Doing It Over Again

Chapter 25: 25

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When Shao QingWen opened the door to his house, he immediately smelled the rich aroma of food inside. Just as he was about to ask what was going on, he saw Shen Shao in a chair watching TV. 

Shao QingWen’s face immediately grew excited. “Xiao Shao is back?!”

“Eldest Uncle.” When Shen Shao saw Shao QingWen walk inside, he got up from his chair. 

Shao QingWen immediately asked him to sit down again. “No need to be so polite at home.” He looked up and down at Shen Shao and felt satisfied to see his nephew had grown even more energetic. “Sit down, keep watching TV. I’ll call your second uncle’s house. We’ll ask them over for lunch.”

Shen Shao nodded. After his uncle made the call and hung up the phone, he asked, “Eldest Uncle, how are things at home lately?”

“Good, good.” Shao QingWen sat down next to Shen Shao. “When we heard you were the top scorer in science in the province, our family was so thrilled. If you weren’t out traveling with your classmates, we would have gone to Furong City to celebrate with you.”

Top scorer in science? Shen Shao blinked. “Top score?”

“I always knew you were a good kid.” Shao QingWen didn’t notice Shen Shao’s strange expression. He went to the cabinet and took out several newspaper clippings. “The paper here in Guo City published a story about your taking first place.” After saying this, he sighed. If only his sister was still here. He didn’t know how proud she would have been to see Xiao Shao so successful.

When he saw his uncle’s excitement, Shen Shao was too embarrassed to admit he hadn’t checked his score. All he could do was sit beside Shen QingWen and listen to his uncle talk about which majors were the most popular.

“By the way, which universities did you choose for the college entrance exam?” Shao QingWen finally remembered to ask about this very important point.

“My first choice was Hua U’s information science major,” Shen Shao said. “The future will depend on information technology. I think it’s a good major to study.”

Shao QingWen frowned. With Shen Shao’s college entrance exam score, he could have chosen anything, even biology or mathematics. Why didn’t he choose one of Hua U’s most competitive majors? But when he saw Shen Shao was satisfied with it, he didn’t say much. He nodded. “As long as it’s something you like.”

“Shao Ge, you’re here?!” Shao ShiWen, who’d just returned home from her study class, saw her cousin as soon as she opened the door. She ran over to Shen Shao, grabbed his arm, and asked excitedly, “Shao Ge, when did you get back?” Although she didn’t get to see him often, Shao ShiWen basically worshipped Shen Shao. In her eyes, her cousin was a handsome young man with infinite ability, and no one compared to him.

“I got back today and came over to your house to grab a meal.” Smiling, Shen Shao took out a small box from his trouser pocket and waggled it in front of her. “Guess what this is?”

“A box?” Shao ShiWen widened her eyes and looked at the box curiously. “Is it a present for me?”

Seeing her expression, Shen Shao put the box into her hand. “Take it, take it, or people will accuse me of bullying little kids.”

“Shao Ge, I’m just two years younger. If I’m a little kid, you’re a little kid who’s two years older than me.” Shao ShiWen took the present and sat down to open it. When she saw what it was, she was so happy that she almost jumped up again. “Is it a limited edition wizard badge?!”

“I thought you’d like it.” Shen Shao grinned when he saw how happy she was. “It’s an official limited edition badge from the Sunset Empire. If you lose it, I can’t get another one.”

“Shao Ge, you’re the greatest. You’re the best brother ever!” Shao ShiWen closed the box and hugged Shen Shao’s neck. “I love it so much!”

“OK, your cousin had a long car ride today. Don’t hassle him so much.” Shao QingWen gave his daughter a glare. “Sit like a normal person.”

Shao ShiWen sat down again, still holding the box. When Shao QingWen looked away, she winked at Shen Shao.

“Uncle, WenWen’s still young. She doesn’t have to be so serious,” Shen Shao said. “If you scold her every time I visit, I’m afraid she won’t let me through the door anymore.”

“Don’t worry, Shao Ge. Even if you don’t bring me presents, I’ll always welcome you,” Shao ShiWen said with a serious face. “How could a sister not like her brother? I don’t know how many people at school are jealous of me for having such a great cousin. But how did you get this badge? The kids in my class said it’s almost impossible to get a real one.”

“One of my classmates went to Haishi a few days ago. He heard me say my sister wanted one, so when he was there he bought one and gave it to me.” Shen Shao shook his head. “I wouldn’t be able to afford one for you myself.”

“Anyway, thank you, Shao Ge.” Shao ShiWen was worried that her cousin saved up a lot of money to buy it. Now that she knew the source, she felt relieved.

After half an hour Shao QingWu and his wife arrived. Their children were at their grandmother’s house, which meant they couldn’t come over. Shen Shao brought presents for those cousins also and asked his aunt to bring them back.

Shen Shao’s second uncle and aunt were excited to see him. While they ate lunch, the whole family was filled with excitement to think that Shen Shao would soon enter the halls of Huaguo University, although Shen Shao’s admission letter hadn’t arrived yet.

That afternoon, his eldest uncle’s family insisted that Shen Shao stay the night, and he ended up sleeping there. However, he still had to return to Furong City to deal with the house demolitions in the Taoxiang District. The very next day he took a car to Furong City.

Several of the houses Shen Shao owned were located in the key development zone. Some real estate developers had quietly made inquiries about the government’s development policies in the area, and that caused a lot of people to buy land and invest in construction there. After two or three years, the price of land in Taoxiang had skyrocketed.

Since a lot of residents weren’t willing to agree to the demolition, the developers were forced to increase compensation several times. In the end, both sides came to an agreement.

Now that the terms were settled, Shen Shao quickly signed the demolition contract. He only kept one house and three storefronts. He converted the rest into money.

If he wanted to do business in the capital, he was going to need liquid funds. He knew the price of real estate would increase significantly in a few years. Unfortunately, he couldn’t afford to wait that long.

After dealing with the demolition, Shen Shao returned to the apartment he’d rented during his time in high school. The lease was now about to expire. He gave his neighbors the things that were still useful, and sent the important books to his eldest uncle’s house for storage. After that, there wasn’t much left. All his remaining belongings fit in a suitcase.

Around this time, a few shady companies contacted him, hoping he’d endorse their products that supposedly boosted brain power. He flat out refused. If those things were useful, why did students in China still have to study so hard?

When Liang Cheng heard about it, he thought it was a missed opportunity, but when he learned the so-called brain tonics were just sugar water mixed with various other things, he agreed with Shen Shao’s decision.

He and Zhou ZeYu both applied to universities in the capital. After the college entrance exam scores came out, they were confident in their picks. Now they were just waiting at home for the notice.


At the end of July, Furong No. 3 High School contacted Shen Shao to come to school. His admission notice from Huaguo University had arrived.

When Shen Shao got the notice, he didn’t hold a celebration banquet, but he invited Liang Zhou and his family and Professor Tong and his wife. Together they enjoyed a lively meal at a hotel.

Over the past three years, Tong ZhengHua shared with Shen Shao a great deal of his knowledge. In his opinion, it was a pity that Shen Shao chose to go to school in Jingcheng. He preferred the slower pace of life in Furong City and didn’t like the pervasive atmosphere of tension and solemnity in the capital. Over the next few days, he stepped up Shen Shao’s education, filling him up with knowledge like he was stuffing an eggshell. He gave Shen Shao a long list of books on Chinese studies and reminded him several times to practice calligraphy every day. When the old professor escorted Shen Shao to the airport, he never stopped talking the entire time.

Shen Shao obediently agreed to everything, and Tong ZhengHua felt satisfied. He gave his student a thick red envelope. Then he kicked Shen Shao into the security checkpoint.

As he watched Shen Shao pass the security checkpoint and wave back to him, Tong ZhengHua snorted, but he continued to stand there silently. Only when Shen Shao disappeared through the checkpoint did he finally ask his assistant to help him leave the airport.

Shen Shao originally planned to travel to Jingcheng with his two friends, but as it turned out, their school terms started at different times. Shen Shao traveled by himself, telling Zhou ZeYu and Liang Cheng to spend the remaining time with their families.

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When the plane landed, there was some vibration from rough air. Shen Shao rubbed his painful ears, looked out the dark window beside him, and checked his watch. It was already after 10 p.m.

After getting off the plane, Shen Shao looked at the crowded airport terminal. He yawned sleepily and made his way past the security check with his luggage, then walked out of the airport.

There were plenty of taxis at the airport, but there were even more people waiting. Shen Shao looked at the long queue in front of him, dragged his suitcase behind him, and resigned himself to a long wait as he took his place at the very end.

Just as he finally reached the head of the line and went to open the taxi door, a young man in a black suit stopped him.

Something about the suit was familiar.

Shen Shao surveyed the young man who was wearing it, then glanced at the long line behind him. Without much of a choice, he stepped aside and let the people behind him go first. “Do you need something?”

In a pleasant voice the young man explained, “The second young master heard you would arrive in Jingcheng today. He sent me to pick you up. Your hotel has been arranged. May I ask if there’s anything else you need?” He took out his personal ID and employment card. “Please rest assured, my only wish is to be helpful.”

Although the other party didn’t explain who this “second young master” was, the first thought that flashed through Shen Shao’s mind was the strange boy who saw him off at the airport that day.

When he thought of this, Shen Shao frowned slightly. How did that person know he was going to arrive in the capital today?

The young man in the suit must have guessed what Shen Shao was thinking. He waved to a black but not very discreet Bentley parked a short distance away. The car drove over to them. “Ever since the second young master found out you’d been accepted to Hua U, he’s been concerned about your travel arrangements. When he learned you were traveling to Jingcheng today, he instructed us to pick you up.”

Why not just admit they’d secretly investigated him?

Shen Shao didn’t know what the other party wanted, but these people weren’t few in number and they were clearly powerful. He gave a shrug and got into the car. When the young man entered as well, Shen Shao said, “Can I ask a question?”

“Please go ahead.”

“Does your second young master do this kind of thing frequently?”

The young man didn’t seem to hear the sarcasm in Shen Shao’s voice. He smiled politely and maintained his pleasant tone: “No, he’s never done anything like this before, except for you.”

Did that mean he was supposed to express his gratitude for this second young master’s mystifying enthusiasm?

Shen Shao gave an insincere smile. “Then I thank you kindly for the special treatment.”

The young man nodded graciously. “You’re very welcome.” 

Shen Shao: …



The author has something to say:

Gu Xiaogong, are you out of your mind, seriously?


Shen Shao: Haha.


TL Notes:

top scorer, first place – 状元 – zhuàng yuan – “top thesis author” – Today this term is used for the highest scoring students in China’s college entrance exam, but it goes way back to the imperial era where it was used to recognize the scholar with the highest score in the palace exam. There are separate “top scorers” for science and liberal arts track students

You’re the best brother – 你真是我亲哥! – “You really are my own ge” – Reminder that it’s common for cousins to call each other brother/sister

Haha – 呵呵 – hēhē – gentle laughter / chuckle – Frequently indicates a heavily sarcastic laugh

Gu Xiaogong – 顾小攻 – Little Gong Gu – A mischievous nickname for Second Young Master Gu, the gong of this story

gong – 攻 – attack, accuse, study – The top, seme, or insertive partner


Transliterated names, places, and titles—new in this chapter:

Eldest Uncle – 大舅 – Eldest maternal uncle

Shao ShiWen – 邵诗雯

Sunset Empire – 日落帝国 – Likely refers to the U.K.

WenWen – 雯雯

Uncle – 舅舅 – jiùjiu – Maternal uncle

grandmother(‘s house) – 外婆 – maternal grandmother

Taoxiang District – from 桃泉区 – Taoquan District – The name that was used in Ch 11 was Taoxiang District. I used the same thing here to be consistent

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