Doe in the Middle

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

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Fetishes: Impact Play (Spanking with Hand and Belt)

Noelle flopped upon the couch, groaning as the soft fabric of the cushions embraced her.

“Fuck statistics,” she groaned.

Kris glanced up from their phone, offering a tight smile. “Tough day at school?”

“Uh huh,” Noelle grumbled, closing her eyes. “I used to think I was smart.”

“You are extremely smart,” Kris said.

“I used to have dreams!” Noelle bemoaned.

Kris rolled their eyes.

Noelle couldn’t see this but she knew them well enough to know for a fact this was exactly what they were doing.

“But then I took statistics and now all I know is suffering,” Noelle whispered.

Kris snorted. “I think you might be overreacting, babe.”

“I am not overreacting!” Noelle huffed. “I am in fact reacting like any reasonable creature would when faced by a university course designed to make their life incredibly miserable.”

“Would you like to talk about it?” Kris asked.

Noelle flicked out her wrist. “Just a really tough lesson about p-values that my brain isn’t absorbing at all. It’s pissing me off because I should be getting this, I freaking aced all my math classes back in High School. So, why is this so hard?”

“Because university is miles ahead of High School,” Kris replied. “Especially when you’re in your third year.”

“Can I just give up?” Noelle asked.

Kris snorted. “Depends?”

“On what?” Noelle replied as she looked towards them.

“Do you want to keep working as a server for the rest of your life?” Kris retorted. “Because I’m all for quitting school but…”

They rolled their wrist through the air, letting the implications finish the sentence for them.

Noelle huffed. “Fine, I’ll keep suffering.”

“Hey, look on the bright side, at least you find suffering kind of hot now!” Kris interjected.

Noelle giggled, feeling a little bit of red enter her cheeks. She shook her head slowly and looked towards her hands.

“You know it’s been about a week since we got up to anything… exciting,” Noelle said, biting her lip.

Kris scrolled through their phone. “Has it?”

Noelle nodded.

“Well then I suppose we should get up to something exciting tonight,” Kris said, flashing a coy little smile. “Though we should probably wait until Susie’s home. Don’t want her feeling left out, you know?”

Noelle nodded.

The two of them sat in silence for a moment as Noelle slowly adjusted her position on the sofa, moving up and rolling onto her back. She drew out her phone and used her thumb to unlock it.

She smiled at her background which was the three of them together in a park. Though the background was soon gone as she went over to one of her many social media apps, scrolling through the interface and seeing what was going on in the world.

“So…” Kris began.

Noelle glanced over at them. “So?”

“Would you be game for letting me beat your ass tonight?” Kris asked.

Their tone was eerily neutral as if they’d just asked her about the weather or what she’d had for lunch. It was such a surprisingly mundane way of putting something of that calibre.

And of course, it was enough to make Noelle flush bright red, her face positively burning. She stifled an awkward laugh as she tried to figure out if that was something that she actually wanted.

It turned out that yes, yes, she did in fact want that. She wanted that very badly.

“Yeah, that could be fun,” Noelle replied, offering a smile. “Were you thinking of doing that tonight?”

Kris shrugged. “If Susie’s game.”

Once more the mundanity in their tone surprised Noelle. How could they talk about such crass things without turning into a blushing mess? This was truly a person of immense power, one that had to be respected.

“Also, we ordered your collar last night,” Kris added.

Noelle grinned. “Oh yeah?”

Kris nodded.

“Any hints on what it’s going to look like,” Noelle asked.

Kris smirked. “It’s not green…”

“Wow!” Noelle snickered, playfully sticking out her tongue at them. “Thanks Kris, that really narrows it down.”

“Do you really think I’m going to ruin the surprise for you, babe?” Kris asked.

Noelle sighed. “Fineeee.”

She got up and made her way towards the kitchen, opening the fridge. As she looked inside, she grabbed a bottle of soda.

“You want anything?” Noelle asked.

Kris hummed. “We got any sparkling water?”

Noelle grabbed a bottle and brought it over to the dining room table. She offered it to Kris who took it. Though, as she turned to head back to the couch, she felt a hand swat at her ass. A motion which made her suck in a breath and turn back to face them.

“I thought we were waiting until Susie got home?” Noelle teased, biting her lip.

Kris snorted. “Sue me.”

The two of them stood at an impasse, Noelle not taking another step away and Kris merely smiling at her. Then something snapped as Kris bounded to their feet in a hurry, embracing Noelle and kissing her quite forcefully.

Noelle made a surprised little noise but melted into the kiss nonetheless, opening her mouth to allow their tongue to push inside. She wrapped her arms around them, holding them close as they orally danced around one another.

Kris’ hand rested upon her rump, squeezing it as they pushed back against her.

Before Noelle was even aware of it, she was pressed forcefully against the wall. The picture frames upon it shuddered at the impact but thankfully none of them fell.

Kris grinned at her with a predatory glee as they finally broke the kiss.

“God, I really like kissing you,” they teased.

Noelle giggled. “And I really like it when you kiss me too.”

There was a sound at the door as someone stuck their key into the lock. Though considering there were only three such keys it was pretty obvious who it would be.

Kris pulled away, giving Noelle a little bit of room to rebuild her composure.

She reached out and smoothed out her sweater before drawing in a reinforcing breath. This pair of actions seem to keep her lustful intentions mostly in check.

The door opened and Susie lumbered in. She was still dressed in her work uniform, looking absolutely frazzled.

“Today sucked,” she grumbled.

Noelle snorted. “Tell me about it.”

“Work kicked your ass too?” Kris asked.

Susie nodded. “We got about a million shipments in today and I was the only person who seemed even a little bit capable of stocking any of the fucking shelves. All the while I had like a billion people come through with expired coupons or bitching about gas prices.” She huffed. “Like I’m sorry dude, it’s totally my fault gas is two-bucks a litre. Yeah, I know I’m the scum of this fucking hellscape of a world.”

“Boomers are just going to be like that,” Kris said.

Susie shook her head and moved over to the fridge, opening it. She grabbed a pack of cold cuts and peeled back the seal. A couple slices of ham then went into her mouth, only to be eviscerated within a fraction of a second.

“Did you two want to do anything tonight?” Susie asked.

Kris smirked. “I was asking Noelle if she wanted me to beat her ass.”

“But only if you have the energy, of course!” Noelle said, holding up her hands. “We don’t need to…”

Susie snorted. “I mean I won’t join in but I’d love to see Kris go to town on you.”

She tossed another piece of ham into her mouth though this would be the last as the pack was returned to the fridge.

“Thinking of using any toys?” Susie asked.

Kris shrugged. “Thought I’d start with my hand and see where things go from there.”

Susie snorted and grabbed a bottle of soda, bringing it over to the kitchen table. She plopped down within her seat and rested her chin within one of her beefy hands.

Kris also approached the table. Though instead of taking a seat, they rested their rump upon the edge of it while ushering for Noelle to come over.

Noelle did so, standing before Kris. She watched as they patted the end of the table that was opposite from Susie while they moved a chair out of the way.

“On your belly,” they said.

Noelle did as instructed, resting her front half upon the table and hanging her rump over the edge. She stretched out her arms in front of her, seeing that they were more than long enough to reach Susie if need be.

Susie picked up on this as well, grabbing one of Noelle’s hands and giving it a tender squeeze.

“God, I love you,” Susie whispered, a genuine sparkle of affection in her eye.

Noelle grinned. “I love you too.”

Kris, meanwhile, reached for the hem of her skirt and lifted it, exposing her panties and plush bottom to the room. Though this thin layer of fabric also didn’t last long as they pulled her panties down, not stopping until they were around her knees.

The apartment may have been warm but with her pussy exposed, Noelle couldn’t help but shiver.

“I’m surprised,” Kris teased. “I thought you’d already be soaking wet.”

“S-shut up,” Noelle grumbled, scrunching her face.

This made Susie snicker.

Kris snorted. “What was that?”

There was a dangerous edge to their voice, an intimately dangerous edge. And with that edge Noelle became very aware of the fact that her rump was fully exposed and that she was now at the mercy of her partner.

Noelle opened her mouth to apologize but was cut off as Kris clapped a hand firmly against her backside. The blow was sharp and a heat blossomed within her rump though it was of a manageable intensity.

She gasped, letting out an adorable little note of discomfort.

This was like an appetizer, something that let Noelle know exactly what they had in store for her.

Noelle drew in a breath. “I said…”

Once more Kris cut her off, drawing back their hand and smacking her on the ass again. This blow was of a similar potency, offering such a tantalizing amount of a pleasurable achiness. It was a warm up, plain and simple but Noelle appreciated such niceties.

“One more time,” Kris teased.

Noelle pouted. “I said that I’m sorry.”

“For?” Kris asked, a playful quality to their tone.

They drummed their fingers against her rump, tapping the spot they had just struck.

“For telling you to shut up,” Noelle grumbled.

“Apology…” Kris wound back, nice and far. “Accepted.”

Their hand came back down, though their blow was far more potent this time around, clapping hard against her flesh. The strike was impressive and drove a heat deep into Noelle’s hindquarters. There was a sharp crack as it bounced off her rump and she could feel the lingering heat of the bright red mark left upon her flesh.

Noelle gasped at the blow, jerking forwards. She must’ve been quite the sight to behold as she saw that Susie was now smiling at her.

“How does it feel?” Susie asked.

Noelle drew in a breath. “Hurts…”

“But in a good way?” Kris cut in.

Noelle nodded.

Kris rested a palm against her hindquarters, rubbing it against the still tender mark they had just left behind. The affection felt nice, calming, pulling her away from being so on edge. She felt the tension start to leave her shoulders, fading away with every passing second.

“So, here’s how this is going to work,” Kris stated. “I’m going to spank you and every time I do so I want you to count off the blow. And every time we reach the tenth blow in a set, I want you to thank me for taking the time to teach you a lesson. Got it?”

Noelle nodded, quivering softly. “G-got it.”

Kris rested one hand upon the small of her back while drawing back the other. They held it above her rump for a moment, letting the seconds tick away and allowing the tension to return to Noelle’s shoulders.

It turned out that waiting was the worst part. It made Noelle wonder when a blow would come, wondering when…

Then her wonders were gone as Kris’ hand suddenly came back down and clapped firmly against her rump. The blow was of the same middling intensity as the first two though it was delivered to her other cheek, tenderizing it as well.

“One!” Noelle barked.

She tried to keep her head held high, stiffening her jaw. If anything, she wanted to teach Kris a lesson and prove that she wasn’t some feeble toy that needed coddling.

“Very good, slut,” Kris said.


The word made Noelle suck in a breath, envisioning herself as one. She had the body and obviously the spirit to fulfill such a role. And if Kris wanted her to…

Kris’ hand came down again, knocking Noelle from her thoughts as she gasped for breath. Then they clapped their palm against her hindquarters twice more in quick succession. These blows felt like they were of the same vigour but they came so quickly that they knocked Noelle right out of her train of thoughts.

Her eyes were wide and breathing ragged as she pulled her mind back into a somewhat rational train of thought.

“Two,” she counted. “Three, four…”

Susie snorted. “How many do you think she can handle?”

She reached out and offered her hand to Noelle who took it, giving it a firm squeeze. Though she didn’t pull away and allowed her hand to linger instead, linking the two of them together.

Noelle appreciated the stability that such a touch bore.

“Depends on how hard I want to go,” Kris explained. “If I go all out, I don’t think she’ll last more than twenty. But I want to have fun tonight, so I’m going to take things a little easier on her. So, let’s be optimistic and say a hundred.” They patted Noelle on the rump quite firmly. “What do you think about that?”

“I can handle it,” Noelle said, hoping she sounded believable.

Though Susie’s snort told her otherwise.

Kris didn’t leave her waiting for long as they drew back their hand, hiking it high into the air. They then rained down a series of increasingly potent blows, smacking her bottom again and again in rapid succession. By the time the train of impacts had ended, Noelle’s rump felt like it was positively on fire with a heat driven deep into her flesh. This warmth lingered, smoldering.

The pace had created a side effect of her completely losing track of how many blows she had endured as the pronounced ache made it hard to focus.

Had that been five? Six? Seven?

“Five, six, seven, eight…” Noelle began though she paused, wincing as she realized that she had completely lost track.

As she looked up at Susie, she saw that her girlfriend had cocked a brow. There was still a smile upon her lips though there was now a predator’s glee etched into it. It would seem that she wouldn’t offer any help.

“Is that all?” Kris asked.

Their tone was hard to read. Was that them implying there were more? Or were they testing her confidence at picking the right number?

“N-nine?” Noelle tried.

Kris whistled. “Can you believe this slut, trying to count extra blows.”

They tutted under their breath and Noelle could feel them shake their head.

“I thought you were supposed to be good at math,” Susie teased.

Noelle whimpered. “I’m sorry.”

“Well since you feel like making up numbers, I’m going to do the same,” Kris said, a foreboding danger filling their voice. “And I’ll be subtracting two from your total.”

“Which is…” Noelle tried.

“Eight,” Kris said. “Which means you’re now at six.”

They rested their hand upon Noelle’s rump again, kneading into her so recently battered flesh. Their fingers felt cold, calming, kindly in nature. But now they no longer seemed able to quell the rowdy anxiety which besieged Noelle’s mind.

It felt like any second could bring about another blow, like every twitch was them drawing back to strike her again.

Susie squeezed her hand. “What colour?”


“Green,” Noelle whispered.

Susie nodded and looked at Kris. “Well, what are you waiting for?”

Kris drew back their hand, and like with all their prior lashes, they cracked it down forcefully. Though unlike with the others there was now a considerable amount of force behind this blow, causing a mighty crack to echo throughout the room.

It was like a mini-explosion had detonated upon her flank.

Noelle yelped as her rump positively burned, the pains and aches delving deep into her hindquarters. Her eyes even watered as she came to the realization that there was surely a handprint left upon her tenderized flesh.

Kris hissed and shook their hand in the air. “That hurt.”

“Seven!” Noelle barked.

Susie peered beyond her and towards her hindquarters. Upon seeing it, she let out an impressed-sounding whistle.

“Kris, you left one hell of a welt,” she said.

Noelle drew in a shaky breath. “C-can I see?’

Her response came as she felt Kris take a step away. A moment later and she heard their phone turned on.

Noelle shivered. For sure, she had taken a couple of nudes in the past but they were always an anxious event where she had to contend with lighting and her body to ensure she looked good. They weren’t something that came easy to her.

But before she could worry, Kris snapped a photo.

They were then at her side, holding the phone before her eyes. On it was a picture of her ass and glistening pussy. All across her backside were various pinks and reds with the centrepiece of the display being a bright red mark that looked utterly inflamed. It was even shaped like a handprint with her coat raised in its outline.

“Holy shit,” Noelle whispered.

Kris snorted. “Like it.”

“This is so weird…” Noelle murmured, mulling over how she felt. “Like… I don’t even know how to describe it.”

“But you like it?” Susie asked.

You are reading story Doe in the Middle at

Noelle nodded. “The pain feels nice and it has its own like… sense of accomplishment to it? Plus, the burn feels…” She let out an amused note. “I don’t even know what I’m talking about. But yes! Yes, I do like it.”

“Noelle is becoming a masochist,” Kris teased, chuckling to themselves.

“Yeah…” Noelle snorted, shaking her head. “Yeah, I guess I kind of am.”

Kris soon slid the phone back into their pocket and took up position behind Noelle once more. They rested their hand against her flank, like with all the prior blows, though it didn’t linger there for long as they drew it back and thwacked her three times in quick successions.

These blows were light but swift, offering just enough bite that Noelle’s grip on Susie’s hand tensed. She could feel her lower lips get even wetter, feeling her arousal start to drain along her inner thighs. It turned out that she kind of revelled at this sensation, just like she had with exhibitionism, domination, and degradation.

Oh, the things she had learned about herself over the last two weeks.

Then she remembered Kris’ instructions.

“Eight, nine, ten,” Noelle stated before offering a smile. “Thank you, Kris, for…”

“For?” Kris asked, cocking a brow.

Noelle drew in a breath. “For teaching me new things about myself?”

Kris didn’t reply and instead lifted their hand away, making Noelle tense in anticipation.

Were they not pleased with…

“I’m glad that I could help,” Kris replied, grinning down at her.

They drew away and made their way over to the fridge, opening the freezer.

Noelle didn’t want to look back, liking the element of suspense involved. Instead, she looked at Susie, trying to judge what was happening based on her reactions alone. All she could see was the same coy little smile upon her girlfriend’s lips.

Kris returned a moment later and placed something down upon the table, just out of view. They then held something against the handprint upon Noelle’s rump. It was cold, very cold, ice cold…

It took Noelle a moment to realize that it was literally an ice cube and Kris was circling it around all of the aggravated little marks that they had left behind.

Noelle cooed softly at the soothing nature of the ice, purring at the sudden shift in sensations.

“That feels nice,” Noelle whispered.

Kris snorted. “Believe it or not, I do kind of like making you feel nice, babe.”

They patted her lightly on the bottom with their free hand. Though they made sure to avoid any of the prior marks as they caressed her.

“Of course, I could do some pretty evil things with ice,” Kris warned, struggling to keep the devil out of their voice.

“Like what?” Noelle asked, batting her lashes as she glanced back at them. “What could you possibly do…”

They suddenly moved the cube over to her pussy, touching the ice to her soaking lips.

This seemed to be their answer.

Noelle gasped, shivering at the sudden shift in carnal temperature.

“Okay, okay, okay, you made your point!” she gasped. “You made your point!”

Kris chuckled and placed the ice cube aside. “I thought you’d be better at handling ice?”

They didn’t leave her unattended for long before they wound back and cracked their hand down upon her ass again. There was no foreplay to this blow as they delivered it with a legitimate amount of force, ranking it amongst one of the more potent ones.

Noelle cried out and jerked forwards, groaning as the heat of impact radiated outwards.

“Eleven,” Noelle whispered.

Kris snorted. “Think you’re ready to move up to some of the harder stuff?”

“Only if you’re ready of course,” Susie chided, looking at Noelle before shooting Kris an apprehensive look.

Noelle pondered it for a moment, thinking about if she could handle something a little harder. The blows had felt nice, so far, in their own perverse way. But would they continue to feel nice when delivered with more brutality?

“Maybe,” Noelle said. “I… I don’t know.”

Kris nodded. “That’s fair.”

“Could always use a different colour if it gets too hard,” Susie commented before holding up a defensive hand. “No pressure of course.”

“No pressure at all,” Kris added.

Noelle drew in a breath. “No pressure…” But in the end, she couldn’t help but nod. “But I think I’d like to give it a try.”

Kris drew away from Noelle and she could hear them unbuckling their belt. Their motions were purposeful and slow as they pulled it loose, the coarse leather clapping against the rungs of their jeans as it slowly slipped free.

Noelle looked back and saw that Kris was smiling.

They folded the belt in their hand and grabbed the buckle, turning their attire into a very effective switch.

Noelle swallowed a lump in her throat as Kris drew back and brought the leather down into the palm of their hand. It impacted with a nice meaty thud and Kris made a show of wincing and shaking their hand in the air.

The little performance worked as a chill crawled up Noelle’s spine.

“Has some pretty nice bite to it,” Susie commented.

Kris nodded. “Remember that time you beat my ass with one of these?”

“God you were leaking like a slut the entire time,” Susie teased. “Swear to God, we nearly had to throw out the mattress because of you.”

“Hormones really are magic,” Kris stated.

They then looked Noelle in the eye and their gaze gained a more sinister vibe to it.

“Eyes forward,” they ordered with not a hint of mirth to their tone.

Noelle obeyed and looked to Susie who smiled back at her. The difference in smiles was like night and day, like good cop and bad. One made a shiver crawl up her spine while the other gave her the strength to handle this.

Susie squeezed her hand and Noelle squeezed back.

“We’ll start back at one and you can thank me after every fifth blow,” Kris stated. “Make things a little easier on you.”

They rested the leather against Noelle’s rump, stroking at her already inflamed flanks with the material. It was enough to make Noelle draw in a shuddering breath, waiting to see when the first of the blows would come down.

“Oh, and before we begin,” Kris said, lightly bapping her on the butt “I think I figured out what I’d like you to call me.”

Susie cocked a brow.

“What’s that?” Noelle asked.

“Susie is your Ma’am and I’ll be your Knight,” Kris stated.

Susie snorted. “Wow, that’s lame.”

Kris sucked in a breath.

“Shut up, it sounds cool!” they rebutted though their tone did sound shaken by Susie’s critique. “You try to think of a better non-binary term.”

“Knights aren’t even non-binary!” Susie shot back. “Knights are always dudes.”

“I like it,” Noelle whispered.

Kris snorted. “See! At least, our pet has good tastes.”

“So, after every fifth blow I should thank my Knight?” Noelle asked, looking back at Kris.

Kris nodded.

Though they then motioned for her to turn her eyes forward again, something that she obliged as she looked ahead at Susie.

Once more the leather rested against her rump though it soon drew back. It didn’t remain absent for long as Kris brought it down with a respectable amount of force. The blow clapped loudly against her flesh and echoed throughout the room. It was followed promptly by her own voice as she gasped loudly at being treated in such a fashion.

The blow was unique. It was different, a little harsher and firmer than Kris’ bare hand. Though the pain was spread across a larger area, meaning it was more evenly distributed. The burn was still present, a sense of accomplishment still earned.

Noelle drew in a breath and let it out slowly, feeling her eyes water a little.

“One!” she stated.

Kris drew back and slapped the belt across her coat once again. This time the blow was of a modest intensity, potent but not impossibly so. It was a warmup, another chance for her to grow acquainted with their methods and techniques. It was a chance to understand what leather felt like when it clapped across her flesh.

“Two!” Noelle stated.

Then Kris picked up their game. They drew the belt back high into the air before sending it crashing down with an intense amount of fury. The clap of material was like a thundercrack and the pain was about as intense.

Her voice broke out in a powerful gasp and her eyes were wide. There were two sensations at conflict within her mind: one that wished to flee from the pain and another that desired to revel in it. The two were in flux, battling for dominance and leaving her paralyzed with an indecisiveness.

There was an ache that lingered behind and Noelle could imagine a stripe of pure red left upon her rump.

Her mind then switched to thinking about what this mark would look like later when the red had transitioned into a canvas of purples and blues.

Oh god, she craved such things. When had she become such a freak?

“Colour?” Kris asked.

“What?” Noelle whispered.

Susie reached out and stroked her cheek. “You uh… you look like Kris knocked a few screws loose, babe.” She then dipped forwards and kissed her on the forehead. “So, is everything okay?”

Noelle nodded. “Green.” She then swallowed the lump in her throat. “T-three.”

Kris snorted and drew back the belt before sending it arching through the air again. It impacted once more, sending the material crashing into her hindquarters. The blow was like all the others, intense and hot, driving a painful heat throughout her bottom.

“FUCK!” Noelle barked.

It seemed like the first tendrils of legitimate pain were starting to bleed through, the ache reaching a point where pleasure and agony were becoming less intertwined. Yet, she couldn’t help but wonder how many more she could take.

Oh, what had these two done to her? She was becoming more and more of a degenerate little slut with every passing moment.

Noelle sniffled, blinking through her tears.

“Four…” she whispered.

Kris didn’t slam the belt down again. Instead, they reached forwards and grasped her tail, running a thumb through the small tuft of fur. The sensation was nice, drawing forth a faint little note of praise from the back of Noelle’s throat.

“You’re doing fantastic babe,” Kris whispered. “I really like getting to hurt you like this.”

Susie snorted. “Freak.”

Noelle drew in a breath and closed her eyes. “And I really like getting hurt by you, my Knight.”

My Knight.

The title fit, tingling at her mind with a strange sensation of intimacy. This term was like Ma’am, their relationship making it far more powerful than that word would’ve been in isolation. A Knight was a person meant to protect, a warrior clad in armour who saved their damsel in distress.

And that’s what Kris was.

They were her protector.

“I’m going to give you one more,” Kris warned.

They rested the belt against her rump and drew it back. Like all the others, it lingered in the air for only the briefest of moments before Kris sent it crashing down towards her rump. The impact was modest but still resulted in a mighty clap that broke another jarring yelp free from Noelle’s lips.

This was the loudest of her screams yet.

Her mind was fuzzy after the pain subsided, leaving just the ache in her hindquarters behind.

Noelle drew in a breath. “Five…” She then let it out slowly and drew in another, trying to clear her mind. “Thank you, my Knight.”

“You are very welcome, my pet,” Kris replied.

They knelt behind her and kissed her rump, planting a couple tender kisses upon all of the various marks they had left behind. Even though Noelle couldn’t see them, she could experience the mosaic that they had left, feeling every little welt and mark as they smoldered in the afterglow.

“Do you want more?” Kris asked.

Noelle drew in a breath and nodded. “Yes… please.”

Kris chuckled. “Such a good…”

There was suddenly a knock at the apartment door.

Noelle froze and as she looked at Susie, she saw that she was frozen as well. And she could only imagine that Kris looked pretty much the same.

“Shit,” Kris whispered.

They got up and made their way towards the door, opening it.

“Oh hey!” Kris beamed. “Something we can help you with, Misses Borowski.”

An elderly voice came from the entryway, it sounded mildly peeved. “You kids are getting a little loud today.”

“Sorry, sorry,” Kris said. “Must’ve gotten a little excited is all.”

“And there was screaming,” Misses Borowski added, a caution prevalent in her voice. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, yeah, totally,” Kris replied, chuckling with a practiced ease. Though Noelle could tell their voice was strained just a little. “Susie was in charge of picking out the movies today and decided we were going to watch some horror flicks. Noelle is uh… not especially fond of them.”

Misses Borowski snorted. “Well, Susie is a bit of a troublemaker.”

Noelle looked up and Susie rolled her eyes.

“Just… keep it down,” Misses Borowski said. “You three are good kids and I don’t want to have any issues with you, okay?”

“Will do, Misses B,” Kris said.

And with that the door closed and Kris lumbered back into the living room.

“Holy shit,” they hissed through clenched teeth, letting out a couple notes of terse laughter. “That was…”

“Close?” Susie asked.

Kris nodded and leaned against the fridge. When Noelle looked over, she saw that they were rubbing the bridge of their nose between a forefinger and thumb.

“I don’t even know how we’d even deal with something like that,” they said. “Yeah, Misses B, we’re just getting involved in some really weird sex and I’m totally beating my girlfriend but don’t worry, she likes it!” They chuckled harshly. “God, I don’t know how I managed to hide my boner.”

Noelle couldn’t help but look back and stare at the tent in their pants, biting her lip at the sight of it.

She snorted. “It would be a pretty awkward thing to walk in on.” She then wiggled her ass. “How does it look by the way?”

Susie peered over and whistled. “You’re not going to be sitting down for the next few days if that’s what you’re wondering. Jesus, Kris, you really went to town on her.”

“What can I say?” Kris flashed a smile. “Not often that someone lets me go all out on them.”

They pushed away from the fridge and made their way over, coming up alongside Noelle. Their fingers ran through her luscious locks. The juxtaposition of such tenderness from a person who had just beaten her was not lost on Noelle but it was impossible not to enjoy the affection. It was like stumbling upon an oasis in the middle of a harsh desert.

“Hey weird question,” Noelle said. “But is there like a term for all the nice stuff you two do for me after we do this kind of stuff?”

“After care,” Susie said.

Kris nodded. “That’s kind of the catch all term for pulling you out of subspace and making sure that you’re alright.” They then glanced at her rump. “Speaking of which, I'm going to see if I can find an ice pack or some aloe vera to take care of your butt.”

They gently patted her rump before slipping away and making their way towards the bathroom.

Though where they had departed, Susie was more than willing to help. She reached out and carefully stroked Noelle’s cheek.

“This…” Susie bit her lip. “This has been a lot of fun.”

“It has,” Noelle replied.

She closed her eyes and leaned into Susie’s tender touch, melting against her affection.

“Are you sure that you’re okay with all of this?” Susie asked.

Noelle snorted and cracked open an eye. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I don’t know!” Susie huffed. “I just worry a lot, especially when it comes to you. Just wanted to make sure we’re not pressuring you into this kind of stuff or anything.”

“Babe…” Noelle snorted. “Kris caught me jilling off to BDSM porn. I was already into this kind of stuff well before I was even aware that you two were.”

“Fair,” Susie said. She then reached up and rubbed a spot behind Noelle’s antlers. “Just… just promise me that you’ll let us know if we ever make you uncomfortable, okay?”

Noelle smirked. “I promise, Ma’am.”

Susie actually smiled at the title and leaned forwards, planting a tender kiss upon Noelle’s forehead.

“I love you, my pet,” Susie whispered.

Noelle giggled. “I love you too.”

Kris chose that moment to come back, holding various kinds of medical supplies in their hands. They placed them upon the table before grabbing a bottle of some kind of lotion.

“What were you two talking about?” Kris asked.

Susie snickered. “Just being a dweeb and asking Noelle if she’s okay.”

“And is she?” Kris asked, glancing at Noelle.

Noelle snickered. “I’m fine, I promise!”

“Glad to hear it,” Kris teased. “Because I won’t lie, I’ve been having a lot of fun lately and it’s nice to hear that you’re having fun too.”

They squirted something into the palm of their hand and soon a cool soothing sensation seeped into Noelle’s rump as they massaged their hands into her. It helped take away some of the aches from the many marks left behind.

“I could get used to this aftercare stuff,” Noelle whispered, sighing in relief.

Kris smirked. “Is that so?”

They looked up and glanced at Susie who was also smiling.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Susie asked.

Kris nodded. “Pamper Noelle in bed with breakfast for dinner?”

“While putting on her favourite cartoons?” Susie asked.

“And snuggling?” Noelle tried, smiling hopefully at them.

“Oh definitely,” Kris said, nodding along with Susie. “Definitely get some snuggling in.”

Noelle sighed. “You know what? I think a girl could get used to this whole subbing thing.”


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