practically whispering it into Noelle’s ear.

Noelle rode the edge for only a few fleeting moments before the finality of her pleasure came rushing forth. She cried out at the top of her lungs and felt her core give out in a series of intense shudders. Her juices exploded against the wand and her legs gave out from under her.

For a moment, she was suspended, only kept up by the ropework which held onto her so tightly.

Catti reached out and turned off the wand, bringing its relentless buzzing to an immediate end.

“Fuck,” Noelle whispered.

Catti chuckled. “Feel good?”

“V-very,” Noelle said.

Catti nodded and drew away from her once again, making her way towards the supporting beam for what felt like the dozenth time. With care she began to undo the rope, lowering Noelle back towards the floor, nice and slow.

Noelle’s legs couldn’t support her so she allowed her knees to do so instead, dropping to them as she settled on the ground.

Catti allowed the cord to go loose as she walked back towards the closet. It sounded like she opened a fridge and this was confirmed as she came out with two bottles of water, bringing them over as she took a knee beside Noelle.

Noelle smiled at her. “Thank you.”

“Hydration is important,” Catti quipped.

She popped open the bottle and held it against Noelle’s lips, tilting it back and allowing her to drink as much as she liked. Noelle was apparently quite thirsty as she managed to finish about half of the bottle in a couple desperate pulls before drawing away from it.

Catti re-capped it before placing it aside. She then grabbed her own bottle and took a couple sips from it as well.

There was a knock at the door and Noelle perked up.

“Who is it?” Catti asked.

The voice snorted. “The police.”

Catti rolled her eyes. “Hello Undyne.”

The door opened and Undyne entered. She was now as naked as the day she’d been born and this was the first time that Noelle could honestly appreciate her body. She was thin but well-built, muscular in all of the right places. This was the body of a swimmer, powerful and sleek, with a petite pair of breasts.

“Holy shit,” Noelle whispered. “You’re hot.”

Undyne chuckled. “And you’re not bad looking yourself.”

There was another knock at the door and Catti rolled her eyes.

“Who is it!” Undyne barked before snickering.

“Kris!” Kris called.

“Awww your partner is here to check up on you,” Undyne teased before looking at the door. “Don’t you trust us? You know that we can take care of your girlfriend, right?”

Kris snorted. “I worry about her, so sue me.”

“Come in,” Catti called.

The door opened and Kris walked in, looking even more ragged than before. There were now fresh streaks of black eyeliner draining along their cheeks and even more body writing covered their flesh. And as they turned to close the door, Noelle noticed that their entire back was covered in all sorts of reddened marks.

“Holy shit babe,” Noelle yelped. “Are you okay?”

“Doing fantastic,” Kris teased. “That dragon really knows how to give it to someone. How are you doing?”

Noelle smirked. “I’m having a blast.”

“Glad to hear it,” Kris said, looking at the others. “How about you two?”

“Good,” Catti answered.

Undyne snorted and firmly jabbed a thumb into her naked chest. “I made a dude cum so hard that he cried. So, I’m doing fantastic.”

“Hell yeah,” Kris teased. They lingered for a moment, looking around. Though it seemed that everything checked out as they moved back towards the door. “Anyways, take good care of my property, alright?”

Catti snorted. “Will do.”

“Stop worrying about us and go get yourself ruined,” Undyne chastised, though there was no real bite to her words.

Kris snorted and waved before leaving once again. This left Noelle at the others’ mercy.

“They’re a good kid,” Undyne teased, shaking her head. “If you would’ve told me they’d end up like this five years ago, I would’ve laughed in your face.”

Catti nodded. “Seems like a good teacher.”

“They’re the best,” Noelle said, sighing and looking up at the others. “So, now what?”

“Want to suspend her?” Catti asked, looking at Undyne.

Undyne grinned nice and wide as she immediately sprung to her feet. “I’d be honoured.”

Noelle shivered. “Suspend?”

“Yeah, from the roof!” Undyne said, pointing at the rafters. “One of my favourite things to do whenever I get the chance. It's especially nice to try it out with newbies.”

She reached for the box of rope and hummed as she started to rifle through it, looking at the various lengths of cord inside.

“Yo Catti, do you mind undoing that rope that you’re currently using to keep her upright?” Undyne asked. “I should be able to work with the rest of your harness but… well you know.”

Noelle had no idea what that meant but it seemed that Catti did as she reached for the rope at Noelle’s back, starting to carefully unwind it from the rig that clung to her chest.

“Want her hands free?” Catti asked.

Undyne nodded. “Yes please.” She then grinned and looked at Noelle. “Hope Catti treated you alright. I taught her everything she knows.”

Noelle smirked. “She was very good at tying me up.”

“Happy to hear it,” Undyne quipped, winking at Catti. “Maybe I’ll have to stop calling you a rookie one of these days.”

Catti rolled her eyes but couldn’t help but allow herself a legitimately proud smile at the compliment. She finished undoing the first of the ropes before moving onto the stuff that was binding Noelle’s hands together. It didn’t take long before Noelle’s arms slipped away and she was able to freely move them in front of herself again.

As Noelle looked at her hands, she was honestly a little impressed that there were barely any indentations left upon her coat. It was like her arms hadn’t even been bound in the first place.

Though her freedom wasn’t going to last for very long as Undyne came over with a bunch of different bundles of rope. She dumped them all out upon the floor and then took a knee in front of Noelle, humming as she looked her over.

“Mind if I touch you?” Undyne asked, snorting as she held out her hands. “I know, silly question, but active consent and whatnot.”

Noelle smirked. “Of course, you’re allowed to touch me.” Her smile gained just a little more daring. “And do whatever else you’d like to me while you’re at it.”

“Well, we’ll keep it to touching for now,” Undyne said, offering a sly wink. “Don’t mind tying you up but you’re a lil young for anything more than that. Sorry, just… you know...”

Noelle nodded. “Fair enough.”

Undyne rested a hand upon Noelle’s arm, tracing it along her coat. It seemed like she was appraising something as she moved her hand to Noelle’s back and then down to her legs. The actions seemed to serve a more practical purpose and were not overtly sexual in nature. This seemed more like a sculptor working with some clay and not one woman taking the chance to paw down another.

“Alright, I think I know what I want to do with you,” Undyne declared, flashing a playful smile. “Do you mind laying on your side?”

Noelle did so and Undyne placed both of her hands upon Noelle’s leg, resting one on her calf and the other on her thigh. She hummed to herself as she casually bent Noelle’s leg, putting it into a position that would’ve been like if she were kneeling with her heel pressed against her rump.

It seemed that Catti knew what to do as she took a knee as well and offered some of the rope to Undyne.

“Thanks,” Undyne said, sounding suddenly quite professional, maybe even a little detached from the situation. It reminded Noelle of talking to Kris while they were in the middle of working on their art.

Undyne wound the rope around Noelle’s leg, doing so over and over again, ensuring that the bondage would keep her knee locked in this bent position. Her ropework was tighter than Catti’s though was still surprisingly comfortable to contend with, not digging too firmly into her skin.

In the end, she managed to loop it around a good number times before securing the ends in such a manner that they would not come undone without some outside assistance.

Noelle attempted to move her leg but found that Undyne had more than effectively secured it in place, denying her even the slimmest range of motion.

“Comfortable?” Undyne asked.

Noelle nodded. “Very.”

Undyne smirked and carefully placed her hands upon Noelle’s side. “Alright, I’m going to turn you over now, okay?”

Noelle nodded once more and giggled as she was rolled over onto her other side. Like before, Undyne folded her leg into a kneeling position and then began to bind it firmly, ensuring that this leg wouldn’t be able to move either. By the time she had finished, Noelle wasn’t able to do much more than pathetically wiggle her legs back and forth in the air.

The knowledge of her helplessness sent an excited spark bursting in her core as she anxiously bit her lip, eagerly waiting with such anticipation.

Though it didn’t seem that Undyne was quite finished yet as she grabbed another bundle of rope and moved to a position in front of Noelle. She hummed and hawed, running her thumb across the material. First, she appraised the rope before allowing herself a moment to look Noelle over as well. Her expression was astute and calm throughout.

“Hands in front of you with your wrists locked together,” Undyne explained, glancing at Catti. “Did you explain the artery thing?”

“Artery thing?” Noelle asked.

Undyne lifted a brow and affixed Catti with a stern look. A reaction which made Catti merely shrug back in response.

“My bad,” Catti murmured. “Bad with words. Plus… only light bondage.”

Undyne shook her head and seemed to bite back a remark. “When doing this kind of stuff, you want to be careful about arteries because compressing them can restrict your blood flow.”

“Like breathplay?” Noelle asked.

Undyne snorted. “Glad to know that Kris and Susie like choking you.” She shook her head and sighed. “Though I suppose I should be happy that they’re at least doing it safely. Anyways, the reason I want your wrists together is because it’ll protect your arteries from being constricted by the rope thus saving us a whole lot of trouble since your hands won’t go numb from blood loss.”

“Oh, is that why you folded my legs like this?” Noelle asked, giving one of them a wiggle.

Undyne nodded. “Bingo. Though do let me know if things start to get uncomfortable or you feel off or something. And I mean tell me right away and not when it gets bad, you know? The sooner, the better when it comes to shibari.”

Noelle smirked. “Will do.”

Undyne started to coil another length of rope around both of Noelle’s arms, starting at the wrist and wrapping it around again and again. She went all the way up along her forearms before stopping at the elbows. At which point, she secured her bondage, ensuring that even more of Noelle’s freedom was taken from her. Now, she could barely even scratch her nose if she needed to.

This seemed to be the last of the ropework, at least for now, as Undyne got back to her feet and made her way over to the support beam. With surprising speed, she began to remove Catti’s rope and coil it around her hand and elbow over and over again, winding it up into a proper bundle. Once she had collected it, she then placed it upon a nearby table.

She then returned to her box of ropes and brought out a series of especially thick cords that ended with a series of steel hooks that looked incredibly sturdy. Once more, Undyne hung them over the rafters before tying one end of them to that same reliable support beam that she and Catti had used throughout the night.

This left the hooks which were unoccupied and currently sitting on the floor right next to Noelle. She had a pretty good idea about what these could’ve been for but she was excited to see if her theory on the matter was going to be correct.

Undyne came over and took a knee beside her, offering a warm smile. “So, I’m going to suspend you now.”

“Figured as much,” Noelle teased.

“Now when I do suspend people, I like to use as many anchor points as possible. That way, it’ll really helps spread the stress of your weight across a larger portion of her body,” Undyne explained. “Do you get me?”

“I…” Noelle bit her lip. “I think so.”

“And remember if anything feels tight or sore or hurts, even just a little bit, I want you to tell me right away,” Undyne said, suddenly sounding quite serious. “No waiting until the pain gets bad. I want to know immediately. Do you get me, Miss Holiday?”

Angel, that last line was delivered with a capacity that only a cop could ever hope to achieve.

Noelle nodded. “I get you Undyne.”

This seemed to please Undyne who began to grab the various hooks and affixed them to different points on her bondage. One hook went through the rope that bound her arms, another through each of the ropes wrapped around her legs, two went under the ropes that clung to her body, one at the torso and another at her crotch. In total, these five hooks looked like they would pretty evenly distribute her weight from what limited knowledge she had of the subject matter.

Undyne smirked and walked back over to the post, untying the rope before coiling it around her hands until it was securely in her grasp. She then grunted as she started to pull, lifting Noelle upwards with every progressive inch of cord.

Noelle giggled as she was slowly turned over and then lifted away from the floor. She rose with her back pointed towards the ground and her face looking up at the ceiling. As promised, her weight was more than evenly distributed, with not so much as even an ounce of discomfort lingering within her body.

She was utterly paralyzed, barely able to even squirm. It felt divine to be in such a state, motionless and just enjoying the euphoria of being constrained.

“You look good,” Catti said.

Undyne contented herself with lifting Noelle up to a point where she was about level with Catti’s face before once more affixed the rope around the support beam, keeping her locked at this height.

“How does it feel?” Undyne asked.

Noelle giggled. “Fantastic, thank you.”

Catti came over and placed a hand upon her cheek. She offered a genuine little smile before dipping forwards and giving her a kiss upon the lips. It was a gesture that Noelle was only too happy to reciprocate.

“It’s good work,” Catti commented.

Undyne smirked. “Only the best for the newbie.”

She walked over to a spot within Noelle’s field of view and appraised her for a moment, rubbing at her chin and trying to figure out what exactly she wanted to do next. Then there was suddenly a twinkle in her eye, a playfulness that Noelle had only ever seen in Kris’ gaze before tonight. Though it was a familiar twinkle, the kind they got before being an utter bastard to her.

“How do you feel about waxplay?” Undyne asked before snapping her fingers. “And how about exhibitionism?”

“Way to hammer in on my kinks,” Noelle teased.

Undyne nodded and hurried over to her closet, grabbing a box from within and bringing it over to a table within Noelle’s line of sight. She started to quickly unpack it, bringing out a couple coppery trays and placing colourful candles within them. Some of the trays had little clamps on them that seemed like they could be anchored to almost any of the surfaces within the room.

These special trays were brought over to Noelle and affixed to the supporting ropes.

As Noelle looked up, she could see them hanging over her body. These trays seemed especially shallow, likely not able to hold much wax at all.

And she had a feeling that this was by design as she could see the devilish little smile that Undyne had. She grabbed a lighter and ignited each of the wicks in turn. Once the last little flame sparked, she then placed a couple more candles around the room and lit them as well.

There were so many of them flickering away by the time she had finished that she was able to turn off the lights and still have illumination. The room was cast in such a beautiful glow by the candles, providing more than adequate lighting while also really setting the mood for what was to come. It gave the space an almost spiritual quality, like a ritual.

Noelle just hung there and watched, unable to pinpoint the nature of the strange euphoria that seemed to fill her mind and radiate throughout her body. She just loved this sensation, adoring the knowledge that she was constrained so utterly.

“I’m going to go find some people to witness my little art project,” Undyne said, nodding towards Catti. “Keep an eye on her, would you?”

“Of course,” Catti said.

Undyne slipped out of the room and that left the two of them alone with one another, yet again.

“She’s good at this,” Noelle teased.

Catti smirked. “Weird learning from her. She did DARE.”

Noelle actually chuckled at that, remembering being in high school when she would come by and talk about how bad drugs were. This only added to the raw surrealness of the situation.

Though her mind was only occupied with this thought for a moment as she felt something hot land upon her hide.

Noelle gasped and looked up, watching as a few little beads of wax fell from the various candles above her, dripping upon her body. They were hot but not painfully so, enough to draw forth a note from the back of her throat but not one of legitimate pain.

She lingered like that for a while, just hanging there as the lazy trickle of hot wax continued to fall upon her body. She had no idea what colour they were but they felt so nice, so warm, just the perfect amount of bite to keep her alert and in the moment.

There was no discomfort to her bondage. Honestly, if it were not for the wax then Noelle could’ve fallen asleep like this. It was kind of like an especially intimate hammock, supporting her body so completely, holding onto her tightly.

Catti just kind of watched, seeming quite intrigued by the display.

“So Dreemurr is a Domme?” Catti asked.

Noelle nodded. “They are.”

“How are they?” Catti stretched and cracked her back. “They were… inexperienced.”

“They’re affectionate and kind at times and an utter bastard at others,” Noelle teased. “Them and Susie have really helped me…” She sucked in a breath as a couple drops of wax fell upon her tit, grazing her nipple. Her mind went blank for a moment but she managed to get a hold of her thoughts once again. “They’ve really helped me grow.”

“Happy to hear it,” Catti commented. “Susie seems… kinder.”

“We’ve all helped each other grow,” Noelle stated.

Before the conversation could continue there was a knock at the door and Undyne stepped back inside. There were a few monsters with her, covering all range of body types, genders, and ages. Noelle knew some of them and was a little shocked to see them here in such a capacity. Sure, she didn’t know them well but it was still strange to be on display before shopkeepers, former classmates, and people she had once seen around town.

They murmured amongst themselves, appreciating Undyne’s hard work. The way they spoke made Noelle feel like less a person and more like an exhibit, an art piece without agency. It was extremely hot.

Amongst the group was Kris, who looked well used at this point. Their face was plastered with make-up, bite marks littered their body, and so many crude words marked every inch of their flesh. Still, they smiled at her, looking oddly refreshed.

“Looking good, babe,” they teased.

Noelle smirked. “You don’t look half bad yourself.”

Susie also stepped into the room. At some point, she had lost all of her clothing, now being completely naked. She seemed no worse for wear though. Yet, as she turned to close the door, Noelle noticed that her back had been turned into a scratching post with so many lines of white and red racked across her hide.

“Holy shit,” Noelle whispered.

Though no one seemed to react to her shock.

“Damn Undyne, you were holding out on us?” Susie teased, looking at Noelle before turning her attention to Undyne.

Undyne snorted. “Wasn’t going to interrupt my work to keep you two in the loop.”

She grabbed one of the candle trays and brought it over, smirking at Noelle as she did so. Though her attention soon went to the assembled guests. “Alright, I’m sure that you folks can figure out what to do but...”

It seemed that she had decided to give a demonstration regardless. She plucked the candle out of the tray before holding the coppery basin over top of Noelle’s coat. She grinned like a devil as she tilted it, just a little, causing a stream of hot wax to fall forth and draw a line across Noelle’s coat.

Noelle’s eyes widened as she gasped. The heat still didn’t hurt but it was far more concentrated than before, making her squirm and mew in distress. The warmth lingered upon her hide for a few long moments, growing more and more pronounced. Though it eventually subsided, leaving a hard crust of wax behind.

With the demonstration concluded, she returned the candle to its holder and placed it down upon the table. She then merged back into the mass of bodies, leaving Noelle to the other guest’s mercy once again.

They took their time in appraising her with only the occasional brave spirit bringing over a fresh candle holder and pouring out its contents upon her. Each little spurt of wax was enough to make her quiver and moan, aching against the bite of the wax’s heat.

The mixture of pain and being seen was so intense, filling Noelle with a lust that was even hotter than the candles that hovered around her. Her mind was fuzzy and she knew that her sex was soaking wet, just ready for use. Though she knew that she couldn’t attend to such a thing just yet.

Kris came over and touched a hand to her cheek. “You doing okay, babe?”

Noelle nodded. “This is… holy shit.”

“How many fingers am I holding up?” Kris teased, flashing three of them in front of her eyes.

Noelle stuck out her tongue. “Three.”

Kris nodded and grabbed another of the candles and brought it over to her. They grinned like a bastard as they held it above her, drawing out the moment and letting her anticipation fester. Though Noelle noticed movement as she saw that Susie also approached at the same time. Together the two of them poured out two trays of wax, at once, drizzling them upon Noelle’s belly and breasts. The twin streaks of heat were enough to draw forth a gasp, making her eyes go wide with a half-crazed quality as she cried out.

The two of them chuckled and drifted away, blending back into the collection of bodies. Noelle’s senses were dulled and the crowd lost all definition, just becoming a mass of people that was meant to consume her.

Though it seemed that the wax had mostly been expended as people began to chat and interact with one another. Some people even got a little handsy with the other guests, falling to their passions around her.

Noelle felt ignored but oddly enjoyed it, loving the sensation of just being a fixture, a piece of furniture in the room. It was hard to describe the unique sensation but that feeling of just blending into the background was… interesting, intense even.

The door opened and Undyne and Alphys entered, bringing in a few trays of foods and drinks. Noelle hadn’t even noticed Undyne leave. Though with the arrival of refreshments it seemed that this room was to become a central hub to the event as people began to sip mocktails and eat little snacks.

Kris came over with a bottle of water and held it against Noelle’s lips. She whispered her thanks as she drank from it, cherishing this little moment of affection. It was even caped off with a little kiss on her forehead as Kris couldn’t quite reach her lips.

“Do you want to come down?” they asked.

Noelle smirked. “Maybe… maybe I can just enjoy this a little longer? I mean if that’s okay.”

Kris nodded. “You can enjoy it as long as you’d like, little doe.”

They then returned to the guests, seeming to catch the attention of an airplane monster who had a rather well-endowed fuel spout.

Noelle closed her eyes and let out a ragged breath, just enjoying being the centre of attention.

It was divine.


She was divine.

Undyne wound the last length of rope around her elbow and hand, coiling it up before packing it away inside of the box of ropes.

Noelle just sat there in the middle of the room with a blanket thrown over her shoulders. As she looked down at herself, she could see a collage of various colours stuck to her coat. They would be a pain to clean out but right now she just enjoyed the sight of them. Each unique colour felt like a mark of pride, proof of the experience she had just lived through.

“That was fun,” Noelle teased.

Undyne nodded. “Always happy to have a model who likes to show off.”

Kris and Susie stepped back into the room. Both of them were now fully dressed. It would seem that the party was starting to wind down which made a little sense. Noelle didn’t know how long she’d been strung up for but it felt like a pretty good while.

She also noticed that Susie was holding her coat in her hands.

“Have fun?” Kris asked.

Noelle nodded. “That was honestly… that was amazing.” She looked up at Undyne and then at Catti. “Can we do that again sometime?”

Catti smirked. “I’d love to.”

“Yeah, I’d be more than happy to try out a few other things with you,” Undyne added. She plopped down upon the edge of one of her desks and grabbed a bottle of water, taking a sip from it. “You know, I was a bit skeptical about bringing you kids here but… you’re honestly a pretty good group.”

“Told you,” Kris teased.

They walked over and picked up Noelle’s attire, tossing it towards her.

Noelle took the hint and started to put it on, beginning with her underpants.

“How long are you here?” Catti asked.

Susie sighed. “Only a week and some change but we’ll be back for a lot longer during the summer.”

“Well, we host these at least once a month, so you should be able to do another one when you’re back in town,” Undyne quipped, playfully glaring at Susie and Kris. “Just as long as you two continue to stay out of trouble that is.”

Kris snorted and snapped off a playful salute. “Yes ma’am.”

Noelle snickered as she pulled her bra into place, adjusting to the strange sensation of hard wax under her clothing. Though she got used to it and started to put on her dress, only now appreciating how little protection it actually offered.

“But for real, thanks for inviting us,” Kris said.

Susie nodded. “Nice to see there are a few other freaks in this town.”

Catti smirked. “Same with Homecity. Makes it easy to go back.”

Undyne went over to one of the desks and reached inside, grabbing a notepad and pen from within. She then started to scribble upon the paper before tearing off a sheet and offering it to Noelle.

Noelle blinked and took it. There was a phone number on it.

“Feel free to shoot me a text if you want another shibari tutorial this week,” Undyne teased. “Or hit me up the next time that you’re in town. Just uh… remember that I’m usually working during the days.”

Catti nodded. “Same.”

“W-will do,” Noelle whispered, carefully folding the note.

It wasn’t long before Noelle was completely dressed and ready to leave as Susie handed over her coat. She pulled it on and slipped the note into her pocket, stepping into a spot between her partners as she threw on her scarf. Just like that, all the signs of depravity were obscured, hidden away from prying eyes.

The three of them stood at an impasse with Catti and Undyne, wondering who would be the first to react between them. Though this only lasted for a moment as Kris took the lead and stepped towards the door.

“Have a good night!” they called.

Undyne nodded back. “You too, you three stay safe.” She smirked. “And stay out of trouble because Napstablook is patrolling tonight.”

Susie snorted. “Will do!”

Catti and Noelle both waved, not adding to the goodbyes.

The three of them left the room and headed back into the rest of the house. It seemed that only a few other guests lingered behind and they had mostly wound down themselves, enjoying warm drinks while in various states of being half-dressed. The mess was pretty minimal, barely betraying the fact that more than a dozen different people had just fucked in this very same house.

Once outside, Noelle shivered against the bite of the spring air. Thankfully, Susie was there to drape an arm over her shoulder and hold her close. She was so warm and Noelle couldn’t help but melt against her.

“Have fun?” she asked.

Noelle nodded. “I should’ve known that I would like getting tied up that much but it was still fun to try it out. Also, it was just really nice to catch up with Catti even if we didn’t get much of a chance to talk about life and stuff.”

“Yeah, I would’ve loved the chance to chat with her,” Kris chimed in, shrugging. “Maybe I’ll hit her up for coffee before we leave.”

“How about you two, how did your nights go?” Noelle asked.

They walked at a casual pace, not in any major hurry. The distance between Undyne’s home and Toriel’s wasn’t that great. Plus, they honestly had more privacy out here than back at the house anyways.

Susie smirked. “Hooked up with a pretty cute girl who clawed the absolute shit out of my back. Got up to a little bondage, a little impact play, honestly reminded me a lot about being with you.” She suddenly paused and almost went pale. “FUCK!”

“What?” Noelle asked.

“I forgot to ask for her name,” Susie hissed. “I promised to give her a follow on Twitter.”

Noelle giggled. “Gasp, that’s so scandalous. Fucking a beautiful bottom and not thinking to get her name?”

Susie snorted and shook her head. “But yeah, did that, watched a couple people do group stuff, and had a nice chat with Alphys while watching.” She shrugged. “Honestly a pretty weird but really nice night, would love to do it again sometime.”

“Could go back to that play party in Homecity,” Kris suggested.

Susie nodded. “We could.”

Though she left it at that. It seemed that there was something going on there that Noelle wasn’t exactly privy too but she decided that she wasn’t going to ask.

Instead, she looked at Kris, silently gesturing for them to share.

Kris hummed. “Hooked up with this dragon who totally tossed me around and fucked up my shit. Got flogged, got written on, got spit on, took some poppers, got fisted, did some knifeplay, got bagged, got…”

“Angel,” Susie grumbled, shaking her head. “Did you just want to blackout your bingo card or something?”

Kris smirked. “Well, yeah?”

“You are just built different,” Susie chided, playfully sticking out her tongue at them.

Kris didn’t say anything, letting their proud little smile do the talking for them.

“Sounds like everyone had a good night then,” Noelle said.

The conversation died down to more idle small talk, gossiping about life in the city and their jobs as they made their way across Hometown. It wasn’t long before they were outside of Toriel’s house and Noelle felt a little nervous as she realized that the lights were still on.

“Play it cool,” Kris teased, snorting. “Not my first time coming home late.”

They took the lead and headed for the front door, knocking on it before slipping inside.

Noelle and Susie followed behind.

Toriel perked up from the kitchen and offered a warm smile. “I was wondering where you kids ran off too.”

“Hey guys,” Chara greeted from the living room, waving at them along with Asriel. “Have a good night?”

Noelle became extremely aware of the fact that underneath her coat was an incredibly small dress and a whole lot of wax caked across her body. And she could see that both Susie and Kris seemed to realize their own signs of depravity as well.

“How about you three join us for some tea?” Toriel asked.

Kris was about to open their mouth, likely to politely decline.

Instead, Chara grinned. “Yeah, how about you join us and tell us about your night?”

It was like they had a supernatural ability to know the most mischievous thing to say and do at all times.

Kris sighed, obviously seeing no easy way out of this. “S-sure.”

Together the three of them stepped into the living room, plopping down upon another of the couches and getting intimately close.

“Noelle, I was wondering if you could do me a favour,” Toriel chimed, motioning towards her with a chocolate-coated spatula.

Noelle perked up. “Sure thing!”

“Could you take a look at my Kindle and read me off the recipe that I have loaded up?” Toriel asked. “I’m trying to remember how long to cook this for.”

Noelle reached for the Kindle, only paying some passing attention to the other conversation taking place.

“So, what did you three get up to tonight?” Asriel asked.

Kris shrugged. “Catti invited us out to a house party and we decided to catch up with a few of our friends. How about you two?”

Chara smirked. “Got breakfast, met your dad, and Asriel showed me around town.” They shrugged. “Honestly, this seems like a pretty cool place to grow up.”

Noelle flicked open the Kindle and was perplexed as she read the screen. This didn’t seem to be a cookbook. In fact…

In fact, Noelle knew this book.

Her eyes widened.

It was the very same book she’d been reading when Kris caught her in the middle of rubbing one out. The book that started this brand-new little chapter in her life.

She nearly yelped as she quickly closed it, shuffling over to the next tab which contained a cookbook with a recipe on it. Her gaze flicked towards Toriel and she gained a brand-new appreciation for the woman as she did so.

Though she was immediately beset with a sudden sadness as she realized that she had the same taste in porn as a literal mom.

“Noelle?” Chara asked.

Noelle stirred and looked up at them. “Yes?”

“You looked like you saw a ghost,” they teased. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah, yeah, sorry.” Noelle chuckled as she glanced back down at the recipe. “Uh… it asks you to bake it for 40 minutes at 350 degrees.”

Toriel smirked. “Thank you, dear.”

She turned on the stove and then made her way back towards the kettle. Though she paused as she looked down at the floor, pursing her lips together.

“Everything okay?” Susie asked.

Toriel nodded. “Just seems that someone got wax all over my floor.” She shook her head and sighed. “How does that even happen?”

Kris tensed and Susie looked off to the side. Toriel and Asriel both seemed confused. Though Chara was apparently a little quicker, getting a knowing smile.

“Wax, huh?” Chara asked, their smile growing as their gaze bore directly into Noelle. “Wonder where that could’ve come from?”

And just like that Noelle wished that she could die.


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